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Rita Ora - Anywhere

: Anywhere
: 3.39 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 130 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 100 İndirme
: 13-08-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Rita Ora - Anywhere )
  1. Ha Mo

    This song makes me want to explore the world with someone i love

  2. Nikson Lopes


  3. Erkal Erol


  4. Tibor Knapp

    She is a Beyoncé alterego

  5. Vova Doob

    This song sounds as cool as this one@

  6. Æmænđäêæēmā


  7. Patrick Ferreira

    Essa música continua sendo tudo pra mim. ❤

  8. Arsen Belba

  9. Musta115 - Gaming And More

    99% ThIs SoNg Is NiCe / WhO iS wAtChInG iN nOvEmBeR? 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇🤡1% People talking about language alien she's talking

  10. Victor Iskandar

    Anyone loved this song until addicted?

  11. Marcelo A


  12. Melissa Pessoa

    I love this song ❤️From Brazil

  13. parte webulah

    I love this song and I listen it every month every time 🥰❤️❤️😃

  14. Edra Edith

    Masterpiece 👌💕💕 it

  15. Sangpuii Kuanlin

    Anyone in November 2019?

  16. Paul B

    Rita, just tell me where ? Anywhere with you, you, you x

  17. Kartoffelkäfer

    Who else is listening in november 2019 at 23:51 o´clock in europe on a samsung smartfridge?

  18. Ben Bennett

    Hey Rita, what a beautiful song! ❤️ If you should ever consider singing a song about love and peace and against racism: I wrote one and produced it with no money with a 14 year old singer from England. Check it out: Ben Bennett ft. Ziah "P.E.A.C.E" (Official)

  19. David Anchaver

    This song is da bomb


    this song is amazing and rita is beautiful

  21. Milena Tous

    Nov 2019?

  22. Dulce Miguel

    Amo tu musica, mi favorita es la de Anywhere

  23. Alecorn Shwe

    who is watching this video November 2019?

  24. Kimberly pellot

    Because of Cleopatra's' act of suicide.

  25. Kimberly pellot

    Depending on how many days your menstruation last determines how many times you've married or had children; if your period last three days than you are related to the undying race that Jesus taught in Gnosis as an A sexual which is more than likely Egyptian.

  26. Kimberly pellot

    I love this song because it's teaches you why you shouldn't commit the act of suicide; when you commit suicide your soulmate feels the pain of it; if your soulmate is female she will feel the pain of it through her menstruation or labor because in the power of pain wakes inordinately in this song defying Lucifers' negligence and Fall from grace with Sophia after having raped her as a blind spirit pleading for mercy from God as a creator that he not be left out and he batters himself after possessing his soul as the rapper J-Z to not hurt in the song that he possessed him to record named 'Lucifer son of the morning"... : And because in this song it sounds like she is singing "you're a pain in me instead of you're painting me; a dream I want to belong"... because of the mistake in it's pronunciation it's telling you that though the bible says that God can not hear your prayers when you pray alone the mistake in the song that says you're pain in me a dream that i want to belong instead or you're painting me rescues you... This makes a Demon possess us when listening to the lyrics that forces us to correct it's error by causing us period cramps and to suffer pain during labor and to remember that the Heavens are not bound by fear and reminds us that dreams do not feel pain and are not suppose feel pain to hell'p correct our beliefs and defies and takes back the power or contraception other than the use of condoms. Condom use is a contraception that takes back the act of divorce and marrying under grounds for divorce until we meet again for another love experience if a specific relationship went wrong.

  27. joell landveld

    I love you Rita

  28. E L i o t t E L I o t t

    Mi princesa mi hermosa RITA😙

  29. anais korsak

    This is what i searched up for this song:"The song the girl made about running away and saying away with you maybe rita ora?"


    bruh ur so cool you definitely deserve these 7 likes

    anais korsak

    Yh i know B)


    @anais korsak you are such an alpha male pls dont steal my gamer girls

    anais korsak

    Aha we'll see about that...


