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Sam Lee - Good Bye My Darling

Good Bye My Darling
: Good Bye My Darling
: 4.16 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 60 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 45 İndirme
: 23-12-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sam Lee - Good Bye My Darling )
  1. fernando rafael

    muito impressionante!

  2. Helpie _Lad

    Great song mate. Can't beat a bit of Folk and Irish tunes. Think I speak for every Peaky Blinders fan when I say "you HAVE to bring out the song you sang at the gypsy wedding" I know the lyrics are in Airdog, but the song on PB is a great catchy jig tune and you sang it brilliantly.

  3. dark banana

    Fantastic mate

  4. Linda Frederick

    Would love to hear Sam sing the mountain songs of the Appalachians-we are not aware enough of Sam here in the States


    I love that idea Linda.

  5. Brajesh Kumar

    Great music and voice.. will love to to listen more..

  6. Brajesh Kumar

    Great music and voice.. will love to to listen more..

  7. alexandra kjaerulff gummer

    I would think of my darling forever, oh and so much more. Love this :)

  8. Volker Schutz

    This is Europa.

  9. Volker Schutz

    That´s a curragh, nést pas?


    Coracle.........The Curragh is race course in Ireland.

  10. Pete McEwen

    Come to Sheffield Sam- you can have a wizz in your boat on Ladybower.

  11. Pete McEwen

    Such a beautiful beautiful man and singer. He's taking a big risk in that corrical on the Thames. Very strong tidal river. It must be at slack water -or he'd be in trouble ! Love him. To die for.


    He was a wilderness survival instructor. I met him in Canada, and he and his band excitedly asked me for tips on locations to sea kayak.

  12. Kassandra Ayala

    so f cursing good!!!!!

  13. Daphne Roubini

    I love this, and my favourite part of Londinium!

  14. Joanne Cooper

    Loved this. Keep up the good work Sam

  15. Harma Zeedijk

    Wow!!  Such a warm sound.

  16. Yashesh Bharti

    sam please dont stop here :( come up with more songs please :( it's been 8 months since you have been active 

  17. guitarmaninthedrum


  18. Honest Stoner

    love this. good folk music

  19. Uwe Reckzeh

    Dear Sam, very beautyfull! Is it possible to get the lyrics? Want to sing it too!

  20. 124august

    And so are you, a beauty so enchanting and heavenly that even a sorrow could turn into greater joy just by gazing at you. Goodbye my darling.

  21. Gábi Škorníková

    Saw you during the Colours festival and it just made my day :) Thank you very much for that. I used to listen to old english, scottish and irish folk songs since I was a little girl and it always gives me such a warm feeling that I can't explain. Your voice is truly great! :)

  22. baileysisters


  23. Micheal MacSiocais

    I'm old enough to remember the great Luke Kelly. .. He'd have loved this. I have a sneaking suspicion the Thin White Duke will take an interest in this for some reason. ...

  24. supardu

    I really enjoyed this, Sam.

  25. Stephen Whitaker

    Oh no it's an Aran Jumper! Not so much 'Alt-folk' as old 'Folk' returned. At least the Spinners had some jolly tunes and didn't take themselves soooo seriously.

  26. infotogt

    Finally i can see our shoots! :D Thank you Neil, Luke and Tanja! Hope to work with you again!And obviously thank you Sam, a great great artist.Gaetano

  27. filamenttheatreuk

    Lovely Sam. I love the fact that nobody bats an eyelid that you're carrying a coracle on your back!

  28. elmour

    just beautiful... I got your album for a christmas present to myself!

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