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Ray Charles - I Got a Woman

I Got a Woman
: I Got a Woman
: 2.68 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 72 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 54 İndirme
: 01-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ray Charles - I Got a Woman )
  1. Marzo Reis


  2. Sky

    Mysogynist? Yes. Good? Also Yes.

  3. Alina Alina


  4. Miklós Horthy

    I got a big old ugly woman She's ugly but she's mine I got a big old ugly woman She's ugly all the time And when I wake up in the morning I thank the lord he made me blind

    Abraham Akil

    If you're blind how would you know she looks ugly? O_o

  5. kiara iyar

    🙌🏻 🙌🏻 👏🏻

  6. Tony Kawaja

    gold digger was better

  7. Ioanna

    1:23 I love this part of the song

  8. Hanad Ali

    Wooow it is 2019 11 07 legend still

  9. Joshua Clayburn

    Which are you suck

  10. P.J. Eccles

    The original side chick theme song

  11. Matyáš Jan Kudláček


  12. Not Today Sweetie

    When she knows a woman’s place 🥰🥰🥰🤩🤩🥴🥴

  13. Random Kakashi

    Boondocks yeaaah

  14. dhefy allen

    Q loko, kkkkk.

  15. Legendinis Žaidėjas

    this fucker straight up ripped off yeezus

  16. cavid soumi

    I dont like this singler

  17. Mohammed Gaming

    يزلمه بشرفك دمرتنا حاج تغني بس صوتك حزين الصراحه

  18. taghreed otb

    hello 2019 🤞🏻

  19. Green Man

    Jump & jive!

  20. Jackeliny Gonçalves

    Brasil 2019

  21. Andrei Bujoreanu

    Does Kanye look like a bitch?

  22. Marco Martins

    Beautiful 😁

  23. Caterlin xxx

    Thanks for the film that i started to be interested in his music 🎶

  24. Cris Threadgill

    I got a women named Melissa way over town, good to me when I'm in need

  25. Diego Francisco

    No one here from Gemini Man because almost no one went to see it But Benedict Wong singing was great tho

    Rat Bat Nuff Time

    Actually, I went to see it last Friday, which is why I am here as well, lol. Seeing Benedict Wong singing along to it on the plane was an unexpected, but pleasant surprise.

    R 7000 P

    I’m here for that exact reason and i agree with you Rat Bat Nuff Time i went to see it yesterday and boy was benedict singing behind the controls of a gulfstream a pleasant suprise

    R 7000 P

    Rat Bat Nuff Time ✌🏻

  26. Annonymus GAMING

    When my female friend touches me **song plays**

  27. VictorLendof

    Well, I got a woman, way over townThat's good to me, oh yeahSaid I got a woman, way over townGood to me, oh yeahShe gives me money when I'm in needYeah, she's a kind of friend indeedI got a woman, way over townThat's good to me, oh yeahShe saves her lovin', early in the mornin'Just for me, oh yeahShe saves her lovin', early in the mornin'Just for me, oh yeahShe saves her lovin', just for meAh, she, loves me, so tenderlyI got a woman, way over townThat's good to me, oh yeahShe's there to love meBoth day and nightNever grumbles or fussesAlways treats me rightNever runnin' in the streetsLeavin' me aloneShe knows a woman's placeIs right there, now, in her homeI got a woman, way over townThat's…

  28. Αλεξης Βεντουρης

    Kanye When he made it adaptation became a hymn to the R&B Ray made it hymn to Rock and roll I believe that the style of both is just as incredible.....

  29. Willie Wonka

    So Ray Charles copied kayne west...

  30. leena walveranta

    I gotta a man , way over in Kallio

  31. hulk fan

    Gemini Man

  32. Radoan Mahamat

    Top 👍 🌹 😍 salam 😍

  33. Jeremiah Carter

    Why do I keep expecting him to say “Oh she’s a golddigger”?


    Cuz kanye sampled this song

    Tanya Alexander

    Jamie Foxx.....sounds so eerily like him. Did Ray so much homage in, "Ray!" ❤🎼🎵🎶


    "I got a Weed" :y

  34. hervé casteuble

    ❤️ merci HeyLookAtThizGuydu partage écouté cette chanson me requinque. 🕺

  35. J Reid

    Get down girl go ahead get down

  36. Hellen Lamadrid

    Alguien que e disfrute de esta musica en el 2019?

    Jai Mar

    Pues claro que si!

  37. Smart Rapper

    Who the hell thumbs'd this down!?!??!??!?! Simpletons.

  38. Roberto_A_Pro AAA

    When you don't understand the complete lyrics (I don't speak English very well) but this music make me feel in the sky.

  39. C Bass

    2.5k people didn't know a woman's place

  40. NikStratus

    I don't care about a lot of church folks hating me for listening to this...

  41. Yulem da Silva Silva


    Adriano santiago

    Brasileiro que curte músicas boas são outro nível

  42. jorge cisternas

    Ia versión de the beatles es muy buena

  43. Priscila Beavers

    I wonder if Ray and Elvis ever met?? They could of made a song together🔥

    Deborah Hudson

    Priscila Beavers Elvis was a no

  44. Craig Davis

    R.I.P. Mister Ray Charles!!!🎵🎵🎵🎧🎧🎧🎤🎤🎤🙏🙏🙏💗💗💗

  45. Craig Davis

    Ray The Movie!!!

