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Isak Danielson - Remember

: Remember
: 3.86 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 98 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 80 İndirme
: 07-07-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Isak Danielson - Remember )
  1. JBR A

    This song so special to me

  2. Saghar mir

    Underrated Underrated

  3. Nabil Assal

    This song hit me so hard! I still remember how we used to love in September nights. We broke up on the 15th of October 💔

  4. Sasha James

    The first time I watched this I literally paid zero attention to the song..... I got jealous and now I want to date a guy with long hair :’)

  5. Yacee A


  6. Marolinda

    2019 new comers here!

  7. JBR A

    This song take me so faaarrrr oh my god why you are not famous you are so beautiful and have great voice love u love u so so deeepppp

  8. B m

    She's so beautiful.

  9. name7383

    Ok i remember this September nights 2019.

  10. Harm.mon.y luvs

    Please let me experience those moments 😭

    Harm.mon.y luvs

    Not the ending tho oooooooooof

  11. DxmlaXVI

    The way he say "Remember, remember me, how we used to love in September nights" breaks me again and again..

  12. DxmlaXVI

    This is amazing, damn

  13. M. K.

    she is so beautiful like wow

  14. Love. Lenor

    Hope you come to L.A. ♥️

  15. HR BEST

    I feel all pain in these words.. such truthfill words

  16. Okinda Felix

    Who else is here after listening to Ending from cloak and dagger and wanted more of Isak Danielson?

  17. Jdb2001

    Daaamn his hair is beautiful!!

  18. Brenda B Tankeu

    He’s so handsome with hair and voice. His music and sound is so unique 💕

  19. Mut -

    The las chorus and guitar part is amaaaaazing

  20. Luke Farrell

    I love your voice

  21. Aggelina Mavoglou

    This song is amazing. Love from Greece 🇬🇷❤️❤️

  22. Ana Maria Zh

    Someone please explain to me what does she show him on the phone before she runs away

    Isak Danielson

    another girl, funny story: the girl in the photo is who the song is about (:

    Ana Maria Zh

    Isak Danielson Well that was unexpected, but it all makes sense now, thanks :)

  23. Kübra Kahveci

    It’s amazing! Please share this on Spotify 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  24. Bianca Neagoe


  25. Soraya Barrera

    His beautiful Luscious hair..💖

  26. gideon clement

    Beautiful 😭😭😭...

  27. Deanna Beals

    This video is so heartbreaking but beautiful it’s amazing

  28. Lottarandomness

    I found this song maybe a few years ago and only now found out there's a video too. This is my absolute favorite from Isak, such a great song <3

  29. Anna Mele

    Strabiliante questo brano... Emozionante per musica e video 😍

  30. The Coffee Table

    I'm isak's fan...his Power is my favorite song. I like songs with good lyrics and stories. His songs does has it all but this song I didn't actually hear as I was so engrossed in watching his video. I love the video.Regards #Ashishchandrana

  31. Sujata

    I wanna date someone with long hair now

  32. Sara kazmi


  33. Luke Farrell


  34. Przemysław Płażalski

    These song takes me back to past , to my high school , that is amazing , thanks

  35. Aurelia Hanne

    I have discovered this beautiful song a bit more than a week ago and I can’t stop listening (to the other songs as well). The video is just perfectly matching the spirit of the song...A jewel, thank you 🙏 I hope @isakdanielson that you will do some concerts in France 🥰

  36. Lola O Brien

    Who hurt you?

  37. Wiktoria Granieczny

    Just came across with your music and it turned to be response to my feelings that I keep listening to it at last few times this day. Much support for what you do and share with others.

  38. Lora Saucedo

    Repeat after repeat I love this I just recently discovered your amazing music

  39. Rebecca Neufeld

    Also isak looks like Harry Styles Back Then when Harry Styles had...long hair Cool....I Digs haha

  40. Rebecca Neufeld

    This song reminds me of a time that I was twitter famous and I was chosen by Harry styles and all his songs were about Hint Scorpio haha

  41. Carmen Nhampule

    I just discovered him and now I am addicted to his music

  42. bd3shy

    Iloveyou isak! <3

  43. Nabila Nabila

    This reminds me of my love story with my bf 😢

  44. Olfa Najar

    I loveeee u so muuuuch !! I'm in loveee with ur songs ad voice ❤❤❤❤

  45. Penny Paolina

    The best video clip ever

  46. Wen Balseca

    Irónicamente llevo escuchando esta canción desde agosto del año pasado y me mata escucharla pues estaba pasando por un momento muy duro en mi relacion💔😭

  47. Angelique Gonzalez

    I can't stop listening to this song. I swear... On #Repeat LOVE you Isak! 💗💋

  48. Cassandra Basile

    Sry, but I don´t get the video. Was he cheating on her?

  49. Charlotte Horemans

    really cool though I don't quite get the video. Did he cheat on her or something?

  50. Leire Oscanoa

    My life is so much better now, with all your songs💕

  51. Korina Korinaki

    Dark nights and a face like yours, I don't forgetWhy do You feel the need to go just yetWhen I cover my eyes, I see a picture in my mind of you smiling and I find nothing to regretRemember, rememberHow we used to love in September nightsYou say remember, remember meI said I love you forever, don't leaveNow in life you hold your heart for someone elseCaught in your fire but my love will never meltSo when I think about lifeYou're the only one I'd likeTo be lost with and then found, baby, don't forgetRemember, rememberHow we used to love in September nightsYou say remember, remember meI said I love you forever, don't leaveRemember, rememberHow we used to love in September nightsYou say remember, remember meI said I love you forever, don't leaveBut if you say you love me babeI'll be the one to run awayBefore you say, you love me baby…Remember, rememberHow we used to love in September nightsYou say remember, remember meI said I love you forever, don't leaveYou got to stillRemember, rememberHow we used to love in September nightsYou say remember, remember meI said I love you forever, don't leaveRemember, remember (you said remember me)Remember, remember (you said remember me)Remember, remember (you said remember me)Remember, remember (you said remember me)You love me babeI'll be the one to run awayBefore you say, you love me baby…

  52. Masa Wistrom

    Have I been living under a damn rock?! This is stunning music. The story of it is beautiful.

