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Passenger - Survivors

: Survivors
: 3.55 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 284 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 137 İndirme
: 07-09-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Passenger - Survivors )
  1. More than Last Stars

    Thank u for sharing your Moments.

  2. Lucas Souza

    Eu tô aqui pq ouvi na Transamérica

  3. Vivi Valadares

    Música delícinha pra curtir com amorzinho 😍😍😍😍

  4. Ayesigye Waliyyah

    Love his voice 💋💋💋

  5. Stephen Richards

    This song changed my life from a Parachute Regiment soldier who seen and did my worst in war lost it all but lad his music got me through all my nightmares thanks Passenger LEGEND

  6. Sandra G. Melo

    Gosto muito dessa música!!Existem sobreviventes?Eu estou aqui sozinho?

  7. Leon Cota

    This song is a recommendation of one of my favorite soccer players, Oscar Pérez (El Conejo) amazing shortcut,Cruz Azul the team of my LOVES.

  8. Andrei Fix

    WTF! Another masterpiece in the same album? MONSTER!

  9. XxTDW J3S MJFxX yisus

    Amo esta canción :'3 💎❤

  10. Emmanuel Ohemeng Nyantakyi

    The words alone is enough to heal a dying heart, my best singer sooo far

  11. Andrei Blanca

    Eyebrow game on point.

  12. Stephen Richards

    What a fucking Song love this lad music second to none Beautiful, meaning, thoughtful, and he gets me through my bad times ex Parachute Regiment thanks Passenger ✌🏻🇬🇧

  13. Stephen Richards

    Love this outstandingX

  14. Jantorn Pan

    Some one want to play Some one naver know that game And don't want to know that game Game is game but what real life People been not same Plas The life people is not same.

  15. Jantorn Pan

    Ho life I not tink for the gemeI naver play with thatPeople want to play but not mePeople not same

  16. Andriélissom _mg

    Brasil 🇧🇷 2020🤩💞🔆 Que música 🎶

    Jantorn Pan

    People want to play game all timeHow much get for that want to know and how much fun with thatWhat really get. When that game stop. For me nothing with game. I don't like that.

  17. Angelica Hernandez

    esta canción se lo quiero dedicar a la profesora yliana y quiero disculparme con ella lo que pasó del exámen

  18. Jhenrry Pariona

    súper, me encanta.

  19. Oscarito07

    Xd gran cancion

  20. Maxine Tash

    'Im fat i cant walk this distance"- SEBtheLEB 2k19

  21. Konoha Ryuga

    love from Viet Nam

  22. Oye Jerry

    How can someone dislike?

  23. Lucia Rúa

    Gracias por regalarnos tus canciones, no olvides venir a Perú algun día.

  24. Juanignacio Silvarain

    hay love your music yo soy español no tengo mucho ingles pero adoro tu musica me inspira pra los poemas q hago

  25. Liezl Rodriguez

    were here ur not alone❤❤❤

  26. Jantorn Pan

    How to learn with people?How to understand with people?How if people no understand with ana the peopleHow to know what people thinkingWho can trust with?

  27. Natalia C Pascutti

    Que hermosa canción!

  28. Gys Meyer

    2 Words - Absolutely Phenomenal

  29. Sydney Masilela

    You guys don’t disappoint hey 🔥🔥🔥🔥🇿🇦 it’s a beautiful song

  30. Karla SP

    I really love this song ❤

  31. Karla SP

    Best song ever!

  32. Alin Silași

    why dislike?

  33. Ingrid Luzon

    Me encantan!💖👍

  34. Orio kung fu


  35. PaBLo A


  36. H B

    Oh life ... Really a game ... So Cool 😎😎😎😎

  37. AB Roman

    Dis song like me. But dis song make me too much exited. Love ya

  38. Dante. vrk

    ❤👍🙋‍♂️🇦🇷🇺🇸From New York I am your fans, you sing great, Passegger, I am Argentinian and Latinos love music in English, greetings from New York❤❤🇦🇷

  39. Dante. vrk

    desde ArgentinaI love the music passengger

  40. saurabh tiwari

    Ohh i never regret clicking on your music videos. Always helped me through hard times. Thank You so much. You are 1 in a Billions.

  41. Amilton Fidélis

    Daniel alves tá cantando muito.