  46. Craig Davis


  47. Craig Davis

    Kanye West-Gold Digger!!!Southern Tones-It Must Be Jesus.

  48. _ sfort1n

    Who's here after Ray Charles movie on netflix ? 🚀🚀

  49. SamVak

    He was extremely criticized for mixing this “devils music “ with gospel . This was originally a gospel song about Jesus I think it’s called must be Jesus. And he sampled the beat and made his own song . After this Kanye and Jamie made gold digger , which is funny cause Jamie foxx starred in Ray

  50. Micxa


  51. Infosyphon Gaming

    2700s JW's dislike this video because it talks negatively about women LOL

  52. Isabel Bassan

    O melhor ray Charles

  53. jadey juice

    Gold digger ?

    Intellect, reason&Logic Use your brain

    @jadey juice I got a woman, way over town, that say's chill to me! oh yeah!I got a woman, way over town, who say's chill to me! oh yeah!She don't send me money,I don't understand,oh i bet she up out there, with another man,I got a woman way over town ,who says chill to me! oh yea aha.

    jadey juice

    @Intellect, reason&Logic Use your brain dude what? Chill

    Intellect, reason&Logic Use your brain

    @jadey juice it's a joke dude, relax

    jadey juice

    @Intellect, reason&Logic Use your brain lol

    jadey juice

    @Intellect, reason&Logic Use your brain ight

  54. Hélio Marinho

    Essa canção era a mesma cantada por Elvis Presley?

  55. Jim Supinski

    Ray was the greatest ever

  56. Dick Head

    I personally prefer Elvis’s version, but this one is still amazing.

    South Memphis bihh

    Elvis stole ever move From black artist I live in Memphis I throw shit at his front gate ever chance I get hahaha

    Dick Head

    Zondria Craft ok? I honestly could not give 2 shits.

  57. Anais Balla

    This is one of the most beautiful stars that the earth can have

  58. Levi Hall

    What an amazing song really represents the time it was made

  59. soul snatcher

    He was bagin chicks back then

  60. soul snatcher

    I got a woman over town to

  61. destiny woods

    I go with jasmin

    destiny woods

    Not like a date

  62. Connor Fisher

    If YouTube ads were people;I would fight every single one!

  63. علي الفتلاوي

    I got a memories from this song

  64. Douadi van Bodegraven

    Lindy from Tilburg , come back you lovely darling !

  65. Kaine Clepper

    Production horrible 🧐

  66. Douadi van Bodegraven


  67. Srđan Popović

    Timeless music from a music legend......

  68. Diamond Ben2006

    Better than Kanye West

  69. DJaySplitSecond

    Lol Ray pissed off the church folks with this song 😂😂

  70. Deja Sorry

    He da man

  71. jonisnotameme

    I was playing a 50’s playlist and I stumbled upon this... for a moment I was very confused.

  72. dohcdelsol93

    Was Ray referring to a woman or someone who identified as a woman?

  73. baycan gunes

    Vita <3 good to mee xxx

  74. Shirley Anthony

    Ray Charles had a woman in every town way yonder

  75. mat phil Bouch

    Ooooooo yes big King love music big m'en 😊😊😊😊

  76. Vernon Wilson

    what y'all know about this. CALI is always here for you LA.

  77. Maest nyrme

    MErci du partage

  78. Mamou Siaf

    I got a Women a......❤

  79. Zuz Angelo

    who is listening to this masterpiece in 2019 and which country you from?

    Yuriko Zheng

    Zuz Angelo Chinaaaa

    Yousef Al Aali

    Saudi Arabia

  80. Busisiwe Samente

    Anyone who has bumped here in 2019??

  81. Early Jenkins

    Icon.fabric of AmericaThe blues and bought all people together.and what live ray.we never forget you sir.

  82. سقرنان


  83. Solimar Santiago


  84. my Channel

    When music was actually good. RIP Ray.

  85. JordanStuff

    Get down girl go head get down

  86. M B

    Finally someone knows where a woman's place is 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

  87. Angela Stewart

    Please let Mark Ronson educate you about sampling in this Ted Talk:

  88. mike E bastaàre.all.infeno

  89. NXZW

    Ray Charles be really killin it man.😆👌

  90. C P

    Can't believe this guy ripped off Kayne

  91. JJ 51


  92. Silvia Moreno

    Esto si era música 👌👏 !

  93. unicorn

    on aug 3rd itll be 10 years since this was posted

  94. commonman80

    This Is One Of The First Song I Learned to Play On The Piano.. i was 6 Years Old.. LOLOLOL!! It Was 1966... LOLOLOL!!!! Man I Miss Ray Charles..

  95. matheus soares

    Música pika

  96. Classic Yeah

    I have the original Atlantic 78, that was from my great grandfather

  97. kaudems

    Damn I can't belive Ray just stole Kanye's masterpiece like that. Shame on him.

    Martin Killinger

    Werther's Original commit toaster in bathtub

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