    @anais korsak epic

  30. Spy Retto

    No tits and ass then I pass.

  31. roger paredes


  32. Alena Kurkina


  33. Bayaraa Purevjal


  34. nation broly

    the last to give like will be a millionaire and will be lucky in love ❤️🤑🤑

  35. Emili

    Hi Rita ora I am a big fan in fact the biggest on yet cause we are both Albanian and you are from Kosovo and I am from Tirana dual lipa is Albanian to I really want to be a singer like u but I just dont know how to do that can u help me please my mum knows about this to.

  36. Geff Geff

    Что за старьё.хрень полная

  37. Jose Ortega

    La acabo de descubrir y me volvió adictoooo... ¿Cómo se cura uno esto? Jajaja Amo esta canción 🤗🔥. Para limpiar, para lavar, para el gym.

  38. joe


  39. Gilles Sir

    The best rita

  40. Maria Ines Bayona Malo

    In what country wad filmed this video? Ny?


    Maria Ines Bayona Malo yes

  41. Darth Skula

    Rita ora je lepa

  42. Alena Kurkina

    Яйца простудишь

  43. Alena Kurkina

    Сяоми в сети

  44. Daniel Sindet

    who else thinks she looks like rihanna??

  45. 璃雨

    Rita Ora.リタ オラ "Anywhere" どこTime fIies when the night is young夜になると時が過ぎるのはあっという間DayIighot Shines on an undiscIosed location,location昼の光は秘密の場所で輝いてるBIoodshot eyes looking for the sun血走った目は太陽を探しているParadise,We deIivered it and we caIIed it a vacation,vacation楽園がうまれたの 私たちはそれを休暇と呼ぶわ(英語打つと日が暮れそうなんで、ここからは日本語訳だけにさせていただきます..🙏)あなたは私に夢を描かせてくれるの私がいたいと思えるような夢を☆丘を越えて遠くへR.A(ロサンゼルス)から100万マイル離れたところへあなたとどこへでも遠くへ私たちは逃げないといけないって知ってるのどこか私たちの名前を誰も知らないところへ何か新しい事の始まりを2人で見つけるの私をどこかへ連れていって どこかへ連れていってあなたとどこか遠くへ私をどこかへ連れていって 連れていってあなたとどこか遠くへ【ここからメインです】★楽しい.少し楽しさは減って少しになって,もっと私を楽しい.少し楽しさは減って少しになって,もっと私を真実は時間に放り込まれたら分かるの無感情な人混みの中繋がりを求めてる私が今欲しいのは,あなたの秘密だけいい事も 悪い事も 共有させて私は受け入れられるわあなたは私に夢を描かせてくれるの私がいたいと思えるような夢を(☆リピート ★リピート)どこかへ連れていってどこかへあなたと一緒にどこか遠くへ連れていって

  46. Leonie Nöbl

    Ich finde dieses Lied super

  47. Amsotero Ampis

    I'm lestineng right now tuesday Oct.12 2019

  48. Gagandeep Kalshi

    Cant believe this video is 2 years old now... everytime I see this video, I think of my wife and taking off to some place where she and I could be happy....

  49. Thomas

    Not a fan of her but will happily listen to her songs.

    Dantastic Guy

    i dont her so curious about your comment..... cheers!


    Thomas what did she do to you?


    Just not taken to her. She hasn't done anything to me.

  50. Chris CFC Evans

    I so WISH I was 15 AGAIN!!CHILDHOOD is so AWESOME teens, don't take it for granted.......

  51. Jaca Milenkovic

    Yes I am adiccted amaizing 🥰😃

  52. Noahide

    Godianity: Daniel Daly, Nicole Millar, Carlie Hanson, Amy Shark, Sigrid, Halsey, Ava Max, Zara Larsson, Dua Lipa, Elen Levon, Charli XCX, Sabrina Carpenter, Dove Cameron, Ellie Goulding, Rita Ora

  53. Brooklyn A

    I’ve heard this song since I was 7 and now I’m 9 for 2 years now:D

    Edward Elric

    Damn, 7 years old in YouTube lmao. If i was 7 i was with my friends outside every day.

