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Neon Jungle - Louder

: Louder
: 3.39 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 88 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 58 İndirme
: 24-04-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Neon Jungle - Louder )
  1. Marina M

    This is my favourite Neon Jungle song, it's really good. Also, I love their band name, Neon Jungle, it sounds really cool!

  2. Федор Ананиадис

    Жалко, что разошлись. Ахуенная группа была, до сих пор слушаю.

  3. Andrew Sage

    The girls deserve better they deserve a career of music give them there dream back

  4. Lara Christian

    2019 ! Like

  5. içinizden nn

    Farkettimde turkiye de diger ulkelere nazaran daha fazla benimsenen yabancı sarkılar pek tutmuyo diğer örnekler: bump, let me go

  6. Tyla Fowler

    Now Shereen is in a band with her brothers @thecutkelvins 😍 with a new single called fade-away 🖤

  7. Andrew Sage

    Bring neon jungle back

  8. Lionel

    such a bop… i don't understand why neon jungle didn't make it, they were amazing and really unique.

  9. Erol Özdemir

    Litle mix ve neon jungle mükemmel kadın şarkıcı grupları be. ❤️

  10. Rj Rj

    The blonde curly one is now in EastEnders!

  11. Ph D

    keyifle dinliyorum

  12. Donna Hehir

    Come bk lady's your all amazing singers better than today's crap

  13. Cem KANSU

    Number One TV'de güzel müziklerin olduğu zamanlar..

  14. DEATHANGEL 360

    Son erkek ölünceye kadar !😈😎😈🥳😝

  15. Damla Aktılfız

    Olum güzel iş yapıyodular niye tutmadı üzüldüm gene

  16. Luiz Felipe Cidreira

    Sdds delas Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  17. ikzelf100

    it reads neon jungle to me but i am thinking lady grande

  18. Bir Dost

    Ulan türk aramak için yorumlara girdim yabancı yok AQ

  19. Id Rather Be Reading

    Beautiful song and great singers, love them!

  20. Saher Mahroof

    whats the grouo doing now?

  21. El habib Ihssan

    I love my love Laura 💝im herz bleibt immer !!!

  22. El habib Ihssan

    My self whnt your self

  23. Hakan Çetinel

    Yorumlara bakıyorum da hep kız. 2014 Yılında bu şarkıyı tesadüfen duymuştum aşırı derecede beğenmiştim, tam 5 sene sonra yeniden dinliyorum. Mükemmel bir his :)

  24. Ahmet Üstek

    Keşke biriniz şarkı sözlerini paylaşsaydı. Neyse ben bırakayım buraya. LYRİCS: Stepping outside my headI don’t wanna hear what you saidI don’t wanna fall down flights of stairsTripwires everywhereI’m climbing trying to get from under youIf you ask me back I’ll go, I need distractionSo pull every pin from every grenadeAnd blow it all up in my faceMake everything louder, do it till my skin vibratesMake everything louder, I wanna hear my eardrums breakMore volts in the system, drown out the symptomsEverything louder, louderI don’t wanna listen, just wanna feel itFeel it louder, louderPut me in a sound proof roomA million miles from youMy ears would still be bleeding, shots of noiseStill seeping throughI wish I couldn't hear you So pull every pin from every grenadeAnd blow it all up in my face, boomMake everything louder, do it till my skin vibratesMake everything louder, I wanna hear my eardrums breakMore volts in the system, drown out the symptomsEverything louder, louderI don’t wanna listen, just wanna feel itFeel it louder, louderAnd you got the powerYou got the powerYou know the words that workYou know the words that work on meYou got the powerYou got the powerYou know the words that workYou know the words that work on meMake everything louder, do it till my skin vibratesMake everything louder, I wanna hear my eardrums breakMore volts in the system, drown out the symptomsEverything louder, louderI don’t wanna listen, just wanna feel itFeel it louder, louder

  25. Jennifer A

    Still here in August 2019 Wish they was still together

  26. QuinnTheSuperStar

    When you discover an awesome sounding group but learn from the comments that they're no more :(

  27. Nancy Robinson


  28. NASA

    I love you sheeren

  29. Jennifer A

    Jessica = Chantelle in eastenders

  30. Being Ilham

    2019 and still listening.

