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John Lee Hooker - One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer

One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer
: One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer
: 3.06 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 114 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 97 İndirme
: 01-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (John Lee Hooker - One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer )
  1. Riva Benzikri

    Hey what do you want, One Bourbon One Scotch and one beer. Legendary. And just not making new school like they did old school.

  2. Come On Now

    One Xanax, one toke, 5 beeyers.

  3. Bruce Deitrick Price

    Boom, Boom, Boom, start of Blues Brothers, is wonderful.

  4. Sebastián Cadavid

    "One bourbon, one scotch, one beer" !, the dose more than just, lethal, for resignation.

  5. rascalferret

    is that Duck Dunn?

  6. Dan Cazan

    The best Johnny s song ...

  7. Zvonimir Bago

    Want to tell you a storyAbout the house-man bluesI come home one FridayHad to tell the landlady I'da lost my jobShe said that don't confront meLong as I get my money next FridayNow next Friday come I didn't get the rentAnd out the door I wentSo I goes to the landladyI said you let me slide?I'll have the rent for you in a monthNext I don't knowSo said let me slide it onI notice when I come home in the eveningShe ain't got nothing nice to say to meBut for five year she was so niceLoh' she was lovy-dovyI come home one particular eveningThe landlady saidYou got the rent money yet?I said no, can't find no jobTherefore I ain't got no moneyTo pay the rentShe said I don't believeYou're tryin' to find no jobSaid I seen you today you was standin' on a cornerLeaning up against a postI said but I'm tired,I've been walkin' all dayShe said that don't concern meLong as I get my money next FridayNow next Friday come I didn't have the rentAnd out the door I wentSo I go down the streetsDown to my good friend's houseI said look manI'm outdoors you knowCan I stay with you maybe a couple days?He said let me go and ask my wifeHe come out of the houseI could see it in his faceI know that was noHe said I don't know manAh she kinda funny, you knowI said I know,Everybody funny, now you funny tooSo I go back homeI tell the landlady I got a job,I'm gonna pay the rentShe said yeah? I said oh yeahAnd then she was so niceLoh' she was lovy-dovySo I go in my room,Pack up my things and I goI slip on out the back doorAnd down the streets I goShe a-howlin' about the front rent,She'll be lucky to get any back rentShe ain't gonna get none of itSo I stop in the local bar you know peopleI go to the bar, I ring my coat,I call the bartenderSaid look man, come down here,He got down thereSo what you want?One bourbon, one scotch, one beerWell I ain't seen my babySince I don't know whenI've been drinking bourbon, whiskey,Scotch and ginGonna get high man I'm gonna get looseNeed me a triple shot of that juiceGonna get drunk don't you have no fearI want one bourbon,One scotch and one beerOne bourbon, one scotch, one beerBut I'm sitting now at the barI'm getting drunk, I'm feelin' mellowI'm drinkin' bourbon,I'm drinkin' scotch,I'm drinkin' beerLooked down the bar,Here come the bartenderI said look man, come down hereSo what you want?One bourbon, one scotch, one beerNo I ain't seen my baby sinceThe night before lastGotta get a drink manI'm gonna get gassedGonna get high manI ain't had enoughNeed me a triple shot of that stuffGonna get drunkWon't you listen right hereI want one bourbon,One shot and one beerOne bourbon, one scotch, one beerNow by this timeI'm plenty highYou know when your mouth a-getting dryYou're plenty highLooked down the barI say to my bartenderI said look man,Come down here,He got down thereSo what you want this time?I said look man,A-what time is it?He said the clock on the wallSay three o'clockLast call for alcohol,So what you need?One bourbon, one scotch, one beerNo I ain't seen my baby sinceA nigh' and a weekGotta get drunk manTill I can't even speakGonna get high manListen to meOne drink ain't enoughJack you better make it threeI want to get drunkI'm gonna make it real clearI want one bourbon,One scotch and one beerOne bourbon, one scotch, one beerTekstopisci: Rudolph Toombs

  8. Burger Birger

    Thats the man himself

  9. Rich915

    Had a friend that knew JLH. He took me to meet him one day. We talked, then went into his room to get away from the people that were also in that room. As we sat down, John Lee asks me if I play. I reply, yes, I play some! Over in the corner, there's a Gibson 335 (I believe it's the same 335 he's playing in this Vid w/ his name inlaid on the board). John says pick it up a play me something. Nervously, I pick it up & fumble through a Hendrix tune. He loved Hendrix, then says; "that's might fine son". He autographed a few things for me & we went on our way. I'll never forget it....

