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System of a Down - Cigaro

: Cigaro
: 2.01 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 66 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 55 İndirme
: 07-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (System of a Down - Cigaro )
  1. Eric Wagaman

    Is it weird that Im 13 and love system of a down and I can play almost all of their songs on drums???I need feedback people...

  2. Eric Wagaman


  3. maalekar

    Ooooo drummer running hot there, but they fixed

  4. ntaks

    Ελάτε παιδιά να πούμε ένα τραγούδι

  5. papas burgerz 358

    my much bigger than yours...

  6. redredblood1

    People making fun of John for slowing down might also not realize that the band has to opportunity to play into it and they might all be slowing down on purpose... the whole rest of the song is joke, why couldn’t they play around with things like that as well?

  7. Basil Alsaleem

    At 01:47 serj feeling shy of doing this voice 😂😂😂

  8. Skull Knight Beats

    I searched for this recording my entire life and I din't even know it, until I arrived here. Beautiful. My repeat button is broke. Doesn't matter, I'm okay with listening to this one... forever.

  9. Jimmy Reed

    I can guarantee my cock is much bigger then all of yours! Wanna compare?

  10. Drop Dead Greg

    Can't you see that I love my cock?!

  11. Diego M-A

    Beautiful intro

  12. T.D.A

    Please don't tell me that I'm the only one who wants the full acoustic version of this song?

  13. 1984 mustang v8

    is no one gonna talk about 2:20

  14. Jenn

    Is there anyone better than SOAD? "NO"!!!

  15. Billy Anggranesta

    damn heavy af

  16. TheGreenTomShow

    2:49 Drummer slows down, Serj and Shavo are like WTF?

  17. Cleb Felm

    Serj Tankian

  18. Litch King

    Serj confirmed watching pew news

  19. Arka_Goego


  20. TakavaNirhii (near-eye)

    1:15 I love how there's a mosh pit with absolutely no beat.

  21. Lucas Struna

    They honestly don't sound that great live

  22. HDM Reviews

    This is a song we like to FUCK SHIT UP TO!!!!

  23. walisson Alves

    Força jovem vasco 👈👉 eddie

  24. Cheeki Breeki Bree!

    10/10 would loop the pew pew part

  25. opet22

    its second time i hear they losing rhytm at 2:55

  26. Teo Voicu

    I don't only love the band, I also love this comunity, best comments ever

  27. Beyza Drebble


  28. Litallica

    Someone please make a tab on just the intro lmao I need to play this at parties

  29. DaJaanichu

    That thumbnail is pure gold

  30. Cole Harvey

    I would rather meet daron than serj

  31. Roma2910

    Intro Tabs?

  32. xSCVMBAGx 17

    Is there anybody can read this guitar chord of the intro part? send it to me please...

  33. walisson Alves

    Aqui do Brasil ✌✌✌✌✌✌

  34. Trupa Disecția

    we like to call FUCK SOME SHIT I DIED

  35. Rui Nunes

    That Scorpions intro tho

  36. Casual Jacen

    I saw em at glen helen last month and it sounded sooo similar like almost exactly the same as when i saw em

  37. Sr Collen

    system of a down forever, my cock is much bigger than yours!

  38. 765Dmar Johnson

    comment number 501 bitches 😎

  39. Rickmenez

    2:47 Your battery is 15%

  40. Ben Nicewood

    The beautiful intro and the pit. Perfect

  41. Benjaguar

    La voz de Daron es sencillamente hermosa

  42. ぬゅぬゅゅゆゅゅゅゅゅ

    i love SOAD forever

  43. canned bread

    serj’s voice here is amazing compared to most of their newer performances

  44. Don Alexander

    That intro!!

  45. El Cazador

    Top 10 best anime intros

  46. Faizal All

    2.50 when they realize beats are fucked

  47. Christoffer Olsen

    2:52 Serj: "WTF john?"

  48. Vic Valentini

    2:47 They always screw that part up lmao, I'm pretty sure they do it on purpose.

