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Ski Mask The Slump God - LA LA

: 2.33 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 81 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 67 İndirme
: 09-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ski Mask The Slump God - LA LA )
  1. Daniel

    2:08 black airforce 1 energy

  2. Jeffery Williams

    Listen to it and look in the background stop at 55 look in the background

  3. Cloud 4

    But...What if THAT is actually THIS and....Maybe were trippen...

  4. cool boy

    Who listening at the park


    I saw XXXTENTACION!!!!!!!!

  6. Rawa gamer mnm

    i saw x

  7. Rawa gamer mnm

    x not dead

  8. I Oofed you

    2 mins in Me: Mr. Zodiac killer you bets be careful cus x Comin

  9. c belit

    my boy x

  10. Eilyas Shafie

    Don’t zoom at the face he look like a drunk man raping 1:08

  11. Alejandro Arguello

    At the end i saw xxx in the end of the song

  12. The Ultimate GOD

    0:44 who saw xxxxtentacion by the tree?

  13. Dareious Wilson

    wish it was x

  14. logan henning

    We already lost 1 god witch was Xxx we cant lose another god witch is you we are so lucky to have you as a rapper and All rappers go to heaven Rip Xxx

  15. Titia Shabyne

    2:18 xxxtentacion

  16. Ronald Miguel Silva Lo,d,e!3ureto

    2:19 is xxx tentacion

  17. Ultimate gamer rosky23


  18. LikableCrib81

    who else saw x at 0:41

  19. I am Galaxy

    Kinda sounds like red dot by krimelife🧐🤨

  20. Troy Dinero

    Does that mean x is a live yay is x I'm crying right now 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😭😭😭😭

  21. Anthony paiva

    Is that x

  22. MMA Elite

    X at the end! Awesome

  23. LaSonya Hughez

    Ski mask went rage dam ski mask said no games

  24. bautizo Ejempl

    En el minuto 50 a parece xxtentacion

  25. SpyBlueJ

    0:49 is the best part


    The quiet kid in ski's mind: Has his head downHe slowly raises his head *its literally X*

  27. Virginia Bermúdez


  28. Mikael Fridthjofsson

    X is in the vid 😶

  29. Vladimir Balog

    That was x

  30. LikableCrib81


  31. Waffle Man 2000

    Jesus loves me yes I know


    MOLLY !

  33. Tntgolf 4553

    2:18 iconic

  34. Huncho_ lowkey

    0:50 randy orton slithering like a snake rko outta no where

  35. Alex Sandbergen

    Rip to X man i know he is heaven spreading peace

  36. Haidr_98AJ Evelyn

    Man I miss x wearing his Louis bag and his black air forces

  37. lee gaming 654boyz


  38. Cayden Clan

    Me:pastes fastest kidFastest kid:0:460:46Correction passes

  39. 21Sports

    quiet kids mind:13 year old boys: HAhA you have nOo frIeNds Kid!!!Quiet kid: *gets axe*

  40. Mechew Barb

    Did they have x wearing black forces

  41. Potato Salad baby gurl

    Skis song has 3 seconds of silence: Ski:WaTeR

  42. Lil Gun

    Man that is so tough for ski mask that his best friend x lost his life😔😔😔😔


    Ski really sampled himself

  44. Wtf D3luXe

    Is that x

    prod. young daln

    yea nah totally thats just a random dude that in the description it says LLJ

  45. Ghost Dragonslayer

    Yo in the end of the video the guy who snapped the other guys neck it's xxxtentacion I just now noticed

  46. LilCracker

    This song makes me piss blood and puss

  47. OkamiTale

    Aye man, didn’t u see that tree?

  48. wavingyetiyt Eberhardt

    I think slump mad because i think when he said fuck that nigga name griff i think that is who killed him

  49. wavingyetiyt Eberhardt

    Guy with axe:thiz dude already dedX with no weapon:im a man of god bitch

  50. Jason jr Ivy

    At the end that's xxx

  51. Takari Dickerson

    Did anyone see x

  52. Jacob Hallahan

    Did u plan to have x in the background yes or no?

  53. jordan hernandez

    No way thats x

  54. tata Alexander

    0:44 u can see xxx in the back ground

  55. Game Clips Beyond

    Me to my mother when I ask for the new call of duty and he says Don't you have that already? 1:18

  56. Slim Santana

    Shity shity shity

  57. Gabrielle Gamble

    Daddy ski

  58. Phil swift swift Phil

    Use me as a replay button: 0:00

  59. Phil swift swift Phil

    Imagine living with this dude

  60. Dylan on 60 fps

    This ani't that bitch that ani't this

  61. reee BOI

    2:04 when the homie x gonna kill the guy with a bag on his head by easily snapping his neck

  62. Tintu Dinkleshplatt

    When your mom makes you do homework 0:14

  63. Memes vs ur iq So are u sure

    X is like get the frick out of here

  64. papa putther

    I like his reaction when the other ski takes ski's truckEdit: mispelled a word

  65. Carmen Salcedo

    Was that x

  66. Aujanique Mackowiak

    How you in the woods and ain’t scared 😱 we’ll that’s ski mask

  67. Dønavin Schrøeder

    skiPLZ 0:54-0:56

  68. Madison Thomas

    at 0:50 u can see x in the back

  69. hellow :3

    Like si vieron a xxxtentation .-. En la 0:54 y 2:18

  70. Frongo 104

    0:27 dat gives me flashbacks of when I used to put ketchup in my mouth and tell my mom I was bleeding ( I’m probably the only one that did that)

    Phil swift swift Phil

    No your not the only one

    Phil swift swift Phil

    I did it all the time and she would freak out

  71. Parker Tourangeau


  72. Lil Pip136

    I saw X #LLX #LLJ

  73. big banana

    At 0:51 you can see X in the background.LLJ Rest In Peace X.💔

  74. The John Show

    First time I heard ski was with x then x kinda drifted away in it was mostly ski that I liked but X and Ski were for sure the best duo around rip X and keep on Ski your music is 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 can’t wait to see your next moves

  75. Yeeters Yeeters

    Is that x in the back?

  76. mf gg

    When he said Molly I loved that part he needs to sound like that more

  77. CC The Curry God

    The class clown when he gets home and doesn’t have to make everyone laugh

  78. Duncan Teng

    2:5 it’s X!

  79. Duncan Teng

    It was X in the background!

  80. Caleb Williams

    Ski Mask the Slump God is pretending to be a Vampire

  81. Memes vs ur iq So are u sure

    X I feel so happy he back yes

    Anonymous Unknown

    He Aint Back Hes Dead ,

  82. Kj styles

    2:19 mind of x:IM BACK NIGHA

  83. B3a5tm0d3 909

    WaitX is keeping death from coming to ski

  84. Shanni Bella

    Is that x in the back

  85. lil#c gang

    X in the background : where the popcorn 0:56

  86. название потом придумаю


  87. narle bueno

    Esta cancion tiene un secreto oscuro

  88. Taryn Celestine


  89. Julissa Butler

    but at the end of the video Ski Started to Notice Jahseh Standing in front of the truck

  90. TTVKID in the house garcia

    At 0:50 xxxtentacion was by the ree

  91. Julissa Butler

    XXX is Hiding Idk if Jahseh even Noticed Ski

  92. The Rock With Socks

    lol did anybody notice that while he's singing the song in the background said "water" in 0:03

    M3oo7 G

    The Rock With Socks the song is catch me outside. It’s just a thing he does

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