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System of a Down - Atwa

: Atwa
: 2.74 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 94 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 78 İndirme
: 07-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (System of a Down - Atwa )
  1. Ярослав Мудрый

    Ну охуенно же ребята!!!!!

  2. Mauri Salaman

    This is just an amazing thundering sound.

  3. Black Dust

    So good live

  4. MichieMouse1

    Jesus fuck those screams are legendary

  5. Stranger

    50 years guys.. 50 years..

    Отто Вальравнен

    What "50 years"

  6. ahmad asrul

    What a great drummer...

  7. ϟϟDarioWaffenSchutzStaffelϟϟ

    That voice 0:09

  8. Kaifi R Khan

    Hands down a masterpiece ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Bob Wila

    An ode to Charles Manson

  10. NightWing

    this song sounds like a mix of roulette and hypnotize, amazing song

  11. Законопослушный Гражданин

    Именно с этой песни, с этого выступления, 12 лет назад началась моя любовь к системе.... прошло много времени, юнность ушла, а я все тот же раздолбай....

  12. Demon Man666

    ARGENTINA 2019

  13. Anthony Sainzz

    This song will Forever go hard

  14. Danny Santos

    2019 ;)

  15. Jaume97

    Sin duda una de las mejores canciones de SOAD, junto a uno de los mejores conciertos.

  16. Guilherme Lima

    Som da hora

  17. med lamjid


  18. S S

    Tankian's voice is like the best ever

  19. ELMO

    2:01 eargasm

  20. TechnoGamer

    Is that outfit the only thing that Serj can wear?

  21. Анастасия Емельянова

    Лучшее. Спасибо.

  22. Heywood Jablowme

    (A) Solid ATWA stands for the uncompromising ecological mandate propounded by Charles Manson. ATWA names the interrelated life support systems of the Earth.

  23. drika camargo

    Que música foda wtf

  24. Jake Serra

    As much as I love this song, knowing that Daron dedicated this to Manson, I always try to forget it existed. If I cling to the thought that Daron disregards the gruesome acts of Manson for his musical genius, what hypocrisy is it then to preach the injustices of those in power and the Armenian genocide.

  25. Penny Weitering

    1.12 - daron you're such a cutie ❤️

  26. Morty Sanchez


  27. Michał Gworek


    Kurniawan Adi Wijaya

    Unbelievably hit that high note, sadly he can't do that anymore

    Michał Gworek

    @Kurniawan Adi Wijaya sadly, true

  28. Ivano Staffa

    I can just say OMG

  29. LizardKing1324

    John - such a goddamn underrated drummer

  30. Pierce BottomText

    God I love this song. So underrated and beautiful. Really a testament to the talent and versatility of System of a Down. I love and respect this band so much! They really need to make another album.

  31. Congalala

    One of my favourite song ever! So emotional it gives me chills.

  32. Daniel Melo


  33. Thomas Lucero

    Such a song

  34. DV Swia


  35. Mass Ive

    This time period was my favorite for system. Daron was at a fucking prime of being badass, serjs voice was at its peak, and the instrumentals were amazing

  36. gaming source

    it brings me back to 2001

  37. EternalSoulTorture

    Brings Back memories

  38. Diogo deboas

    Eu realmente tô incomodado com esse tripé muito baixo

  39. Daemon247

    This is song about Charles Manson.

  40. monsters eat bricks

    Daron said ANYMORE very nicely! :-D

  41. AguanteElGuiso

    Muy lindas durezas las de estos hombres

  42. Luke S.

    Daron's '"anymore!" is the highlight of the song for me

    Ágnes Keresztury

    Agreed. Also I like when he says "They're trying to build a prison" in Prison song. I just like when he uses his deeper voice.

  43. Steve Goyne

    2:00 fuck, that's perfect vocals

  44. Zach Smith

    Yo this sounds better than the album

  45. Laurapers 22


  46. Mike Patton

    INTENSE. thxx for download.

  47. Kenny the wounded warrior

    Youdontcareabhtsdi Icantajdejfdif

  48. Alfian Daccord

    Charles Manson Philosophy 1986

  49. Kaiobike G87

    Soad plllsss come back. Maybe voodoo fest 2018 new orleans????????

  50. Robert Tucker

    ...and now Charles Marson is dead.