  49. Vinny Hyde

    Pew pew pew vs TEEHEE

  50. Ziyaad Lakay

    What's going on with serj

  51. Mr. GANİ

    Bu herifler işi biliyor moruk 🔈🔈🔈

  52. B_side 86

    So I forget who are the two System of a Down members that are related ?

  53. Nikola Mustač

    Very good concert! :D

  54. Mcmont 12

    How can you say that first line with a straight face

  55. Lasvegasman

    The song is not even began but 1:17

  56. DJ Metts

    I think, after all the weird ass shit that is the entirety of SOAD, my favorite part about them is that you can actually hear the bass when they play live. Thank you, Shavo.


    tenacious d 3:53

  58. jamie25288

    Think I found my wedding song 😁

  59. MisterNebojsa

    1:51 love how he sung that :D

  60. Kurdt Donald Cobain

    daron is legend

  61. Suhail Couto

    With a feeling so pure

  62. Irsyad Adli

    Daron: Can’t you see how stupid this sing is?Audience: *claps and cheers*SOAD crowds are the best

  63. Inksans 447

    i love this chanel!

  64. Navi

    Never thought I'd hear someone boast about their cock in such a beautiful way

  65. Frank McDoodle

    Mike Hawk and Elmo wrote this song together*PEW PEW PEW*

  66. Golden Egg That Never Hatched

    Epilepsy attack guaranteed

  67. Sean션

    That intro by Daron makes me satisfied!

  68. dhmhtrhsk 28


  69. ADOLF HITLER yaroslav

    Most overrated shittiest band ever I SWEAR!!!

  70. NocturnalGTX

    I love how theres a mosh-pit going on while Daron is singing about his cock XD

  71. Che Mac

    People circle pit to the intro

  72. Benja Ibarra

    0:20 not family friendly

  73. Mehmet Kaan

    2:49 john is realy old

  74. Lautaro Montoya

    2:40 Six people died in this show...

    Bubba DarthColeman8

    Pew pew pew dahdahdahdah pew pew pew

    Mark Barbuto

    Love these guys LMFAO seen them 2xs b4



    Aspect The Fallen

    This was the best thing that has happened to me all day 😂👌

    D O G

    Pwew pwew

  75. Damien Scott

    I love System of a Down, but their live perfomances is just bad.

  76. Victor Hugo

    La La La LaPew Pew PewLa La La LaPew Pew Pew

  77. 29399 m

    No drugs here

  78. Nunya Stieger

    I wonder what kind of stress the technical pal have backstage they synchronized the lights and curtain drop absolutely perfectly. and only had one shot to do it

  79. Nehueln Luna


  80. Daronavo

    This is a little song we like toFUCK SOME SHIT UP TO!!!!

  81. Mike Patton

    Fuck me ... Daron can sing !👍👍

  82. Paulo Robson

    \- -/ \- -/

  83. 【 Team Dead Silver 】 AnimatoR

    For everybody who noticed that one part of the song which was slower than usual,its fine cuz nobodys perfect and nobody should complain about it.But then again I think that Serj and Daron were the ones who kinda screwed the song at that part,but thats just my opinion.

  84. Aleksandar Zdravkovic

    Roses are red Violets are blue I love my cockAnd so do you

  85. Dex Outrage

    My cooooock is five times bigger than youuurs

  86. dreaming of screaming

    The thumbnail makes daron look like a mole rat.

  87. JustDelan

    I will never get over theP e wP e wP e w

  88. LeonelGuev

    90% of the comments is talking from "pew pew pew" xd

  89. Ruby Jemima

    Why is this intro not a meme 😂

  90. YBNGang

    My cock is much bigger than yours!

  91. Павел Радько


  92. Nitekim Band

    Serj was out of time but then they corrected it. GOOD STAGE EVEN THEY ARE TROLLING !

  93. Lanwarder

    I grew up with this band, I've always loved them......I saw them live a couple of times....and I don't want to be mean, but they were far better than what's going on starting at 2:45 lol :p. I still love them though :p.

  94. ObeyYourSysteM

    Also check out this little montage I did for Daron's intro ►*Facebook* ►*Twitter* ►

    Chilling Time

    ObeyYourSysteM best channel on YouTube man keep going \m/

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