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Queen - Flash

: Flash
: 2.64 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 100 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 60 İndirme
: 06-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Queen - Flash )
  1. Nikki

    2:00 “ok they have long enough for a theme song let’s make this ours now”

  2. Coolboyright12

    The Flash 6x01 anyone?

  3. cjbos81

    Who's here not because of a show but because you're an old ass?

  4. nospmis remoH

    This songs a “Flashback”

  5. nospmis remoH

    Its sad that i didnt know this song until i saw Family Guy

  6. Fatima Hargreeves

    The serie of flash is a shit

  7. Helen Sanderson

    Here because Queen and Timothy Dalton

  8. Brianna Sligar

    I’m still amazed at deakys stamina for that solid pace through the song :) and I’ve been playing this song back for five hours on a road trip 😂

  9. poohjo1999

    Saw Flash Gordon in the theatre in 1980 when I was just 7 years old, that started my Queen & Freddy Mercury obsession

  10. Ian Aplin

    Was flash gordan really good or really shit? 🎼👌

  11. Dyke Dude

    Who's here from all those cleaning ads?

  12. Dim mary

    "good point"

  13. Thiago :v

    1 episode of 6 season The Flash

  14. Christine Pastore

    Too many commercials use this song!

  15. tecnologia office

    Clash royale

  16. Eduarda- Candy


  17. Darth Zilla

    Great song horrible movie.

  18. Sheret 7k dea


  19. The heliX

    The Flash Season 6 Episode 1

  20. Kino

    Nope. Here because of Ted.

  21. Kino

    This song is dope. Love bass

  22. Zapstone

    Who is here cause it's a dope song?

  23. Flash Williamson

    This is my song my nicknames flash cause of my speed


    ᶜˡᵉᵃⁿˢ ᵘᵖ ᵗʰᵉ ᶦᵐᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇˡᵉ

  25. Kimberly's Reborn Family

    I’ve always loved this song and the movie. I even love the series.❤️

  26. SilentBob731

    For the record, I'm here because I listened to this album when I was a kid. Terrible movie, Amazing Soundtrack. ;-)

  27. Reverse Gamer


  28. Eliza Przymorska

    1:43 It looks a little bit weird. Roger, what are doin' ?

  29. Nigel Goulding

    Best singer,of all time,in my opinion???

  30. kawan lynch

    I know right

  31. specialunit 042

    I have literally read the comments and they are cancer. All but 3 comments read "Who's here after Flash Season 6????!!!?!??!".

  32. Radames Boscolo

    Do flash!!.haa..

  33. rogah.taylah

    nobody:the comments: wHo'S hErE aFtER wAtChIng ThE fLasH SeAsoN 6-

  34. Cryptic

    WhO’s HeRe AfTeR wAtChInG ________ sEaSoN __ ePiSoDe__?

  35. michele anne

    Who’s here because they heard this song on a pizza commercial

  36. Pedrito

    Quem veio aqui após assistir o EP 6z1 de the flash? Kkkk

  37. Ruhan Çerezcioğlu

    Queen(Flash Gordon)vs Justice League(Barry Allen)

  38. BlackHole

    1:53 💘

  39. Fear garlic

    who’s here normally?

  40. Mohammed Ahmed

    Sorry, but Idc if you’re here from flash season 6. Flash is my fave show but I’m here cause I’m a queen fan

  41. Mohammed Ahmed

    Nobody cares if you came from the flash even if my favourite show is the flash.I came here because I’m a queen fan

  42. The Online Shop By Meboo99

    This is why Queen is the King! 😊

  43. Dexter

    Guess I’m the only one from the fla...oh nevermind

  44. Emek Korkmaz

    Another legend song

  45. Snowy Collar

    *Queen:* "Flash!"*Joe Mazzelo:* *"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA"*

  46. Lucas Estevam

    Vim do episódio de The Flash kkk!

  47. Aswad Zainurin

    hi just come back from speed force...the monitor lying...

  48. DaBossBass

    "I've been waiting to do this since day one......" Yeah, Cisco? Good, us too you beautiful man.

  49. Shining Nebula

    Who else is here NOT because of the Flash but just because they love Queen? Don’t get me wrong I love both but I didn’t come back here cause of the flash it’s because I have good taste in music

  50. daisuke kishida


  51. Donald's Animations

    FLASH! AH-AH! KING OF THE IMPOSSIBLE!- the new smart writers of the flash season 6

  52. Odd_slash

    Who's here because the song is a bomb and not because some dumb tv show played its audio for a bit

  53. Cassia Monalisa dos Santos

    Depois de assistir o primeiro eps de the flash da 6ª temporada, vim aqui!