  31. Tammy Drew Makeup

    2019 anyone ?

  32. Martin Lyubenov


  33. Owen Jolley 3

    Am I the only one who hears “drown out the simpsons”?

  34. Üca the kçy legend

    Bu şarkıya rastladığım için o kadar mutlu oldum ki! Unuttuğum ama sevdiğim bir şarkıydı.

  35. Silent Reaper

    Bloody hell is That chantelle from East Enders 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  36. Taha Mert Özkan

    Daha yeni öğrendim çok iyiler şarkıları felan. Dağılmışlar neden dağıldını bana birisi yazabiliri mi geri toplansalar keşke

  37. Vedat Taş

    Duydum ki dağılmışlar vay mk bu grup.simdiki yılda piyasanın anasını aglatirdi..

  38. Kira Bailey

    atleast we still get to see one of them now since Jessica is in eastenders 😭❤


    *And Amira recently was in the studio recording something with The Vamps and Ms. Banks.*

    Helen Gemmell

    and shereen is in a band with her brothers called the cutkelvins their new song sundae came out today

    Kira Bailey

    @Helen Gemmell oh yes! I saw them on xfactor! I'll check out their new song 😁


    And Asami?


    *@smseul, asami seems to have a really private life right now. she barely posts on her instagram.*

  39. Aya Azer

    i wish ther back 😣😢

  40. Kadircan

    Hala dinliyorum amk

  41. comua lol

    I miss them:(

  42. BR1 E

    Ohhhh I miss them so much, they and G.R.L. deserved better😢


    *So true… we started this decade with 4 amazing girl groups and we ended with 1.*

  43. Batuhan Cebeci

    Güzel grupmuş keşke dağılmasalardı☹️ geç keşfettim😂

  44. Ayşe Beyza KOÇYİĞİT

    Varya bu grup dağılmasaydı bütün mal varlıklarını biz Türkler karşılıyo olurduk...

  45. Melanin Babez

    Why did they break up,sorry I’m really late‼️😔🤧


    *Their record label dropped them because their album didn't have too much sales, but the thing is that their record label didn't even promote them. Girl groups like Little Mix, G.R.L. and Fifth Harmony had a lot of T.V. performances while Neon Jungle didn't even had one.*

    Melanin Babez

    Lionel awwwww woww‼️🤧🥺

  46. emily keat

    still here in 2019

  47. KORE manyağı

    Niye dağıldılar 😔😥

  48. KORE manyağı

    Türk varmı diye baktım yabancıdan çok xkxmdxndnx

  49. Ангелина Пушкина

    Stepping outside my headI don’t wanna hear what you saidI don’t wanna fall down flights of stairsTripwires everywhereI’m climbing trying to get from under youIf you ask me back I’ll go, I need distractionSo pull every pin from every grenadeAnd blow it all up in my faceMake everything louder, do it till my skin vibratesMake everything louder, I wanna hear my eardrums breakMore volts in the system, drown out the symptomsEverything louder, louderI don’t wanna listen, just wanna feel itFeel it louder, louderPut me in a sound proof roomA million miles from youMy ears would still be bleeding, shots of noiseStill seeping throughI wish I couldn't hear youSo pull every pin from every grenadeAnd blow it all up in my face, boomMake everything louder, do it till my skin vibratesMake everything louder, I wanna hear my eardrums breakMore volts in the system, drown out the symptomsEverything louder, louderI don’t wanna listen, just wanna feel itFeel it louder, louderYou got the powerYou got the powerYou know the words that workYou know the words that work on meYou got the power (You got the power)You got the power (You got the power)You know the words that workYou know the words that work on meMake everything louder, do it till my skin vibratesMake everything louder, I wanna hear my eardrums breakMore volts in the system, drown out the symptomsEverything louder, louderI don’t wanna listen, just wanna feel itFeel it louder, louderLouder, louderLouder, louderLouder, louderLouder, louder

