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Rita Ora - feat Cardi-Girls

feat Cardi-Girls
: feat Cardi-Girls
: 3.37 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 73 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 59 İndirme
: 13-08-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Rita Ora - feat Cardi-Girls )
  1. King Sush

    I can't handle that kiss🙈

  2. John Ling

    John ling

  3. HR!T NICK

    Ajob dabi boss 😂

  4. Larry the llama

    I support her all the way.

  5. Rated Rex

    Ah yes. Who wudnt love a 4-way with Rita Ora, Cardi B, Bebe Rexha and Charli XCX😉

  6. Mikayel Միքայել

    Bebe's voice is literally what keeps me alive, I really adore her so much♥️

  7. sundos amor

    📲Whatapps *00212.644.626.928*بــحــكــيــلــكــم💁‍♀️ يـا بــنــات عـن تـجـربـتـي الـنـاجـحـة🥳 فــي تـكـبـيـر الــثــدي👍 والأرداف👍 اسـتـعـمـلـت وصـفـة مــذهــلــة ونـتـايـجـهـا عــن جــد رائـعـة👈تــواصــلــي مــعــي عـشـان أشـرح لــك الــوصــفــة الـواتـس اب *00212.644.626.928*📲

  8. Diego Escobar

    Did u kiss cardi ?

  9. chosenix

    i thought charli xcx is straight????

  10. Laura Rivera

    I'm that Laura she sang about. :)

  11. Cambodian Nut

    Lesbian: like. (If you a lesbian hello 👏join 👏my 👏group)Bisexual: comment

  12. Ari & Maddie & LM

    Türkler burda mı?? 😝💙😁

  13. NORO 49

    Rita love and adore You.💋💋💋 thank you.💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💞❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍💋👌👌👌👌🙏.

  14. Bagus Suak

    Lagu ne penak e tenan mbak ayu ayu kabeh 😘😘😘

  15. Jade smith

    It turned me st8 lol jk I kiss boys boys

  16. E L i o t t E L I o t t

    Mi hermosa RITA 😍😙😚

  17. Ajim Pathan

    Chandamama episode

  18. John Torcuator


  19. Ishita Pandit

    @ 1:18 why is that me?? #singleforever

  20. Clint Towne

    these girls just wana kiss me.. me.. me..

  21. Sav


  22. Нагучева Ольга

    Who likes pom-poms and decorating welcome to my new channel 😘

  23. Tae Tae Ate My Potato

    *I mean metoo, I want to kiss girls everytime*

  24. JOSH

    I love how Bebe Rexha says Killer,Thriller,and Saviour Tho

  25. Ashik R


  26. Keona 55

    2:31 Wow ummLesbian d#*k picks be like.

  27. سمية بنت حاليمة

    📲Whatapps *00212644626928*بـحـكـيـلـكـم💁‍♀️ يـا بـنـات عـن تــجــربــتــي الـمـفـيـدة🥳 فـي تـكـبـيـر الــصــدر👍 والـمـؤخـرة👍 اسـتـعـمـلـت وصــفــة مـذهـلـة ونــتــايــجــهــا عــن جــد حــلــوة👈تــواصــلــي مــعــي عـشـان أشــرح لــك الــوصــفــة الـواتـسـاب *00212.644.626.928*📲

  28. Ree khaled

    Moonbyul should be in this song

  29. Remy IZERE

    cardi b you the one

  30. shaily hotwani

    I loved this

  31. Melchor Kasongo

    🐣Cardi now'..

  32. Crystal Alvarado

    Doja cat vibes

  33. Nathan Mitchell

    I like every part if this song except when cardi b starts singing she's annoying


    That's called girls power 💪❣️

  35. Быстрый Tony

    Charlie is England's Hottest brunette^_^

  36. i'm wifin' justina valentine

    Charli: BoysAlso Charli : Girls

  37. Key Li 👈 free girls nearby👌👈🍀🎍🎋

  38. akSF 15

    Vim depois de assistir GITH SÓ EU??

  39. Saniece Robinson


  40. Abrahim Samuels

    Nailed itMy name Laura we learn alotta!!!I'm 50-50 I cant hide it Yaaaaasss❤

  41. Avadani Bubu

    I think Rita Ora is the most beautiful woman! I mean for real guys, just look at her! She's lovely! ❤️

  42. Bakari Hamisi

    Love me

  43. Bella Gold

    Any cardi b fan here in November 2019

  44. Rosangila Alves Silva

    Girls in the house

  45. Éva Papp


  46. Sara Loulah

    I love that they have models without makeup on but it would have been perfect if the singers too have no makeup on

  47. Anonim Adsız

    This songs is really really really awesome

  48. Phoebe Jenner

    I’d like to have a chance with rita🥰 she would be treated like a queen

  49. Nagula Gangadhar

    Nice video 👌

  50. Yuliana Tjauda

    Rita Ora,,,penyanyi,,,tidak ada tandingnya,,,gaya,,,,tampil sangat menarik,,,,keren,,,vidoklip sedap ditonton,,,,berkualitas bagus,,,Rita ora,,,cantik,,,,suara,,,nada,,lagu,,,enak,,,,enak didengar,,,,menyanyi menyiwai seluruh jiwaraganya,,gaya,,,goyang,,,,gerak gerik,,,seiring,,,seirama,,,dengan musik.Penyanyi TERUNGGUL.

