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Queen - Killer Queen

Killer Queen
: Killer Queen
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: 276 İndirme
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: 129 İndirme
: 06-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Queen - Killer Queen )
  1. Roger Taylor

    I wish john was still in queen

  2. ɪᴍsᴏᴊᴜɪᴄʏ

    Like: Marc Martel Comment: Adam Lambert

    slynnc kitty


  3. ARS GG

    Freddy mercury should be face palming right now..

    slynnc kitty

    ARS GG Brian and a Roger, the guys who really knew Freddie think he’d be loving it.

  4. SOLO Q

    U think adam lambert a guy #forever quen

  5. Presley 0123

    Like: Freddie Mercury Comment: Adam Lambert

  6. Saitama Genos

    Adam makes Freddie look straight

    slynnc kitty

    Saitama Genos How do you figure? 😂

  7. Jakes Channel

    Breaking news: Brian may has lice in the hair because of never haircut

  8. Ethan

    Replace Adam lambert with Marc Martel

    slynnc kitty

    Ethan Queen have said they would not be touring had it not been for Adam and that they will play with no one else. They would never use an imitator.

  9. EliSha AbarqueZ

    Not enough bass apreciation there

  10. Sinner Simmer

    Speaking my honest opinion, Adam Lambert will never be as good as Freddie , and I personally don't like Adam taking Freddie's place, he just doesn't fit in..

    slynnc kitty

    Sinner Simmer May continued: "Adam lives and breathes that stuff. Adam is style, and that’s not to say he’s not content as well."He’s a born rock star and frontman, so it’s a very vibrant relationship we have with him.“We treat Adam exactly the same as we treated Freddie in almost every way."Lambert isn't just a hugely talented frontman, filling in for Freddie, he has become something much more.He added: "He’s a born exhibitionist. He’s not Freddie, and he’s not pretending to be him, but he has a parallel set of equipment. He knows how to deal with an audience. He teases and taunts an audience quite naturally, without thinking about it. He loves to dress up.In numerous recent interviews, May and Taylor have often talked about the band as a family. How their fractious fights and butting heads helped create musical magic and bring out the best in each other.The fact that Lambert is now included in that sentiment, is the highest possible accolade he could be given. He isn't just helping keep the Queen back catalogue alive, he is an integral part of moving it forward, a creative force in his own right.In a major interview with guitar world, May reinforced the existing views of just how We still go out there with Adam and do it at the top level. I don’t think anybody could have predicted that, either. What’s great is, Adam doesn’t feel like a replacement at all; in his own way, he’s an innovator on stage. He’s part of our new balance.

  11. Sergio Rosano

    Fucking Adam Lambert, fuck off.

    slynnc kitty

    Sergio Rosano How old are you, Hon?

  12. Steven Rojas

    2:00 is it me or that is the same guitar as the one May played for Killer Queen in Montreal 81?

    Steven Rojas

    Ok I just realized it's been the exact same guitar for almost always, check every live performance recorded and it's the same guitar in most if not all of the cases

    Steven Rojas

    I wonder how much is it worth given that is the guitar that has played in Queen's most iconic performances

  13. Ella Bohmova

    Go see the normal killer queen and you see how other is that

  14. Ella Bohmova

    He sing: ugly,bad,silly,crazy,not good!!!!!!freddie mercury was more more more more more good then he!!! Ho want to freddie mercury was still alive put like

    slynnc kitty

    Ella Bohmova May continued: "Adam lives and breathes that stuff. Adam is style, and that’s not to say he’s not content as well."He’s a born rock star and frontman, so it’s a very vibrant relationship we have with him.“We treat Adam exactly the same as we treated Freddie in almost every way."Lambert isn't just a hugely talented frontman, filling in for Freddie, he has become something much more.He added: "He’s a born exhibitionist. He’s not Freddie, and he’s not pretending to be him, but he has a parallel set of equipment. He knows how to deal with an audience. He teases and taunts an audience quite naturally, without thinking about it. He loves to dress up.In numerous recent interviews, May and Taylor have often talked about the band as a family. How their fractious fights and butting heads helped create musical magic and bring out the best in each other.The fact that Lambert is now included in that sentiment, is the highest possible accolade he could be given. He isn't just helping keep the Queen back catalogue alive, he is an integral part of moving it forward, a creative force in his own right.In a major interview with guitar world, May reinforced the existing views of just how We still go out there with Adam and do it at the top level. I don’t think anybody could have predicted that, either. What’s great is, Adam doesn’t feel like a replacement at all; in his own way, he’s an innovator on stage. He’s part of our new balance.

