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Sia - Elastic Heart

Elastic Heart
: Sia
: Elastic Heart
: 4.69 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 935 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 500 İndirme
: 21-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sia - Elastic Heart )
  1. Dana litsa F

    LOVE YOU Sia (#!#) 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎬🎧🎼🎸💜❤️🧡💛💛💚💙💚💛🧡❤️💞

  2. Adu Du

    Jika anakku melihat ini percayalah aku sangat menyayangi IBUMU

  3. Minecraft Guy

    I hate u, u r shitty

  4. Ann Do

    u are great perfect woman SIA! the great Artist!

  5. Marcus Powers

    We won't see your face either! Lol

  6. Maryam Hayder


  7. eldi kurniawan

    When sia sang this song it sound so hard to sing maybe cuz she is too perfect for all of her song . Anyone who tried to cover her song will never be on par with her . Not to sound bad for the people who tried cover her song but she is a one in a century singer .

    way up softly roberts

    Facts nobody came close to her


    Love this bitch

  9. Zanele Wardle

    Has anyone ever seen her face?

    DeAsia Hubbard

    Zanele Wardle if you watch her older music video. You can see her face

  10. con hum

    someone here on October 28th?

  11. UESPI/PARNAÍBA#História só história

    Bom e diferente!

  12. supernovatunes Lego

    Sia, soundz amazing live!! This is the beauty of her amazing nature. 8*).

  13. Akuila Ravosai

    She honestly is extremely TALENTED!!

  14. vanessa holguin

    Me funciono¡¡ gracias

  15. Nit Majera

    How pure she is.. No one like here 💓

  16. chinamaringa solomon

    Sia is awesome So is this one2019? Anyone ✋

  17. Alireza Pourebrahim

    واقعاً صدات معجزه میکنه یه شاهکاره ❤️🤔

  18. dominic spiller

    When your great enough your voice does swearing, no bullshit.. love Sia ❤😘

  19. Paul James Brady

    I’d go as far as to say she sounds better live than in a studio

  20. tnpfâ noticias filme e series

    ótima musica

  21. oxy GEN

    Autotune leave the stage

  22. HSR Terapeuta

    Sia, es simplemente única, la potencia de su voz es asombrosa, me tiene cautivada

  23. Diêgo Trindade

    Tão natural quanto a luz do dia. Lindaaaaa

  24. Andrea Rodriguez

    Amo a Sia ❤que gran artista 🌷

  25. Diana Kautwima

    This woman can sing without any movement or whatsoever, you’ll be awestruck by her voice, it’s her voice , so powerful that draws you.

  26. juan silvestre Servin

    Su vos es arte

  27. Felipe Silva

    Até ao vivo ela é perfeita.

  28. kat C.

    She's so not into it

  29. kat C.

    So auto matic.

  30. Doina Marin

    Incomparabil și fără egal. Cine mai cântă ca acest STAR INTERNAȚIONAL. Să se bage sub pat tot și toate, de spun că sun cântărețe.

  31. Luiz Carlos Carlo


  32. Antonello Esposito

    Sia is super 🎤! She is Unstoppable..💪

  33. vanusa vieira

    Maravilhosa ❤

  34. Paulo Victor

    mui indetic ! Is Real Music , love English !

  35. Kami Vids

    Lol i really thought it was some live or something until i saw the judge

  36. Slim Shady

    My beautiful angel ghost 🖤

  37. Marina Mochovska

    Thank y for Your Exhistence on the Planet

  38. Febe mouni


  39. sonic min

    I guess heart with Love is ultimate detergent cleansing all evil thoughts attempting to invade our souls, according to the Bible, also.

  40. bbosa isaack

    The only pop artist I love in ma lyf.#Sia big up on uor self.

  41. Marco Curtinha

    it is not a real Sia on States, she don't have a tattoos on arms :)

  42. Jean Mamani

    SIA SONG 2019

  43. Chris Lewis

    Why didn't she take Maddie along?? :(

  44. Kurlz

    For people that doesn't know. She is suffering from panic attacks and also she wanted to commit suicide. Wearing wig helps her with performance.

  45. Jhonnatan lipa


  46. Paulo Eduardo Souza

    Meu Deus, que voz

  47. Keith Kastner

    Sia, actually opens up the timeportal to the inner mind transformutating music into time rhythm temporal flux frequency modulation transkinetic mental visual teleportation

  48. Juan Jose Aviles

    La mejor cantante de todo el mundo sia

  49. Balthazar samehada


  50. sonic min

    Although you don’t agree with the lyrics some or all of it, still like it if singer, melody, dance, or just voice tone is favorable. Itz like that Lord’s Prayer is not the most popular Hymn although it supposedly be one of the most popular instead we love Holy Night more probably. And, some songs are like a movie theme or a science fiction as you all already know. Time to get rid of too much of obsessions, which is hurting your mind and spirits already too much.

