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Stromae - Tous Les Memes

Tous Les Memes
: Tous Les Memes
: 3.23 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 282 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 267 İndirme
: 15-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Stromae - Tous Les Memes )
  1. Kairi Perez

    the choreography is just a bunch of sexy JoJo stances 🤣🤣🤣

  2. Gülay Işık

    İstemem istemem istemem yanımda

  3. Calum Cowan

    I'm a simple man, I see memes, I press like.

  4. Vincenzo Villani

    Ciao... Sono il commento italiano che stai cercando... Ahaha... Cmq bella canzone... C'est une belle chanson... Je suis italien... Mais je l'écoute 1000 fois

  5. Эль Рикардо

    пока лена проблем

  6. Bangun Kurnianto

    i felt like watching real live character from jojo's

  7. KongZ Z

    Is he homo?

  8. mimi lo

    LES FRANÇAIS EN FORCE !!les anglais il decouvre Stroma que maintenant . Et le sont il est la depuis plusieurs années faudrait réveillé les anglais en plus de d'anglais que de français c abuser 🇨🇵

  9. Strawberri Honey

    A French exchange student introduced this song to us and I love it!! It’s too catchy!

  10. Артур Савельев

    2019 кто здесь???

  11. Daddyson

    Someone should have dressed up as this for halloween


    That would have been one hell of an outfit-

  12. •C h e r r y i K•

    Ммммм..вспомнила меме "пока лено проблем" пфффф

  13. Bekon Ai

    как мы танцевали тогда😢♥️

  14. Giorgi Karseladze

    Me: OMG Jeffree starAlso me: I really like this song 😚

  15. HappyBoy


  16. June Bug

    He reminds me of Jeffree Star

  17. Vanessa reyes


  18. Marty Piras

    Ma italiani?

  19. кефир Маккартни

    ничего не понял, но очень интересно

  20. brazilian

    Cadê os br

  21. Pavel Aklyovkin

    А мелкая тётка что как бы фехтуя разгоняет всех от его скромной тушки не его ли жена?

  22. lol29

    he would be perfect for Doctor Facilier if they ever made the princess and the frog remake

  23. Рысгуль Кадырова

    Люблю ❤❤

  24. Suppremer

    Yow, the choreography is fckin lit

  25. Ray Black

    РАША ЛАВ Ю СТРОМАЕ❤️ (both of ur genders)

  26. Annabelle P

    Oh hey I didn't know Jeffree Star is actually an artist

    Damien Vega

    Poor Stromae

  27. Viola Bonacorsi

    Nessun italiano 🇮🇹?

  28. MissMimiMoohead Gaming

    Everyone: *Making jokes about “their” gender*Me: DOES IT MATTER?

  29. eternitaekook.95_97

    My friend suggested me to watch stromae and I am just fascinated right now

  30. Selin Yayalan

    Its a genius work.

  31. Luke Assassin

    Bye Lena Problem WTF!?

  32. Eclipsus Satsukino

    Imagine Francis Bonnefoy (aph france) singing this

  33. Can't Stop

    :v jaja español alguien?

  34. Sophie

    Lol how can someone be attractive as both genders, when I'm not even attractive as one

  35. Alexandros P.

    I just clicked because there is memes in the title

  36. Morgan LovelaceMusic

    I like this hook.

  37. Yuri Schroeder

    what i dont see any memes

  38. Kyana.

    why did i waste 5 years of French lessonsWHY

  39. Crystal Eanes

    Tu es fou? Matrice.........

  40. Samir Samirff

    Sadi9 hola samiry

  41. fishoutofwater

    i came from ursulas “dance” instagram story

  42. APTX 42

    0:35 Que no la música les recuerda a el meme animado Bye Lena Problem! Solo hay unas diferencias en el ritmo, pero aparte de eso son iguales!

  43. Хомячок Ven

    2.38 - the Lutece twins =)

  44. ALEH Bs

    i m from Brazil...