  15. ein Kanalname

    I like how Roger's voice is still high :)

  16. jose gaete

    It’s not the same

    slynnc kitty

    jose gaete They wanted different.

  17. Adam Lewandowski

    Adam Lambert ignore

    slynnc kitty

    Adam Lewandowski Ignore the MM troll.

  18. Internet

    He DoEsN’T sOuNd LiKe FrEdDiE i DoN’t LiKe HiM

    slynnc kitty

    Internet There will always be only one Freddie Mercury. Adam was hired for his own amazing voice.

  19. Owhenfulify

    Adam solo arruina el trabajo de Freddy... Como es posible que Bryan y Roger se lo permitan?!?!?

  20. Ian Arath

    Yo la neta no veria a ese wey yo iria por brian may :v

  21. Rosa Perdomo

    Nadie como Freddie 😭

  22. No Nick

    Tmr y marc martel?

    slynnc kitty

    No Nick 🤮🤢👎🏼

  23. Leomatoad

    Is it me or does Brian seem more energetic on stage and in interviews now than when he was younger?

  24. Leomatoad

    Why does everyone toxic to Adam? (I would like to hear a explanation)


    They are fangirls who can't accept the fact that Freddie's been dead for years

    A.C.Armyexo-l GlamQueen

    Leomatoad Exactly. These haters need to get a grip

  25. FireLyon 97

    Much better Marc martel

    slynnc kitty

    FireLyon 97 He most definitely is better than the imitator.

    FireLyon 97

    Is not true for me

    slynnc kitty

    FireLyon 97 It’s true for Brian, Roger and all their fans. Oh, and do you see the imitator here? No, so you are a troll.


    why the fuck is Adam Lambert touring with queen and not mark martell

    slynnc kitty

    THE MLG GAMER Brian on why they picked Adam…….."One of the great things about Adam is that he's never an imitator. He always finds his own way with the songs and that's what we all want. We want our music to be alive and dangerous and still open to change. Freddie particularly would hate to have thing reproduced the way they were. We take it to a different place, it's exciting. And I don't think we'd be doing it if we didn't think we were actually going into new territory and every time we work with Adam, we do that so I'm very happy." “Us on the road is because of Adam Lambert. If we hadn't come across Adam, I'm sure we wouldn't be out there playing, you know. To find somebody so perfect and yet someone who's not an imitator in any way, has been incredible. And I call him a GFG – a gift from God.” But though 32-year-old Lambert is 35 years younger than Brian May, the guitarist enthuses about his new lead vocalist: "Found something even more precious than my guitar....a man who made it possible for us to come back and play...the stuff of dreams...Adam Lambert!" Dr. Brian May "We will not work with anyone else after we've worked with the great Adam"."It's been great with Adam – he's a camp Elvis," says Roger, speaking before he stepped on stage in Sydney, Australia. "He's completely different. The last person we'd want is someone impersonating Freddie. He's someone who is himself. "Brian and I never expected to do all of this again, it's been unbelievable. "It's great, except this time we're actually getting good reviews." I'm happy to play with him. You know, when Freddie died, we thought that the end of Queens was beautiful, but that's all. Then we tried with Paul Rodgers, whose voice was good for soul and blues, but not for Queen's style. And then by chance we found Adam, who is an incredible singer, and there is chemistry between us - we like to work with, and loves music. We've been concerts for 5 years and it's getting better and better. With Brian, we've been young again, revived onstage, it's just fantastic! Adam is humble and at the same time very funny, one of the best singers I've ever heard. Of course Freddie was only one, he could not be brought back, but with Adam we can do great tours. We are twice as old. But Adam is already in his thirties, he is a mature personality, and he now belongs to us.

