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System of a Down - Violent Pornography

Violent Pornography
: Violent Pornography
: 3.23 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 60 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 51 İndirme
: 07-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (System of a Down - Violent Pornography )
  1. D O G


  2. D O G

    HO shite ere wee go againe

  3. Hugo Larcher

    Daron was crazy 🤣🤣🤣

  4. martwica

    0:19 oh dude XDDDDDDDDDD

  5. joe summer

    it's a disco Rock..... And i am damm sure.. Daron was on high weed in the name of jesus.!!

  6. Тима Писаренков

    Shavo lol

  7. TacoBell_Pilots

    1:52 You'll thank me later lol

  8. TacoBell_Pilots


  9. YITT Mashups

    Damn, I wish this band were still making melodies and harmonies to the world.

  10. nico Domínguez

    0:15 shavo 😂

  11. Subhasish Hazra

    Daron was having his best time of life on stage.

  12. Rope Kittens

    Anyone else think that Daron is kinda just a pretentious asshole stereotypical rock star? Like I can see why Serj wanted to leave. Daron says a lot of stuff that sounds cool but when you think about it, you realize it makes no sense. Serj is a much better lyricist and singer. I think Daron should stick to music, and Serj should stick to lyrics/singing.

  13. Kinky Nothing

    And so they scream

  14. ʆʆ ɱʀ.ɑԲtѳɳ ʆʆ

    Nem todos ''fucks'' fyruedbcfhydruejsdxdhfyrduiskjhbcgfyhduesikjsvhby

  15. Rope Kittens

    Knowing what we know now about the apparent tension that they were going thru at the time, it's pretty obvious that Serj just wasn't really into it; Daron kind of totally took over. And even with Serj not really being too into it, he sill sings like a fucking champ. And the way they harmonize is amazing. Also, unrelated, but Daron is clearly fucked up on some drug in this.

  16. Khang Bui

    Never heard such a loud bass before

  17. BrokenGod Ent.

    Watched the most recent version of this live, and it's so fucking sad to see how bored, and less passionate they all seem.

  18. TheNecroserpent

    That intro was so unnecessary

    Thomas Ruiz

    It made the song !

    Christian Morales

    You must be one of the people he’s talking about

  19. Puche!

    The hand of Daron in the part of 'Everybody sucks" lol

  20. Brenda Kepler

    JESUS is the only perfect human that has ever walked the earth. He is the Great Savior and only He can Save You!! People are not perfect and most times are actually evil. Please don't look at people who aren't being loving, kind, honest, and who hurt others. That is not JESUS. I do love this band so much and everyone is entitled to their opinions....I agree about a lot of these hurtful people doing things in the name of JESUS....that's not JESUS, HE LOVES, SAVES, is KIND, HONEST and not any of these hurtful things. He gives us free will to sin or not to sin. It's too bad so many choose to be hurtful and evil. Jesus will not judge you for your circumstance and is never too proud to be there with you in the trenches. JESUS LOVES YOU just the way you are, and if you aren't happy turn to him for that...he will help you and guide you! In loving kind goodness not of a judgmental too good attitude like some of these so-called perfect people who call themselves Christians. Not all Christians are like that, I'm definitely not perfect, but I have been forgiven....I still make PLENTY OF MISTAKES! I will never be perfect and I am fine with that. I LOVE JESUS AND I LOVE S.O.D. ....I don't care if anyone judges me for that!!!! If you are hurting, turn to JESUS....he truly cares and loves with a pure heart! God Bless You ALL!!!

    Brenda Kepler

    I would have to disagree about fictional characters being perfect. Have you seen a movie lately or read a book or a comic or anything??? These fictional characters absolutely are not perfect. THANKFULLY JESUS IS AND HE IS VERY REAL!!! I'll pray for you ok. We all need HIM....if you need help you can reach out. HE LOVES YOU!!!! I will keep you in my prayers...


    Cryptogrannie didn't read lmao


    Talking about Jesus in a SOAD song, what.

