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Ski Mask The Slump God - Faucet Failure

Faucet Failure
: Faucet Failure
: 2.37 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 194 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 169 İndirme
: 09-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ski Mask The Slump God - Faucet Failure )
  1. XentricX

    Holy shit he doesn't need autotune

  2. Emma Kelly

    “I used this as a perfect metaphor”Okay damn...

  3. S'Mya Beckham


  4. link

    Just became a fan of $ki mask give me some good songs from him to me

  5. Alone

    my friend tarbaree reminds me of ski

  6. Mia Moore

    I fucking love ski 😁😍

  7. Huck Andrews

    It’s surprising when u see this then u listen to nuketown he is like a whole different person

  8. Pewdiep1 e

    Who else came here after watching faucet failure and wanted to see if he had autotune

  9. Strawberry

    T H I S M A N H A S A F A N N Y P A C K

  10. Reaction Gamer

    yo same ski mask

  11. Pure !!!

    The only rapper that admits he shops at thrift shop

  12. Smol Bean Queen UWU

    Nobody:literally NO one:Ski: i got my Xbox controller in here

  13. Smol Bean Queen UWU

    i like how he pronounces A L L of the background noise

  14. Dope little dude111

    4:07 when she sucking yo balls and accidentally lick the booty hole

  15. Lexus Stick

    I miss X so much 😭😭😭

  16. yee haw?

    the fact that he actually sounds like the song unlike a lot of people

  17. caitlin spry

    I love him a lot more cuz he thrift shops too

  18. caitlin spry

    He x real friend

  19. Jojo

    يياليييييل جيت بسمعها عشان يوضح لي النطق بس يبلع الحروف

  20. Valeria Aguilar Rivera

    One word HoT

  21. Cooler

    Literally me and my presentation on human geography:

  22. Jayden Dayap

    ski mask i bet misses x ;/

  23. Misted_Fresh

    He is flyer than a ostrich because they don’t fly so he is flyer

  24. Nekku.Deu$9

    If you search ostrich flying on youtubeFaucet failure appearsInsane

  25. Kerrigan Dashiell

    Ski mask fine as hell nice ass smile ❤️

  26. Dallas Drager

    Bruh Miley Cyrus is not hot but Hananna Montana tho

  27. justhoxx

    whatchu put you foot in *socks*“laughs at himself in embarrassment”

  28. Magicarp used FLY

    He talk like a white dude

  29. Senne Langeveld

    3:28 IM BROKE HAHA

  30. Alonso Orozco

    I want to meet him

  31. Joshua Rosado

    I like this dude he knows me

  32. Dripp Kidd

    “woof spsshhh”💀

  33. the letter E

    It could be weed it could be uh... I'm not going to name anything else but it could be *weed*

  34. K1LLZ ツ

    Straight A’s in english

  35. Aujanique Mackowiak

    Ski mask like like xxx

  36. jack williams

    X was deadass the stupid friend 😂😂😂😭😭🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ rip to that nigga bro 💯💔

  37. Sezja Gaines

    This boi.......... INNOCENT AS ANY OF THE RAP COMMUNITY CAN GO!!!!!!!

  38. Hello There

    I literally thought it said just bought a new suga bop

  39. Nish Millington

    I know ostriches can't fly...he has my type of humour

  40. Summer Vlogs

    Him and Jah together was one of the best, funny, real, well spoken, and free spirited combinations ever💙

  41. PRO ZOE GAMING Beasley

    Ski mask laughs just like x 😥

  42. I Will Eat Your Children

    Ski Mask: Does literally nothingAlso Ski Mask: Hahahahaha

  43. Amayiha Thompson

    Xbox sucks

  44. Zzz zzZ

    Why barely got to see skis personality when he was always with x, they were a great duo no doubt. In ski and x interviews ski never really talked. He was probably shy back then I remember in a live stream he said he had anxiety so yea. He’s actually really smart and has a well thought out rap sheet