  27. Heathman 131

    This is perfect they have got someone that has amazing vocals like Freddie and is just like Freddie, he's different but he's being himself and not trying to copy Freddie

  28. Otakoustime

    I only hear 2 OG voice

  29. Ale Hartley

    Marc Martel can do better

    slynnc kitty

    Ale Hartley He can do better at being an imitator, but Adam was chosen because he has his own incredible voice and doesn’t need to pretend to be anyone else.

  30. vito temno

    Brian May 👍Roger Taylor 👍Adam Lambert❌

    slynnc kitty

    vito temno "I think he's the best singer around . I don't know anybody that could out sing Adam Lambert. I really don't." Roger Taylor.👍🏼Brian May about @adamlambert : "the voice is stupendous there is not another voice like that in this planet" 👍🏼

    vito temno

    @slynnc kitty At first glance it seemed strange to me, but in the end it is pretty good.

  31. Sasory Gamer

    No es lo mismo :(

  32. Darsy_GT

    Ese se no le llega alos talones de la voz de freddie mercury

  33. Renata Tavares

    Ficou ótimo. Ao estilo Adam. Adorei a perfomace

  34. SyNc Skullz

    Marc Martel is better than Adam LambertChange my mind

  35. Kaleb Valdez

    Adam is acting so gay, Freddie looks like he’s super straight, and I don’t like it.

    BOKKE LFC Games and Vlogs

    I bet Adam is straight

    Kaleb Valdez

    We love Liverpool Games and Vlogs He has a boyfriend.

    BOKKE LFC Games and Vlogs

    Kaleb Valdez oh...that’s embarrassing

  36. Alexander Selman

    I miss Freddie

  37. артем ковалев

    Старая Куин была лучше

  38. артем ковалев


  39. Austin NightEyes

    Adam is trash I’m not trying to be toxic or mean but like honestly he messes up the lyrics makes them all extra when they don’t need to. His voice just isn’t for Queen

  40. David Henriquez

    In my opion Marc Martell Is best singer to Adam Lambert

  41. Fibră 2k19

    this so called adam looks like a dumb slut...i miss freddie so much edit: thx4 1 like))

  42. Mario Limon thomas

    Nadien puede comparar al gran Freddy Mercury 😙

  43. Mario Limon thomas

    Canta super mal la vrd😞

  44. Hankyofiu OFICIAL

    It s bad replace fredie

    slynnc kitty

    Hankyofiu OFICIAL He’s not replacing Freddie. He has respect for his legacy."There's never going to be another, and I'm not replacing him. That's not what I'm doing. I'm trying to keep the memory alive, and remind people how amazing he was, without imitating him. I'm trying to share with the audience how much he inspired me." "To me @QueenWillRock is Freddie and I am a guest,” ---Adam Lambert

  45. Savaş Zafer Bayındır

    Adam you are loser fredie is best

    slynnc kitty

    Savaş Zafer Bayındır Fronting Queen is not losing. 😂

  46. Ariel H.

    Adam is no Freddie, that’s not what they want. They don’t want to replace Freddie, they want someone who knows what they’re doing and has a good voice!

  47. GunScott HDgaming

    Why is everyone hating on Adam Lambert?*He is just trying to keep the legacy of Freddy Mercury Alive*

    slynnc kitty

    GunScott HDgaming Some are butt hurt trolls.

    killer queen

    "The show must go on" say freddie

  48. Muaaz Akbar

    Sure Adam is good and I do respect but he does not have the voice for it to work with some songs like we will rock you but this songDudeIT IS PERFECT

  49. Done With Josh Dun

    I don’t like Adam because I don’t like Adam. Not because he’s “replacing” Freddie. I can’t stand his solo stuff either.

    slynnc kitty

    Done With Josh Dun I doubt that he cares.