  54. Butt3rF1n

    The best parts are 1:05 - 1:22 and 2:16 - 2:34

  55. XTaZe Ted

    Who else remembers when this came out ❓damnn it’s been 2yrs already time flies real fast

  56. Helen Vanskel


  57. Juan antonio Ramirez

    Perfect song❤❤

  58. Rockstar _Daniel

    Yes I remember this song in car I never Shazam it but hay I found it again and it's still banging 🙌

  59. Roman Nowak

    Great song!

  60. EL mundo de Naya

    2019 like i love....!

    EL mundo de Naya

    I love this song like if your equal

  61. Stu

    I sing this in the shower, on my way to work, at work at home doing stuff and right now as I'm listening to it lol, I never get bored of it.

  62. AN Rouzumaki Show

    People from 2020?

  63. werner haase

    I'll be there in new york

  64. johana sullivan

    Me encanto <3

  65. The Vintage Hifi ambassador

    Please skip this comment and do not access my youtube channel.

  66. Tinku Mazumdar

    This makes me feel waderlust. lost in a city full of lights at night, alone and no care in the world........

  67. Dominic Uche

    I swear am so much in love with diz song

  68. aurHley Quinn

    This song is engraved on my heart❤️🌹

  69. adila mustafar

    This song has such a strong memories when I was imagined my crush would take me anywhere haha.

    SECHSACHT bei Nacht

    same 😤

    adila mustafar

    SECHSACHT bei Nacht chill babe 😂

    Mr. Husky

    I'll take you anywhere, ready?! 😊🤣🙃💁🏼‍♂️

  70. Taneisha Genrich

    is no one going to talk about how the whole trend was. WaTErMeLOnE In😂no just me.....ok

  71. alfredo CM

    Alguien lo escucha en el 2019

  72. Vincent Estrade

    This could have been a great Alan Walker song. It has a bit of a similar sound.

    Anna Szuhyta

    Alan Walker

  73. Daymaris Salazar Escobar

    Que canción más fresquita...Me encanta !💝💝💝

  74. Lim Gashi

    6 November 2019

  75. Hugo Marques

    With you? Everywere! 😍

  76. AcagoB

    Comments like "who is listening in month/year" are very stupid. Please be more creative.


    They do it just to get the likes 👍

  77. Gilmar costa silva

    Música linda bacana demais

  78. SciSci Toys

    This woman is so lovely, why can't I meet a cool woman like that.

    Alecorn Shwe

    Yeah right XD

    SciSci Toys

    @Alecorn Shwe i know its just a song and its a fantasy but who wouldn't want that kid of women that this fantasy alludes to, everyone has faults, but hey ... let me dream ;)

  79. 西门吹雪喜欢小禽兽


  80. Abbie Sapuay

    I fell in love with ya Rita. (Take me anywhere…) Love this song sm! 👍❤🇵🇭

  81. helin Kayıkçı

    You are beautifull

  82. helin Kayıkçı

    I love you rita

  83. Bryete Valiant

    Magic Rita!

  84. Marciel Luta

    Rita Ora are became a very beautifull women, i see the difference nice song i like it !

  85. Eden Pol

    I can hear only her breaths...

  86. Mr Y

    Cat -meowdog-wof wofstupidpplretarddogshit-2019?

  87. Anahi Lizbeth Rodríguez

    2019 ♥

  88. karla__rommina

    Who is listening in November 2019? 💕🎶💕🎶

    Gucci x Bear

    Me, I would listen to it all of the time ❤️

    Jorge Velasco

    Yo tú papi haha

  89. קומלאצ'או פיטיגו

    November 2019 good song

Anywhere Şarkı Sözü

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