    Owain Woodman Carr

    Jeez you’re so lucky

    Eddy Ortiz

    Rich915 you

  10. Lorretta Williams

    The Master............

  11. diane pinkard

    John lee Hooker, put chills in to my bones. Best........1-10-2017

  12. JakeBlakeProject

    Well, ifya gotta hava drink.... Listen here, the JBP is on the AMI i-net Jukebox.... These tunes go Gr8 with Whiskey or Gin.... And BEER too.... I wouldn't lie to ya.... Salute!

  13. I'm too stupid to pour piss out of a boot

    that was a pretty sweet lick from 1:56-2:00

  14. moscowbill

    Is that the late great Donald Duck Dunn playing bass?

    Daria Dykes

    @moscowbill It is indeed.

    David Burton

    +Inspector711 why you calling him a clown? Donald Dunn's nickname was the the "Duck." Apparently you're not familiar with Booker T and the MGs...

    Luis Fuente

    yes.... and that looks to be Jr. Watson on the Guitar! Great performers that night with John Lee Hooker

    Frank Munoz

    No. This is Steve Gomes on Bass.

  15. Blayde Keel

    Thank god.

  16. Thomas carling

    Thank god we have footage of legends, so many before him are lost in a video sort of way....but we can listen to them.

  17. mobus1603

    What I loved about John Lee hooker is that he's one of these guys who I can understand when he sings, but I'll bet that I could hardly understand him if I were to hear him talk. For some reason that added to his appeal. It's almost as if black people in the Deep South, especially from his generation, had their own language in addition to having their own sub-culture. It's something that just couldn't be replicated.

  18. Chris Speir

    This is the shit.

  19. james soper

    for all you haters out there john lee hooker will live on long after your bones have turned into dust live on johnny

    hiddeous' thoughts

    yeah that's right! all you fourteen haters out there...

    Dejana Glisovic

    Do you think that maybe his song "too young",exists on the youtube?cause i cant find the original ;((

    Leo Fitzsimon

    True story.


    how in the F, can anyone who enjoys great music hate this?? JLH is classic!! His music is great...Eff off if ya hate!!

  20. veteran2000

    Why do I feel like a drink?


    everytime i hear this song whether by JLH or Thorogood or whoeva, I need 1 bourbon 1 scotch and maybe 2 or 3 beers.

  21. Glad Consuerte

    Wanna b drunk in blues.

  22. imulysses

    Best damn bass man that ever was.  Miss you Duck.

  23. jungesgenie

    Nah, the pipe is missing ;)

  24. walter veneau

    JLH taught the "Dos Equis" guy everything he knows!

  25. D. Sebastián Núñez


  26. Ninjaman Don

    Legend !

  27. Murray Dike


  28. Thos Robert

    I agree. I don't know Bieber's music, so I don't say anything. But his behavior is another matter. He lip syncs his concerts, which for me is a high crime. As a singer myself I find that personally insulting. He uses a fake piano. He abandoned his pet monkey, he doesn't pay his bills, he's an all round awful person.

  29. FatMatt73

    What the fuck are you on about. Shut up and just nejoy the genius of this man. How you can even mention lady ga ga in the same sentence as this man is staggering!

  30. MusicDude86

    One of the hardest musicians to follow and the band backing him is phenomenal.

  31. Logan Letchford

    originally called the house rent boogie...

  32. Dkyguy1995

    If only it were contagious

  33. treblejunkie

    Justin Bieber bashing is not only old, it's a pure sign of jealousy and ignorance...not that I'll be coming a "Bielieber" any day soon, but the kids who call him "fag" & "loser" are waiting for their next welfare cheque while young Justin runs from flocks of tighties into his limo to go discuss his money with his manager. Who's the real "loser"? LMARFO.

  34. J Cz

    I'm a male musician, he definitely is one of the top 5 greatest bluesmen in history. I am southern, but you have to get way down in loosyanna and be black to have that mans voice. I love Howlin Wolfs scratchy mean vocals, you have to been bad to cut it in that scene back then, it shows in their faces. I think Mark Lanagen is a good baritone vocalist I'd pick, he's still cranking out great music.

  35. andina18

    yeppers!!I LIKE this kind of soundsif I were black and a dude I definitely would sing like him :)

  36. ShortieLeeroy

    Feel good factor pretty dam high right now.

