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Isak Danielson - Ending

: Ending
: 3.93 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 91 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 72 İndirme
: 07-07-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Isak Danielson - Ending )
  1. dreamer . s

    The video could be better...

  2. Naomi Sanclemente

    Everyone - cLoAk AnD DaGgEr

  3. SiLu

    I have no idea what cloak and daggers is. I came here after watching the amazing performance of Willow, a contemporary dance couple:

  4. Nicole Lavin

    I can’t stop listening to this song I love it so much ❤️

  5. farah kawana

    That song really touched my heart, i really love it

  6. zahrotunnisa maisara

    I dont know how many time i watch this , and still cry

  7. ghosted -

    am i the only one who thought it was tyrone singing this *akward >.>*

  8. Ben Salah Nadia

    I'm just in love 😍😍😍 ... No other words needed

  9. without nose

    i've fallen in love with his songs recently...because it suits me well and understants me so much

  10. Bianca Heymans

    His voice is everything

  11. zahrotunnisa maisara

    Your voice 😭😭

  12. Potato Jr

    Still have no idea what the hecc Cloak and Daggers is, but I just let youtube do its own thing. No wonder I felt like the voice was similar to the one that sang Broken. XD

  13. Izma Shahid


  14. Zozla __

    I just can’t even explain it It takes me to another place 💗💗So much love to you isak 🥰💙

  15. poirebellehelene


  16. Nayomi Barros

    My favorite song 🇧🇷🥰🥰

  17. Onika D.

    Sou apaixonado em voce, sucesso pra sua carreira musical! Você é muito talentoso e lindo

  18. I wish i was a PANCAKE

    What is cloak and dagger

  19. F YOU

    Someone recommended this song for me and I fell in love with the singer his voice so unique I can't stop listening to his songs 🥺❤

  20. Nia MiaPia

    Your voice😍😍🥰

  21. LaYn A

    am I the only one who didn’t come from cloak daggers?

  22. Ashley Simone

    I found this awesome song and talented artist by just seeking out good music. So glad I cam across him. So young but his voice comes from an old soul and the music is haunting and beautiful ❤️

  23. Kanthi Rajakaruna

    Only im the one not find time to say everyone good bye to forever ..but good everyone heart ..but my god im close to you only...thanks..

  24. basma albarni

    Dam this song sends chills to my bone,

  25. Brayan Kruszyk

    You are my king..i love you. I'm crying

  26. Cho Hee Radya

    Omg what a voice 😳😳😳😳

  27. Rodney BP

    C&D who else is here fam??

  28. angelinne amara

    Lord,, his voice,,,

  29. Theladypi P

    fall in love



  31. Kamia Chargualaf

    am I the only person NOT here from cloak and dagger?

  32. Bsh

    Guys,what dose he means by saying "while I just ride the wave"???

  33. Ta F

    My heart goes to explode by listening to this song. It was amazing.

  34. Hellen Santos

    Essa musica é de 2018. Como ela só apareceu pra mim hoje?!

  35. Devesh Todarwal

    From cLoAk anD dAGGeRs? fOuNd thIs oN mY oWn anD nOt fROm c&D! Like STFU and enjoy the beautiful song!

  36. gonzalo oy mejía


  37. Eddie Ogendo

    This song hits differently when home alone and every you've ever know has been deceiving you, maybe it's just me😅😔...

  38. Dira Tamirza

    Cloak and Dagger what? I'm here because I was listening too many depressing songs and Youtube brought me here.

  39. hamed keshavarz taghvayi

    very very good

  40. Explora Subir

    I can't get how the video was done. Isn't it slowed down. If it is so, how his lips moved according the words of the song 😐

  41. Lovely

    Doesn’t he look like moriarty from sherlock series?

  42. Leiliane Byhain

    I can't stop listening to your songs. I was sleeping with the phone listening to random songs on spotify and woke up with Always and since then I've heard all of the album. Another fan here from Brazil 💓🇧🇷😍

  43. Supratim Dey


  44. asmawantan asmawantan

    Why i never hear this so good....this song like my remember me to someone...i never thought that this song help mr cry....i hear it almost everyday...his voice are so good.......

  45. Conner Wood

    The concern on his face and in is his voice is unreal!👏👏

  46. Samuel Kiroga

    I'm short of words trying to describe how amazing the song is😧

  47. It's me Léna

    This song became a drug for me

  48. Chuck Lennon

    One of the best music I've ever listened And your voice is amazing

  49. Dioni Mosxaki-Kovani

    Wooww your voice is just from heaven

  50. Domi Thiem

    This is the best song I've ever heard! (Bleed Out too)Your songs are something special.. well done Isak, this is just beautiful..

