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Miley Cyrus - Younger Now

Younger Now
: Younger Now
: 3.70 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 93 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 58 İndirme
: 08-08-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Miley Cyrus - Younger Now )
  1. Dawa Lama

    beautiful concept,I love this song and you look so much pretty miley.

  2. Sudeep Swamy

    Who likes Hannah Montana better

  3. BLartFart


  4. Fernando Domenech

    miley es muy linda <3

  5. Thu Van Nguyễn

    Excellent music and image video <3

  6. sam covers

    Kevin is married with 2 kidsNick's marriedJoe's marriedEdit: Miley's almost/maybe divorcedSelena isn't with jbDemi isn't with joeSelena and demi aren't friends Life officially sucks😭OMG never got these many likes

  7. Carlos Correiah

    This song 💕💕💕 nooneeeeerreeee stays the sameeeeeeee

  8. Gameplaye Z SSO i innych gier

    Such a great song ! I m listening to it for the first time :)

  9. magdalena araya gomez

    eras mas linda cuando eras. kristiana😭😞

  10. Bea styles

    I'm still in love with this song, it's crazy how it conveys so many emotions

  11. Trish Jones

    I love all Miley Cyrus song

  12. Kleyton Assis

    Meu hino tá muito morto

  13. Saten Harutyunyan

    i just love her

  14. Zain Ali

    The lyrics of this song r so great

  15. Cinthia Barros

    Hino demais

  16. j w

    I love her so much 😭

  17. Grace Maturan


  18. MJJRR

    This video, Song, and album is underrated.

  19. Inna Gomes

    Canta muito 💞💞💞

  20. Suraj Thakur

    you are Hannah Montana and really you are a great person i love to keep your voice in my heart lots of love for you miley cyrus you are the best ever in the world love from india .. thank you to be a part of this world you make this world more beautiful form your voice

  21. Janhvi Tiwari

    Such a beautiful song.

  22. gee m

    still lovin this in 2019❤️

  23. Donnie Murray

    she always reinvents herself and i love it

  24. Ytalo Silva

    Love ❤❤❤❤❤🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  25. Wavy. Queen

    Now she went right back to where she was before

  26. Mesaque Cláudio

    RAMON CLAUDIO ( Isaque Ramon Correia Claudio):- Está sempre Solfejando às Suas Belíssimas Músicas Românticas & Sonha muitíssimo em Tí Conhecer Pessoalmente:- Ilustríssimo Senhorita " Miley Cyrus " ( Destiny Hope Cyrus) !!!

  27. Georgia Clarke

    Is this her song about her changing to an adult and realising who she used to be? m I wrong?😂

  28. BerlinBerlin

    Who came here after her stories?

  29. David Galan

    2 years ago. 💛

  30. Chatter

    so underrated

  31. Shanghamitra Guha

    What goes up, must come down

  32. James Devlin

    Love this track such a great voice Miley ....

  33. Sandra Richardson

    Ithe 👑crowns "⚖ legit"!.

  34. Sandra Richardson

    Coffee ☕"⚖🏁🏺" bacon "?.

  35. R Dudley

    I'm still hanging on to Miley but lately she's gone off the deep end.. keeping hope alive

  36. The Ecletics KitchenSink


  37. Michele Davis

    This song is one of the only songs that actually makes me cry and makes me feel deeply 😭

  38. Caterina P

    I fell in love with Miley's smile at 3:15...this song is even better live. She is so talented.

  39. møha₥edracaille

    ♪ ♫ ♬ ❤♪ ♫ ♬ ❤

  40. Karen KKmarcel

    I love this video! So raw and pure!

  41. Myssael Queiroz

    Amo diva

  42. Les Cash


  43. Davi Miguel

    Why not invite her to Rock in Rio 2019?

  44. David Galan

    Is so beautiful ❤️

    David Galan

    Rave In Peace 💛

    Rave In Peace

    @David Galan I wish you a great start to the week tomorrow :)

    David Galan

    OMG, thanks my friend! equally 😍❤️

  45. Deis Bin

    this would go well with umbrella academy's i think were alone now reenactment-

  46. clay irwin

    Miley Cyrus would be working at McDonalds if it was not for Billy Ray Cyrus money and his contacts with the music business

  47. Amanda Bird

    I needed this.

  48. משפחת יוסף יוסף

    Woke up with a strong will of listening to it. LOVE IT!!!