  45. ii_JacobQ PG

    Only rapper that i can actually understand

  46. Dat Boi

    Huzzah a man of quality

  47. Brenda D

    K so ngl ski is finee

  48. mísfîtemø xø

    He hella fine tho. *That laugh* 😍

  49. CRAZY SHIT tv

    Ski is a trash rapper but a cool dude

  50. dylan freidman

    4:33 he rlly smoke newport

  51. Sydney Panchal

    Yeah I dont see how any1 could hate this guy he's so humble

  52. Ethan Donald '20

    Damn that’s dope

  53. chick nug GAWWWD

    He don't need autotune

  54. 28Panter1

    Why does it sound like he either took something or he is just a super chill dude

  55. Batman 113

    That's that real nigga right there with tha xbox controller

  56. vCxrly

    No one:Ski mask: I got my Xbox controller in here. 🤣🤣 4:33

  57. Nix ASMR

    Is it me or he has two different personalities?


    I always thought the ostrich line was him saying that he wasn't fly

  59. Canned Flab

    they can just hover😂😂

  60. Simona Hreňová

    i think the way he speaks is pretty similar to the way x spoke 💁 don't @ me

  61. Brandon Ardon

    this niqqa suck without x


    Yo mamma suck nigga

  62. Jonathan Valentina

    Slump god pray for XXX RIP I miss him he wasn't bad he was a good guy who ever killed him I hope they go to hell

  63. luis villa

    The sad thing is tik tok ruined the song

  64. Falyn Scott-Stewart

    Bro I thought he would be more I guess crazy but man he so chill

  65. Cmoney Kool

    I'm going to Florida now ayeee

  66. Patricia Meza-Espinoza

    I love ski

  67. Patricia Meza-Espinoza

    li love ski

  68. Kaylah Babyy

    He reminds me of X just the things he says 😭

  69. Natalie Stoffel

    he’s a whole english major

  70. Cameron The One Vegas

    I thought you meant as fast as it

  71. Libby Stendah

    Listening to him speak and laugh 🥰 omg

  72. Berzan Goybulak

    Who tf be disliking this video bruh

  73. XGN Metric

    he seems like good friend material

  74. Themegod Z

    Let's Make a deal go sub to me and if they don't like my comment don't give a f*** 😂😂😂😂

  75. Dylan Clark

    Let's make a deaaaaaaal

  76. marin elise

    For some reason when be laughs he reminds me of Billie Eilish


    fuacet failure is honestly the worst song ive ever heard like every time it comes on i just leave or wanna kill myself like its so bad and annoying

  78. Elizax

    So...NOoO one is gonna talk about how ski is taller lmaoooo

  79. Cristiano CR7

    "I got my xbox controller in here"😂

  80. Humanist 101

    1:00 the way he says okay


    I LOVE YOU SKI MASK!! I need to chill with him. I bet he would be the coolest, most chill and down to earth person to chill with. Of course, besides my baby Jahseh. LONG LIVE X WE LOVE YOU!!

  82. Kalandria Thomas

    I nodding my head to him talk as if he’s in face talking to me personally 😂😂😂😂

  83. christina abdalla

    he's so cuteee🤤🤤

  84. Rick Ross

    Worst song ever

  85. Steven Narine

    Omg ski mask smokes cigarettes he’s so intelligent and attractive and shops at thrift stores 😂

  86. xxxTenatacion

    Mybroripx 🖤♠️🖤♠️🖤

  87. unwxnted

    if i go to juice will i talk like that

  88. LifeWithSydney

    i thought he would’ve been white-


    LifeWithSydney What?

  89. HobbyVids

    Your crush will love you back!!👇🏻like to activate.

    Efrén Pérez

    What if you already have somebody?

    Sir Cumsplat

    your wont tho


    I already have a girl

    ayden lipman

    @Efrén Pérez you're nine


    im ugly so.

  90. PSNX Clan


  91. mylittleponyutsi

    he look like my gta online character

  92. Mason Schuster

    TBH he looks like Billie eillish

  93. Izzycle 15

    Teacher: do you guys have your homeworkWhole class: 0:52

  94. SillyWhiteDaddy

    He’s cute Frfr and he sound well rounded

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