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India Arie - I Am Light

I Am Light
: I Am Light
: 3.55 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 156 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 143 İndirme
: 17-08-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (India Arie - I Am Light )
  1. A/X

    I play this for my son to go to sleep.

  2. Eve Gacha

    My counselor played this and made me cry. My counselor is so nice 😊 She told me what part of the song i liked and i told her the whole thing. 😊

  3. Rachel lizin

    So beautiful. It helps in the middle of darkness.

  4. Yañe Balog

    My dope 👌😘I'm Light

  5. Anele Bhengu

    This song is doing wonders for my soul lately. It is seeing me through the most! It is such a beautiful reminder!

  6. Soul Igniter

    This right here, the I am brought to me, becuase I too believe I am light, WE ARE the light and our lights shine bright with the stars. I love the words, the energy I got and about to share it with my community. Let me sing it for you en Espanol Queen...

  7. Sophia Jennifer Giacalone


  8. Normal Person

    who else’s yoga teacher plays this

  9. Mildred Castellanos

    I LOVE THIS SONG !!!!!

  10. L.K. Brown

    This is a prayer and a mantra! Thanks

  11. Nabilah Ghani

    Here because of UBD PAC. Utopia was amazing.

  12. Smart Sassy Sophisticated

    Come to Hawaii, @ The Blue Note!!!!!!

  13. Kaizy Stewart

    So beautiful I'm just in a instant trance. Absolutely love this queen india irie....Kaizy Stewart

  14. Jennifer von Pickartz

    i thank God for You. Love&Light.

  15. Catherine Gattas

    I'm listening to this song over and over trying to get some hope. I've been in a dark depression with debilitating anxiety everyday. Alone most of the time. So tough people!

  16. Angela Wynter Palermo

    So lovely

  17. Rick Richards

    We as a people are TRULY blessed to have you, Ms. Arie! Every time I listen to this song I find myself listening to it over and over and over again. But when I sing it back to myself alone, I can only imagine what you were feeling when you wrote it. I know why it's your favorite song, because it is my favorite too. Amongst the greats like Stevie and Bob Marley, you ma'am stand alone.... Your music is the truth. Scientifically, philosophically, and spiritually speaking, You Are Light!

  18. Ingrid L Padilla

    I listen to Give Thanks and this song when I wake up every morning. It helps me set my mind positively for the day. Thank you India 🙏🏽

  19. Rita Perry

    Breathtakingly Beautiful, Thank you, for speaking the truth, for lifting us all up. It resonates so deeply.

  20. Princess Thompson

    One of my best friends told me that they played this song daily when he was in drug rehab. I love India Arie. Her songs are healing.

  21. Sophia

    ❤️ thank you india

  22. خالد النجار Learn German with

    I'm Light ♥ 16/9/2019

  23. Daniel Thomas

    Indie aries music is like healing to the soul. In my opion she trumps every artist that is out today. Not trying to take away from the othe artist's. Her music has meaning and purpose. So inspiring and very talented

  24. Brenda Salcedo

    thank you! an amazing song! i appreciate it.

  25. Karen Smittick

    I'm love

  26. The Shortfellows - speak softly and play the piano

    This song is AWESOME!!! :)

  27. MadamCJda3rd Productions

    Absolutely beautiful and true message that we needed to hear.... Many thanks much much love

  28. Divinely Danika

    Bless you. Thank you so much.

  29. Mo Love99

    Thank you so much for your gorgeous light and channeling source through your beautiful music 💕

  30. Luana Barreto

    Linda a música

  31. Kombatdrew 02

    So many souls have been saved and resonate with this song. It has stopped many suicides, from looking at the comments, and many souls are coarsing through my phonce screen that are saved and happy and here on earth. India.arie, you have ofically been a hero through the music industry and saved lives by singing your mind; I net you didnt realize youd save lives when you put this into the world, but ya sure as hell did. 👏🏽

  32. Shaena jones

    I am light. I am not the things my family did! Coming from a line of brokenness and TRAMUA they built and never worked to heal! I am light. Divinity within. I am here to conquer all my fears. To everyone on here saying this song saved your life, thank you for bravery I commend you all for being brave to share that it takes a special type of person to share their story. Love and light to you all. I am light and I have to carry on as such. 🤞🏽🧘🏽‍♂️💙

  33. wayitis music

    Beautiful, Heartfelt and very sincere. What a gentle voice India, Oh how I wish I could sing. Also loved the spot on video.

  34. Veronica 425

    Omg this song is bringing tears to my eyes this is my first time hearing it where have I been

    Beverly E.

    Waiting for this song to find you in its own time dear spirit of light💖

    Veronica 425

    Beverly E. Wow I never thought of it like that thank you

    Beverly E.

    @Veronica 425 You're welcome my dear and Thank you as well beautiful light. Have a blessed weekend and a FANTASTIC DAY 🕉☮🌈

  35. Tammy Bell

    I Am Light this is definitely a inspiration to me

  36. Brandon Gonzalez

    Wow this calmed my anxiety down so beautiful 🌻🌻

  37. Super Sleuth

    fantastic. I wish I still lived in San Jose so I could go back to the winery where I have enjoyed other great shows under the stars. Have a great show!

  38. Gary Cassibry


  39. Carl Ndv

    This song brings me back from a dark and hurting place. It makes me feel that it will be alright

  40. bee

    I came here because David Archie 🤣🤣

  41. Mariah Johnson

    2019k I am LIGHT!

  42. LIONLEO Remnant

    This Flesh condems us.. I Am not my mistake.. I am light... If we blame not other there mistake How bright will the Light be

  43. neha roy

    This song is truly amazing and makes peace to my soul. ❤❤❤ Thank you so much for the song.