    CCF3 Stories

    Tbh I read the first one I was like: AmenI read the second one I was like: AlrightBut when I saw the other three you send I was like: Ok that is too much Holy Spirit For me

    Mars. ü

    A true follower of Jesus doesn't agree with these kind of ungodly stuffs. It's clear that they have a rebel soul. And if you really stand for Jesus you must know yourself that His Father once said "Be perfect for your Heavenly Father is perfect. Be holy for He is Holy." We all are sinners but if you really surrender yourself to Jesus, He will wash away all your sins and He will teach you righteousness! The thing is you claim Jesus name yet you agree with these in ungodly stuffs? You know theyre of this world and completely lost. You must also know whoever is a friend of this world is enemy with God if you really call yourself a true christian not just a so called christian who calls himself a disciple of Christ.

  21. Vxern

    They could become rappers in an instant!


    Vxern Ehhh... I think they are better off as a metal band

  22. 60Hz Master Race

    screm fo jebus

  23. Char

    Daron did all the drugs and put cocaine into his bloodstream that connected to him arm

  24. ben marks

    I think you need to be on 5 ounces of cocaine to play this song.

    Alex Uchiha

    Actually is a requirement to play any SOAD's songs

  25. Marc Rossignol

    No fucking smartphones

  26. Rope Kittens

    Serj is a vocal fucking juggernaut. Best singer ever.

  27. Shane Ruddock - Pedalling the Globe

    Mum: "What are you doing?"Me: "Watching Violent Pornography!'Mum: "YOU WHAT?! %@#"Me: "Its a song mum."

  28. Diego Knela

    2:38 Very nice

  29. Jomë

    Fuck yeah! Fuck the system.

  30. Брюс Уэйн


  31. xoran m

    Oh baby

  32. Jalal mk

    Now the lyrics make sense to me. Everybody everybody everybody fox

  33. Shonin

    None stop disco, bet you it's Nebisco, bet you din't know OOO OOO. Love it!

  34. Jack Mehoffer

    WTF i hate system of a down now

  35. FriedFrenchFries

    If only Jesus can hear us........Before you comment that they don't believe in him and he isn't real, that was sarcasm, Daron was using sarcasm too.

  36. Llyoczaji E

    jajajajajajaja I can't stop laughingjajajajaja love you system!

  37. Andrew Pappas

    Daron looks like he's just having the time of his life onstage

  38. Emma Martin

    Suck, sodomie,... impossible in France..

  39. CanadAssassiN

    Why do bands have to double time all their songs live? It's so annoying and ruins 90% of what they play

  40. Juan Manuel Gimenez

    ojala se muera el diabolico este

    Dany Escobar

    Juan Manuel Gimenez que dijiste estupido

  41. Tella

    Uh it's weird no seeing Serj dance around this truly is violent pornography, it's bad but then it's good

  42. victor gonzalez

    it hurts to say as much as i fucking love em they were better live when they were on drugs lol

  43. Hack Bins

    Fué en el año 2005 y justamente tiene 2005 *likes ! 😲

  44. Jodiexchan


  45. iamdb1990

    0:53 and 1:40 sung so nicely

  46. Jessica Keyes

    what about Vartan LOL 😂😂

  47. ZeMystic

    Scream for Jesus!

  48. I live on a tropical island

    Sometimes Daron's gesture is the best part of the song

  49. Kamekaz

    Someone can translate what daron says in intro? English its hard to understand for me when someone speak it. but i can understand it perfectly when written


    thank you so much for do it, i really appreciate it

    pataillance so bad

    @Kamekaz He probably was on drugs. Idk

  50. allen 00

    I love this song but the intro proves that daron has no idea what he's talking about sometimes just saying shit to be saying it not knowing what the fuck it is

  51. John S.

    I'm an agnostic liberal, and this is an amazing song, but that opener is trying way too hard. It's a good reminder, though, that no matter how much an artist's work is important, or touches you, or is amazingly crafted, much of where all of that comes from may well be infused with bigotry, ignorance, and hatred.

  52. Silence Vortex

    Fucking Daron omg xD

  53. Thiago Oliveira

    I love this band since I was a kid, but sometimes moments like this intro that shows that Daron has no idea about what he's saying mixing conservatives with the media that actually hate the conservative morality, is too funny hahahah I love this song, SPECIALLY because for me it is about the left-wing media that brainwash people into buying their shitty argumentation of "everybody fucks, so do it with how many you want" and that goes straight against america's sovereignty.


