mp3 indir dur

Stromae - Papaoutai

: Papaoutai
: 3.55 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 947 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 861 İndirme
: 15-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Stromae - Papaoutai )
  1. MisterDarcy1000

    Wonderful song.

  2. Pedro Anime

    666.661.619?????? What?

  3. Alexey Velmuzhov

    666 666 666 soon!

  4. 666悪魔

    666 Million views (:

  5. ROS Game play

    666,666,666 views published on the 6th month of the 6th day6 years ago6 total actors in the songedited 6 minutes laterand 6 likes on this comment ;)

  6. Thomas Olsen

    Something wrong here! where can I go to not end up here?

  7. Temmy Alabi

    Who's here at 666 million views and released June 6 2013, 6 years ago????

  8. A -3- Person

    My boyfriend showed me this song and I cant stop hearing it...

  9. ThisIsFrog

    It seems to be that point of the semester where everybody's French teacher is showing them this songFor me, I'm here because of Stromae's other songs 🤠🤠

  10. Trtle

    666 mil views

  11. Jakob Dudiak

    2:25 my man had a seizure lol😂

  12. Ali Sakkioglou

    666 mil views

  13. Giraffe Academy

    In my french class we have seats with famous french speaking people and my seat has stromae on it

  14. Dainion West

    French music goes hard for real

  15. celle ribeiro

    Ja falei que amo? ♥️

  16. Aleksyio

    666mi views and 6 years ago...I am blessed

  17. Amber Brambles

    Only know this song from French class in high school

  18. claudia ricci

    Ollare ollare


    Qui 2019?

  20. w33d games

    Finally 666 million vieuws

  21. parrot TV

    2:55 for some reason I can't stop watching this video..

  22. ptit pouulêt

    OMG 666m de vue

  23. Discret957lion

    666 m vue 😈


    666 mil

  25. 噶茶louftiiy

    666 millions de vues et en plus il y a 6 ans 😨Satan est présent 😱😱😱

    lotus Bleu

    Pour faire 667 il faut passer par 666

  26. Gorter Klint



    The Best Song I Never Listen

  28. Hasmik Gevorkyan

    / \666M ?? /👁️\

  29. Torche RaBeh

    أنا من الجزاءر وهذي bon musique

  30. RandomGameShowNL

    People talkin shit But no body knows the story behind this song

  31. Russian Digger

    666 миллиона

  32. Doch

    666 milyon sfsdfsdfsf

  33. 1brother 2 sister

    😎😎yah papa

  34. Deny Purnama

    Interesting mv

  35. Kaya Baba

    Even tough i have a Father, man i felt that !

  36. Anis BEng

    I remember seeing this for the first time and finding it really cool and weird ,but the dancing still looks kinda cool

  37. T4WER PRO

    666 millions de vues, rien de tel? hmm

  38. nikt

    There is only 0.1 % chance that you read this comment if you read this i want to say:...You are amazing ! :)

  39. ahmed missaoui

    احب هذه الرقصة 3:05

  40. adam talbi

    its 666m views and its been 6years now is it a coincidence 😈😈

  41. Аян Аитбаев

    666 views wtv?

  42. Teresa Amorim Pais

    My preferite and voice is the beauty song for you où t'es passé PAPA

  43. Marowstie


  44. Jose Antonio Garcia Salas

    Mmm 666 v

  45. Madelief Schol


  46. Авзал Саторов

    Где русские??

  47. Amir Joseph

    When you dont parle francais et englishKeine Schwäche zeigen!

  48. ja ne znam

    666 million views

  49. Riya k

    Can anyone tell me what this song means. I can't understand.

    Laavinesh Nithianandan

    Just turn the captions on or read the comments ! It is quite depressing but eye opening if you still got your Father ❤/💔

    Riya k

    @Laavinesh Nithianandan Thank you.

  50. Sergey Broyak

    Насколько же редки песни, наполненные смыслом, подобно этой. Спасибо!

  51. yasser qari

    the music was 6 years ago. Now, the total views is 666.ILLUMINATI !!

  52. tremør

    666 Million views

  53. せmぱy

    Жопа в траве,Эль дикель мешал мне дрелью,мам уйди трамвай собьет

  54. stupid

    Who’s here from macro?

  55. Sinan Pasha


  56. Kornelia Treder

    666mln views?Is it disturbing?😑

  57. GH - 09NK - Heart Lake SS (2462)

    i'm learning french !

  58. Bekzod Fayzulloev

    666M views, 6 years ago...

  59. Nihat B

    Whats up 2019?

  60. Daniël Weeling

    We are on 666 Million views boys, you know what that means

  61. hypfx

    nuketown feelings

  62. the game

    Il y a 666 million de vue...

  63. Matteo Ferrantelli

    C'est quoi ce nombre de vues ??

  64. Dav Chting

    666 Millions, je voulais qu'il atteigne 1 Milliard

  65. Youcef Merzoug

    C’est une chanson qui contient des paroles français mais les commentaires sont anglais 🤔

  66. Roel Van Duijnhoven

    Who is here before it goes viral Oh wait.....

  67. Chlorophos 10010

    666 million views, nice.

  68. Vida Martinez

    666 milion views :0

  69. Rom1_du_88 _

    La chanson est française y a presque aucun com en francais mdrr

  70. Clément Duval

    Stromae? BelgiumSong? FrenchComments? EnglishHotel? Trivago

  71. Sarusky Vodehnalová

    Utek táta utek, utek táta utek 🏃

  72. DamiDami 420

    666 M views !!!

  73. DiAZzo - Théo

    Nuketown en réel

  74. ais lina

    super musique !!! Des gens toujours là en 2019 ?? hihi

  75. Omar_VX

    666M views Dafuq

  76. Fluffy Girl

    666 m views *MMH OK*

  77. TheJack

    Dude this has 666 MLN views wtf?!

  78. Liverpool Football club

    А где французы??? Вымерли???я вижу чернокожих кругом...поющих на французском!Видимо Коренные французы канули в лету,как динозавры))))

  79. Zeitlose Hundetherapie

    The best

  80. Simon T

    Who’s here because of French class?

  81. jonny gonzalez

    Shout out my french teacher for showing me this banger. MS.G

    Golden Cube

    Lol same! He showed me this today! 😁👍👍👍

  82. خالد بندر .الحربي

    Youtube recommended:6 years ago 666M views VideoDevil: thats my boy


    Uplouded 2013-06-06

  83. Heilige Bewerkingen

    God verbied het. God liet niemand pijn doen.

  84. jakubovky

    0:37 Grove Street, home.

  85. Rocky Stokkie

    666 vieuws!!?

  86. Xdxd Kuba

    666M views lol

  87. Владимир Путин Владимирович

    2019? <3

  88. Timotej Janovec

    666 milion views. I can smell somthing bad...

  89. AnDrEw AnD

    666 млн просмотров!?

  90. Đông Py Trần

    6 years and 666M views 😍

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