  50. J A M E S

    is adam gay?

  51. iiWillyWarfStashe :3

    0:06 *He's so incredibly sassEH-*

  52. T&C

    Adam is shit

    slynnc kitty

    T&C He’s THE shit!

  53. Jqxl YT

    Adam Lambert isn’t as good as Mercury

  54. Free Way

    Ridiculus !

    slynnc kitty

    Free Way You don’t seem that bad.

  55. Alnet Poop

    Me gusta como adam actúa en los conciertos con un carisma casi idéntico a freddie

  56. Daft

    “How dare you stand where he stood?!”

    slynnc kitty

    Daft Brian and Roger put him there.

    Anthony Stark

    I'm more of a marc martel kind a guy...

    slynnc kitty

    Anthony Stark So what you really mean is you’re just a MM troll shamelessly pimping the Freddie wannabe on a video that has nothing to do with the imitator. Pathetic, but got it.

    Anthony Stark

    Still though. But got it

    slynnc kitty

    Anthony Stark still though...comments from fans following concerts.jeffscottsotoofficialVerifiedI can't say enough about this man's voice as well as his friendly demeanor, @adamlambert, who I've been following since his audition on Idol, his flawless and effortless voice soared tonight...just like every time I see him!! @officialqueenmusic. Portnoy Whatta night!! Thank you @QueenWillRock @DrBrianMay @adamlambert #rogertaylor My honest opinion (and I told Adam this after the show), nobody can replace Freddie...but Adam is absolutely the greatest most insane vocals I’ve ever heard (literally!) he is perfect for the gig!I never wanna hear anyone bitch about @adamlambert being lead in Queen ever again. He's a fucking rockstar and brought the house down. If you aren't happy and proud of him, it's ok because I know Freddie is. Great show Adam!! 🎤1 stupid thing I did was underestimate @adamlambert ‘s ability to perform with @QueenWillRock . He fucking killed it! I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun at a concert! Last night was mind blowing to say the least! @DrBrianMay #rodgerTaylor #Queen #therhapsodytourAt the @GlblCtzn in Central Park (#GlobalCitizenFestival), the legendary @QueenWillRock with the amazing @adamlambert shows they still rock us, they’ll always rock us. It’s like Adam was born to become their front man. My heart’s full. Wow!I saw Queen yesterday on @MSNBC & I was so HAPPY @adamlambert was amazing he was Freddie Mercury he was AMAZING! I LOVED IT!Baby, @adamlambert is an alien from the planet ImGonnaSingMayFaceOff. Thank you LAWD! #GlobalCitizenWhat a performance! Adam, what a gift..and QUEEN..timeless. I am in awe. Thank you!! Beautiful!!Nobody, starting with #AdamLambert , never claimed to "replace" #FreddieMercury but ALL members of the group #Queen agree that Adam brings more than flamboyant costumes: an incomparable voice and a fantastic charisma! 💚#GlobalCitizenFestivalCompletely blown away. Fantasic show tonigt @MSG. Queen with Adam Lambert.I saw Freddie @MSG in the 70s as well. They're both one of a kind. I knew it would be good but no. It was spectacular Theatrical respectful of Freddie and just a really good time. Thanks Guys!Queen with Adam Lambert rocked MSG. Wow, what a show. Gonna go out on a limb and say that @adamlambert is the best male vocalist of this generation. The dude has some pipes and honors Freddie Mercury with class and dignity.Amazing show tonight @TheGarden! @adamlambert Freddy is looking down on you from heaven beaming with his infectious smile❤ @QueenWillRock was brilliant tonight!! @DrBrianMay @OfficialRMTI have been to the @UnitedCenter for 3 @NHLBlackhawks championships and @QueenWillRock had that place just as loud last night. If you get the chance to go see them do it. @adamlambert is a monster!Regarding the Queen Rhapsody Concert, I absolutely love Brian and Roger of Queen and Adam Lambert earned my admiration, he fits right in. He was humble and you could tell how much he admires Queen. He hit those high notes and never off key. He sounded fabulous!Not gonna lie... I underestimated @adamlambert .. good job dude. If Freddie was here... he'd be proud. Fandamntastic show tonight in Atlanta, Ga. Brian and Roger, thank you for still rocking it. Made my inner kids heart swell tonight. Thank you!Can I just say that @adamlambert is AHMAZING LIVE! A KING!!! VOCALS!!! A+++++ stage presence and interaction with the crowd!! You’re doing Freddie proud💗🙏🏻✨

