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Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart

Who Owns My Heart
: Who Owns My Heart
: 3.36 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 116 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 66 İndirme
: 08-08-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart )
  1. Katie Sosa

    Ariana grande always be right there better song for me tonight okay I'm bored

  2. Katie Sosa

    Selena Gomez we own the night

  3. Katie Sosa

    Selena Gomez I'm sorry

  4. james wilcox

    Who owns her belt ?????? Ffs pull pants up plz

  5. we_adore_mileycyrus_ forever

    So beautiful better what were so always love Miley Cyrus always will so much


    I love miley this style more than Hannah so sexy

  7. mark jackson

    she is a total queen men she born to do this

  8. marcin rychlewski


  9. marcin rychlewski

    Fire !------------------------------------------------------------->--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  10. marcin rychlewski

    Miley can love her well, her movements are fluid and she controls the space.

  11. marcin rychlewski


  12. dark tc alone

    i just miss her u still now

  13. Luma

    The time where people use camera over iPhone

  14. Escaplan 1


  15. Kristin F

    My heart beats for love

  16. Nick 123

    She is so hot in that leather pants.

  17. Carla Ralston

    I think the mic and the belt actually pulled her pants down to show the onsie she is wearing

    Margareth Houghton

    Carla Ralston it's not . it's her tshirt.

  18. Someone Someone

    U could see her underwear

    baby monster1211

    No it's not she's wearing a onesie

  19. Liza Creep

    хотябы не под фонторамму

    Mary Grinberg

    она никогда не пела под фонограмму

  20. Doncheg


  21. Mimi

    she said ''rck'' ?

    Phosphoriana Twitch

    +Camila Vieira rock

  22. Dny Carrera

    So what she actually did was taking her pants off.And the belt.Aaand the middle part of the thing she's wearing.Aaaaaaand her hair.... She's still wearing makeup tho....

  23. ArisaStudios

    What's up with these clothes? A lot worse than her normally slutty shorts...The way you can see her panties on the back is so ugly xd

    Peyton Graay

    gal shut the fuck up hater 💩

    Ichimaru Zero

    shut up girl

    foxy wellyn

    just shut ur mouth!


    I have to correct myself. those aren't her panties it's just her top. lol. Looks still bad

    Carrie xx

    ArisaStudios shorts are something everybody wears.... and also a lot of people, including myself, wear leather pants on some occations, althourg I prefer the skinny-pants verson over that bookcut-version

  24. rusha rush

    i think that this performance is the best, has the feeling, the movements and the voice, she is perfect for me here.

  25. MrDavidKen77

    Sexy personified this Miley right here.

    Kristin F

    The sexual

  26. TheOutlaw

    when she says "you" its so damn sexy but who am i kidding its miley fn cyrus she is the defination of sexy lol

  27. Trinity Hart

    I miss her long hair ;_; .... I still love her! GO MILEY!+hadi balharih XD

  28. Donnie Brasco

    Какая же она была раньше горячая!


    +Donnie Brasco Да в принципе и щас пофапать можно

    Donnie Brasco

    @Jeff Hock согласен, но старая Майли всё таки поярче -_-


    Это точно,приятель

  29. Jonathan Rendon

    Girls are supposed to anyways, a little days attractive

  30. hadi balharih

    To miley wear your pants a bit up

  31. MrDavidKen77

    I miss that hair! Made her so sexy!

    Jake Thompson

    +MrJTYoung7 yeah it was so beautiful

    Millie Hart

    its gone back now, guess shes coming back

  32. Daniel Lachowski

    I love this woman! ♥

  33. Millie Hart

    The old miley will never be back people gotta understand she isn't a teenager anymore she legal to do what she wants when she wants

    Matjaž Šparaš

    Millie Hart what do u say now? 😂

    Thais Rodrigues

    haha so right @ bla bla

  34. MaxLux100


  35. alfredo torres

    she is a princesssss...

  36. louise kardashia

    q podre

    Ichimaru Zero

    falou o novo Michael Jackson ganhador de 30 grammys

  37. Amr Majali

    SHE'S AWEEEEESOME ♥♥ Loved her voice , the way she looked there and i adore this song

  38. Amr Majali

    are you kidding ?! she's perfect ..

  39. Marisol Luna

    esto es talento <3

  40. Alice Luraghi

    iMOnly Belieber, wtf are you talking about? To GROW UP?

  41. Abraham Perez

    She don't have ass, why she don't her pants right

    Catherine Suya

    Unlike Nicky minaj she doesn't go for plastic surgery for her ass or boobs

  42. Caroline

    Go Miley Foreva!

  43. Danny Idk

    she's fucking hot, gorgeous, but her vocals are not talented.I prefer her studio version.

  44. music weather

    very bad live performance, but i love this song :)

  45. Kayo Hussein

    She walks like a man lmao

  46. jollyboat12345

    she doesn't sound good one bit in this video, she sounds half man

  47. Ezz

    i love how she'd rather sound not very good live (because shes dancing) than lip syncing. FOREVER A SMILER.

