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Sami Yusuf - My Ummah

My Ummah
: My Ummah
: 4.62 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 192 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 155 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - My Ummah )
  1. Muyassarxon FMIM


  2. mahan84




  3. Han P

    you cant be proud that is Allahs garment bro :) Allah let the ottomans wear it not because they was proud themselfes

  4. Ahmed ali

    Sani Yusuf my best singer and beautiful sami Yusuf song i like you sami Yusuf 😍👍👍👍👍👍

  5. Греко римская Борьба


  6. Afeefah Manzoor

    Still watching in 2019

  7. ahmed see

    Where is the Ummah, where ever you are spread the message and may Allah protect you and give you health and strength.

  8. гоха Гохааа


  9. Sunny D

    He really snapped with this one

  10. sonu khan

    Ya Allah ya Rabal alamin 👌👌👌

  11. Zubayr Vaxitov

    From Uzbekistan and Russia

  12. Hochgenommen TV

    Jemand deutsches hier

  13. Sohil Mohammad


  14. Багдат Махамбеталиев

    Аллах Великий

  15. Sabia Binte Sakhawat

    May Allah bless you dearest brother 🙏

  16. Emin Sünger

    منور برك الله فيك. يااااا الله !😭😭😭😭

  17. di Batas Kota

    Where he is now

  18. Adjmeel Koheeallee

    Sami yusuf allah will bless you always

  19. Anas Mehraj

    I love u sami yusuf

  20. Syed Shiraz

    plz never stop making such works u can define islam as it is because world has misunderstood it

  21. aisha_ mkala2802

    Самый лучший ГОЛОС в мире! Долгих лет жизни и семейного счастья тебе, САМИ ЮСУФ! 👍👑🙏🏻🌹

  22. Eleonora Allaw


  23. Eleonora Allaw


  24. surya kundhi

    always remember my ummah. love my parents forever😍

  25. _kingmajid__ Majidsuleman


  26. _kingmajid__ Majidsuleman

    ones again

  27. Jandar Taalaibekov


  28. _kingmajid__ Majidsuleman

    masha Allah brother 💚💚💚

  29. Ayesha Patait

    Ya Rabbi 😭

  30. Khouloud Maani


  31. العقل في التفكير والرب في التدبير

    الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام الله أكبر

  32. Rafael Mamedov

    Как скачать?

  33. Ayu C10


    Абузарр Нурмухаммад

    My ummah ollohuakbar

  34. Fazeelah Almas

    Really heart touching O Allah plz help us send your peace and blessings upon your beloved Prophet Muhammad and us

  35. Maftuna Maftunaa

    Ya alloh

  36. Sarah Wasim

    Beautiful voice ♥️♥️

  37. ***AGNaViGaToR***

    Incredible song...

  38. hi hi


  39. Акмал Миралиев


  40. Inam Ullah

    I love this islamic naat

  41. BoySkaut *******

    Өте әдемі өлең, Алла разы болсын.

  42. murat karaqa

    26.03.2018 👍👍👍 love it

  43. mahajabeen shaik

    salad we nice work but we can't no instrument u could do nasheed with out it though Marshall u did a great job

  44. Jameer Patait

    Im cry this watch this video

  45. ProGunn3rz


  46. Jameer Patait

    sami yusuf voice very nice

  47. Roya Sadat hosseini

    این عالیه❤

  48. อามีน ลอนา


  49. 21 JET

    I praise tou You Allah S.W.T. God blessing Nurnajwa Asyifa & her family


    yaa allah ya allah aya rabbal allamin

  51. Muhammad Najat

    My tongue is stopped and can't say anything for his amazing voice.😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤

  52. aisha sayed

    My ummah <3

  53. Max Awesome

    fix the subs plz

  54. beciri28


  55. Kkkashif Sayyad

    Daily Hadith5:53 AM (8 hours ago) to me Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala RasulillahNarrated Abu Huraira (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):that he heard the Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) saying, "O Allah!If I should ever abuse a believer, please let that be a means of bringinghim near to You on the Day of Resurrection."Bukhari Vol. 8 : No. 372--

  56. Sd Sf

    ассалому алайкум Маша оллох роббимиз шу кушик оркали дилларни юмшатиб калбларни хидоятга чорласа

  57. Zaenal Abidin

    سبحان الله....!

  58. Hulya Eren


  59. zhora La best


  60. inka inka

    bilmiyorum herkes benim qibimi düşünüyor.sami yusuf dinlediğimde sanki başka bi frekansa qeçiyorum.tam ifade edemiyorum.yoğun sevqi yoğun duyqu bağlılık hissi duyuyorum.Sami Yusufun sesinde İlahi Aşk var.sesinin yankısında tonunda ve tınısında. onun için dinleyicilerin ruhunun derinliklerinde qidip yerini buluyor.kabul qörüyor.

