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Stefflon Don - feat French Montana-Hurtin Me

feat French Montana-Hurtin Me
: feat French Montana-Hurtin Me
: 3.26 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 113 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 58 İndirme
: 12-08-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Stefflon Don - feat French Montana-Hurtin Me )
  1. Afrikan Bredda

    Gott Dammm she thick af....Bumboclatt😍😍😛

  2. bigart1993

    This isn't "thick", it's just plain old FAT!

  3. Empress Jewelz

    BAB ads girlfriend😈😈💣🔪🔪✊✊

  4. Shania Shelherd

    Love it😀😀😀😀😊😊😊😊

  5. Ngamba Marguerite

    Very much

  6. mayena

    Whats the name of the leading man, he looks familiar?.


    Nov 20, 2019 who is still there ,,,,,,, good tune

  8. Yusuf Tata

    she is very sexy

  9. Yusuf Tata

    I am Moroccon this woman is beautiful I love her I want an black .woman like her xxx

  10. GLjunior

    It's a 2 year old song yall acting like it came out in 1990

  11. ketty love

    nice tune

  12. Sherina Bruce

    Its about to be a new year and im still listening

  13. Sherina Bruce

    I will be your girlfriend

  14. David the big boy69

    Totally felt this like if y agree slayyyyy

  15. Fan Girl

    Love it 😍😍😍😍

  16. ramoy fuller

    2030 in the house

  17. Tamari Brown

    Her name is Ari

  18. Moimeme Alvarez

    Take out your wig ugly

  19. Catrina Mwende

    How is still here in November 2019

  20. Lou Hall

    Breakfast in darlin bacon is callin big up ms DON


    any one rewinding the song 20 times

  22. Joivian Bell

    I 'm still listening November 2019

  23. Anthony Payne

    Damn thats a phat ass 🍑🔥😍

  24. Nadine Mills Jones

    Yes it is hurtin me

  25. Emy-77

    October 2019

  26. Karls borrys Bivigou mbadinga

    Everyone's song where are you in 2019 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  27. Ali Allahuakbar

    The most disgusting song ever oh and it’s hurting me me me me and 🤢🤮

  28. Neya H

    150m viewers 👀😳

  29. Dr0pkidd

    You wanna take your song from great to average? Feature French Montana.

  30. Summer Tipping

    Love you

  31. Mirsad Mešić

    Budget Nicki Minaj

  32. Advic77

    Shoutout 👏👏👏 to all the producers giving 🎼 dope beats 🎼 but no recognition!!!😎

  33. kaiden shay

    My mother loved this song 😅

  34. Empress Jewelz

    BAB ass girlfriend💣💣🔪🔪

  35. miss reinha loveya

    Love this❤ the way he looked at her at the end tho😩😯

  36. Abdinasser Mehmet

    Stefflon Don: "i heard u got a new girlfriend... and it's hurtinn' me"Montana: "I got a girl and my girl got a girl too"Lmao

  37. Mrcool Mrcool

    This song is fire it should have more views. Montanaaaaaaaaaa 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  38. fixmeplate

    Me cause I finally figured out who singles it lol

  39. Rachel Farmer

    Me, this song is hot

  40. Fouad Melliani


  41. Khadijah Ferdush

    Me I’m still listening it in November it’s the best

  42. Christopher Johnson

    I’m Listening! Great Song! Great Video!

  43. Kadididiatou Traore

    This song is on fire September 1

  44. Mila Hence

    how is this made 3 years ago !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Peace Shati

    november 11 im stil in.....

  46. Shotabdi Barua

    No one: Literally no one:I swear no one:Not even my soul:Everybody in comments: *wHo iS wATcHinG ThIS In NovEMBer (or any month) 2019*


    and the irony is that your comment is 100x worse

    Shotabdi Barua

    @harrietthepenguin lol and u what u r wrong and ur comment... *sigh* no worries kid u will grow up one day

    Krkek Oeurruu3

    Who remembers when comment sections were about the video

    Shotabdi Barua

    @Krkek Oeurruu3 nah...not me

  47. Dolores Blake

    She kill it

  48. la Queen 78

    Pk y a pas de fr

  49. tokunbo olubori

    I will slap that man on the cheek and punch him in the nose for breaking up with you

  50. janiffer kwamboka

    If you're are replaying this song HIT A THUMBS UP ☆★♡♥

  51. rayray 60

    Who listening this for the first time?