  51. timothy ngo

    i love bebe yay yay pretty cool she kissed licked her❤👅💋

  52. Evan A1

    it’s disappointing that they cut off Mø & Starrah. they were in the demo track. :(

  53. Evan A1

    Reminds me of Amazon kingdom of wonder woman 😂

  54. Song lover

    Whoes the other singer

  55. cute a

    Than girl is very beatiful

  56. human 1

    Can you tell me why they are all in separate places

  57. Felipe N. Mendes

    Girls in the House, the best on youtube

    C G

    They weren't together when the video was recorded

  58. kzs vevo


  59. Dragon Playz


  60. bk2life

    ,,,i love kissin girls

  61. sky lily

    Is it only me or is it easy to recognize Bebe Rehxha's voice?

  62. sky lily

    Never expected Cardi B buy yay!

  63. Lavínia Oliveira

    Rita Ora, Sofía Reyes and Anitta hahahaha

  64. Meena Devi Rajkumari

    Internet broke when cardi kissed rita

  65. joyce araújo

    Maravilhosa 🇧🇷

  66. NORO 49

    Love and adore You, great performance.💕💞❤️💋💋💋💋😍😍😍🌷🌹🙏.

  67. WassupMelsquad Love

    Who else remembers “vroom vroom” from charli XCX love it till today!

  68. Crystal González

    underrated song

  69. Marina Gonzales


  70. Phoenix Davee

    I love this song

  71. Debora Schreyer

    Rita remindes me a bit of the CSI Miami Officer Natalia Boa Vista

  72. Amanda Jeffery

    (Guys only) add my Snapchat for fun - amandajeff1997

  73. Duda Souza

    Alguém pela Duny?

  74. Reeh Cunha

    Vim ver a música pela série the girls in the house

  75. Milena polizello

    GITH, the best song s2.. GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS IN THE HOUSE, BR 🇧🇷

  76. Nilla Sambell

    F*** I'm obsessed. Bisexuals forever!

  77. Jay Savage

    Cardi's tongue is longer than a pencil lol

  78. adolfo jose contreras lidueñas

    Rita Ora: Sometimes I just wanna kiss girls, girls, girlsCharlie XCX: I was busy thinking 'bout boys, boys, boys.

  79. Jimmy Bejamin

    Babylon bullshit song is this

  80. Top Trailers KE

    Hot girls 💯💯💯

  81. Girls&Music

    Girls like Music?😘🥰🥳

  82. nina cartwright

    📲whatapps *00212644626928*بــنــات🙋‍♀️ أنــا بـعـرف طــبــيــبــة👩‍⚕️ مــخــتــصــة فــي الــتــجــمــيــل اتــصــلــت بــهــا وأعـطـتـنـي وصــفــة مــذهــلـــة فــي تـكـبـيـر الــثــدي✅ والــمــؤخـرة✅ وبـعـد كـم يــوم مــن الإســتـعــمــال تـحـسـن مـظـهـري😍 وعـن جـد بــشــكــرهــا أوي عــلــى المــعــلــومــات الـمـفـيـدةالـلـي عــاوز يــتــواصــل مــعــهــا الـواتـس اب *00212644626928*📲

  83. Coky

    Fucking lesbian 😣😤😈 go and fuck off the planet

  84. Mandy

    Why are cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs so overly sexualized in like everything?

  85. daouda BANGOURA


  86. Vallen Film

    Lesbi njirr

  87. hannuh zzz

    “Sometimes I just wanna kiss girls...” me after watching this mv 😂

  88. Verena

    We love to entertain you, you, you 🤷🏼‍♀️

  89. 下真イJihyo

    I wish I was BI 😑

  90. vkdyuli553

    I love this! MV or Song! Is the best😍😍😍😍😍

  91. Shantice Whyte

    This is me

  92. Helenahaylee TV

    I'm so sexy I seduce myself -Cardi B

  93. Adelaide McKenzie

    I’m still waiting for androgynous by Charli XCX

  94. Dougan Bullock

    I hate how Rita looks at Cardi. She makes it look like Cardi is a God.

  95. Lus Pog

    But why bene rexhaaaaaaa😠😠😝😝😝 this song meaning is sucks

  96. Kanwar Ghuman

    It’s a shame that when a bi woman makes a song about her bisexuality she’s told it isn’t valid but when Taylor swift says being gay is ok she’s praised. Biphobia at its finest

    Roxanne Berry Blasts

    Im pretty sure both of them has been praised not just Taylor. And Im pretty sure this song isnt on the radio while Taylor's is. And people praise gay people, why not Bisexuals? It just doesnt make sense.


    Roxanne Berry Blasts I’m pretty sure this song isn’t on the radio because of all the controversy.

  97. Henry Windsor Rurikovich

    Take me down to the paradise 💓

feat Cardi-Girls Şarkı Sözü
Her name is Lara, we learned a lot, ah

How to do it, like we do it like we wanna

We just know (we just know)

I ain't one-sided, I'm open-minded

I'm 50/50 and I'm never gonna hide it

You should know (you should know), ayy

All summer, we've been in the 'Bu

'68 Chevy with nothin' to do

In the summer haze, hush lovin'

And last night, yeah, we got with the dude

I saw him, he was lookin' at you

So I said hey, hush lovin'

Sometimes, I just wanna kiss girls, girls, girls

Red wine, I just wanna kiss girls, girls, girls

Sometimes, I just wanna kiss girls, girls, girls

Red wine, I just wanna kiss girls, girls, girls

Girls, girls, girls, girls (yeah)

You know I tamed it, and then I named it

I put the lion in the cage and then I laid with

Her all night (all night)

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