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Yasmin Levy - Mano Suave

Mano Suave
: Mano Suave
: 4.39 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 97 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 75 İndirme
: 29-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yasmin Levy - Mano Suave )
  1. Shifa Ali

    The song gives feel of Ottoman Empire.

    demir ceyhan

    Çok yaşa

  2. Slavko Cosic

    Yasmin Levy & Natacha Atlas - "Soft Hand"<3...Light & Love...

  3. bianca stephanie vasquez olivera

    Bello bellooo

  4. Margarita Cadavid

    Cantado en árabe y español Ladino. Yasmin Levy nació en Israel pero su padre fue un judío Sephardi descendiente de los judíos que habitaron España hasta ser expulsados, unos a Turquía de donde tiene también raíces. El sonido de la flauta Ney es hipnotizante y melancólico. ¡Música y voces sublimes que transportan y sobrepasan los sentidos!

  5. Mehran Hosseini

    Unbeschreiblich gut

  6. Melis Kaya

    Yasmin sesine aşıkk oldumm


    omg my two fav singers

  8. Laura Pavlou-Mudie

    These women have soul!

  9. Jon Effemey

    I was privileged to see Yasmin perform in London.  There is a thread running through from  Andalusia, via her sephardic roots via Turkey and much else.  if only modern Israel was like the music of Yasmin Levy?


    +Jon Effemey Try Jerusalem.

    nadine shenkar

    +Jon Effemey MODERN ISRAEL IS AS BEAUTIFUL AS HER VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Morten Carlsen

    the flute sound like iranian nai/nay ! who's playing ?

  11. NovaScotiaChick

    Their voices go so well together, really amazing!I discovered Ladino singers after Reinette l'Oranaise came up in a playlist (you know how it goes when Dhafer Youssef and Alireza Ghorbani are among your favourites). :)  So many beautiful things to discover on the net!Make Music, not War.Peace.

  12. Tom Routhier

    deep, strong, beautiful timeless voice ! 

  13. mic sasy

    the same music of a song of Ofra Haza <3

  14. gigimc

    wow... have a seat buddy... so glad somebody explained it to you... seemed like you were about to pop a blood vessel. Frankly, I'm very happy Natacha did this collab w/ Yasmin -- letting some of her own sepharidc heritage shine :)

  15. Ros Rosen

    Mano suave means smooth hand.

  16. Ros Rosen

    LADINO is a Jewish-Spanish language spoken by Sephardi in Spain basically, but also in many other places. Yo soy Sefardi.

  17. Reuven Rokah

    יד ענוגה וקול ענוג להפליא!!!!

  18. Ferman Erkut

    Müziğin dili dini ırkı yok hakikaten

  19. Avishai012

    Not Latino, LADINO! Ladino is a Jewish-Spanish language that was spoken in what is now Spain. It still exists and is spoken by many Jews in Turkey and in Israel. Yasmin Levy's family came to Israel from Turkey. If you want to listen to some Ladino music, she has many songs that are Ladino only.

  20. Marcel Popa

    O voce ,o chitara fantastica, care se imbina minunat ,sub mana chitariatului ,impletind vocea lui Yasmin cu sunetele chitarei ca un magician,dar si acel flaut turcesc suna f,f,bine !!!

  21. Avishai012

    Once this was a natural mix, Ladino and Arabic. A shame things had to change.

  22. Ros Rosen

    Canción bella y magnífica voz. Ojalá prospere. Así lo quiera Dios.

  23. Gabriel P. Rosa

    A Yasmin Levy/Natacha Atlas duet.

  24. beder36

    splendida voce e bella canzone.

  25. seeget

    wow. beautiful.

  26. mohamed fathi

    أغنية حلوة . بغض النظر عن صوباعها

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