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System of a Down - Soldier Side

Soldier Side
: Soldier Side
: 3.37 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 60 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 46 İndirme
: 07-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (System of a Down - Soldier Side )
  1. Kimya S.

    Can we give Daron Malakian some credit? Sources show that Serj didn't even want to make the Hypnotize/Mezmerize albums... and even from listening, you hear the heavy vocals coming from Malakian. Don't get me wrong, I love both of them, but I feel like Daron's impact on the band is really underappreciated

  2. Attila Halász

    Serj's vibrato...

  3. meme chef

    rare footage john smiling live

  4. Fab Lav

    Second 38 to 42 he is reading the lyrics

  5. Felipe Smith

    this is so rare

  6. Epic Shadow 96

    Mais raro que isso é She’s Like Heroin

    Epic Shadow 96

    Renan a única vez que eu a encontrei foi num bar com outros caras, não com o System junto. Era só o Daron

  7. Atomic Wings

    Holy shit! Amazing live performance!

  8. Sofía Flores

    This song they should play it more often, it's one of their best songs, excuse me my Inglish, I'm chilean

  9. Van Lem

    Best solo

  10. Emma Gevorgyan

    Co tu robią 21 idiotów?

  11. MattTheHECKINGWeeb

    Serj's singing during the solo, God, it gives me shivers how beautiful it is.

  12. Kelly Escudero

    Uffff! RolooonDe mis canciones favoritaaaas

  13. Samuel Pearce

    Pena que não tocam muito essa musica em shows

  14. Gorn 1981

    This song is perfection

  15. Rick Grimes S5

    Oh 2011 serj with the 2001 beard. Never seen this before

  16. 07karabakkal

    2.01 is fkn epic

  17. ꧁Engel Rangel ༄꧂

    *Tzilacatzin* :(

  18. Burnt Skeleton

    One of the SOAD songs that sounds great live!

  19. Florian Roder

    Serj you are simply wonderful !!! Uncomparable!

  20. Ene Due

    I thought they never played this song live :O

  21. Guy Segal


  22. Tiago Bertollini

    Melhor música !

  23. Ângelo Costa

    Momento único, difícil de se ver

    Tiago Bertollini

    Ângelo Costa exatamente.

  24. Pavel P

    WTF i liiaveeeee nooow

  25. Rolando Curiel

    Hwo to use your new voice to your advantage

  26. Carlos Zetanowski

    Amazing song

  27. Soroosh Mhs

    The part that drums stops playing makes me cry everytime :'''(

  28. Debarpan Banerjee

    The lyrics of this song is fuckin' amazing and emotional.

  29. Família Itinerante

    Banda TOP

  30. haz8099

    I still remember seeing them live back in 2011, one of the best days of my life.

  31. LawfulBox

    when John got up and started to wave his arms....

  32. Eva-Luca Theunisse

    Proof that Serj and Daron are the best vocal duo alive

  33. JoakoPsicho

    y pensar que está es la única versión de este temón en vivo, una pena...

    Luis F. Venzor M.

    hay mas en 2013 o 2015

  34. Kaizar Cantu

    This is god damn pretty.

  35. Destroid 3900x

    1:06 Daren messed up


    Destroid 3900x serj was reading lyrics lol. Props to daron for trying to remember

  36. Gabriel de Jesus Monroy

    Best live performance ever!

  37. Miligame

    Serj's new voice sounds so good on this song

  38. iEddiez Coasters

    Love how Serj needs the lyrics shown so much for the lack of live performances of this :P

  39. Slayden Reed

    They need to do this song more often

  40. Robert Lynch

    está ai uma perola, e das boas

  41. Tigran Shakaryan


    Emma Gevorgyan


  42. I Want To Die

    it looks like you filmed this with a potato, but good vid mate!

    Alberto Casanova

    It gives some special sound, I kinda like it

  43. Estela Cornejo

    I don't know why is not a good quality live video of this amazing song. thanks for the video anyway, 💕

  44. Felipe Smith

    More rare than Latios


    momento raro nunca vi eles cantando a musica toda somente a intro seguida de byob


    Gabriel Duarte Nada haver mano ele pode simplificar e adaptar pra tocar em 1 guitarra só


    Gabriel Duarte igual ele tocou nesse vídeo

    toco poop

    Essa musica e cheuo de indiretas para governos, e soldados, mas tem q inerpretar uma boa parte pra entender outras coisas, as musicas deles nunca dizem na cara oq significa, mas e cheio de indireta pra governo e politicos, byob tbm, mas e disfarcado, tem q interpretar mto


    DANIBOYZx PRO E ficou bom essa adaptação, funcionou muito melhor q varias musicas q eles sempre tocam. Porque o principal da música Soldier Side são os vocais, e por incrível que pareça, Serj e Daron conseguiram reproduzir exatamente o que fizeram no estúdio. Sem palavras..

    Osmar Junior

    até eles precisam se relembrar da letra lendo na tela do palco kkk

  46. Felipe Cannibal

    vai demorar pelo menos uns 7 anos pra vermos eles tocarem essa música de novo, isso é um tesouro

    Victor :3

    So falta Sad Statue (Em boa qualidade) e Dreaming

    Leandro Bittencourt

    @Victor :3 exato, duas musicas fodas q eles n dao atencao pros shows

    Felipe Cannibal

    +Leandro Bittencourt uma música que eles nunca tocaram ao vivo é virginity sempre quis ouvir

    1Real has swag.

    ja tocaram sad statue no kroq 2005

    Victor :3

    Como eu disse, em boa qualidade (no caso, nessa época de agr)

  47. Ewerton Santos

    Isto é uma reliquia kkkkk Excelente!