  48. Christine Person


  49. zohra fati

    Omggggg, SHE IS SOOOO TALENTED. Miley I love you, and by the way... Dear Haters. MILEY DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. She really don't need you, she is perfect and TRUE smilers would love her no matter what. I'm a TRUE Smiler and a TRUE Lovatic. <3 Miley, never forget that a lot of people are paying A LOT of money to go to your concerts and to see you. That means you have fans. Which means millions of people LOVES you <3. We'll always be here for you Miley... You and Demi are the best :)

  50. zohra fati

    Omggg ppl are stupid when they talk about hannah montana. I mean, it's a show, it's called acting. It's not the real Miley. It's Miley Stewart. NOT MILEY CYRUS. Give up, guys !!!

  51. animezzz4ever

    Woow, she looks soooo beautiful here. What have you done to yourself, such a waste :////

  52. Liikea Stone

    en estas ocaciones te das cuenta realmente cuando canta alguien canta en vivo y cuando no!

  53. Kelly Poulin

    2:27 omg she killed me <3

  54. Trenton Jones

    just stop hating on her and let r grow up she's not a little kid no more she is amazing don't yall get that!

  55. Nathan Silva


  56. Ema Radeanu

    I love Miley, is very perfect! ♥ i love it!

  57. Brandon Thomas

    Being in musical theatre training for years, I can tell you, from first hand experience, the sound system here is a joke and miley is actually on point. The system is drowning the band and her voice so it just sounds completely different in her ears than the speakers. Speakers suck.

  58. Kim Benny

    Perfect ♥

  59. Алина Лесниченка

    фууууууу майли

  60. hinde64

    She's vulgar :/

  61. Judita Lebedevaite

    Miley so rock. ;P

  62. 91Shadia

    Wtf is wrong with her walk

  63. Jaja Janz

    i love ya miley and i dont care if u have change alot i love demi selena bridgit best singers ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  64. Ena Vev

    stop hating, no one has to apologize for being hot, talented, sexy, smart & awesome

  65. Tutoriais Caiio

    I love Miley :3

  66. PiccoloMBD

    2:28 come on Miley!

  67. Frank Anthony

    She is so hot!!

  68. Will

    she smoke weed

  69. gassynka

    Is she on drugs? 'Cause her moves look like she is. They are terrible. She's walking like a freakin robot or something like that..

  70. Victoria Graceeexx

    i love that outfit

  71. Victoria Graceeexx

    i love her voice live just as much i love it when her voice is on a record

  72. Mallory Kunkler

    Okay she sounds pretty good in that- maybe this time she sang who owns my heart was just a mess up.

  73. Julieb615

    The problem here is not her voice. The sound system is terrible. Notice how the drums sound funny yet they predominate, This should never have been posted. Look for her "Backyard Sessions" to hear what she really sounds like.

  74. Mallory Kunkler

    She's like talking instead of singing and when she is it doesn't sound good. . Sorry Miley Cyrus fans, I sort of like her, but her singing in this video makes me want to skip to the end...... Sorry Miley!

  75. Judaea Stiltner

    she sings amazing go die tim. xo

  76. Tim W.

    she sounds horrible singing live.. damn I rather listen to Britney sing her song.. Oh Gosh

  77. gagauta321

    love the outfit

  78. Sanna Melkonyan

    она так классно двигается крууто и глаза ооооочень красивые

  79. huesandpalettes

    I really liked this typical rockstar look of her!! But now?? ;(((((

  80. Smiler Pink Cyrus

    amo cuando susurra su voz, sus ojos y todo, es perfecta <3

  81. Mistee Miles

    2:40 Is Absolute Perfection.!

  82. Yoona IsGoddess

    A adore this girl ♥ Go Miley! ♥

  83. iMOnly Belieber

    No seriously gtfo :O ! you're NOT a true fan -.-she's growing up and smilers are growing up too *0*She's changing and Smilers are growing up too --

  84. creamlolasuzy rabbit

    she is high right now you can see it in her eyes

  85. Corina Duiker

    I love this song and her but she is really bad live!!!

  86. IAlonce

    поет жутко,стринги-натянуты дальше некуда,и ощущение,что она пьяная!

    Alex JB

    Это вроде как боди, а не стринги. Стиль такой у неё (ну может и алкоголь присутствует, не исключено, но и не факт)

  87. Avia Gamil

    It's not a thong.. it's just a normal bodysuit.there is nothing wrong with it.and she was about 18 here, she can wear whatever she wants.

  88. Avia Gamil

    what is wrong with what she wearing? -_-it's just a top. Her pants were a bit bigger so it fell..and just for you to know - there are a billion girls who wear things like that.

  89. Chris Serino

    this woman is not to old for sing and dance she loves music like this.

  90. Safana Laila

    did anyone realise this was uploaded on 3rd July 2010, that means she was just 17 years old and shes wearing that top...

  91. Lexa Rodriguez

    she's 19 years old, wth? her outfit is just fine, her pants just fell a little, it's called a leotard, and she's MILEY, 19 year old miley, not 14 year old hannah -.-

  92. Chris Serino

    Miley is great woman.

  93. TheShikaidou

    The shirt isn't bad at all. I have friends at 15 or 16 that wear outfits thats how their entire stomach and most of their big boobs lol. People act like it's so abnormal for people to wear clothes like that when usually it's just the younger people who think that.

  94. Maria DeDominicis


  95. Chris Serino

    she is so Sexy woman i miss that girl who sings Disney songs she did move on to a other life.

  96. thewantedlover22

    The song is called 'Who Owns My Heart' not 'Owns My Heart'.....

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