  57. Aiman Szami

    I prefer marc martel

    slynnc kitty

    Aiman Szami So you must be lost because he’s nowhere to be found in thus video of Queen and their incredible lead singer, Adam Lambert.

  58. Name's Roz

    2:00 adams acting is nuts

  59. Janet Chambers

    Adam makes me smile. Great showman.

  60. Glacier

    Marc Martel is better

    slynnc kitty

    Glacier Another poor butt hurt, lost MM troll. Honey, that imitator is nowhere to be found in this video. This is the legendary band, Queen and their hand picked frontman who they feel is the best fit.

  61. jmcruck locp

    Adam Lambert creído

    Vanessa Arnal

    Tiene carisma.. no es creído.

  62. FIZ Ruscoe

    “Adam is killing queen”Nah, he’s giving queen something new to try. Plus, they didn’t want a freddie copycat*cough* marc *cough*

  63. Faseeh Ahmad

    Tbh Marc Martel should be touring with Queen not Adam Lambert. No hate towards Adam but he sounds like a pop singer singing retro songs so he doesn’t really fit in...

    slynnc kitty

    Faseeh Ahmad TBH, Brian and Roger chose the person they wanted because they felt he was the best. Imagine that, the band knows better than you what works for them. 😂

    Faseeh Ahmad

    slynnc kitty I just said what I think would be better and most of the people would think the same. If u don’t know about Marc Martel go watch him then come back here. Marc would be a lot better than Adam

    slynnc kitty

    Faseeh Ahmad Most of the people have been selling out their concerts for over 7 1/2 years and continue to beg for more, so Im not sure what fans you are referring to. I know of Marc and so did Brian and Roger when they chose Adam. They would never dishonor Freddie by using an imitator. I’ve been to all 3 of their tours, but wouldn’t waste my time on a Freddie wannabe. Their band, their decision and it was brilliant.

  64. TheAnnoyingBee

    Y'all stop shading adam- he ain't Freddie but he's a good singer and he has great enthusiasm!

  65. gustavo brandan

    slynnc kitty

    gustavo brandan Do you see the imitator anywhere in this video? No, because Queen chose the very best person for their band and it is Adam. You are here shamelessly pimping the Freddie wannabe. I find you trolls desperate and pathetic. You don’t belong here.

    gustavo brandan

    @slynnc kitty CHUPAME BIEN LA PIJA

    slynnc kitty

    gustavo brandan Typically MM fan with the vulgar rhetoric. I thought I was communicating with an adult, but you’ve proven me wrong.

    gustavo brandan


    slynnc kitty

    gustavo brandan I understand all I need to understand. by!

  66. Mikey Micstar Seguin /Sprunt

    Is this Adam Lambert Show Now with the Couch and Shit ADAM Freud Lambert. Freddy never needed bells and whistles. It was his music and voice that sold Queen to the Audience. In jeans and a T-Shirt and Running Shoes.

    slynnc kitty

    Well they did not have the budget back then that they do now. Anyway, this is from 2014, nit recently. Also,Freddie wore more than this shorts. I remember one harlequin print leotard with ballet slippers and a leotard with eyes running down the front among so many other flamboyant costumes. Yes, Freddie was known as flamboyant. He actually said,"I have fun with my clothes onstage; it's not a concert you're seeing, it's a fashion show."Freddie Mercury