  48. Guilherme Lima

    Melhor Musica

  49. bunt1691

    It's their best song. People 100 years from now will hear this.

  50. איתמר מאור

    amazing live

  51. TheCvac

    my favorite song and only 1 live performance i could find

    Julian Beck

    +TheCvac they played this song 11 times in total live. Sadly tbh. I really like thins song as well. But since they also have Soldier Side - Intro, they rather play that one right before B.Y.O.B..

    Martín Figueroa

    SellerieMitDip or suite pee

    Publicity Stuntz

    @Martín Figueroa ?

    my name

    SellerieMitDip did they ever play it in 2005/06? same thing with tentative I believe

    Taga Way

    @Publicity Stuntz that they either play Soldier Side before B.Y.O.B. *& Suite Pee*

  52. GoShiggyGo


  53. Junior Savino

    higher Serj's mic. he's an amazing singer!!

  54. Vhikras

    I get shivers every time I hear this song.


    I'm only happy when I play Lee Sin

  55. cer cer

    this is systems romance

  56. Daron Tsuda

    this song is fucking good

    camilo ruiz

    are you serj or daron?

  57. l Vegetto

    The best soNGSOAD

    Leonardo Tavares

    br hue aq

  58. Matko Barisic

    They should really play this more often, sounds amazing live, especially Serj.

  59. agustin paiva

    i liked more when serj dressed black tshirt and glasses...

    croissant p

    yeah ikr, we all do but atleast soad are still performing even though they're still on hiatus

  60. Jose Valenzuela

    Wow!! I was actually shocked that this was made in 2011!! Since he was coming back to SOAD and his voice changed a lot when he came back (we all should know that for a fact) This performance was sooo amazing!!! You have no idea hoe amazed I am right now

    Burnt Skeleton

    Im not a hoe shut up!Jk amazing performance


    His voice sounds the best when he is passionate and it seems like he is with this song.

  61. jerairkilla

    soad for life <3

  62. Dybas 123

    best song 

  63. ThereRnoBirds

    lol screwed up the lyrics but the sound was great. one of their best concerts. wish i was there.

  64. Gustavo Henriques


  65. Spoken World

    This is their best song!

    Ogi Lazarov

    Spoken World not at all, but this song makes me sad


    They're my favorite band and I agree this is their best song. Criminally underrated but I'm glad I got to hear them play it live in 2011.

  66. Lixerx

    Awesome... im study this song

  67. Rodrigo Medeiros

    this is really cool for the first time I see soldier side live

    Cyanide ew

    Rodrigo Medeiros they have 4 or 5 lives man, are amazing

  68. Neilia Diniz

    <3 <3 S.O.A.D <3 <3

  69. GuRo

    the best ong of S.O.A.D


    Yeah it's a great ong

  70. Zekzt

    One of their very best songs... and the vocals here - just amazing.

  71. Joao- Marcos

    System of a Down é a melhor banda de rock que eu já vi ouçam BYOB essa música é mto lokaa !!!!

  72. Daniel Messias

    Pega meu like

  73. higor cintra

    nunca,não fala merda maggot!

  74. Luigi Bittencourt

    blz mas cara .. System é Nu metal ...

  75. Glorioso Seupai

    Cala a Boca e dá joinha no vídeo e é NOIS PÔ !

  76. Carlos Fialho

    heavy metal ? xD "tá serto"

  77. eduardo villas boas

    nao é heavy metal é alternativo

  78. Niels Christiansen

    Very performance actually. Always wondered how they'd get over the solo thing in this song. In Roulette they just skipped it. I can see, that I'm not the only one who'd like to hear Dreaming Live... What about U-Fig? Or better still - Ego Brain?

    Michael Preston


  79. Reizan

    why always send the poor?

  80. Tom Webb

    If only Serj knew the fucking lyrics.


    Tom Webb when did serj fuck up?

    aggel beatboxer

    this comment is from 5 years ago, you expect him to reply?


    his comment was from one year ago, you expect him To reply?

    Lonely Stoner

    Haha wow u guys I'm amused


    Lonely Stoner I’m surprised you were here 15 hours ago, what’s good brother

  81. Vídeos Desvistos

    Shes like heroin they play sometimes but dreaming i think that they never play yet =(

  82. Mr. G&M vídeos

    fuck you

  83. atkef2

    fuck off brazilian cunts!

  84. TheSOADlive

    It was only the second time they played it live

  85. SuperThejr

    Amazing performance hopefully they play dreaming live on day or she's like heroin dam that would be an incredible concert long live system

  86. Tommy Toth

    dat moustache

  87. xExx0xGaming

    @MrEvgoo everyone is willing to make a new album except serj

  88. martha fernandez

    Es trash metal

    infinity tap

    martha fernandez wow pretty ironic you twatwaffles

  89. jhonatan gama

    A maior banda de heavy Metal da história!!!!!

  90. Tá Tudo Cagado Podcast


  91. Mauricio Gomez

    de hecho amigos, es metal alternativo :)

  92. Multidimensional Ludko

    When will they make the new album?

  93. Pablo V

    es estupido intentar enmarcar a soad en un estilo

  94. Wallskrim

    de hecho es rock alternativo .-.

  95. Tibet Akduvar


  96. Giovanni Rocca

    its the same -.-

  97. Ferra Gomez

    Todo es derivado del rock

  98. Ferra Gomez

    Es rock y punto.

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