  51. Eddie The Head

    Hey, Paul Stanley uses those guitarsl

  52. alejandro plopenio

    atwa by system of a diwn is amazing

  53. Susana Pérez

    Aguante los redondos y no esta porquería de música q ni se lo q cantan y no salta nadie

    Juan Hale

    Los redondos me la pelan, chupala y sígala chupando

  54. Marty Shwaartz

    Are they all allergic to shirts besides the singer? (Serg Tankain I think?)

    Kabria Vaneice

    Marty Shwaartz Lmao it's not new. Other rockers do it too.

  55. novais novais

    i sing the calm part, the wild i just whisper and let serj sing

  56. Sayan Banerjee

    I didnt knew daron was singing that anymore

  57. John Burns

    I would lose my shit if I saw them and they did this. god I love this tune

  58. Rockerz Nusantara

    this song is my fucking most favourite S.O.A.D song !!!!

  59. Bloom

    John tearing it up on the drums holy shit

    Michael Preston

    datboi flight exactly!

  60. Galo Droid

    M A G I C

  61. Sebastian Barron

    I don't pee! ANYMORE

  62. Big Baz


  63. Faramund

    Great backing vocals

  64. Garrett Curry

    I have 2 things to say. This is the best they've ever played this song, atleast what I've seen. & Serj needs to join the fellas and take his shirt off too.

  65. PedoDestructor

    They play it too fast on live :(


    IRubexD I like it like that , too slow on the album in my opinion

  66. sophia ioannou

    This is what i call music ! Amazing

  67. Stelios vafeiadis

    the way that malakian screaming anymore is like ear-porn

    erica summer

    Συμφωνω απολυτα Στέλιο!!! Φοβερος!

  68. Mad Boss55

    I've got nothing to gain to lose all the world I've seen before me passing by

  69. METalGod66

    is serj just rocking some Chinese outfit 😂

    hчвríd pєrsσn

    SomeVids yeah, it can be a bit confusing but I thought what said was pretty funny


    SomeVids Well yes Is not something you see everyday :v P.s : I wasn't trying to be rude or something in the last comment :/


    It's ok dude, btw you guys looking forward to soads new album?

    hчвríd pєrsσn

    SomeVids lol yeah. It's sounds like it's gonna be effing awesome

    Rocky The Horseman

    Hybrid Person lmai

  70. Diego Morales

    Pay attention at the minute 0:25 ..... serj sings like he does now when he says the word world

  71. Ana Lívia

    Amo essa música e essa live!!! * - - - *

  72. JackGale

    ─────────────────────────▄▀▄ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─▀█▀█▄ ─────────────────────────█──█──█ ─────────────────────────█▄▄█──▀█ ────────────────────────▄█──▄█▄─▀█ ────────────────────────█─▄█─█─█─█ ────────────────────────█──█─█─█─█ ────────────────────────█──█─█─█─█ ────▄█▄──▄█▄────────────█──▀▀█─█─█ ──▄█████████────────────▀█───█─█▄▀ ─▄███████████────────────██──▀▀─█ ▄█████████████────────────█─────█ ██████████───▀▀█▄─────────▀█────█ ████████───▀▀▀──█──────────█────█ ██████───────██─▀█─────────█────█ ████──▄──────────▀█────────█────█ Look son███──█──────▀▀█───▀█───────█────█ a good song!███─▀─██──────█────▀█──────█────█ ███─────────────────▀█─────█────█ ███──────────────────█─────█────█ ███─────────────▄▀───█─────█────█ ████─────────▄▄██────█▄────█────█ ████────────██████────█────█────█ █████────█──███████▀──█───▄█▄▄▄▄█ ██▀▀██────▀─██▄──▄█───█───█─────█ ██▄──────────██████───█───█─────█ ─██▄────────────▄▄────█───█─────█ ─███████─────────────▄█───█─────█ ──██████─────────────█───█▀─────█ ──▄███████▄─────────▄█──█▀──────█ ─▄█─────▄▀▀▀█───────█───█───────█ ▄█────────█──█────▄███▀▀▀▀──────█ █──▄▀▀────────█──▄▀──█──────────█ █────█─────────█─────█──────────█ █────────▀█────█─────█─────────██ █───────────────█──▄█▀─────────█ █──────────██───█▀▀▀───────────█ █───────────────█──────────────█ █▄─────────────██──────────────█ ─█▄────────────█───────────────█ ──██▄────────▄███▀▀▀▀▀▄────────█ ─█▀─▀█▄────────▀█──────▀▄──────█ ─█────▀▀▀▀▄─────█────────▀─────█ ─█─────────▀▄──▀───────────────

  73. joseff francisco

    melhor musica!!!!