  42. Dj Onel

    Mantap babget

  43. lavenders creations

    Love from India You are really talented Don't lose your hope whatever the situation is keep goingThe greater your storm,the brighter your rainbow.

  44. Oscarito07

    Crack passenger

  45. Recreation211

    Your song give courage and strength. Reflects the human spirit and human struggles of life. Keep singing and writing these amazing pieces.

  46. Abee Na

    I feel the lyrics nd music of ur songs nd get lost .Thank u passenger for such beautiful nd soulful creation.Much love.❤️❤️

  47. Lu Ma

    Nutini Candy

  48. Empanadas Tachim

    The best.

  49. lico Monções

    Sonzera rapa

  50. เก้า ชาญชัย เก้า

    U know? love .

  51. Isabella Russell

    My favorite artist ever❤️ you don't have to be famous to be my favorite. I think that's what makes you the best, other than the fact that your like the next bob Dylan 😘

    Colm Farrel

    He is famous.



  53. Lone Wolf


  54. sotero politano

    Adoro essa música é muito linda

  55. Monoja Kennedy

    Oh God!If you sings good and meaningful songs you become underrated.Sing crap and people will love u 😭

  56. Ronaldo Campher

    Me: going through a difficult time.Me: watches this music video...Me to myself: you'll get through it and survive

  57. Ильшат Мухутдинов

    Вау классно!!! Поддержите кто так же считает)

  58. Moss Yuy

    why this song have a little view????This is a great song like a let her go

  59. Zane Gray

    I love this song so much! How do I get the guitar tone at 2:53??

  60. Just Me

    Just saw this song and it’s true, every word ❤️❤️ Thank you so much for the honesty in your songs, they’re the real music that brings people together😘 And no you’re not alone ❤️❤️

  61. Abdullox Sharipov

    Passenger : everbody is looking for somebody to lovebut we're scared to let them in pure diamond

  62. juan alcantara

    De mi top 5 canciones favoritas 🇵🇪

  63. Flying Potato

    How can passenger walk there freely after his smash hit of Let her go???!!

  64. MyDaily Journal

    I from indonesia(westborneo).I try my best to speak english, and i found "Let her go", that song so mean to me... That's why i love passenger

  65. Stephen Richards

    Love this song

  66. Wasim Raja

    love lots of love for passenger .. you make me better day by day . thanks buddy for the real musics , lots of respect , love and smiles from this little fellow

  67. เพียงตะวัน ไชยประเสริฐ

    I love your songs

  68. Salah Ha

    The less people you chill with The less bullshit you deal & your song are great<3 <3 <3

  69. Gajanan Maharana

    You are just amazing. Your songs are very relatable and everytime I listen to your songs I feel like 'Yahh that's me'.Love and respect from India.Love you and love ur work.

  70. Sky JY


  71. Laurie Vitt

    Hey-—What a GREAT song and a GREAT performance! It is a breath of fresh air to something this good. If you (Michael Rosenberg) read this, I spent the day learning this song and I will start playing it this Friday when I play at The Goods, in Tubac Arizona (where I play every other Friday). You have a "feel" for combining melody and lyrics in a way that digs deep into one's soul and is rare in modern music. If you should ever perform in Arizona and would like a desert tour, find me on FaceBook, contact me, and plan to stay a few days with us here in Tubac. The town of Tubac is basically an artist colony, and in its own right, worth visiting. Again, what a great song. It should be a standard in any music appreciation college course.

  72. Mila Doris Janampa Romero


  73. Reice

    i can't tell, does he use auto tune?

  74. Siddik Asbar

    I love your song ❤💓From Morocco 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦

  75. bikram das

    You are worldbest for me. Your songs always touches heart ♥. Love you from India 🇮🇳

  76. Isoon Auttayan

    Wtf!! Danny worsnop haha!!!!

  77. Prince Blay

    I just love this song

  78. Erbene Sena


  79. Pul guita

    Me encanta esta canción. Me llega directo al corazón 😣😥

  80. Deyvid Alfonso

    Esa canción está ermosa 😉



  81. Cecilia Sepúlveda

    Que canción mas linda..❤


    Estoy de acuerdo👍

  82. Luesa Nel

    Hi music cool so cool. Louise

  83. Ade Listiana

    August 2019

  84. Sandra Bigois

    So good the song

  85. Guilherme Viana

    Brasil ama Passenger!

