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Sugarland - Still The Same

Still The Same
: Still The Same
: 3.38 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 64 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 47 İndirme
: 16-06-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sugarland - Still The Same )
  1. SHERA

    Do you not feel the shame of sharing that smile in thee display with not the DevilReminder: Black and shinny lips return to thy land it needs the SUGARS touch of SALT

  2. Rudderless Chef

    So beautiful, it's unreal.

  3. Andrew

    i came here for a bob seger cover..

  4. Felix Fischer

    Listen to the C D today. Saw Sugarland TX .on the news near weather in TX.

  5. Clarence Dixon


  6. Clarence Dixon

    Good group !!!!

  7. PJ Dudinetz

    Sugar land and everything they’ve recorded is timeless. Their albums are all masterpieces with individual sounds. This video proves it. I can put their albums on and just listen, each track is so creative and produced so well.

  8. Art Vandalay

    I agree Christina G her voice is incredible I'd love to here her sing blues,rock she could sing anything

  9. Dan Ferratella

    Love this gives me chills

  10. Nahoku A

    The voice that gives you goosebumps, NOT still the same.. but BETTER!

  11. R Dudley

    So glad to hear Natalie and her hubby making music together again thank you!!

  12. Cowboy Hat Radio

    "Where have you been?" That's my question, Sugarland! Glad your back though.😇

  13. Missy Farr

    best song of 2019 love you guys!

  14. Missy Farr

    WOW!!!!!! I Love this song!!! Stay has been my Favorite for years. But Still the same is way better and I feel it just like i feel the Still The Same Captures the after math of life and the decisions we make. plus that we can feel better and we can do better than we ever thought possible. Love you sugar land. I feel your hear and I feel like i know your truth. Im a photographer if you ever are interested i would love to have the opportunity to take your photos. I'm not perfect but i have a feeling you go for more real than

  15. Tabby johnson

    oh sugarland how ive missed you .. so happy they are back together

  16. Jennifer Dijames

    GOOD song're music sounds still the same.

  17. Johnny Dominguez

    Love that song!

  18. Shan Rich

    Welcome home Sugarland! Rock us!

  19. trev base

    Please tour the uk, you have many fans over here. I came to county music late in life as a 51 year old truck driver. But you guys are amazing x

  20. Shelly Stiffler

    So dang happy to have Sugarland back! LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys!

  21. Blair Carnegie

    Sugarland , one of a kind !!!!

  22. Amanda Johnson

    At 3:00 does she sing, "I'm so boring" or am I crazy?

    Amanda Johnson

    Andy Cooke Yes, that's me! I met her a year ago next week. I didn't shut up about my excitement over that for ages.

  23. Genok1990

    This is so cute, that they are came back! ) Missed them so much!

  24. Sarah Davis


  25. Dan Melichar

    Great idea to make a retrospective shot like a part of music video.. There is so few songs I love it for the first heard in my life. This is one of them.

  26. Rhonda Hart

    ok i like this song good one.

  27. Sherry Hirtle

    Great to see the both of you back together again! ❤️

  28. KUN鈴木


  29. Sonny Brown

    xxxtentacion listened to you guys

  30. Tee


  31. Anthony Martines

    after watching (cut x cut) i can see that this is truly just a love song to their own friendship and the band itself, and we get to enjoy the outcome! which is amazing! thank you for sharing this with us!

  32. Kayce Allen


  33. Wendelyn Sese

    She deserves much more attention and fame than Kadarshians and Kanye. 😏 Her vocals is so good to be unheard.

  34. Lilybee Wilcox

    It’s like you guys never left. Can’t wait for more amazing music form you guys. Another album to add to my sugar land collection

  35. Mariana Titus

    Looking forward to seeing you at the Santa Barbara Bowl soon!!!

  36. Alexander Golubev Jr

    I absolutely love Sugarland. So ecstatic they are back!

  37. Juanita Buron

    That's what's real, I feel alive.3:37 5/25^18 we don't know we're not there yet: DESTINY7/16^18 lets leave it better than how it came...15:32can we try.... we've come so far 1:37 8/6

  38. Blisa B

    I am so happy they are back together, for how ever long.

  39. Chaney's Ranch

    I hope you are with him now he loves you.

  40. Sheila Dennard

    I love love this song !!!!😋🤗😇😚😎

  41. proto pterus

    finally together again. greetings from slovakia :)

  42. Feangerme Poppa

    God I'm so glad you are back!!! Missed you terribly!!!

  43. Johnny Dominguez

    Love that song! Lots of positive energy!

  44. RNG1297

    This song moves me to tears, it makes me think of my man and how far we’ve come as a couple through all the hardships and overcoming the physical distance that comes with a long distance relationship. It makes me cry thinking about our wedding day because it took all this time, this patience, this teaching/learning and growing together that brings us closer.


    He left.

  45. justadoginmaine

    Completely Awesome!

  46. Big Paul

    Only if I could explain to my #nativebride of #35plusyrs she knows our love is the same but I think she is scared to try to do the change I'm ready both feet head first

  47. Bawin

    Taylor introduced me to this duo through her song Babe on Sugarland's new album. I'm loving all the four songs released so far. I'm a new fan of Sugarland. Thanks Taylor Swift for introducing me to this great duo and amazing modern country music.

  48. Joe Ashead

    This is sooooo awesome !!

  49. Kate

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  50. Libba Haggerson

    SO HAPPY!!! ❤️ ❤️ THANK YOU!!!

  51. Cierra Swaye Lyle The Anime & MK fan girl

    Love that song!