  37. Donald Robinson

    that is zz top playing before the beards

  38. llo bill


  39. Haggis bagpipe

    ive been a hooker fan since i was 18, im now john lee.

  40. T.C.J B

    I wonder if the white band always insisted on speeding up Hooker's later renditions or if it was his idea.

  41. stavros brinias



    un gran maestro

  43. pvrhye

    I guess a guy named Ilovegore89 would always be thinking about what people have on the inside.

  44. Cora Visser

    this is amazing as ususal.

  45. arthur kyriazis

    Ideal for New Years Eve.

  46. kitthevideoman

    Nice tune, delivered beautifully by John Lee Hooker and these superb musicians.

  47. 1954telecaster

    anyone know what kind of amp he's playing thru here? (looks like a blackface super reverb?)

  48. zero cool

    nice one .

  49. Caroline Kirk

    Duck Dunn on bass and Steve Cropper on guitar. The Staxx Power

  50. Music Junky

    yea I'm 1000th to like...yoooohoooo

  51. Maddox Bromley

    Thats one cool mofo

  52. NovaPrime519

    I really hope you end up in the dark corner of an alleyway in New York City.

  53. james gribbin

    Max you dopey little turd. John Lee Hooker was one of blues greats... I suppose your favorite band is the chantoosies or maybe even wham hey... Get with the program man !!!

  54. buru44

    I hope you guys or girls know that the Blues is a Musical expresssion specifically stemming from the African Diaspora experience. Please stop minimizing the beautiful ways in which culture and the passion for racial pride have contributed to the blues.

  55. Eduardo Espinosa

    True love for this artist man to continue playing like this...he makes it sound so natural...People try to immitate...they sound good ... but even when he just speaks is not wrap...this is true talent my respect for this blues man and others like him.

  56. igunzOsick

    I feel like so a deuch but I love the black blues so much man...I just dont mean to seem so accepting of a culture and its people I obviously have never experienced. "ahhh I love black people" lol. I just fricken hate what has become of blues.

  57. Filip Jonckheere

    max starks, it's obvious you don't know shit about, all the music you hear these comes out of the blues, buy a john lee hooker album, listen to it and then come back and we will forgive you ;-)

  58. GaThBe

    Cool doesnt have to go away with age! John Lee had it to the end.

  59. Johnny Lynn Lee

    You just have no brain.

  60. John Bones

    john lee hooker what a great artist

  61. John Bones

    shut your stupid fat mouth you idiot you wudnt know real music if it bit ya in the ass you poor dumb dragged up excuse for a man now just go and dam well learn to respect people boy before your fat mouth gets you into trouble This gentleman does get radio play actually you sad pathetic idiot

  62. John Bones

    Mr John Lee Hooker a true artist and performer real muscic

  63. TheAngusy

    I think you don't have any idea of what is the blues and who is john lee hooker, keep listening to rihana or lady gaga if you like it and please have more respect to Music, if you don't like it you can just close the window..Peace Peace

  64. Eman Norman

    what are you guys talking about. are you all stupid? John Lee Hooker always had white musicians playing with him. same as almost every other blues or jazz musician, when it comes to the music it doesnt matter what color you are. only thing that matters is can you play.

  65. KyleBurnsMusic

    lol yeah ok kid

  66. KyleBurnsMusic

    And Everyone. No matter what, Race, Creed or Religion has the Right and ability to play their heart out. Not an army of Ignorant people like you, Will stop them. as a matter of fact. If it wasn't for the White Blues movement from England in the Sixties and Seventies and the American movement at the same time, By white kids who fell in love with the blues, This Genre of music would have Virtually Vanished. Same goes for SRV and even John Mayer. White and Black have done their share of keeping on

  67. KyleBurnsMusic

    The Blues has no Skin Color. To say one group of people can do something and the other can't simply because of Race is a racist remark, And the Blues is no place for that. Listen to Joe Cocker, Robert Plant, Janis Joplin, Stevie Ray Vaughan, George Thorogood. Albert Reda. The list goes on with great Blues players and Singers. Race has not a damn thing to do with it. If you think that, Then you sir are an Ignorant racist. Who cares about the past. From africa came the blues. Music that soothes.

