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Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Crazy Little Thing Called Love
: Crazy Little Thing Called Love
: 2.67 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 194 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 100 İndirme
: 06-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love )
  1. The Max Knight

    Elvis is the King of Rock / Freddie is the latest showman / and this song rocks!!Please note that I conjugate the two sentences about two worldwide rock stars at the present simple because they are still alive, in my not so humble opinion. ;-)*"I gotta be cool, relax..."* 👍🏼

  2. Parasian Johanes

    Yg komen telor smuanya,wkk

  3. Valerie Barcenas

    Did any of you guys notice that freddie throws a hat at 0:10?

  4. Leandro Alberto Mora

    Por qué te tuviste que ir????!!!!

  5. Scotty B Tv

    Dwight yokam not Elvis redid this

  6. Jhin Virtuoso

    If you click this 2:55 the video ends

  7. November Moon


  8. Chlo et So .2009

    Le meilleur groupe du monde !!!❤

  9. Melanie Cascante

    Queen le dio una personalidad muy propia, pero estamos hablando de un conjunto de músicos increíbles, el creador de la canción es el rey de rock Elvis, un ícono del rock, conclusión... esta canción es digna de escucharla y no votar por quién la interpretó mejor ;)

    Graciela Gracia

    En realidad esta canción fue escrita por Freddie Mercury, un imitador de Elvis fue quien la interpretó

  10. Octoberxiv Salomon

    Brian May short hair

  11. Alex Casarez

    And the people that liked it thank you 🙏🏿

  12. Alex Casarez

    Is this jazz

  13. Frances Dees

    Is that Mary? I think all blonde people look alike lol.

  14. F L I C K W I N T E R

    My mind in a test : ok consideration is highly recommended at the momentAlso me: 1:53

  15. Manuela atrás da outra

    Eu tenho 17 anos nasci em 2002 e nasci na época errada olha o mito que a humanidade perdeu😭😭 #LENDAMERCURY

  16. Isiah Espares

    That bassline though👀

  17. Rachel_ _Gacha

    If y’all don’t know who wrote this song ask Roger or Brian they’re still alive (well deaky too but I think he wanted a private life for now on :’3) but don’t just guess who it is! (Also I’d sell my life for roger just putting that out there now gonna go read son fanfic, bai y’all-)

  18. Trinity Livingston

    Sweet, idk why I always thought it was Elvis though! Can't believe he wrote this in a bath tub!

  19. armando cajaleon

    Le conosi

  20. Rosemary Garcia

    Watch those hands I mean it

  21. Rosemary Garcia

    Every day in spite of bullshit being bullied no good weed I keep moving waiting I want this over with or my FedEx loses his entire family including Queen ZOSHA get rid of all the trash or me and my pussy walk into a pair of new arms new dick do your job

  22. Fortnite Bot

    Freddy Presley

  23. Thanos Is cool

    This song just reminds me of Christmas because of the tune and beat.

  24. Sidrung Kapun

    This song doesn't even get old it just keep getting better through the years 🤘🤘🍻🍻

  25. Christine Sowell

    Wow Freddie looks unbelievably beautiful in this video!!!

  26. Real Mr Jangoon

    80s Freddy was the coolest

  27. Disco Deaky

    This next song is only dedicated to beautiful people here tonight It means all of youThank you for coming alongAnd making this a great occasion

  28. Rosario Lopez

    Gg 😀

  29. Vrinda Kohli

    Frickin love this song and the mv but you gotta admit the video quality is potato.

  30. bianca bueno

    Queen, is very best. I love 😚

  31. Rocio Romero

    Te amo freddy mercury♥♥♥♥♥♥ sos el mejor cantante

  32. Mayank Prabhakar

    In the beginning of the video I was surprised did mj appeared in the video

  33. Tiina Kontio

    To get that person who rip of freddies white shirt... oooola laa..

  34. Valentino Perra

    ╔══╗╔╗ ╚╗╔╝║║╔═╦╦╦╔╗╔╝╚╗║╚╣║║║║╔╣╚══╝╚═╩═╩═╩═╝ this song,-.,..-,,.

  35. Musss

    Gegar vaganza bring here 😅

  36. David Churchich

    He sounds like Elvis!

    Idea Lab

    Freddie wrote this song as a tribute to Elvis

  37. Philippe Cochennec

    Who's still listening to this in november 2019 ?

  38. Hailey Mags

    My cat loves this song

  39. Meriyein Castañeda Miranda

    Amo a queeen

  40. Софья Акишева

    Oh my lord,i love this song.

  41. Stin Haffin

    Came for a thumbnail. It looks like it's a CGI-created Action Movie sequence

  42. Julio Cesar


  43. Pedro Zalpa

    A piece of art. Love the Elvis vibes 🙌🏼I just did a cover of Elvis, i’d appreciate if you go to my channel and check it outHope you like it

  44. Boris The GTASHNIK

    I love Brian’s glasses

  45. Ladyeby93

    My biggest regretI wish I was born before just to assist to a Queen’s concert ...