    Mikey Micstar Seguin /Sprunt

    @slynnc kitty If you want to use that . Fine it was a plain jumper he used for allot of shows. Shorts were only at the end of the show when the would do Old Rock N Roll tunes from the 60's Cover songs. But that was usually at the end of the night for encores he would were shorts. You still did not get what I was saying. Freddy Didn't need all that Flash. He was Artistic. Drama Art. True Art. He made it on his Vocals and Song writing capabilities. A true Genious. He didn't have to rely on a Couch or Diamond studded Platform Boots. Freddy liked Bare Foot or Runners. The point is he didn't need to rely on that Flash. He had a Voice that sold the world. It's true Adam makes Freddy look Straight.

    slynnc kitty

    Mikey Micstar Seguin /Sprunt What is a “Freud” from your first comment? Anyway, I don’t need to use anything. I saw Freddie perform live with Queen and now with Adam as have these fans.Joe Elliott (Def Leppard) Queen"For me the absolute highlight of last Saturdays show at the 3Arena in Dublin was Queen and Adam Lambert playing that song. (WWTLF) Unbelievable. The lights, the lasers, the sound, the performances of everybody on stage was absolutely top notch. If you haven't got a ticket yet, go see these guys. Legends of course we all know that. Adam Lambert will be the first to stand up and say he's no Fred, but my goodness one of the best live vocals I've ever heard. And Rick Savage who was sat next to me said exactly the same thing. Was Adam Lambert last week in Dublin."I saw #Queen with #FreddieMercury at The Spectrum in Philadelphia back in the summer of 1980...a show and memory I will never forget! Have to say tho, I was even more blown away with the #QAL #RhapsodyTour Show! Freddie would be proud of #AdamLambert , #BrianMay & #RogerTaylor!💗 I saw Freddie's Queen and I've seen Queen with @adamlambert . BOTH men are extraordinary, phenomenal, other-worldly vocalists and completely different ways. Those that hate on Adam because he isn't Freddie have clearly never seen him do what he does.I was lucky enough to see Freddie sing, was unsure as to what to expect, in short was blown away, fantastic gig & am sure Freddie would be proud to have you continue the Queen legacy, have fun tonight My first concert was Queen at Slane Castle in ‘86. Saw Queen with Adam Lambert last year. You are in for a treat, enjoy!Saw Queen with Freddie 1975 Christmas Eve, tonight with Adam Lambert. Both incredible shows fronted by incredible showmen. Messrs May and Taylor constants of course.@DrBrianMay @OfficialRMT @QueenWillRock @adamlambert wow!! That gig will live in my memory forever, I was at Knebworth in 1986, miss Freddie’s voice so much, so happy you guys found each other! Thank you! #matchmadeinheavenI was fortunate enough to see Queen with Freddie twice. I have never seen anyone play to an audience like him. He was never afraid to take chances. I got lucky, and saw Queen with Adam live recently, and my jaw dropped. What a killer show they put on. Go see it!I've been going to see Queen live since 1978 but @DrBrianMay, @adamlambert and @OfficialRMT last night in Glasgow was phenomenal. Thank you!!!!!Hey mate, the bloody game was called off! Anyway we moseyed on up the toon, I’m just in actually after a 12.30 start, great day out. Queen were terrific mate,m I’ve been lucky enough to see Freddie Mercury in the 8O’s and Adam Lambert to his credit was a great front man30 years since I have seen Queen and this was just brilliant! @adamlambert Freddie would be so proudHaving not seen Queen without Freddie until now - I’m so pleased that I saw them @TheO2 with Adam Lambert last evening. It was one of the most incredible shows I’ve seen. Adam Lambert doesn’t attempt to replace Freddie but pays great tribute to his memory - an honour You know you loty Queenies....we make people rich. Told my relatives not to expect any monies upon my death because I am throwing it all at Adam and Queen. Saw Freddie 5 times have to say this time around is twice the fun.Fellow Canadians at the bar who had seen Queen with Freddie have to admit Adam's range far surpasses Freddie's.Guy beside me had seen Freddie 3 times, Paul Rodgers 2 times. LOVED @adamlambert Lots of OMGs, phenomenal & wows. Told you, I said.I last saw Queen in 1986 at Wembley London, Freddy was awesome back then. I was happily surprised by Adam Lambert...boygeorgeofficial Went to see @adamlambert performing with #Queen in Sydney and it was fabulous. Adam’s voice is astounding and he does not need to apologize for not being Freddy Mercury. Adam brings his own flavor to those timeless songs and he is a wonderful artist in his own right. Loved the glittering 70s platforms. Brian singing ‘love of my life’ was beautiful. No need to apologize Brian you bring beauty and vulnerability to my fave Queen song!Roger on ‘It’s A Kind Of Magic’ was also full of feeling. Very Bowie-esque and I loved the drum solos and Brian’s axe lamenting. It was a night with everything. GO you will live for it!@adamlambert I saw queen 5 times 77-86. Saw u with the guys in 2014 and again on Wednesday in Sydney. U enhance their brilliance and it is just as enjoyable watching them now as it was with to you.Haha my dad a massive Queen fan. My parents saw Freddie live. Yes Freddie not Freddy. Now considers @adamlambert as “Freddie’s heir apparent”. Was stunned by his performance. This is Adams legacy