  53. Moonlover _

    I’m in love☄️🇷🇸

  54. atyaf

    This song is amazing💜💜

  55. MARAM.

    I don’t forget...Remember remember 🥂❤️.

  56. Emmy S

    This is the first song I have been listening to for 2 whole years, without getting tired of it. Truly beautiful!!

  57. Madam Elii

    Your hair , your hair , your fucking hair 😍😍😍❤❤❤

  58. Jean-Luc Marcil

    You deserves millions of views. You are incredibly talented. Ta musique vient littéralement toucher mon âme👌👌❤


    Tellement, c'est trop beau

  59. HS Peresah

    Your voice makes me feels feelings.

  60. Spyros Parginos

    What a beautiful song! And that video is just gorgeous and sad at the same time!

  61. Fruitcakes

    Best one in my opinion. I hope you are doing well and i cant wait to see more in the future.

  62. Kany Anike

    this song is amazing and isak is so sexy

  63. Lee Gerald

    This song is amazing


    Would play with his hair all day everyday and he'd sing for every nerve and feeling in my body to sleep .

    Brenda B Tankeu


  65. Acidrayne

    wow you're a great singer. cant believe i've never heard of you before. discovered your music from cloak and dagger.

    sarah ander

    Acidrayne that’s where I found him too

    Glory Ward

    Thats how i found it too

    Idk Ririsu

    Yes, i found him like this too

  66. Eun Jae

    im in love with your song and your voice ♥️

  67. jei-13

    Í said I like it like that 😍

  68. Häq Dzirr

    Good Song Bro❤️

  69. Yara Hani

    How can he sound like an angel . I'm in love

  70. Rafael Silva

    Remember! Soul music!

  71. Ivo Pereira

    I LOVE THIS REALLY. IS SO FANTASTIC, SO REAL"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

  72. Lilou Bgtte

    Love love loveNot words enough for explaining my feelingJust AmazingHe deserves to be more knowed

  73. Yhya R

    Dark nights and a face like yours i don’t forget ❤️

  74. Jenna Carrillo

    ok i've watched this music video over and over and over and over again (probably a hundred times) and i JUST realized that he's totally naked at 1:18 lol say whhhhaaaaatttt

    Flavian michelle



    Ha ha, I noticed it the first time, lying front down on the lawn. Isak is not afraid to do what has to be done, I think I would with this girl too x

    neven 23

    Jenna Carrillo loool

    Talent Mupindu

    😅😅😅 girl how do you notice that? Lol😂👏


    and with a nice ass!

  75. jimin's butt is life

    I love this song

  76. Cristina

    Well I can say I m late... but this hit me right in the feels... good song and your voice is fantastic... love from me

  77. Johana mejia

    I love this song, Amazing voice and video. 💖

  78. Rabhi Ranim

    from Tunisia ❤️❤️❤️❤️ u're amazing

  79. Madam Elii

    I like it very much <3

  80. Yasaman Sarrami

    this is the best song ever😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  81. thewes4 gt

    So good

  82. Aya Elayyan

    How old is he??

  83. Behnaz Jab


  84. Juliet Johnson

    this music video is better than most professional pop videos today and i love it

  85. arghavan.rn

    love this song <3 <3

  86. Julie Flores

    Its been a year since this song was uploaded!

  87. Gabrysia Majchrzyk

    never heard anything like that before

  88. Nathalie Nyström Sandin

    Asså låten ger mig rysningar så otroligt bra😍😍

  89. Lewis Dewhurst

    Back Again is anothe great song by Isak.

  90. Roerma

    Isac du sjunger Ass grymt men klipp dig som du såg ut i x factor

  91. Ashley DS

    His music is amazing I'm so glad I found it

  92. Dance Moms Audioswaps

    dark nights and a face like yoursi don’t forgethow do you feel the? to gojust?then i cover my heartssee your picture in my mindof your smiling and i find nothing to regretremember, remember how we used to love in september nightsyou say you remember, remember mei said i love you forever don’t leavenow in life you hold your heart for someone elsecaugh in your fire my love never meltso when i think of our lifeyour the only one my life to be lost with and found babydon’t forgetremember, remember how we used to love in septembet nightsyou say you remeber, remember mei said i love you forever don’t leaveremember, remember how we used to love in september nightsyou said you remember, remember mei said i love you forever don’t leaveif you say you love me babyi be the one to run awayif you say you love me babyremember, remember how we used to love in september nightsyou said you remember, remember mei said i love you forever don’t leaveyou got to still remember, remember how we used to love in september nightsyou said you remember, remember mei said i love you forever don’t leaveremember, rememberremeber, rememberremember, rememberremember, rememberyou love me babybe the one to run awayfor you say you love me baby


    Why do you feel the need to go Just yet


    why do you feel the need to go just yet

  93. Driftinglikegod

    omg bästa, hur mår stensladd?

  94. Maja Lindeberg

    underbara félice <333

  95. Isabel Mischou

    OMG så bra låt, älskar den😻😻👌🏻 men hur gammal är du?

  96. Trent Anderson

    Pls come to Brazil

  97. Patricia Sjögren

    Så jävla bra låt!! Vilka ackord är det?

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