  68. KyleBurnsMusic

    That's before SRV Came a long :)

  69. KyleBurnsMusic

    First I'm gonna quote Buddy Guy. "Of course white folks can play the blues, he got 5 fingers don't he?". Second. Go listen to nay go look it up and watch STevie Ray Vaughan. And tell me that man can't play. Sorry but the blues is an emotion. It doesn't matter if your purple, Green, blue, black or white. If your from Texas, France or Mars. It's something your born with. Ask any great Blues artist and he'll tell you the same.

  70. Fancee Foxx

    Yes white people do know a lot about blues..Thats part of they music..

  71. Tony .Taylor

    Nor do a lot of black people I know. If we're talking blues I think alot of people in the 1930s would understand as they lived in poverty from a recession. But now, no. As for the blues I love it.

  72. xDIStructorx

    well, actually not, white bitches don't know shit about the blues.

  73. guy br

    If you dont like some kind of music, ignore it, it is the best we can do.

  74. Krista Antonini Martin


  75. phre3k187


  76. Lita Johnson

    Always the best......UmmmmHmmmmm

  77. Christopher Marcano

    this man oozes badass

  78. The Sundaykid95

    what wrong wit ya'll enjoy great sounds or switch to aBerber sounds

  79. MusicEd1

    You know I get that music has changed drastically and in some respects it's lost it'sway. I agree, but I also know people like John Lee Hooker wouldn't appreciate other people putting musicians down like that. Hey I'm not a fan of Lady Gaga or Justin Beiber either, but at the same time I'm a musician and wouldn't dream of bashing other musicans just because I don't like their music. Besides that this Lady Gaga and Justin Beiber bashing is getting old don't you think? Let's move on people.smh

  80. Dan NoNonsense

    great sound sheesh


    good for you. enjoy your cavities unhygienic loser

  82. Rammy McManly

    Same here, hugely underrated

  83. Diapason

    The Paul Butterfield Blues Band is awesome, probably one of my favorite bands.

  84. Michael Mireles

    I just Heard the George Thoro not so good version of this song. I would rather chew foil than hear him sing that song again... John Lee Hooker, Show em how it's done.......

  85. Rammy McManly

    Paul Butterfield Blues Band was the best white blues act of all time in my opinion

  86. Rammy McManly

    It was a joke, you dont need to take my comment seiously it bothers you that much. And dont judge me, you dont know me. I know that anyone can have the blues, I'm white and have feel the blues everyday when I lose every dollar to feed my children everyday, worrying about keeping my house the next month, working 3 jobs and having my wife cheat on me. The blues is the way to let out feelings in a positive manor. It was the great howlin wolf that said "when your thinking evil, your thinking blues"

  87. Jason McIlroy

    amen to that my friend!!!!

  88. Jason McIlroy

    now that's the blues!!!!!!!

  89. Jason McIlroy

    seriously what kind of statement is must be a 12 yr old with no musical knowledge.

  90. Jason McIlroy

    That is just a silly statement. Just cause you don't have talent don't clump all white people into your talentless world!!!!!

  91. Jason McIlroy

    you both need to just stick to nonblues music as you must have no idea what it is all about and for you to put skin color to it is one of the problems with American youth as you both must be really young to not have a clue what the blues really is... yo should be ashamed its no black or's the blues.

  92. Jason McIlroy

    My momma's family is all from MS which is the birth place of the blues and I am pretty white... and for all of you retarded white people who insist on putting a skin color on the blues then stop listening to the blues and try listening to some "white people music" whatever that is... maybe you should stick to corporate country or maybe try some power pop...

  93. Jason McIlroy

    Well, dmorand2009 you are wrong wrong wrong and for someone to say white people can't have the true blues is a statement that only a person who doesnt even know what the blues is.It's not a color its an energy and a passion and and you must not have it.

  94. Rammy McManly

    @DMorand2009 True to a certain extent, George Thorogood is a great blues man, Stevie Ray Vaughan was an amazing blues man, Allman Brothers and Canned Heat were amazing blues bands. Its possible for white guys to have soul and the blues. But we'll only have medium soul, not Howlin Wolf soul

  95. broadfall

    @ilovegore89 that's right. The blues come form the inside, not outside.

  96. ThatMeatalGuy123

    @redc338able what the fuck kind of comment is that

  97. ilovegore89

    ...When you play does not matter the skin color, race, creed or sex, but the emotions that you transmit and your desire to play...

  98. BlazedBastar666

    Sitting like the king he is.

  99. James Brown

    It's pretty cool how John Lee Hooker performs eachc song a lot differently each time he plays it. I don't really see the point in seeing someone live to hear exactly wht you heard on the record.

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