    Nurşen Doğru

    Aynen öyle oluyor inka inka

  61. ilayda aliyev

    kafir piyono karsina gecince adammi oldun kafir. turkiye gelen krdşler sa

  62. ali hankulov

    MaşaAllah brother sami yusuf

  63. SADiQ NURi


  64. cahandar qasimli

    şarkı kakbını okuyur.Senin derdine şerik.

  65. emoji girl

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Ya Allah pls help our ummah rise again 😢😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  66. Ahmad Abuqais

    it very butifull .

  67. Sadia Malik

    i love sami voice :)

  68. Muhammad Saleem


  69. Абдул Баудинов


  70. Robyn Foster

    Beautiful song, thanks for posting!

  71. Atiq Rahman

    Lovely , great. Arabic , Islamic contents-----converted into English Poetic Songs-------it is wonderfully wonderful.

  72. ebru cengiz

    ya Allahim elhamdulilallah

  73. Azman Jaafar

    untouched my Feeling . Ya Allah

  74. Safietou NDIAYE


  75. Ali Ali

    سامي يوسف انتة معلم لان العرب لم يفعلو مثلك انتة مسلم الله ايبارك فيك

  76. Nida 95

    Ya Allah !! Let the Omar raise again , love this part !!

    Muhammad Saleem

    let the ummah rise again

    Warda Lward

    I think the Ummah will never make it cause of the fake muslims

    Warda Lward

    But in sha allah they will make it

    Warda Lward

    With the power of the Allah anything can be done.

    dragon14 dragon14

    not omar,it is ummah

  77. QABS Abd


  78. Yener Aydin

    ya Allah

  79. Watertoothbuckfish

    Ya Allah! I am begging You to bring the Ummah together again Ya Allah! I am begging You Ya Allah to bring the Ummah together again like it was before! Even if it will cost my life! :'(

    sulaiman aiman

    Moroccan Warrior rr

    The Order Of Minecraftians

    Moroccan Warrior INSHALLAH

    Han P

    pride is in their way

  80. Wems

    ( KAK DELA )

  81. Rankin 'Arris

    Can allah see me wanking?

    Abror Tairov

    He is a creator, of course he can! He is capable of everything

  82. Byzcal

    Oh my allah the first song ıve heard from him ı guess

  83. Arbaaz Shaikh

    I love his songs

  84. fatmir gajraku

    Mashallahhhh 🤗🙄😜😃😃😄😄😄😄😁😀😉happy feel when i hear S.Y mashallahhh

  85. Muhamed Čavčić

    rammadan again . i love you brothers and sisters ♡

  86. Farheen Zaman

    💕صلى الله وسلم 😊❤

  87. Mustafa Mohamed


  88. Dana Shakr

    الهم صلي على محمد وال محمحد

  89. Гулнар Молдабекова

    машааллах какая красивая песня

    bademcik Nvt

    Гулнар Молдабекова

  90. Ayaz Tunç

    :( this song is make me cry and so sad

  91. Songul Seyidova

    we trust in God ( Allah)

  92. Songul Seyidova


  93. Adna Alajbegovic

    good song

  94. zubair mahmood

    well done / MAHMOOD from DUBAI

  95. Maysoun Almousa

    ya rabby

  96. BatMiriam

    ya rabbit

  97. Cannon Board786

    So sad to see the youth are so lost, they've gone astray and wAllah it kills to see them so lost. May Allah SWT guide each and every individual who is confused and for those who are in turmoil for going astray. Verily those that do not remember Allah will live a life of depression.

  98. Damian Reyes

    hermosa canción..

  99. Aysun Nezir

    vary good

My Ummah Şarkı Sözü
Sami Yusuf My Ummah Şarkı Sözleri

My ummah, my ummah
He will say
Rasulullah on that day
Even though we've strayed from him and his way

My brothers, my sisters, in Islam
Let's struggle, work, and pray
If we are to
Bring back the glory of his way

Ya Allah ya rabbal 'alamin
Ya rahmanu ya rahim
Ya rabbi
O Allah Lord of the Worlds
O Merciful and Beneficent
O my Lord

Let the Ummah rise again
Let us see daylight again Once again

Let's become whole again
Proud again
'Cause I swear with firm belief in our hearts
We can bring back the glory of our past

My ummah, my ummah
He will say
Rasulullah on that day
Even though we strayed from him and his way

Look at where we were
And look at where we are
And tell me
Is this how he'd want it to be?
Oh no! Let us bring back our glory


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