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Ray Charles - Mess Around

Mess Around
: Mess Around
: 2.48 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 70 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 52 İndirme
: 01-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ray Charles - Mess Around )
  1. I do voices

    Well Ted its been 2 minutes wanna take over

  2. Искандер Македонов

    Whats the name of this type music genre or style ?!

  3. mamuka zakaradze

    Ahmet Ertegun’s grate job !!

  4. MrSamer83

    Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, and Ted 2 brought me here!!! #EverybodyDoinTheMessAround

  5. Phresh King

    I declare!!! Yal agree Jamie Foxx did his role JUSTICE!? If so like if yal feel he can pull off Mike Tyson story.

  6. Omarr Koroma

    ln1 3pf!

  7. Omarr Koroma

    trent view!

  8. John Williams

    Hulk smash b****

  9. Keepers of Light

    Any other Gen Z members out here? 😂

  10. bulut _

    Mess around is Ahmet Ertegün's song... İf you want search you see "KARSU".

  11. Thumbstick Hero

    everytime i drive with this song on i almost have a car accident

  12. Wesley Nash

    When i hear this i think of a 1986 chrysler lebaron town and country convertibles headlights on a snowy interstate at night with tires screeching hubcaps coming off and John candy playing the dash like a piano

  13. nate medelez


  14. Twane Kiger

    Actually it was Seth McFarland's mock Star Wars that brought me here.🤣

  15. Asdrubal Ruiz

    no se pero cuando escucho esta canción la emoción no se puede contener

  16. Taylor Willey

    Love the music!! Both middle fingers up to the ads before the song though!

  17. Classic Moments On video

    Just Saw the film last Night with Jamie the Fox, this man is lit! Didnt even know this Gent beforehand

  18. Lance Vanover

    Am I the only one here from that Family Guy version of Return of the Jedi

  19. Dredo

    October 2019 still listening?????

  20. drummingdestiny w

    The only reason I know this song is because of Ted 2

  21. Just Laney

    This song describes me in school cause I mess around 😂 always run in the corridor and Mr Marner always stops me and like 20 other people 😂

  22. William Washington


  23. Santiago Lara

    Octubre 2019

  24. Drip The Hypnotic

    I’m here because Ted 2 💀 we’re Ted is driving playing this song

  25. Mike Radway

    I showed up for the messaround?

  26. Gayane Simonyan

    Ray charles was the best singer of the world))))

  27. Jerry Lifsey

    Ray Charles' songs are from concentrate...he fits good music in half the time of current songs

  28. Remy Mon

    OMMAH GOSH!¡ DIS GUY'S BLIND!¡ YEEEE BB. so insane right¡¡¡¿¿¿!!!??? DAMN STR8!¡!¡!¡ !¡!¡ such GOOD music & makkkes it even BETTER & COOLAH thats Ray's visually impaired. Fn insane. 🔥👍😱🔥👏👏👏👌💪👏👌👏👌👏🔥😘😘😘👌😘👌😘👌

  29. Nesreen Badi

    2019 ???

  30. James said hi 27

    Love this

  31. andrew serrato

    Who's here because of ted 2

  32. elgrovez13

    I'm here cuz I grew up on good music and love this tune, but yeah, John Candy was awesome in Planes, Trains and Automobiles too.

  33. minimoni

    Who’s here from The History of Rock and Roll class?



  35. Ram Raider

    Trust me if you think that's good just wait till you hear the intro I cooked up: ray Charles

  36. 82FLIEGER

    Who likes 'Gold digger'... Da best song ever!??

  37. 82FLIEGER

    This is music bro. REST IN PEACE ❤️

  38. Gavin Taylor

    Who’s here from the movie Ted 2?

  39. Solarzz

    Ted 2 anybody

  40. TheDude

    It' September 2019, they're still doing the mess around. How about you?

  41. John Tate

    1953: a good year to not be in Korea

  42. SuperiorPegasus Fox

    I literally got a ticket for messing around in the road

  43. Stoned Shenanigans

    Gawd damn this damn Car just became undriveable man, MUST SWERVE TO THE MELODY!!!!! SORRRRYYYYYEEEE

  44. Hunter

    Whenever we hire new guys I play this song while they do their hands on training.

  45. LucyLovettLestrange

    Family Guy Star Wars Parody anybody??

  46. Ha! Yes! Design

    I'm in the process of learning the piano part to this song. As I'm not a well-trained pianist, it's a steep, loooong learning curve--and for something that's not exactly in my vocal range! But it's too much fun to pass up, and should be a blast for the older people I play for.

