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John Denver - Take Me Home Country Roads

Take Me Home Country Roads
: Take Me Home Country Roads
: 3.03 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 118 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 91 İndirme
: 16-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (John Denver - Take Me Home Country Roads )
  1. 지승현의 상상은 현실이 된다

    This is my favorite song.

  2. Jaxon Daly

    There’s lots of talk about West Virginia, what about East, South and North Virginia?

  3. Lazy Covixs

    Im just a latino from cali that thinks this song is good

  4. Andrea Bori

    I can only hear "in minor key" now :(

  5. jalal rumi

    They should build a highway to West Virginia that way people can avoid country road and take the highway .

  6. Yongsoo Yuk

    Who else came here from Kingsman

  7. nugget

    Ima break yalls hearts he died in 1997 On a plane crash in one of the Virginias I think sorry if I did break yalls hearts

  8. GetThatPotato 445

    Welcome Back!We Both Know This Isn’t Your First Time Here.

  9. AIN KIM

    the best song in my life <3 <3

  10. K T

    Makes me think of an old wooden cabin at the edge of the woods with a lantern hanging in the front in the middle of the summer... ok all the poetic stuff aside we all know im here for the memes

  11. Matthew Chenault

    Country roads: The song everyone knows by John Denver, even though it’s not his best work.

  12. Henry

    F A L L O U T 7 6

  13. Jj Rusiecki

    I am here from the „West Virginia” youtube video when guy plays this song while entering WV state in a car perfectly timing chours with crossing the state like. Thumbs up if here also bcoz of that vid :D

  14. Soul

    Anyone else wonder how how this was uploaded in 2013 but the description says it was featured in fallout 76

  15. Heathen Wolf

    looks like 58K don't understand the difference between a good song and a shit game.

  16. djbenacio

    Why would anyone dislike this song? Who's here in 2019?

  17. tinkypig73

    Ah, the memories. Its such a weird feeling to not be able to go home anymore. I am really glad I had one, though.

  18. Diorange 『Journey of the Sorcerer』

    The great Virginia war

  19. LaZe Creed

    All of I sundden when I was on the morning announcements at my school I saptarted singing this and joined in the 1,000 kids at my school

  20. Wayne M

    'West Virginia' is that special place in all our minds. My West Virginia is a specific slice on beach in Cuba...

  21. Kyriakos Christoy

    i m here from the office...

  22. El Camarino

    I do live in Italy, I had a work that brought me far from home very often. I was always coming back to my own West Virginia. Once I'll be able to fly to USA and finally this song will be meant to be for me. Till that day, I keep on listening to it, each and every time I'm going back ghome, my lovely fake West Virginia.

  23. Berke GENÇ

    This capitalist song is good(Papa Stalin 1947)

  24. liam basham

    Fact: There are more views on this than West Virginia and the whole country of Canada's Population combined.

  25. Laurens Simons

    teacher: were going on a fieldtrip to americagirls: ugh its just a place full of pigs and politicsbois:

  26. İsfahan

    58k disliked east virginia

  27. Ashley Fer

    Country roads... more like Bore Ragnarok.

  28. my name a egg

    hell yeah brother

  29. foxfurboy 21

    This is a darn good song to sing to

  30. Mara URS

    Мерлин из стейтмена спел лучше!!!

  31. The Real Man

    One dollar for each like!

  32. IFR Zltx

    Two best songs 1:take me home , country roads2:Memories

  33. GzGz Gaming


  34. Alan Smithback

    Surfing YouTube, heard this new band GLITTER DOGS. Doing music sounds like 70’s decent albums on Spotify. I’m 56, really liked the music

  35. Nenea Gicu

    Tweener :o

  36. Owen Smyth

    When you step on a landmine to save the bros.

  37. First Last

    There’s been so many covers of this - I prefer the cover versions to the acc song - but I still like this version

  38. Artem Pankratov

    D.E.P Merlín

  39. BEAU Bradbury

    Come trying to chip me see what happens nuh...🏹

  40. Gradatim

    I was 3 when I first heard this song.....whoa time flies

  41. TornadoAli 75

    When my grandma is at my house and we play the radio station she likes, songs like this will play. I usually listen to alternative rock but this song makes me think of her and for that reason I like it.

  42. SOUTHPAW#801

    God bless you John Denver

  43. MegaPlayDoe

    West Virginia Mountain Mamaaaaaaaa

  44. Rachell Nivass

    Almost heaven, West VirginiaBlue Ridge mountainsShenandoah RiverLife is old thereOlder than the treesYounger than the mountainsBlowin' like a breezeCountry roads, take me homeTo the place I belongWest Virginia, mountain mommaTake me home, country roadsAll my memories gathered round herMiner's lady, stranger to blue waterDark and dusty, painted on the skyMisty taste of moonshineTeardrops in my eyeCountry roads, take me homeTo the place I belongWest Virginia, mountain mommaTake me home, country roadsI hear her voiceIn the mornin' hour she calls meThe radio reminds me of my home far awayAnd drivin' down the road I get a feelin'That I should have been home yesterday, yesterdayCountry roads, take me homeTo the place I belongWest Virginia, mountain mommaTake me home, country roadsCountry roads, take me homeTo the place I belongWest Virginia, mountain mommaTake me home, country roadsTake me home, now country roadsTake me home, now country roads

  45. Vaporous Elm993

    Screw my xbox I'm gonna go outside and do something with my life and stare at the sunset.