    Yeah daron saying fuck fox news and fuck bush and bashing christianity is definitely against the left lol. tard


    Daron know exactly what hes saying, stop feeling hurt

    Nuisance Films Productions

    no name little do you know they are Christian, propaganda Christianity is toxic, not true Christianity which isn’t religious but spiritual.

    Ruger Die

    The song uses the imagery of violent sex and/or sexual assualt for shock value but, it's not about involventary human coitus. Instead the song is pointing out the rape of human dencency that was the still relatively new Global War on Terrorism (2005) and it's connection the American Evagelical Movement Fostered by Right Leaning Plutocrats such as the Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch as well as prominent pastors. All them are continuing to beat the war drum in hopes of intiating the Battle of Megiddo (aka Armageddon).The US is actively Bombing 8 Sovereign Nations. We are supplying Military Arms 2an Islamo-Fascist Monoarchy currently engaged in genocide. (Sunni Wahhabist Saudia Arabia v. Yemenis Shiah Muslim minority).You are only seeing what is front you, you are not seeing what is a above you...

    Rope Kittens

    @Ruger Die Exactly

  54. Henrique Fernando

    System of adown is my Life

  55. Daniul Glun

    why this song is underrated ?? sad

  56. Nick Becker

    They should have had this into on the original song. It is so cool, and so accurate, and does a great job explaining the meaning of the song.

  57. Estela Cornejo

    Daron is bae 😂👌💙

  58. SquidFiction

    The intro just makes this song <3

  59. 0Punker23

    very good song (y)

  60. Eder Arturo Alvarado Garcia


  61. Trash

    Daron+Serge=System of A Down

    Paulo arley Cassiano

    shavo e john tmb sao incriveis


    +Callum Lintern right sorry😂😂

    Sergio Carreño

    *Daron + Serj + Shavo + John= System Of A Down

    Burnt Skeleton

    Trash your profile pic says it all

  62. Shawn Kow

    Daron ate the Gomu Gomu no mi

    Trafalgar Law

    Shawn Kow nani?

  63. Agustina Parra



    Agustina Parra O mesmo não se aplica à sua ortografia

  64. Georgia Millis

    Daron's got that climber pump shake down to a T


    +Asilv Asilv i dunno but i like it

    Georgia Millis

    I definitely prefer Serj's vocals (he's clearly a stronger singer), though it's nice that Daron got a turn sometimes :) I tried to get into Scars on Broadway when I realised SOAD probably won't be making more music (the hope isn't gone), but Daron's voice irritates me sometimes.



  65. aham

    Daron,ateu toddynho foda1

  66. Jack Holland

    I'm a christian but also an soad fan

    Ade R. Haydar

    +Jack Holland So?


    I'm a Muslim and I'm an SOAD fan ??? Religion has nothing to do with good band taste ;)


    This song isn't even about religion wtf.

  67. Samuel Pearce

    Foi a Primeira Live Que Vi Do System em DVD

  68. 박경진

    Is bass tuning alright?

    Sin Maker

    +박경진 yeah, it sounds like that cause the volume it's high


    haha yeah, cos having the volume turned up makes it out of tune...sorry bro, guy needs to tune his bass.

  69. Strains

    Daron dance be like XD hahaha.

  70. Tanner Manzello

    the guitar player ruined this preformance


    gotta let him do him mate

    Jason Villa

    *made the performance

    Deniz Savkay

    the guitar player "is" the band

    Burnt Skeleton

    Deniz Savkay *Couldn't disagree more!Every one of the 4 members are unique for this band!*

    The Last

    Burnt Skeleton true but Daron and Serj are kind of the heads of the band

  71. BigBadOsiris

    Daron's intro.

  72. William Lima

    sempre os melhores no que fazem

  73. Sin Nombre

    kinda miss old Serj Tankian haircut xD

    Black Riff Guitar

    Yea, but i really like both

    TheSocialExperimenter V1.0

    Renato Domingues same

  74. Pierce Cook

    Love this song SOD! ...lml

  75. Emo Scum

    It's a nonstop disco


    Emo Scum bet its nabisco

  76. Derby Ferreira

    I love this song! <3

  77. nelson nuñez


  78. Gg Machado

    Its almost the sale thing

  79. Gg Machado

    Comes out according this fellow all shits its Jesús fault

    Apenas Diferente!