  86. JoaoLucas10

    Thank you passenger for share this beautiful song with us! ❤

  87. klun tv

    Ko hiểu

  88. IceB 25

    I want Ed-Lukas-Passenger to collab


    Trending at youtube for a million years:)

  89. Patricia Orlanda Barros Lazo

    maravilloso , canta como , un ruiseñor hermoso la mejor , música

  90. crash419 animations

    Wow you look so much different from a few years ago

  91. Estefany Nateros Isidro

    Me encanta 💕

  92. Shawn Conway

    New fan! Outstanding!

  93. MC Pimenta

    🇧🇷 ??? Essa música está bombando no Brasil , LIKE

  94. ม้าล่อ รักชาติ

    Am I here alone

  95. Hennie Traut

    Wow beautiful song Passenger you are just awesome another beautiful rendition I love it ❤️❤️❤️

  96. Hamza Elalaoui

    I survived my hearing of this song I love you pass from Moroccan 💖💓

  97. Eliete Abreu

    Música maravilhosa!!!

  98. Monalisa Dos Santos

    Toca todo dia na rádio, achei que nunca ia achar ela kkk

  99. Passenger

    Hello everyone !Hope you’re all having a great day ?! I am beyond excited to say that my new album RUNAWAY is now out and available to everyone everywhere :-) please head over to for all of your streaming / download / cd / vinyl needs :-) I really am very proud of this album - We’ve put a huge amount of work in to this one and I really hope you guys enjoy it . A massive thank you to all of the immensely talented and hard working people that gave their time , love and talent to this project and also to all of you that have already pre ordered or pre saved .We don’t have a million dollar marketing campaign or a major label behind us . I am an independent artist and we count enormously on you guys to help us get this music out in to the world so please , if you do like the record then feel free to spread the word however you can - play it for your friends and family and share it as much as you can on social media ! I can’t tell you what an enormous affect this can have . In the meantime , here is the 6th video from our u.s road trip and my new single “SURVIVORS” Its a simple song about trying to navigate through all of the advertising / brainwashing / confusion and bullshit of the modern world. About trying to find something or someone real and meaningful in this narcissistic and throw away culture that we find ourselves in . We filmed it in Times Square and around Manhattan as it felt like one of the finest examples of modern day sensory overload !Hope you guys enjoy it . Thank you as always for your amazing love and support . I am so so proud and lucky to have you guys with me on this magical and insane adventure . All my love and thanks .Mike x




    CHANNEL OF BRASIL !!!!!!!🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


    LOLLOLLOL😂😂😂Subscribe on my channel.Please.

    Becky Argaez

    Your songs are everything I think, constantly wondering In this world very often lost and alone, you sing them to me, going through what I'm going through, being so lost where im at, scared to take a step ahead not quite sure where it's gonna end, and terrified of stepping backwards, you have touched me, you are an inspiration for me, you keep doing what your doing, your music is real, beautiful, and honest, thank you for saving me, more than you will understand, because where I stand right now, " I am here alone", 😭

Survivors Şarkı Sözü
Oh life
Is just a game
No one ever tells you how to play
See different people
Go different ways
Some of them will leave you but
Some of them will stay
Well our hearts keep drumming
And the years keep coming
Quicker than they've ever been
You're sick of the same thing
But it's quicker than changing
It's too late to begin
Well everybody's running
But you don't know where
Time is running thin
Everybody's looking for somebody to love
But we're scared to let them in
And I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
Am I on my own?
Am I on my own?
Oh love
It comes and goes
But no one never tells you how to learn to let go
Different people, they walk different roads
Some of them will hurt you but
Some of them won't
Well the bridge is burning
And the wheel keeps turning
Quicker than it did before
Your heart screams "yes"
Your head says "no"
And you're never really sure
Well everybody's running
But you don't know why
Time is running short
Everybody's looking for a place to hide
So there's no one left at all
And I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
Yeah I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
Am I here alone?
Oh oh oh
Am I here alone?
Oh oh, oh oh
Yeah I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
And I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
I say oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?
Oh oh oh oh oh
Are there any survivors?
Am I here alone?

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