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Lou Bega - Sweet Like Cola

Sweet Like Cola
: Sweet Like Cola
: 3.11 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 157 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 146 İndirme
: 02-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Lou Bega - Sweet Like Cola )
  1. Lucky L. B

    Adamson Pep Squad brought me here. 💙

  2. Ross Garcia

    AduPEP CDC brought me here. You?

  3. Fred Lenz Tambolero

    Sino pumunta dito dahil sa ADAMSON pep squad? 😂#UaapCDC2019

  4. Vin The Cartoonist

    How come this didn't peak at the charts?

  5. Danica Bec

    The body positivity is beautiful 🥰

  6. Phong Thanh Luu

    my Name is LUU

  7. Ramieverse !

    This song is more recent than i thought

  8. Nacia Natalia

    The song of my childhood ❤️

  9. James Swan

    More, Cola, Please!!

  10. Jr Caubalejo

    coca cola number 5

  11. Niene Biene

    So I really am the only one who is here because of some dance lessons from school😂because we had this song for a dance, training, ball and competition 😂🌺

  12. David Holmberg

    They look women

  13. Joyce Hewitt

    Love this one .lb lb

  14. claude rosseau

    God dang this song so old. I lost my childhood watching this

  15. Fred Harvey

    Germany, kick the migrants out, including this one. Thanks.

  16. Notorious

    The video looks like a Jacksfilms' Royalty Free Christmas Song

  17. Alvaro Moreno Espinoza

    Honraras a tus padres

  18. Alvaro Moreno Espinoza


  19. The majestic Mango

    I like coke I have a Coca-Cola shirt The Coca-Cola bear

  20. Alvaro Moreno Espinoza

    Quieren cambiarme ni q fuera semaforo mike taylor

  21. Active XTX

    sponsored by fanta


    Byłem w pszeczkolu to nawet miałem występ z tą piosenką

  23. Justlin Singh

    She tasted like sweet beer but no mercy to me 😄

  24. Brugs Random Videos

    nobody :me hyping myself at 2am with old songs

  25. threebucks

    If she taste like sweet sugar cola, she probably diabetic. Granted, that's otherwise not worth mentioning.

  26. Copycat

    Ironically the background dancers are all very skinny

  27. Garluth

    "لوو بگا"...داداچ کیرم توی فامیلیت -_-

  28. Razer

    Anyone 2019 or only me 😂


    I've heard the song with my neighbour in his garden house while we played minecraft together, now 7 years after we don't have any contact at all. Sweet old memories, sweet like cola :)

    Jay Condez

    Hahaha sorry but youre not alone, hahaha when I got bored I usually tuned up this song out loud. Hahahaha


    @Jay Condez HahahahaHahahahaHahahaha

    Paul Gollum

    Probably the most uncreativ annoying and most stupidest type of comment since the start of YouTube...when is it going to stop??????????

  29. Nam Baifern

    2019.. ilove it..😚😍😙

  30. Aparna Nagar

    Lovely song sir. Another blast from Ur side

    New Channel

    Aparna Nagar Lou Bega hatman is the newest song. Just 2019

  31. Janka M

    Lou Bega love 💋💋💋

  32. Claudia Lucia Vargas Pecero

    Regresa Lou Vega ft scatman

  33. Dragon Warrior

    Never gets old. Thanks for making my childhood awesome

  34. The Best Seller

    This is the song my dance teacher uses every week for us to practice our cha cha steps. Instagram: theformuladanceexperienceI absolutely love it there

  35. Taiga Aisaka

    Pokażcie się wiem, że Wam też wyskoczyło to w polecanych XD


    hm, wcale nie XD

  36. Shar oontje

    I see this happening in the next summer commercial for coca cola <3

  37. Jimmy Linkensen

    she taste like cola? well she must be a very sweet person :)

  38. Tny Clintx

  39. Cakra Lee

    that cola girl is actually hot despite her confussion while dressing

  40. happycat serendipity

    La testimonianza che la coca cola fa male 😅

  41. Massimo Massimi

    Bravo Lou.

  42. boogeyman zurc

    Luis ScolaaaaA

  43. Geoff Felipe

    Who's still watching 2019?