    Jesus is a myth :)

    Gg Machado

    wow.... according josefo and many others historians jesus is a real part ofthe jews history, like hittler, even if you believe or not in his divinty

    Apenas Diferente!

    @Gg Machado​ Jesus Christ, *the guy who walk in the sea and make miracles*, is a myth :)

    Gg Machado


  80. Kayla Newton-Willems

    @Sarah Carr

  81. Proogi

    S.O.A.D <3 <3

  82. Sara Balboni

    Can somebody give me Daron's drug? What the hell did he smoke?


    @Hesitant Martian A lot of weed.

    Andrés Londoño

    +Hesitant Martian a lot of crack to

    Toryhan Ferguson

    Sara Balboni life.

    Cesar Huchim

    He was on a song that made him feel like he was on cocaine

    Alex Uchiha

    Just a little of yisus, try on it

  83. Giftige Biene

    Love them since I discovered their existance.They made me open my eyes among what happens in our world.They made me understand what is the difference between GOOD music and bad one.Furthermore, I strongly believe Serj's voice is comparable -even if is another kind of music- with Mercury's. They both make me shiverFuckin awesome band.

    Vermouth On The Rocks

    Sorry is great

    Vermouth On The Rocks

    +XpGamers Monicleman *Serj

    SuRrender Bass

    +Giftige Biene Yes Yes They are so amazing :0

  84. Сергей Иванов

    Самые крутые арямнины в мире

    Leonardo Tavares

    fuck you

    TheProxxmax HD

    +Awdszeeh EA haha xD


    +Awdszeeh EA he said that they are the best Armenians in whole the world, so why does he need fuck out?

  85. Yonathan Alarcon

    Rock can't dance? 2:34 LMAOOO It's great!


    @Yonathan Alarcon this is metal dude.. wtf?

    Kson Bass

    +Jamez Montoya metal is a type of rock

    Apenas Diferente!

    +xKson ‍ *a kind of Rock

    Nic Watson

    +James Montoya this is alternative not metal

  86. Grant

    Daren looks like what I do when I got a cramp in my arm

    iCupcake Graal

    XD yeah!

    The Nooby Cucumber

    Nope, he's just smoked way to much weed.

    Diego Knela

    unicórnio na bad *god

  87. Андрей АсистБ

    дарон тут на Гитлера похож

  88. Israel Squincalha

    A dancinha do Malakian KKKKKKK


    Israel Squincalha Eu estou tentando imitar ela agora pakfkpakc

    Kurt Cobain

    Como fazer a dancinha do Daron: Misture cocaina, maconha, crack, cachaça e todas as drogas ou bebidas que você conhece

  89. Bunny Busted

    Daron aka Eminem

  90. Bethany Smith

    I just want to know what they're on because I want some too.


    +Bethany Smith cocaine and or marijuana

    Einar Formica

    Anidamaru i dont think they're on María xD

  91. mewshojobeat

    Lol shavo

  92. geronimo729ve

    pornografy its a fucking shit but why they always put the blame on jesus its dissapointning

    Sarah Abbott

    @jacob v I certainly know how corrupted religion is! and I believe religion is not a way forward. I never want to try to force religion onto anyone (that is the last thing I wanted to do). Everyone has there individual faiths, and I respect that. =). I am an open minded person, and I understand how people can get hurt in religion because of religion! Man is the problem. All the BAD stuff that get's carried out in religion isn't acceptable, all because of a faith! We are suppose to teach peace, and I am quite a peaceful person. We forget to realise, that they are just names! e.g. In Jesus's name, Christian label! Hope this helps

    Sarah Abbott

    @jacob v Thank you btw ^_^ 




    this song is a critic to the television system and the media, not a critic to pornography

    Mars. ü

    Guys calm yo tits down christianity ain't a religion yo. Fyi there's a big difference between being a part of the church system and having a relationship with God Himself,

  93. Alice Posoldova

    omg, Daron was so high in KROQ :D :D

  94. hannan chaddy

    Don't judge him maaan he so haapy wooooo ?!!!

  95. Scott Boyd

    I'll have what Daron was having

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