  46. Grass Red

    떼~ 럽~

  47. Luciano Figueiredo

    Essa coisa loka amor

  48. Total Vocals

    Why are there so many comments about freddie and elvis

    Idea Lab

    Freddie wrote this song as tribute to Elvis. Also there are Elvis impersonators on YouTube who have sung this song while impersonating him, I guess making some people believe Elvis sung it first

  49. Стелла Винкс

    Бориска, лол, где волосы просрал

  50. Your_A_traffic_cone!!

    this really makes me ad when people say elvis wrote this. freddie did and he did it first not elvis!

    Real Mr Jangoon

    Actually, Elvis died in 77', he made this song. Freddy made this as a tribute to him

    Tommy Tagarook

    Elvis sang this long before queen.

    pratham bhusal

    @Real Mr Jangoon Freddie wrote this song when he was having a bubble bath

    Idea Lab

    @Tommy Tagarook This song was written in 1979. Elvis died in 1977. Elvis never sung this song

  51. ツBoruto

    Brazil love's queen.

  52. Miguel Valdebenito

    wait, wait where´s the red special?

  53. Alexander Arsov

    Pity the ending is spoiled by thumbnails.

  54. I Win


  55. Katia Geane

    Da hora💃💃💃

  56. Agnes Simpson

    The good ʏᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇ ᴠɪᴇᴡ has worked only $1.60 1000 ᴠɪᴇᴡ it's - *RAZORVIEWS.* *COM*

  57. Ale xd

    que fachero que era freddie la re puta madre

  58. bllaine mail

    Jesus brian that tongue!!!!

  59. SIMPLE VIEW CLAN kansai

    Kids listen to billie ellishboys listen to ksi songMen listen to this

    Spider Møøn GACHA

    I'm in the queen musical and I love Billie Eilish and Queen so what does that make me? I'm a man child

  60. santiago hernandez

    Freddy morira jajajaja

  61. Andru Perez

    eres raro fredi pero de adoro

  62. iilevan jierotoo

    OK laaa...Sape dr Malaysia yg datang sini lps dgr Roy nyanyi kt GV6 😁


    Yuhuuuuu geng geng

    iilevan jierotoo


  63. 89 mara

    I like it! Sexy Freddie 💖

  64. AmpBoy Channel

    Kaki GV kasi like 1

  65. Nor Karim

    Lepas Roy nyanyi terus datang sini 😂#GegarVaganza#2019

  66. cyla_ CR

    Im here because of ROY GV6.. ❤️

  67. King Wolf

    Awesome and cool Freddie <3

  68. Inel Hasan

    Freddie mercury ...coooolll...real the legend !!

  69. melanchxly

    brian stop 😂😂😳

  70. Brener Laurence

    2019 BH e noiz

  71. Maddie Hubert

    Rodger's face at 1:41 😂

  72. walter borello

    Io ascoltavo i maneskin ma da quando o ascoltato questa canzone me ne sono innamorata#bellissima🥰

  73. Henry Velasquez

    London Supreme Court is going to let him go right when they see him

  74. Roger Taylor

    1:01 Freddie: NANI!!!???

  75. juliana


  76. Hafizul Hanif

    Roy GV6 bring me here

  77. Josey Lynn

    1:01 Freddie just casually got demonetized there...

  78. D.O.A Moba

    So red eyes nani meme get the idea from here?

  79. Ethan Taube

    This song played live is better

  80. Chevalier Macabre

    whenever this song comes on i get into VIBE! :)

  81. Chevalier Macabre

    who else is like this is amazing!

  82. Diablo viv

    queen freddie

  83. Eric Cartman

    If you hate this then you will never get a girlfriend or boyfriend

  84. Bauti Sombrero Italiano

    Ahora por el video de un imitador de Elvis Presley cantando esta cancion hay idiotas en este mundo que creen que la cancion es de Elvis Presley...

  85. TT zika


  86. Anderson lima

    Pure Hot Funny Rock n roll ever!

  87. Chris - Man


  88. julieth urrego

    Perfecto!!! 💋

  89. elvira madylbekovna

    He’s so beautiful 🤩

  90. A F

    I find it funny that people far older than me still think Elvis wrote this when he had been dead for years. Elvis never even sang this song. Its IMPOSSIBLE. This was Freddie's homage to Elvis.

  91. School Account

    Yas Queen

  92. Kiara Marchini

    Holu xd

  93. Nails YT

    Русские тут?

  94. valerieee LMN

    brian may is killing me with the lip bite and tongue😭💖

  95. Mona Annabi

    lucky Girls!

  96. Adela Aleman

    La mejor canción de mi vida aparte de bhoemian i wey Will rock you

  97. James Bond

    Crazy Little Thing Called Love ,COOL!

Crazy Little Thing Called Love Şarkı Sözü
Queen Crazy Little Thing Called Love Şarkı Sözleri

This thing called love I just can't handle it
This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love

This thing (this thing) called love (called love)
It cries (like a baby)
In a cradle all night
It swings (woo woo)
It jives (woo woo)
It shakes all over like a jelly fish
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love

There goes my baby
She knows how to Rock'n'Roll
She drives my crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat

I gotta be cool relax get hip! Get on my track's
Take a back seat
Hitch hike
And take a long ride on my motor bike
Until I'm ready
Crazy little thing called love

I gotta be cool relax get hip!
Get on my track's
Take a back seat
Hitch hike
And take a long ride on my motor bike
Until I'm ready (ready Freddie)
Crazy little thing called love

This thing called love I just can't handle it
This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love...

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