  51. Dixia Sierra


  52. Costel S.

    OMG, was it LIVE???

    Nurul Loves Sia

    Yes it's live

  53. Артем Якубенок


  54. Sara Gazcon

    No se ustedes, pero 8yo no pagaría por ver una peluca, mejor pongo sus canciones en casa

  55. Nendra Bufon

    Cilacap bercahaya

  56. jesse rafferty

    Greatest sounding lamp of our time!

  57. iamkev

    Sia is acually better live as on the recording.

  58. Dimitri James Savachquiski-Parsley

    True artist. Nothing else needed just her

  59. Mireya Cruz

    Creo q no es sia ... si no la hija del tio cosa....¡¡¡¡¡¡🤣🤣🤣🤣......el q sabe ... sabe

  60. cemarint 14


  61. Rebecca Tobena

    Her voice is enough to fill the stage! No movement, no dancing, yet still so captivating

  62. Diele Pinheiro

    Perfeita, amo 😍😍😍😍

  63. Thaismara Monteiro

    Canta demais, voz maravilhosa. Aaamoooo

  64. Natthakit Korsawatpat

    this is what we call pure art

  65. Dinha Souza

    Definição de Perfeição 👏👏💕

  66. Mônica Mo


  67. Jhonnatan lipa

    10M 🥀

  68. Rowena botio

    i don't know but i want to fix that hair infront of her cause i want to see her face... sorry for being rude

  69. pato0114

    Wow what a voice 🎼

  70. Red Lavish

    The greatest female artist of all time without a doubt.

  71. Cheryl Diamond

    She shines bright like a diamond alright....with that elastic heart... bouncing out and down the chandelier ... because she is is falling to pieces.... of titanium! Bhahahahahah!

  72. Maria Jose Arancibiata

    Tus canciones llegan a lo profundo de mi alma, me llega cada cancion sabes interpretar tanto con tu voz... me encanta!!

  73. Amélie

    Brasilllll sia te amo

  74. Monica Parra

    I Love All Of Her., Its Perferct, She Is My Ídol *-*

  75. Tracey Tomlinson

    Sia <3 u.

  76. Carolina Aquino



    She is the only artist that's got an auto-tune down her throat

    Erick santos silva

    She and Adele.

  78. yuda agung

    she just trully artist

  79. Kamii Aileen

    Se me pone la piel de gallina cuando la escucho cantar 🎤 la verdad que es increíble como canta esta mina 😍😍 como no enamorarse ..

  80. Jeanne WAMBO

    Wahoo her voice is even more mesmerising live😢😢😢😢! What an amazing vocal

  81. jhonatan andres niño sotelo

    0 coreografía 100 voz 100 interpretación. Ella si es una verdadera cantante!

  82. Fernando Correnta

    Amazing voice

  83. Ynaug Kabah

    Porqué comenzó a taparse la cara???

  84. Alejandra Rivera

    Una voz única que no necesita Mostrar más que eso, mi ídolo. ❤️

  85. San Diego Coin

    She must be in her own little world up there in stage behind her hair. Seems like the BEST way to perform if you want to really get lost in the music etc

  86. Carlos -


  87. mariano Exequiel Marquez tomavich

    Hermoso tema que voz por dios!!!

  88. v3l1 999

    true talent 💓

  89. Jamie Jones

    She's such a so down to earth person wish I were there

  90. Bonnie Jean

    The last line she sings "erratic heart"....I think?!

  91. Ron Spilsbury

    #Ruredy Music Playlist. Sia Rocks

  92. Felipe Brockveld

    can't wait my NDA

  93. Shailesh Rawal

    Love ur voice

  94. Артур Старков

    I love it❤

  95. Николай Маргвелашвили

    от её голоса я испытываю асмр негу и расслабление - всё изнутри и снаружи щекочет

  96. Nathalie Rodriguez

    Can relate...💔

  97. zZAD

    She has magic voice

Elastic Heart Şarkı Sözü
And another one bites the dust

Oh, why can I not conquer love?

And I might have thought that we were oneWanted to fight this war without weapons

And I wanted it, I wanted it bad

But there were so many red flags

Now another one bites the dust

Yeah, let's be clear I'll trust no one

You did not break me

I'm still fighting for peace

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

But your blade it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

Cos I've got an elastic heart

I've got an elastic heart

Yeah, I've got an elastic heart

And I will stay up through the night

Let's be clear won't close my eyes

And I know that I can survive

I'll walk through fire to save my life

And I want it, I want my life so bad

I'm doing everything I can

Then another one bites the dust

It's hard to lose a chosen one

You did not break me

I'm still fighting for peace

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

But your blade it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

Cos I've got an elastic heart

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

But your blade it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

Cos I've got an elastic heart

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

But your blade it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

Cos I've got an elastic heart

I've got an elastic heart.

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