  74. Tasos Boubas

    A.T.W.A = All the world avseingbeforemepassingbyyyy

    Zero Scorpio

    @Joaquín Urzúa r/wooosh

    Zero Scorpio

    @Alessio Londo r/wooooooshalso the point is to fit ATWA lmao


    Ape Titty Wanker Ass.

    Mr Man 7803

    Tasos Boubas for those of you who want to know it’s Air Trees Water Animals

    cheesy_lazy _lightningg _is_lazy

    I get the joke but for the idiots that don’t know what the song stands for it’s air, trees, water, animals which is also a movement started by Charles Manson to protect the environment

  75. abi Setiyajid


  76. Atakan Çağlar

    What does it mean ATWA?

    Things and stuff

    Atakan Çağlar air trees water animalorall the way alive

    Atakan Çağlar

    Okey i understand thank you

  77. Francesco Pallotta

    I don't feel it anymore... anymore

    mrlocomo tengsoloist

    listen here noob??? fuck your own words and we re not interested to your feeling,,,, are you understand noob...... by the way i love this song FOR REAL MEN not you noob

    Eva-Luca Theunisse

    mrlocomo tengsoloist triggered


    mrlocomo tengsoloist speak fucking English

  78. ctzaaa

    no carpets?

  79. ElgaKH

    Teenage years with those fake friends... In the end, you're alone.

    Final Kill Gaming

    People suck. Never get too close or trust anyone, especially if they are fake. Very few people can be actually trustworthy.


    Daron wrote the lyrics, as far as I know. Also, "ATWA" is an abbreviation for a set of ideas that Charles Manson had. Which included Air, Trees, Water, Animals. So, i suppose global warming is technically included in that. But, I think that this song is definitely written purposefully to be about Manson for that reason.

    Akshay Singh

    Ikr... I was looking for comments about "fake friends"

    Lamborghini Diablo SV 5150

    I'm 16 and already alone

    Asakura Joe

    Still alive mate?

  80. Ashwin Ganesan

    that thing that Serj does at 0:09 is amazing

    Lucas Gouveia

    Yeah... That's amazing!

    Mr Man 7803

    Ashwin Ganesan it’s called, get this... singing

  81. Scheidia Lemos

    me amarro nesse som

  82. joseff francisco

    1:58 a 2:08 slk

    joseff francisco

    Muhammed Ekinci brazilian

    joseff francisco

    Lucas Ribeiro Patricio sim kkkk

    luana maia

    joseff francisco finalmente um brasileiro. kaksjs

  83. Tommy Thecat

    this song is about Charles Manson

  84. Victor Martinez

    Euro ver nasie. Nanallar

  85. Vahe T.

    Johns a fookin beast

    Elijah Hill

    Vahe T. Johns absolutely besting the crap outta those drums

  86. L Eduardo Luna

    That video made me fall in love with this beautiful song

  87. K M

    Air, Tree's Water, Animals.

    Somewhat UltRa

    A Totally Wasted Attempt

  88. cauê santos chagas

    amo a system

  89. willthetrashman

    will you have anymore atwa videos? Its my favorite song.

  90. SpaklesDr

    The only problem is that this song is only 3 min.


    SpaklesDr thats because they russhed the song so fucking much

    Cesar Huchim

    JesterLibre127 It's 2:56 on the album version.

    Edna Draws

    Very true

  91. daron malakian

    u guys love me right

  92. hbclutcher ftw

    They sounded so good live back then, it's like they just stopped caring what they sounded like after 2005

    John Dillinger

    They're getting older and serj's voice is getting worser as time goes on, the songs he sings take a big toll on his voice.Daron still sounds as good as ever because his vocals are melodic

  93. Faz Parte

    Cara é o meu sonho ver o show do system mds.. Só to esperando um show deles aqui no Brasil .. :c


    RiR 2011 e 2015 e o show em SP não conta?

  94. nicolas osteguin

    Air Trees Water Animals

  95. dynaudio8vs

    This is too awesome 🤘

  96. ObeyYourSysteM

    Na-nanana na-nanana na-nanaaaaa!!!*Please watch this video, A.T.W.A. in higher quality here* ---> you can follow me on*Facebook* ►*Twitter* ►

    Dean Minchella

    Still love this song.

    Ridge Griffin

    has to be one of my favorite bands

    Daron Tsuda



    best lyrics ever! XD

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