  46. Thad Kay

    The dislikes are from Australians who thought it was the like button

  47. Tristan Tyson

    Do 1.25x speed(thank me later)

  48. Busty Blonde Beach Bunny

    Great song ! How could anyone dislike this song ?

  49. Darlene Allman

    Go Mountaineers!!!

  50. Alexe Florin-Ciprian

    Gil dobrica: Hai acasa!!!

  51. TooK0ldIcecream •

    All the dislikes are from Australians trying to like this song

  52. Kierwynn

    It's a shame this song is forever tainted by fallout and bathesda

  53. N-1


  54. Gerda Baldung

    Einfach ein song der beliebt ist

  55. st0rm Callum

    The people who disliked liked the song that much they turned their monitors up side down to like again.

  56. Adama Sibblies

    Mount students know about this

  57. Kelly Carney

    I just want to go West viginiaWith mule and worm and then mocka

  58. MrSqueaks2000

    this is the best especially after Mountaineer games

  59. Abyss

    This is one of west virgina's state songs

  60. MessyMembers

    This song is so annoying

  61. Rajiv Radhakrishnan


  62. Iuri Santos

    Que qualidade.

  63. Pink Goat

    I came here from The Office

  64. Firebourn94

    Merlin Your sacrifice will not be forgotten

  65. Norman Thapa

    Who still listening this song in 2019 rise✋

    Logan Christian

    i swear to god if people like dont stop doing this comment i personally will find and take your dog

  66. Rayomand Dadachanji

    Listening to this in remembrance of a friend of 40 years who used to sing this, probaly better than John Denvet. RIP GC

  67. fury 93osaka

    merci kingsman

  68. Elias Y

    To any immigrant here, change "West Virginia" for your hometown's name, and I bet you will be cutting onions.

  69. Josipa Tokić

    Listening to this makes me feel as if I'm a middle aged man from West Virginia, and I'm an 18 year old girl from the Balkans...

  70. Sebastian Ari putra

    2019 and i still like this song

  71. xXelitegpXx

    Me and my family used to sing this song in the car on roadtrips. My dad passed when I was 11 and ever since then this song reminds me of those times. And now it just brings me tears :(

  72. Nielz Rotatoulie

    West virginia a good place :)

  73. The Accidental Hipster

    Doesnt matter what nation you come from, what gender you are, what ethnicity you are, whether your rich or poor, whether your young or old, no matter what your background*When John Denver says its time to be nostalgic about West Virginia, its fucking time to be nostalgic about West Virginia*

  74. hipe_boss

    Fortnite Revind

  75. diepewpie

    Ive been in the Philippines for 2 years now. but i go home in 30 days this is what ill play on my plane ride home

  76. Mr Hadron

    Country roadsTake me homeI belongWest VirginiaMount joe mamaCountry roadsTake me home

  77. Sebas GeometryD

    I met this song thanks to Liquid chap. Love you chap ❤️

  78. butter

    i cant believe john denver came back from the dead to make a youtube channel

  79. Arnold Arce

    Aaaaah man, were to start. An American legend and Hero 💪 One of Greatest Singer 📻 Songwriter of are times. Very caring loving thoughtful unselfish understanding human beings EVER. Great Humanitarian and Person. Miss you dearly ☹️God bless you John - Your never forgotten. So true - The Good die Young 🇺🇸 RIP

  80. M Viv

    Remember this song being sung by some student in the early 80s on our school's annual day. In a small town in India. He sang it well.

  81. amana muqta


  82. hehe heh heh

    Battery’s running low. . . I feel it getting darker. . .My life fading. . .Take me home. . .Country roads. . .

  83. Will Brennan

    Never know a father love until there gone

  84. Will Brennan

    My dad and I used to listen to this song man I miss him so much . Very good tune

  85. Jack Dale

    I love this song

  86. Mgtnquasar

    Ha eat it Pitt!!! #hailwv!

  87. Retro Wave

    People who actually met John Denver before he died cry when they hear this song.


    very good

  89. James Joseph

    you have to see oh god extremely intelligent questions. paul servino mafia this is a real good movie Oh god. the questions and answers make al ot of sense to me

  90. this channel is discontinued

    wacky lookin fuck but good musician

  91. The 2nd Amendment Protects the Rest

    Wow. 260 million views...

  92. Chleb Razowy

    2:05 i love voice this girl

  93. Lady Wanderer

    I wonder how many dislikes are from Fallout 76 being absolute garbage.

  94. kikijoe

    This song just brings back memories that have nothing to do with the song, along with nostalgia for no reason. D:

  95. Clint Gyamfi

    Hey boys this is a absolute banger

  96. Jose Luiz


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