  44. Spiriton Naturellement

    Great tune🤩🙏

  45. Mai Sunshine

    Blessed to remember who I am again x

  46. Michelle

    can we all just be friends again...i love you all. i always have since birth.

  47. Lon & London's mom

    I am light amen 😎😍🤗



  49. Jersey

    Thank you 🙏🏾❤️

  50. Kris Young

    Love this.

  51. Serena Serenity

    I got this song in a real ah ha kinda way. I am encouragement. I am the embodiment of encouragement. I am called to encourage others. Thank you India Arie, for this affirmative song. I know now my purpose now for sure. I am now home within myself. It’s a feeling of relief and peace. All in one. Thank you India Aria. I felt it deeply within my spirit...

    Beverly E.

    Your own personal Aha moment💞🕉💝☮🔥

    Serena Serenity

    Yes yes Beverly E. My own personal aha moment...

  52. Light Unto Oneself

    Say thank you, say Namaste ❤

  53. Juliana Figueira

    maaaaaravilhoso!!!!! paz... amor.. <3

  54. angel face

    I love U India Arie U beautiful soul Ur awesome when r U coming to Australia?

  55. Princess Thompson

    One of my friends turned me onto this song. He said they played it in a rehab he went to get clean from from drugs. He gave me a gift.

  56. angel face

    I am light

  57. Juliette

    Beautiful ❤️✌🏽

  58. Keshana’s Journey

    I’am light ✨

  59. Myra L. Walker Williams

    This definitely will be my wake up song because lately I have no reason to wake up. I will try to be strong but it's so very hard. Thank you India Arie for this because I've never heard it until today. I know God placed it on your playlist for me to hear.

  60. Lynn Marie Anderson

    She shines!!!!!

  61. Milani Inalim

    I feel so much lighter, I have unburdened myself with dead weight that I’ve been carrying around for years! I’m light as a feather! Thank you India Arie, you are doing lifesaving work! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  62. XOKree

    My husband sent me this today. I love you Japri, with my entire soul, I do 💋

    Beverly E.

    That's beautiful😄💖🕉💝🌟❤

  63. Latrice Longstreet

    I’m going thru a soul detox right now and I’m on day four. Pastor put this song in my document and I’ve never heard it. I love it.

  64. GoldenRVA

    Is this where Ilana from broad city got the little song she occasionally sings from?

  65. Delovely Intuition

    She is meditation. Beautiful moment still in 2019.

  66. Be'You


  67. cristina popa


  68. Ateisha Bell

    Thank you indiaarie this really touch me I was driving an just pulled over an cried I needed this I was listening 2 u live on sxm radio 2day an u sang this song an told ur reason of making it it really touch me cause I've been threw so much thnks 4 suck a touch angle of God I love u grl

  69. Tracey Hutson

    Would love to see where K.Jeannel is today. I hope you are in a better place. I hope you are still with us.

  70. john karanja

    And so I am! Amen

  71. jmarciel jelks

    I love this song. It makes my daughter happy and me.

  72. Randolluh

    I played this song while I was pregnant for my baby and now my son recognizes it every time I play it. It is one of the only songs that soothes him when nothing else will ❤️ he is light

    Beverly E.

    Thanks for the idea, my Aunt and cousin can play this for her grandson/son when he's feeling cranky and out of sorts. Sadly he's been diagnosed as Autistic, I am sure this song will help him too. THANKS for your message.

  73. sarzie

    Who is here because of Dakota Supernova?

  74. Senorra

    Brings tears and leaves you with strength, just beautiful.

  75. Whitney Garbutt


  76. Tara Greene

    just hear this for the first time today. So beautiful at a women's spiritual gathering. We all wept and were overjoyed

  77. Ana Albuquerque

    847 dark and sad souls disliked the video... I hope someday they get the message🙇

  78. K S

    Love how this song tends to play in yoga classes when I’m most in need of hearing it ‘

  79. MARTINE Richard

    i just love love this song!!!!

  80. Rachael Duval

    My mom gave this song to me

  81. Vinícius DOXUM

    It is a pray song!

  82. oni4505

    Thank you so much for creating this song. It saved my life ❤️

  83. Tanya Dyer

    Thank you India I needed to hear this today 🤗💞💫

  84. Abun Dance

    Wow magical song. Thank you India

  85. Resee Baby

    Thank you india🙏

  86. Tee Carson-Henry

    Beautifully said.....i feel such a sweet peace come over me while listening to Sis. India...God bless u

  87. Lulu Raven

    This heavenly anGel in human embodiment as the beautiful powerful Ms India Arie has saved my life many times overAbundant BlessingsYesWe are all lightGLOW 💜🌠♾

  88. Emilio Ruiz

    God is light. God made us in its image which is Light. Harness the power of the light within to heal ourselves, body and soul.

  89. Jays Diys

    This song makes me cry...

  90. velveteyes79

    There's no Light without Jesus! who IS The Light.

  91. InaMorgan

    This is the most powerfull prayer I have ever the darkest moments they can save our souls ❤️

  92. Mz Sweetz

    I love it! I Am Light! This song resonated in my spirit & soul... Im grateful & thankful for being the beacon of light & hope for my family friends foes & strangers! AmunRaPtah/Namaste

  93. Sev Al

    I fell in love to this song. Amazing voice, amazing words...

  94. Gary Williams UK

    We are an impersonal being experiencing that which it has no senses for

  95. Gary Williams UK

    It's only when the vessel needs no recognition is it seen for what it is

  96. Adventures of Alaia & Jenese

    Thank you for the lyrics, each note, and the vibration of your voice, song is so uplifting thank you 🥰🙌🙏❤️


    I am Light

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