  49. Maria jesus Orellana

    No puede ser de que Miley Cyrus Me encantaba me encanta me fascina va de repente un día para otro y le sirve se volvió lesbiana entiendo como echar a perder toda su vida por delante era mi fan y ahora no ahora no sé que ella era mi fan número uno pero como dije era mi fan ahora ya no es

  50. H. Elitist

    changeee isms run blow

  51. Gilan AlChoubachy

    This song is hope. ✨

  52. Cynthia Guerra

    This is Miley. Im in love❤

  53. michal_ space_boots

    acter don't call me angel? 😏

  54. anonymousandcool

    How did I miss this ? :O It's actually quite poignant and I love how their extras were all ages and still out having fun

  55. Daniel Rojas

    this song deserves so much better ): it deserves 100M+ views & 1M likes 😭

  56. Khong Huong

    Love you Miley

  57. Alice Is not my real name

    the beginning mimics her start all over music video

  58. astrid lara

    11 de septiembre 2019🤩

  59. Zain Ali

    U r so cute in this vid

  60. Theresa

    Such a bop, but it is sadly so underrated

  61. Brian Dawson

    This is my favorite Miley song, and definitely of all time! I think it’s video is adorable, the choreography is so fun, the sound is deep and emotional while being upbeat.. the lyrics are powerful... I just wish it got more hits cause it deserves billions... this song should be educated globally haha

  62. Tv Lover149

    They play this all the time in Walgreens

  63. Laura Winters

    I wonder if she's got a deeper meaning behind wearing shirts w/ Elvis' image and reenacting scenes from his movies in clips of this video other than being a fan of his...(which btw y'all Miley is the character name of his love in Blue Hawaii movie)..anyway Elvis was controlled and creativity stifled by his manager his entire career after leaving Sun....THINK IT MIGHT BE A MSG MOST PPL IN THEIR 20S & 30S WON'T HAVE THE BACKGROUND INFO ON TO EVEN CONSIDER. NEVER WAS A FAN OF HER UNTIL DIVING DEEPER INTO HER MUSIC BEYOND THE BS I PITIED MY PEERS FOR GOING APESHIT OVER..BUT I'LL BE DAMNED IF THIS GAL HASNT BEEN TRYING FOR YEARS TO PROVE SHE IS FKING LEGIT ARTIST & HER PPL SEEM TO HAVE LET HER DOWN & STUCK HER INTO THE BS SHE DID IN PAST. IT'S ALSO BEEN PUBLIC'S FAULT BC WE ACCEPT HORSESHIT THEY CHURN OUT & MAJORITY GO APESHIT OVER WHEN IN REALITY THAT TYPE OF MUSIC SHOULDNT EVEN BE CLASSIFIED AS SUCH

  64. John David Hart

    lovely song. it would be so cool if you did a remake of Tammy WYNETTE'S ' stand by your would top the charts i am certain

  65. The Amazing Chuck & Peppa Pig Music

    This is what i call a unappreciated bop

  66. Leslie

    Wait this was released 2 years ago?? Wow. Time flies.

  67. Alexis Perez

    Okay but doesn't the last clip of this music video remind anyone of the last scene in Uptown Girls where Dakota Fanning is dancing for Britney Murphy at her dance recital?

  68. We Are Croft

    And btw who’s here after Slide Away

  69. We Are Croft

    Whenever i wake up to a rainy day with rain hitting my window i listen to this lmao

  70. Daniela


  71. Carolina Freitas

    Who is here after listening slide away video?

  72. B. K

    I forgot Miley went back to being white for a hot minute

  73. Anti- Rude Americans and WASPs

    I get what was going on here but Miley love did you?

  74. Gabriel Morga

    Está canción me pone triste e feliz al mismos tiempo amigos☺☺☺☺☺☺😩😩😩😩😩😩😩

  75. indra kusuma

    Poor liam

  76. Амир Молдаканов

    Нешлант опонт пис вертит за нос,вот итоги небиса два крыла запар в хвосту небес,пора стоять и в пор летит без шумна мнеб волна стихия твоя,и реский сигнал пароход чтоли плывёт да корабль весь строгий я вас так ждал пилоты и вы мой будущий якорь с цепью вниз гудок так и улетели что они осщющяли в полёте незнаю а на корабле смех.

  77. Given Family

    She is a musical genius

  78. Donna George

    Who is here after slide away 👇 ⬇️

  79. Boni S

    This song deserved more

  80. Niel Salazar


  81. Willian Will

    Amazing song!!!😊😊😊

  82. showfish

    Damn I really feel like she was born in a different era 😩

  83. Craig Smith

    Some Miley songs I like, others not. But I adore this song, the catchy tune, the lyrics, and espeically the video.

  84. Fabian Romero

    change is a thing you can count on

  85. Lennoxx

    I slowed it down to x0.75 and now it’s a sweeter much softer lullaby based on nostalgia

  86. JoylessxHydra

    Who’s here after black mirror?

  87. Efrain Lanza

    Aun no entiendo cono pudo fracasar con esta cancion?? Recuerdo cuando vi el video la primera ves y dije WOW me encanto tantooo el mundo esta lleno de tontos :(

    Fabian Romero

    opino lo mismo

  88. truckproductions

    "Change is a thing you can count on"

  89. maring mg

    Just having Younger now album Marathon 💛💙💚🧡

    maring mg

    More views ......

  90. Rafa ideas

    2019?? Agust 26

  91. Rafa ideas

    Omg is so beautiful

  92. Lorena Paulyn Agbisit

    This album is underrated

  93. l j

    This gives me old Sia vibes.

  94. dream hope keep going

    watching a lot of strong songs of miley and then putting this as like a lil rest from the strong songs makes me like her more

  95. dream hope keep going

    enough, im stanning

  96. Évelin Monteiro

    Vou sempre amar a Miley

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