    Bored Nerd

    @Mikey Micstar Seguin /Sprunt 😑

  67. Sofster Zang

    Think about it....Brian never cut his hair all this time...Wait how much hair did he have when he was a baby! <3

  68. Keshav Tanwar

    That was all nice but that messed up chorus ;_;

  69. HOssAM HAssAN

    يسطا والله انتا طيب و ابن زانيه

  70. el papu pro hd

    I didn't remember only one time that freddie mercury look clothes like this

    Bored Nerd

  71. Fernando Merino Cano

    Qué asco qué asco me da este puto cerdo encerio qué asco me da 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

    slynnc kitty

    Fernando Merino Cano Roger Taylor fr Queen:Le deseo a Adam Lambert Creo que tenemos uno de los mejores cantantes del mundo. Se ve fantástico, es divertido, canta maravillosamente y es un gran showman. Él es la única persona que realmente llena las botas de Freddie Mercury. ("Creo que es el mejor cantante. No conozco a nadie que pueda cantar a Adam Lambert. Realmente no". Roger TaylorBrian May sobre @adamlambert: "la voz es estupenda, no hay otra voz así en este planeta"

  72. derpysharkNo.784

    God give us Freddie Mercury back......We'll give you Adam Lambert....

    slynnc kitty

    derpysharkNo.784 Naw...we’re good.

  73. slimydick23

    The thing is, Freddie wasn't really gay. He just ran out of women to have sex with. His only true loves in his entire life were with females. Adam as is queer as a 3 dollar bill, he's only liked dick his entire life. That's why this scene is so uncomfortable for true fans.

    slynnc kitty

    slimydick23 “I'm as gay as a daffodil, my dear”- Freddie Mercury

  74. Cryvin Official

    Best only freaddie mercury

  75. zarina bajar

    The audience is there because of Adam Lambert, not for Queen

  76. Deadmen

    Freddie: Killer QueenAdam: Queen killer

    slynnc kitty

    Deadmen Deadmen: MM troll

  77. Michael Michael

    Freddie is the subbed version Adam is the dub.

  78. Johnrhiz Cama

    Check marc martel he is the 2nd voice of freddie mercury not adam lambert😒😆😆 marc martel is the best🖤🖤💖💖💖💖💖💖

  79. SuperTorin

    2:12 that is the face of a man who really misses Freddie Mercury


    It is not, obviously he misses him but stop saying that every thing they do is because they miss Freddie


    KawaInkling that was not what I was saying and I bet they do really miss Freddie


    So plz don’t be bossy


    Listen I’m not talking only about you, I mean every single one that says that every expression on Roger or Brian is because they are thinking about him

    Parsa seyfi

    @KawaInkling big deal who cares what others comment

  80. Meemst Meemst'nt

    What a beautiful duwang

  81. Paul John Hacks

    Adam is a trash

  82. M89A

    For me only Mr. Mercury is the voice of Queen. A great performance absolutely, but no 😞

  83. pik kkle

    I thought Adam Lambert was supposed to be good at singing

  84. Jonathan XIV

    I’ll only go to the concert for Brian and Roger

  85. ツAlanny

    freddie is the best

  86. дед инсайд lol

    Фредди смотрит с небес на все это и плачет(Freddie is looking on this from heaven and cry, its not Queen (( sorry for my English

  87. Ravenwing

    Who the fuck is this guy singing ?