  45. Super BOI

    It is JoJo Reference?

  46. Smellys

    3:22 it’s like the YouTube gaming heart

  47. Naelly G Olime Galtes

    Trop coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllll!!!!☺😊😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😉😌😏😙😘😚😗😋😜😍😺😼😸😻😽👧👩

  48. BeepBoop •

    This soundtrack is from another song right?? Is this the song it's sampled from or is the song that sampled the track??

  49. JustSimple A.H

    why does e look like troye sivan mix with the short brown guy in ratatouille

  50. Fabio Alessandro


  51. David K

    When the website give you opportunity to check "other" at gender select

  52. Meyline2

    vivement un opus ... rendez-vous sûrement aux prochaines .... saisons ? ou bien la prochaine crise! il y a tant à dire avec la magie stromaelle !

  53. shige

    this actually looks like something from jojo?

  54. Sarah Wiki

    Clichés have entered the chat 😅

  55. Emanuele

    Basta omofobia e xenofobia. Il mondo è pieno d'odio diciamo basta ora e subito. Bellissima opera artistica.

  56. Igor Jovićević-Jov

    Is he stromale?


    You is gay

  58. オオーガスティン

    Está buenísimo el tema y super sampleable!

  59. _.Såkuurå ._

    Пока лена проблем ;)

  60. PathOfTian Delta

    Super !

  61. Predator_Taha

    Something is so hypnotyzing in this clip and i donno how

  62. Omega Tik

    Когда я послушал перевод как бы помягче сказать ПРИХРЕНЕЛ

  63. yo wassup baby yo man baby

    this is art

  64. Shiori Phantomhiveきっぅあ

    L'un des artistes français le plus originale

  65. Хороший Шрэк

    Мирби привет

  66. Pierre yves

    2 0 1 9 ?


    Sashay you stay

  68. hispter 666

    Good job french very tachie song

  69. Muzonic Top

    Hello, 2019!

  70. Sajad Zahid

    Why are you gay ? 😂

  71. bakary diallo

    C est drôle trop anglais pour une chanson française

  72. Léa Askenasi

    Vraiment fière de notre artiste belge!!! 🇧🇪

  73. Durarara

    Не могу свой коммент найти. Чёрт.

  74. Darling

    Пока Лена проблем? Кто нибудь?

  75. Егор Белов

    0:18 нужен ли свитер с сердцем

  76. Наталья Наумова

    Miss Stromae's masterpieces😪

  77. well I guess its over

    *my retarded ass in the morning wondering if I should dress masculine or feminine for the day*

  78. Emerald Eater

    1:11 the smoothest dance in the history of man.

    Arylm DaKing


  79. PROFESSOR X Cardinal Bertone

    Know (Sti) ce(what) tell(zic)=EU(Me). Understand very good what mean and tell

  80. Keen Asmr

    Мирби пока лена проблем)))

  81. winline 93

    чеза поеботина -_-

  82. iApplePro

    I love this song! 🎺🎺🎺🎺

  83. ремонт тачек ТВ


  84. Цикорий

    Пока Лена проблем

  85. Son of Crystal Pepsi

    This is just French Vento Aureo.

  86. Марина Степаненко


  87. 123 let's draw WORLD


  88. Denis Stepanov


  89. Татьяна Плосконос

    дима мерси рандеву рандеву о брошеный лимон

  90. Лиза

    ПокаЛЕНА проблем

  91. DJFireBall's Channel

    мама я в истории

  92. kriper2006 prominecraft

    Diavolo is liked it

  93. lon Wolf

    That's an art.

  94. Ondatra TiSean

    Удивительно, но женщину он играет убедительнее, чем мужчину.

    Ariel - Орёл

    xaxa npaBDa


    too many niggazzz

  96. ItzBrooksFTW

    too less memes

  97. FreshBoy Dante


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