  50. Dilara Sipahi

    Yorumlar neden hep Türk be😂😂

  51. Emrah erdoğan

    Yabancı yok la ful turk dolu

  52. Sofiax Luvs

    Jess Aka Chantelle in Eastenders ❤️

  53. Google Kullanicisi

    Lan akkima geldi dinleyim dedim efsaneler di be

  54. Nijia Johnson

    Sad they didn't get huge like Little mix


    *Little Mix isn't that huge…*

    Nijia Johnson

    @Lionel They are huge in U.K not in America and well known in Canada

  55. Nurican Kavuştu

    Yıl 2019 Hala dinletiyor

  56. Can Budak

    çok güzel sesleri var

  57. ezgi thetease

    Hala özlüyorum

  58. MK MK

    These girls in 2019 would be fucking sickkkkk

  59. Emir Mutlu

    Ne diye dağıldı ki? Etrafta sırf ikonlar dolaşıyor. Yok Blackpinkiydi yok Twice ıydı. Tek yetenekleri dans etmek olan vasıfsız gruplar ünlü oldu. Asıl yetenek sizlerdiniz. Yok oldunuz.

    Ali Özlü

    Neon jungle iyi bir menejerle cok iyi yerlede olabilirdi

  60. tsuru fbd

    hayatta iki şeyi sorguladım; birincisi maNga neden erevizyon da birinci olmadı ikincisi bu grup niye dağıldı

  61. Maily Tejeda P

    Bring them back 😭😭2019... Still here for them

  62. Maily Tejeda P

    Bring them back 😭😭

  63. İbrahim Bey

    We invite you to Turkey ---- Evvet Burayı Basmışız Zaten Beğeninde Üstte Kalsın Görsünler Yazımı ..

  64. hanne


  65. Tugce Loser

    Harcanmış yetenekler

  66. Em Boy

    2019 anyone?

  67. Edna Paramanathan

    Anyone watching this in 2019 ?

  68. Bilgecan Dede

    En son vizelere çalışıyodum amk

  69. enxvoid

    way too underrated

  70. Anneke Bakker

    So underated for some reason!

  71. Anneke Bakker

    So underated for some reason!

  72. hanifi

    aqlattınız ablalarım :(

  73. Samantha Savard

    I lovvvvveeee this song

  74. Mehmetcan Gölge

    PERFECT 🏳️‍🌈😙 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷

  75. Eleştirmen Bey

    2019 still...

  76. Mirabella Mcgarry

    Omg thought they were gonna be big stars

  77. Ruken Cevheroğlu

    Ben türk😂😂😂😂m

  78. DevilTaehyungs


  79. Jessica Laffin

    This song is my jam.

  80. Elif aksu

    14:30 ÜÇ NİSAN 20:30

  81. Aslan Çiçek

    Hiç. Güzel. Değil

  82. Simge Erdem

    2013-2014 zamanlarının en kaliteli şarkısı ve en kaliteli grubu

  83. dumbalek

    i absolutely love their looks and their voices

  84. Salih Delican

    ! 2 0 1 9 !

  85. Rey Rey

    Başta söyleyen kızın ismi ne

  86. Deniz Cookies

    Eskiden bu şarkılarını dinlerdim be dağıldıklarında çok üzülmüstüm keşke flop kalmasalardı

  87. Emre YilmaZ

    Varmı hala dinleyen bir türk 🇹🇷 😂

  88. dilara

    ah 2015. buralar değerlenmiş, özel alanım işgal edilmiş gibi hissettim.

  89. ÖyküDnmz

    Çaylak'tan gelenler :3

  90. eren_ n

    Neon jungle i türkler basmis

  91. oğuz Bakan

    Bu grup neden aktif değil bilen varsa yazabilir mi ?

    Büşü ü

    Grup dağılalı çok oldu.

  92. jesus kiyoko

    Hala özlüyorum...

  93. Çılgın Kankiler


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