  52. Kate B

    YES YES YES!!! Sugarland and Carrie Underwood and Sara Evans were my childhood 😭😭♥️♥️

  53. thegreat

    WHY DO I FEEL EMOTIONAL.......oh I know because they are my biggest influences, AND THERE BACK IN BUSINESS.....GET READY TOP CHARTS .......SUGURLAND IS COMIN THRU!!!

  54. dannykensy

    Welcome back!

  55. Andrew 73

    Can't wait for Taylor swift

  56. Gerard Hayes

    Better than ever you guys. Thanks

  57. Hailey w.


  58. rl h

    Your music has helped me through so much in life. I cried tears of joy when I heard you were back together. See you July 13th in Youngstown!!!

  59. pam murphy

    sooooo glad your back!!!

  60. TAYLOR _ QUEEN 13

    Soon ... feat. Taylor Swift ❤

  61. Cassie

    So excited for your return!

  62. Spike Spiegel

    They're coming backkk with a Taylor Swift feat song bonus.

  63. Taylor Arant


  64. Katie Evelyn

    I cannot wait for the concert!!

  65. Heather Gundersen

    I love this song❤

  66. Chaney's Ranch

    Love both of you and your music

  67. shawn eldridge

    I wish everyone has a bless and a wonderful happy Easter. Totally love this song right here that Sugarland did + it's like they never broke up they still got the magic yet. Also cannot wait until sugarland's new CD comes out I know it's going to be totally the coolest. Also this new music video totally cool as well. Welcome back Sugarland.

  68. Rachel Heflin

    I am so glad sugarland is singing again. Yayayayyyaayayayyayayayayyayyayayayayayyayayayayyayayayayayyaya

  69. Suzie Hillbillygirl0323

    Gosh I have missed these 2 ! They are so good together, and this song “still the same “ is just a blow me away song could replay it over and over, happy to see them again they even look happy 🌹

  70. wrexx

    So weird to me how she can look like a "plain Jane" at times, but others a smokin' hot beauty. And it's not the makeup, I don't know what it is exactly. Maybe intentional on her part idk. Any ideas?

  71. Rachel Bologna

    Awesome video!! Biggest fan!! Just subscribed!! Can you do me a favor and subscribe back?

  72. fionbarr416

    Please dear God, make another album!!

  73. Andrew Digioia

    Omg I remember being so upset, thinking y’all stopped making music and now your back!

  74. Andrea Powell

    i just heard yall on the radio...i was caught off gaurd....took me a minute to sink in and than i screaming thats sugarland :) YESSSSS!!!!!!! i have been waiting for yall to come back. i love this song and the clips. perfect come back. i love yall. i cried when yall split and now im crying yall are back 😂😂😂

  75. Emma Forman

    love this

  76. oldman kirrby

    Now this is what I call awesome

  77. Mike Wilson

    Cannot wait for tour dates to be released

  78. Myles Standridge

    It's NOT the same music, it sounds over produced. With 10% thumbs down I'm not the only one that doesn't like it. Don't get me wrong I love Sugarland/Jennifer Nettles but I sincerely hope the rest of the album is not like this.

  79. Jennifer York

    💖💖I love this song

  80. Jennifer Mauk

    Love this!!!

  81. nicolelylewis

    This was so cute!!!

  82. Walter Müssen

    I love this so much. Thanks for existing in this world.

  83. Ella Mills

    And we love them still the same

    Ella Mills

    Or maybe a bit more

  84. The Ally Way

    I’m so glad they’re back!! ❤️

  85. Michael Sizemore

    First, Jennifer will you please marry me?? :D And Finally Glad to know you two are bringing back the best Duo in Country Music!!!

  86. Ariel Minier

    Love Love Love This!!!!!! Welcome back You 2!

  87. shawn eldridge

    🙋 totally love the song right here it's freaking fantastic. Also I'm glad that SugarLand is back together again. Sugarland still sounds great it's like they had never broke up that's how good sugarland is. Supposably I was told that SugarLand has a new cd coming out. Here's the sad thing about that. Nobody knows for sure when sugarland's new CDs coming out. I am hoping it comes out in Spring. Also the other thing I'm surprised that TMC does not play this music video by Sugarland that all. The other thing is supposedly Sugarland is coming to the Allentown Fairgrounds in the fall. Not too far from where I live. I am hoping the tickets aren't that expensive cuz I want to see Sugar Land. I know sometimes the tickets can be a fortune and other times they are affordable. I'm just glad Sugarland his back that's all.

  88. Bp P

    Your in love)

  89. Bianca Ortega

    "Our love is still the same, still the same, still the same"

  90. Garrett Agee

    Wow! She's got a great voice.

  91. Chrissy Perry

    so glas they are back together looking forwArd to new music from them

  92. Colleen Howard

    SO SO SO happy that you two are back together!  Sugarland is freaking amazing!!!!

  93. Abigail Smith

    my favorite song writers back together...i'm sooooo happy literally my favorite people in the world. I remember listening to them when I was younger I listen to them non stop after hearing the songs once I knew all the words

  94. Cheng Xiong

    When this this came out on ge radio I was wow this so g is awesomeness

  95. Jennifer Hobbs

    😊💖💚💜💙🧡❤️💛🎶Like your music Welcome back 😊

  96. Jules Annette

    i just love these two together....they bring sparks and make magic with their music and vocals

    Jules Annette

    they are such a good team together tho. they actually look like they're enjoying working together and it shows in the music

  97. Coa Cola

    easy fap

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