  54. maths albuquerque

    Quem veio após o episódio 06x01 de The Flash curte aqui.

  55. Adriano Seresi


  56. Mike Siler

    Mercury was brilliant. Listen to those chord progressions and harmonies. One of a kind.

  57. easxvki

    They even show the old flash

  58. Dass e

    My dad bought me this vinyl LP after we saw the movie together. It's the only Queen album I have on vinyl.i used to fall asleep listening to the music on the family record player.

  59. Mercury Productions.

    freddie: flash! roger: crash cymbal ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

  60. Orla Kelly

    What do you mean Flash Gordon approaching?

  61. Prime pap

    Favorite part is 1:51

  62. Storm

    Season 6 Flash

  63. James Hamill

    Gordan is alive

  64. CIDES

    wHO’S heRE FrOm tHE fLASh sEAson SIx?This really has to stop *KIDS*


    CIDES who’s here from the flash season 6 episode one when he jumps into the black hole ahhh


    Look at the Fortnite guy everybody. Are you attempting to trigger me cause it looks that way. This ‘who’s here’ comment has to stop because it’s overused and boring like the game you have on your profile picture.

  65. chief zilla

    Nobody: Octane mains: FLASH AAAAAUAAH

  66. KIVEN

    Ted 👌

  67. TheTreason666

    Who’s here just because they loved this tune as a kid?


    Yes everyone else is here from the flash but this tune is just yeah

  68. shakychannel reviews

    Love the song love the film an absolute classic

  69. rockrock theragnorok

    We're all here because know.

  70. No Body

    WHY TF U ALL HERE BC OF TV SHOW FLASH. Yall didnt knew this song before? QUEEN IS AMAZING.

  71. whatever

    90% - flash season 6 comment's9% - queen comment's1% other comment's

  72. musab junaidi

    One of the best bass line for sure.

  73. sorrym8

    Whose here not from the flash tv show and just genuinely enjoy this song

  74. gmoney4980

    Still one the greatest Superhero songs eeeevvvvveerrr!!!!

  75. Bruno Santos

    After seen 1st episode of season 6 of the flash

  76. turn5990

    I love the flight of the hawk men scene at 2:13 - 2:18!!! Epic!!!

  77. Pizza Preet

    "Who is here after"..... Blah Blah lots of comments!

  78. Silver Man

    That guitar raised my T levels!!!

  79. Robert Davidson

    Strange and out of context with other albums but still great

  80. DC Comics Universe

    We need this song on Ezra Miller Flash Movie.

  81. THE FILM GUY 14

    Who is here not because of the flash but because they’re queen fans. There must be some of you out there

    Silver Man

    Of course, Queen forever!

  82. Annika Wakolbinger

    Who else is here from tik tok

  83. Herobrine

    "ah. I have been waiting for the perfect time to play this""Really, Cisco?""THE GUY'S RUNNING IN AND OUT OF A BLACK HOLE!"

  84. Xx AnixKage xX

    Who here is after flash season 6 or the clash royale theme

  85. air2data

    Who’s here because they actually like Queen and wasnt brought here by an overrated tv show?

  86. Impossible191


  87. Presumos

    Cisco brought me here

  88. Fodugan

    ooh yeah

  89. Pratik More

    What if the show runners are hinting that he is not Barry Allen but Flash Gordon from another universe?

  90. SpeedForceNation

    Who's here after The Flash Season 6 Episode 1?

  91. I'm A Big Nerd In Slytherin

    Who’s here after watching Flash Gordon?

  92. Tania Ramgoolam

    I’m listening to this after hearing it so many times in The Flash Advert 😂

  93. Triops Studios

    God, everyone is just here from The Flash, Season 6.Shut up and make intelligent comment, guys.

  94. Bruno Ferreira

    Cadê os 🇧🇷?

  95. Stefan Tsarev

    Okay, am I the only one here, not because of the Flash, but because I have actually seen the Flash Gordon Movie?......

Flash Şarkı Sözü
Queen Flash Şarkı Sözleri

Flash - a-ah - saviour of the universe
Flash - a-ah - he'll save everyone of us
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Flash - a-ah - he's a miracle
Flash - a-ah - king of the impossible

He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He'll save with a mighty hand
Every man every woman
Every child - with a mighty flash
Flash - a-ah
Flash - a-ah - he'll save everyone of us

Just a man
With a man's courage
He knows nothing but a man
But he can never fail
No one but the pure in heart
May find the golden grail
Oh oh - oh oh

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