  52. Christopher McDonnell

    Who is not listening in November 2019 and instead just pausing the video to read comments?

  53. Emperor Tekashi

    November 2019?

  54. joe bellic

    Seriously Steflon Don. Don buy a bacon burner. Maybe a metaphor

  55. Odraude blanco

    november 7/2019

  56. Odraude blanco

    I`M LISTENING and i really like it

  57. shuceb cabdi diirane

    Who else is listen 2020 like Plz if love me hh

  58. Liban NassiR koodbuur


  59. Sweet BabyRuth

    Feeling this on so many levels

  60. Aaminah Atkinson

    That's a warning

  61. Aaminah Atkinson

    If kids is watching 👀 please don't theres twerking

  62. Aaminah Atkinson

    I love this song ok stefflon don

  63. Susan Locklear

    Fresh Mountain

  64. Benedicta Eyram

    I really love this song or I'm in love with this song rather

  65. Tyshawn Williams

    Bangga 4 sure

  66. shedeva campbell

    Over fkn rated song .. btw I stumbled upon while listening to other songs IT switched to this over played tune

  67. Rahmarammy Cliff


  68. Monique De Jong

    Nov 2019!

  69. Taetae BangtAn

    Everyone: who else 👇🏻Me:Turn this blue👇🏻

  70. Abbi-lynn Wise Independent Scentsy Consultant

    whos the man in this video damn,, me likey alot!!!! ;) ( grey sweater that was in the pics with stefflon )

  71. RoxX Ali FITNESS

    This song still a tune in November 2019..anyone's?????

  72. kisaye Kapama

    Waiting for u and diamond platnumz

  73. Mathieu Castel

    J'adore ce que tu fais French Montana, je découvre ce son, qui est juste extra ! Avant j'ai écouté le titre Unforgettable , que je trouve encore meilleur ! L'Afrique, les USA, rien ne te résiste, c'est cool ! Surtout un arabe qui chante avec les noirs, vu les tensions qui existent entre les 2 communautés... Respect ! Continue comme ça !

  74. Kamatt Léii Célèbre

    Who's linstening this in 2019 ???

    Bella Bell

    Meee...and I'm still loving it

  75. janiffer kwamboka

    What a wonderful song Gongrats don

  76. Saad COiffure yosa


  77. Alafredi Matthews

    My artist this enu♥️♥️♥️♥️ i love stefflon so much this song my ringtone 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  78. Jayla Trooops

    2019-2020 anybody

  79. shanike green

    Nov 2019

  80. Alpha Yaya Condé

    I love you Stefflon don

  81. Bankole O.

    Who else is listening to this song is November 2019

    Toks Osayameh

    Bankole, I am listening to this dope music 😊😉

    Aceky Alexis

    @Aidan .C that's true famous lol x

    Aceky Alexis

    I've actually met steflon don too lol down in Wellington lol and jcole

  82. Ann Marie Agard

    Check the Sizzla reference at the end "dry cry, even heart cries" brrrrrrr. Love both Steff and Sizzla👏🏽👏🏽🇦🇬

  83. Hasan Ercan

    love it, wicked tune, she is HOT

  84. Leanora Williams

    You can not replace a life...

  85. Roma Deonarain

    Hurtin me

    HA GCH

    hiriéndome 😢

  86. R Singh

    Your 47 song KicksAss

  87. Pk Pk

    She is so hot, sexy

  88. Velmah cecile

    Here cos I had a guy I loved with my all. He was in the army. He moved on with a close friend of mine. Shit hurt fucking bad.

  89. Stanley Njane

    whos hjere in november

  90. Lada Djjddj

    November 2019

  91. Coursing King

    How tf is 2 years already 😭

  92. MissAki1

    Anyone listening November 2019?

    Darth Vader

    Why do u care lol


    @Darth Vader You took your time out to reply, so you definitely care😘

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