  51. Estefi Paucar

    Saludos desde Ecuador 🇪🇨

  52. suren sabah

    ur vocal amazing just love it love yo from Kurdistan/iraq keep it up

  53. Alaa Salah

    My wounds brought me here

  54. Hannah Ward

    I want to die. My mom is always screaming at me. I’m a dancer and I can’t even practice. I just want to put a gun to my head and say goodbye to this cruel world. 😓💔

    Isak Danielson

    Find the beautiful things in life that makes you happy and stay <3

    Explora Subir

    Oh, nooo. Don't do that. This time will be over so soon. Sooner then you think. Try to do something interesting for you. I hope yr fine now

  55. سهى الجهني

    اللي جاي من طرف جنجن لايك

  56. Leah

    What the hell is cloak and dagger??

  57. David Green

    At this point everyone came from cloak and dagger😭but this still a nice song

  58. Kek Kekovich

    Наконец-то у меня появился любимый певец

  59. Winster Correya

    We're at the end of the line

  60. emma -

    Anyone who didn't come from cloak and dagger?


    I dont even what the heck is that

  61. Edyta Pawlicki

    I can’t believe I’ve never heard of him !!!I’m so in love ❤️❤️He is singing my life out loud 💔💔

  62. sama x


  63. adamfug123173

    Came across this All I can say is WOW. Beautiful powerful

  64. Αναστασία Παπαδογιάννη


  65. Sara Alsuliman

    I love you and you’re voice! 😭❤️

  66. wright gregson

    damn what a BIG voice he has...….have any "reactors" done a video of him?

  67. Ross Anderson

    of course you know why I am here but I love that piano part at the end.,

  68. nolly alsehaimi

    Thank you .. your song is my favorite memory from the best days in bali .. thank you 😭🧡🧡🍂

  69. Giorgio D.

    You are so pretty and your soul is blessing. Your angelic voice giving me goosebumps.

  70. Bugaboo Sh

    Why haven't you been in any talent show??? You could have won all of them...

    Mette Fisker

    He came in third place in x factor sweden in 2012 :)

    Bugaboo Sh

    @Mette Fisker who was the first one?

    Mette Fisker

    A girl named Awa Santesson-Sey

  71. Mani Rassai

    Perfect song, video ok only if his lips were synced more accurately with the audio!

  72. Simona

    i love you, i want to make a collage with your songs and do contemporary dance on them. I find myself

  73. 大 ESK

    😍👀 am seeing you babe

  74. Sarthak Bhatt

    Looking for a beautiful girl here name yini

  75. mansonsqueen2121

    My God. What an incredible talent. Your voice just takes me hostage. It's incredible. ❤️ Keep putting your work into the universe. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

  76. Mario Hayek

    But as usual..., the one that's going to leave the other it isn't me 🙂

  77. Isabela Moreira

    bro, you're voice is unbelievably beautiful

  78. duke of hell

    Is it just me or does this song give chills

  79. Chanyeol at 1:44 in Love Shot's MV

    His voice is angelic oh my gosh!

  80. no body

    You were the only onenot younot meWe will be alone

  81. mad hatter

    I will never forget about this song its so good

  82. Skylar H

    His voice is so beautiful. Soulful. I love it!❤

  83. danazah sss

    3:49 is mind blowing

  84. Alisa Hartikainen

    Now i have to go and google what the heck is cloak and dagger😂✌️

    Shay Historia

    I recommend you to watch it!! One of the best Marvel Tv Series ever!! 👍

  85. Jericca Young

    So beautiful

  86. Jericca Young


  87. Iskandar Zulkifly

    The ending , wow, give me james bond vibesss

  88. aida b

    this is just so beautiful, the voice, the lyrics, the meaning. love the whole album. so underrated!

  89. Lavender Blossomish

    I love you, I always crave for such unique music. Finally I am so happy I got the Isak music, so so happy.😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤩😍😍🤩🤩🤩😘😘😘😘

  90. Mair Aziiz

    His voice like explosion 🤤🤤🤤🤤💓

  91. Kaden Hawley

    go cloak and dagger

  92. MyGachaWorld -Emmi

    Dies is For Cloak and dagger ❤️I Love dies

  93. chitownlokito


  94. YasmeenElsayed

    I just came across this. You're very talented!

  95. Ruby Aufderheide

    Best. Song. Ever. I cry every time I hear it, it's so beautiful

  96. إبراهيم الخليل

    03:48 I just like ♥️this part

  97. MyGachaWorld -Emmi

    So Sad 😭❤️

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