mp3 indir dur

Zayn - Befour

: Zayn
: Befour
: 3.14 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 84 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 49 İndirme
: 01-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Zayn - Befour )
  1. Allyson Saldaña

    Cómo es que está joyita va para los 4 años?

  2. vicky kxne

    November 2019, who's still here?

  3. Syed Salman

    Zayn doesn't need auto tune. Auto tune need zayn.#

  4. Muskan Pandit

    Oh this song was sung by him in 2016 Where i had been for 3 years ? 🤨🤔

  5. Twisha Aggarwal

    I love you Zayn!!I like the way you are!I love you very much..Please come to India it is my desire to just see you in person once 😍😍😍😘😘😚😚

  6. Cole Sprouse

    Cleanest song ever

  7. haider khan


  8. Rosemary Leitner

    Mô cd?😋

  9. Nymphadora


  10. REAL

    Underrated !!

  11. Candace Hughes

    Powdery, can be siffted, by small siffter

  12. Candace Hughes

    Powered sugar... confectioners sugar...color is white

  13. Candace Hughes


  14. Candace Hughes

    He is a professional boxer, not yall

  15. Candace Hughes

    His name is flame

  16. Candace Hughes

    I love y'all

  17. Aman Gaira

    One of the best

  18. Edward Lacumbo

    The weeknd vibes on this song. Zayn sounds so good on rnb/soul

  19. Shaquile Perrin

    Hmmm... I wonder who he's talking about, 😂😐😒

  20. les Pizzas Garnis Garnis

    I know all your songs alone🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍

  21. les Pizzas Garnis Garnis

    You are my favorite singer Zayn

  22. Bethany Campbell

    Who is here BeFoUr Flames 🔥 😀❤️

  23. Nandam Sai Lokesh

    1:25 to 1:28 ... 😍🥰🥰🥰💖💗💞❣️

  24. Midhun Krishna

    Love you Zayn

  25. aayushi ii

    I got "lights up" ad BeFoUr this.Crying in a cool way.😭

  26. Judan James

    Why is this so goddamn underrated

  27. cherno lidia

    Essa música=tudo

  28. Aniket Shinde

    Hit this for a billion views

  29. Marco Antonio Lara Zamora

    I love this song ❤🎶

  30. Aniket Shinde

    Zayn: *leaves One DirectionAlso Zayn: BeFour

  31. Dahweel

    I love zayn, I named my daughter Zianna 😘

  32. Abdullah Khalid

    this song is for 1D that they should "be four"

  33. Muhammed Yıldız

    25. second freckled face girls name??


    Why the background music is louder than the song he sings???????!!?!?

  35. george hernandez

    Who's in November 2019 !! :3

  36. brawl fight

    My 852 E like

  37. Matej Meštrović

    The girl on 00:25...Just fucking wow.

  38. Topbest tools

    I usually call myself a big 1d fanUnrecognized its been months I haven't listened to their songs.

  39. Anggebugz !

    -"B4""B4 is a hit"Me "ya it is"😏Sorry not sorry

  40. Kimkimi Bawitlung

    05112019 ❤

  41. kartik shukla

    high pitch of zain awesome

  42. Ten Lee

    Who's here BeFour 2020??

  43. Sarwar Doski

    man miantem ♥🙏

  44. Olivier Mira Armstrong

    Esta es de mis canciones favoritas del album pero apenas recuerdo que la publicó un año después de su salida de 1D y más el título de befoUr (sean 4) chale.

  45. Duy Khánh Phạm

    the most underrated song of ZAYN

  46. Joselynn Almanza

    Donde están mis vaquitas ;)

  47. Kimkimi Bawitlung


  48. Gaurav 123

    I bet one day everyone will get addicted to this song.

  49. Bon Duay

    Still into this.. 1:47 am chill


    The best part

  50. Drama Zilla

    Who is listing nowadays

  51. SAYF.

    his best song hands down

  52. Joker

    This video makes me hungry

  53. zayn Malik

    Anyone in October 2019👆

  54. Indria Minoz

    He’s so damn handsome... Looking at him makes you stop breathing and you didn’t even realize it..

  55. Mahdiye Abdi

    This song is on the "top songs of all time"mix youtube

  56. Lorena Arroyo

    My baby,I want to tell you that I love this song and it is one of my favorites,your voice from the end is all I need 😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️ZM♾

  57. Gingerstiller Goraya

    He is way better than bieber in terms.of song as well as a human being

  58. Janezux

    No entendí xd

  59. Lolo Polo

    What ya guys think That is he capable for billboard hitlist on every song he does

  60. NereaGL

    the vibes dudeeee omg this shit deserves 100M visits

  61. Kokobk Dangxa


  62. Pubg keeda

    Bring this man to jail... It can easily steal our gIRL in seconds


    Hey indian!!!

  63. rain zie

    Oct 2019?

  64. sara malik

    This man deserves the whole world ❤

  65. Theresa Bernardo

    This song is a vibe on its own...

  66. Lulu Amin Amin and Co.

    Soundtrack to my life

  67. bikash photo

    anyone 2019 oct

  68. Riyaz Shaikh

    The highnote was 🔥🔥🔥

  69. mimi montes

    It's insulting to Zayn & his angelic voice to only have 52,000,000 views on this video after 3 fucking years!!!! We really did him dirty!!!

  70. Zubaeer Cover

    2:15 Damn!

  71. Itz Eleid

    WTF is that How I've just watched this 👀

  72. Wesley Campos Cruz Proença

    Manda bem

  73. Hdeel Arabi

    Just A Simple Ordinary Humble Guy From Bradford, Blessing Us With His Talented Mind. Protect My Boy With All It Costs!!

  74. Musi ahiQueen003

    OCT 2019 ANYONE ?!

  75. Mansori belk

    I Love You Zayn my best Singer💖🔥🤘

  76. aqosin

    really one of my favorite zayn’ song. the audience is waiting for an album!

  77. Aliz Baniya

    its been 3 years so fast

  78. Aisha Humayro Syauqina

    zayn doesn't care about the fame, all he want is to express the real taste of music he like, which he can't get while be in the band

  79. kaan bosnak

    Keko zayn

  80. laxus

    the potential that zayn has is extremely buried and underrated in this world of mumble rap.

  81. the real love

    I know that we're so far than each others,but something ....

  82. paplight

    its before not befour, terrorist, you need some english lessons


    Terrorist?for what......why r u calling him like that??can u please tell me?


    Terrorist?for what? Why r u calling him like that? Can u please tell me?

    diana a

    when you're talentless and jealous that he gets more bitches than u

  83. John kerlos

    whos in 2019 till?

  84. A random channel

    Create a history by viewing this to a 200 million video because this song has that potentiol

  85. ether stars

    'Normal 22 year old'

  86. Mighty Queen

    God he is so underrated I guess not everyone deserves his songs..

  87. Ayesha Amjad

    Anybody here in 2019 September?


    yes we are here!


    guys there is another acc in youtube (zayn) with same name as zayn’s off acc ! posting songs and lots of them are thinking its zayn !so i’m just giving a warning :)be careful !

  89. Sarah Amjad

    Zayn highnotes are insane

  90. Zquad Directioner

    2:05 How did you fıt the sun into your smile ZAYN 🖤

  91. Moira Johnson

    september of 2019 anyone?

  92. Djahid Kiven

    Love ur voice zayn in 26/09/2019 😍 and u .........?

  93. nongseng mirip

    Huge huge fan of yours high note...

  94. Wajeeha Azeem

    this video deserves more views just saying......

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