  47. Wesley Nash

    I can hear the 86 Chrysler lebaron town and country squealing tires and hubcaps falling off as the parking lights flash with john candy playing the dash like a piano!

  48. James Garrity

    Not bad,for a tune written by a white guy

  49. Hone Hake

    Mess around they doing the mess around still my jam

  50. Christopher Gomez

    Can never go wrong with ray Charles

  51. HayRock

    Qui et la grasse a ted en 2019 😂😂😂✋🌿😎💪🎶🎵💖💕

  52. Kevin Stojda

    You're going the wrong way. You're going to kill someone.

  53. Matthew Dobbs

    Always makes me think of John Candy in Trains Plains and Automobiles



  55. Robert Brass

    your friends not from around here I thought he would like to see the area "it's the middle of the night!"

  56. Pedr_ m8

    we'd have better luck playing pick-up sticks with our butt cheeks

  57. outta here

    yeah,rocknroll baby

  58. Fynn Ahlers

    Bestes Lied

  59. ChipsAhoy 322

    Here from Lucifer on Netflix

  60. Andrew Barrett

    Just one more: Here's the great Meade "Lux" Lewis playing his own version of "Cow Cow Blues". Perhaps you can hear why he is considered one of the all-time boogie woogie greats. Later greats like Ray Charles stood on the shoulders of these early original greats, and did pay them homage many times:

  61. Andrew Barrett

    Finally, here's "Cow Cow" Davenport's solo piano audio recording (Brunswick/Vocalion, I think) of "Cow Cow Blues" from 1928:

  62. Andrew Barrett

    Here's the 1925 Vocalstyle piano roll of "Cow Cow Blues" played by the composer. The version here is a recut (copy of the original roll) either done by QRS, or in a QRS box. The pianolist here, John Taber, has chosen a slower tempo like Mr. Davenport's original audio recording (and is adding the dynamics via pumping and the finger levers, plus sustain pedal), but like many piano rolls, this can be played at a range of tempos:

  63. Andrew Barrett

    Here's the original 1925 OKeh (I think) recording of "Cow Cow Blues" with Dora Carr on the vocal and Cow Cow Davenport (the composer) on piano:

  64. Andrew Barrett

    I can't hear this without thinking of "Cow Cow Blues" by Charles Cow Cow Davenport (1925), both his audio recording and his piano roll.

    Andrew Barrett

    *roll is 1925, record is 1928, I think.

    Andrew Barrett

    Make no mistake, what Ray Charles and his band do with "Cow Cow Blues" here is GREAT.

  65. Early Jenkins

    A giant amongst men.who bought people of all colors together.a icon of delta blues and rock and roll and soul.never forget your super bowl in peace sir.

  66. Tonya Wise

    Still listening in 2019 💕💕

  67. lenny l

    Getting pretty warm in here. You ought to take your Parker off......

  68. mikes worldtv

    Who here is still doing the mess around?

  69. Natasha Regains


  70. Cheyenne Brennan

    Calpol? Anyone else?

  71. EXO AI

    Yo sam bruh

  72. Lila

    Who’s here cause of Lucifer?

  73. j,r lemAR

    First time I heard this song it was in Planes trains and automobiles John Candy playing the Air Sax hilarious one of the funniest movies I ever seen Rip Ray and John C.


    Came From Planes,Trains,and Automobiles.

  75. Azurine the bluefloof

    I came from ted 2😂

  76. Claire McCallum

    I freaking love this song!!!!

  77. Huńt3r

    Family guy brought me here

  78. Daniel Romero

    Ted 2 brought me here

  79. Marco Andino

    Who else is here because of ted 2

  80. Ethan Haynes

    Star Wars Family Guy brought me here

    hi hi

    I'm actually watching that now

    Slater White

    Ha same adult swim

  81. Camilo Andres

    I'm here for "Ted 2"

  82. Neil Holly

    Fuck you for not doing the mess around

  83. Peter Simson

    heard it for the first time when i saw ted2

  84. Indigo

    ypung thung, 1:37

  85. Indacouch Gaming

    music master mind

  86. Stoner 69

    So what if your here from planes trains and automobiles you came here because you must've liked the song so it makes no difference

  87. B. Rod Clark

    From 1953...the year of my favorite Chevys: the Bel Air and the Corvette's debut!

  88. Jaylin Lowe

    And then Ted crashed the car

  89. shaw miserix

    and born after 2010

  90. shaw miserix

    2019 anybody

  91. Mohamed Hamza Bouazza

    Ted 2 mess d.... hhhhh

  92. Андрей Серов

    Syka Bliad* Охуенно !!! Greetings from Russia :)

  93. Emerald.

    Man, music today dude...

  94. Brandon family guy...

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