  88. Koji

    Rogerina ain't got any business being that thicc

  89. jennifer dhombruchdh

    Wieso entfernt niemand diesen... Was auch immer er sein soll.... Ich liebe queen und ich weiß freddie ist einmalig aber muss man es gleich so versauen? Wer hat den Hampelmann ausgesucht? Schämt euch

  90. Valentina Ledesma

    La unica reina asesina es freddie

  91. mywave78 wellowoody

    Brian may, what a master

  92. Genesis marielos Arevalo perez

    Algo curioso ... Cuando comenzaron roger y brian ya estaban y ahora que freddie y john ya no estan ellos siguen en la banda ... Wow 😍😍😍

  93. Rye Lahoylahoy

    Freddie Murcury is Better Than Adam Lambert

    Arthur Fleck

    No shit


    Marc martel is the best

    slynnc kitty

    YBS PIANO He might be the best imitator, but since I haven’t heard them all I can’t really verify that. What I can verify is what Brian and Rodger think of Adam."I think he's the best singer around . I don't know anybody that could out sing Adam Lambert. I really don't." Roger Taylor.Brian May about @adamlambert : "the voice is stupendous there is not another voice like that in this planet"

  95. Poppy Cat

    I never used to like Adam Lambert and I still don’t but I understand why they chose him

    slynnc kitty

    The_Classy_ Human Do you know him?

  96. Arthur213F53 2009

    Me marc martel

    slynnc kitty

    Arthur213F53 2009 You’re an imitator too? You’re on the wrong video then.

  97. Pewdipie

    Adam lambert don’t look good with queen also he will never top Freddie mercury and he makes Freddie Mercury look like he wants to eat pussy

    slynnc kitty

    Pewdipie MM troll alert. Just ignore.

  98. gaby covers

    I really don’t understand why Adam gets so much hate. He is obviously not Freddie (no one will ever be), but I think he is a very good performer. I love the fact that he is not trying to be like Freddie, he is being himself and that’s awesome. I would hate seeing someone on that stage trying to act like Freddie or singing like him as well, I think it would seem like he is replaceable or something. (That’s MY opinion, thank you)

  99. Diogo David

    He is NOT taking Freddy's place. This is not the original Queen. This is a Queen who homages the original Queen. He's not trying to copy Freddy, he's homaging him.

Killer Queen Şarkı Sözü
Queen Killer Queen Şarkı Sözleri

She keeps her Moet et Chandon in a pretty cabinet
'Let them eat cake.' she says just like Marie Antoinette
A built-in remedy for Kruschev and Kennedy
At anytime an invitation you can't decline

Caviar and cigarettes,
Well-versed in etiquette,
Extr'ordinarily nice,

She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laserbeam
Guaranteed to blow your mind (anytime)
Ooh, recommended at the price
Insatiable an appetite (Wanna try?)

To avoid complications she never kept the same address
In conversation she spoke just like a baroness
Met a man from China went down to Geisha Minah
(Killer, killer, she's a killer Queen)
Then again incidentally, if you're that way inclined

Perfume came naturally from Paris (naturally)
For cars she couldn't care less Fastidious and precise

She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind (anytime)

(guitar solo)

Drop of a hat she's as willing as playful as a pussy cat
Then momentarily out of action, temporarily out of gas
(To absolutely drive you wild, wild..)
She's all out to get you...

She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind

Ooh, recommended at the price
Insatiable an appetite
(Wanna try?)
You wanna try...

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