  44. Ruby Jimenez


  45. Neel Goswami

    Excuse me can I have your attention please for one more time.She tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all because she kicksStop your diet baby you don't have to slim downI love your curves and believe me it is every poundstop your diet come on do it for meI love you round round round cause you're so sexyShe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all becauseshe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all because she kicksCan I try it Baby you don't have to be shyyou seem to be on your own and I'm wondering whyshow me all that you've got do it for meI love you round round round 'cause you're so sexyShe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all becauseshe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all because she kicksI'll be your sugar daddy you'll be my sugar canewith every sip I'm taking you creep into my veinyou are as sweet as cola you push like caffeineI wanna know the secret that no one's ever seenShe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all causeshe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all because she tastes like cola

  46. Justyna Dominiak

    ❣❣❣😚😘😍... 👍👏💪💄👠🍸...🕊❤😇🙇

  47. moine michelle

    j'adore super chanteur ❤️❤️❤️ ces chansons sont supers

  48. Airam Soyo

    They FUCKING put cocain in cocacola back in the 90s or someshit

  49. Helga Zach

    Auch ein super sänger🤩💕

  50. Helga Zach

    Super videos🤩💕

  51. Nicole Hughes

    Lou Bega is hot. The end.

  52. susy barragan

    Good song🏅🏅

  53. Ígor Matos

    Her name?

  54. 311 Jazzy

    This song has a good message about body positivity

  55. Jesus

    This guy has a good t a s t e in women

  56. Jason Blaine

    This ain't a bad song tbh


    Wow here you have a bit hair😐

  58. monkey head

    Meu Deus, como eu gostava desse cara !

  59. Cristy Marie Bernas

    uhhhh *nose bleed*

  60. kylieh

    i remember watching this 24/7 when i was 9 & my mom always told me it wasnt for kids and now i get it i-

  61. Cuadro zD

    2019 zD

  62. Sup-Er-Man

    Wow this makes me wanna drink a pepsi

  63. Jan Wika

    Super dzięki

  64. Ewelina Szłapa

    Unhealthy like Cola ;)

  65. Bobby Austria

    I like girls in pantyhose

  66. Ehringer Ehringer

    Lou Bega loving and supporting women with curves way before it was cool, big up!

  67. Joyce Hewitt


    Joyce Hewitt


  68. Joyce Hewitt


  69. Ron Christopher Bautista

    My morning exercise in our school is rhis

  70. Emmanuel Ubanan

    Who's still listening 2019?

  71. Paul Innuh

    I really wanna stand on her place!!!! :D

  72. Romchikthelemon

    Очень стильный мужик.

  73. Kuya Bon

    "Sweet Like Cola"Excuse me can I have your attention please for one more time.She tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all because she kicksStop your diet baby you don't have to slim downI love your curves and believe me it is every poundstop your diet come on do it for meI love you round round round cause you're so sexyShe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all becauseshe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all because she kicksCan I try it Baby you don't have to be shyyou seem to be on your own and I'm wondering whyshow me all that you've got do it for meI love you round round round 'cause you're so sexyShe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all becauseshe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all because she kicksI'll be your sugar daddy you'll be my sugar canewith every sip I'm taking you creep into my veinyou are as sweet as cola you push like caffeineI wanna know the secret that no one's ever seenShe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all causeshe tastes like cola sweet sweet sugar colawhen I took a sip from her lips she send me on a tripshe keeps me up at night and that's all because she tastes like cola

  74. Joyce Hewitt


  75. krzysztof igielski

    Like like cola


    Esse maluco não fica velho não? BR 2019.. alguem?

  77. Husky Games

    Why does old music sometimes sound better than new music?

  78. muesan ali

    Who's still watching this 2019?

  79. Сергей Зацаренский

    Офигеть какие ножки ! )

  80. Kelly Agnew

    You're gross

  81. Kelly Agnew


  82. Lepdeon life

    2019 anyone?😂😂

    Annabelle Dcruz


    Dennis Keil

    Ohhh yeahhhh

    coconuthead productions

    Yes gonna rock this to 2020

    Jeff George

    Lou Bega might be an incognito to lots of folks.. But even if he was German or whatever he represented cuban Mambo in a big way.. Hat off to you my brother....Please come out of retirement...

  83. Neydomus

    why so few views on this ill never understand... it should be in in the billions already! people have no taste in music these days.

  84. Bird Mand

    still up this 2019?

  85. Lord Vader

    He sang a part 2 ~~ Sweet like Diet Cola

  86. Lord Vader

    My car's name is Lou Vega

  87. Pololdd Pool

    2019 lads, hello to 2050 radioactive humanoids

  88. Matt Tsushima

    Pepsiman dislike this

  89. Anushri Lama

    Watching in 2019

  90. angry rex

    A little bit of moni...caa Wrong video sorry

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