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Hozier - Someone New

Someone New
: Someone New
: 3.70 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 59 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 38 İndirme
: 26-06-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Hozier - Someone New )
  1. Hiacynt Surre

    I'm making this comment so if I ever comeback to this video I will be able to tell how much I was crushing

  2. xRiss13

    This song has been my ringtone for the past 4 years and I cant ever imagine changing it

  3. Carolina D.

    When you don't love yourself so you crave the love of others.

  4. Alexis C

    I love this song but strangely enough I wish I wouldn't have watched the video

  5. Lucero Castro Mendizabal

    Realmente la mejor canción ❤

  6. Lloyd John

    I won't lie, im here for Natalie dormer

  7. Nonon WarriorGaming

    since 2015 until now 2019. best song.

  8. Alisson Lima

    Amo muito Está musica é a melhor desta banda E o vídeo ficou pica na galáxia Muito bom

  9. bren

    Oficial libra song

  10. Parth Gaonkar

    Is it only me here or you also???

  11. Ryan Carroll

    This songs for your girl with split personalities

  12. LifelessLykos

    I fall in love with everyone I meet. Not “make out” love...I just love people. I don’t know what’s wrong with me

  13. Branislav Šetina

    oh right...a lust song...

  14. autumnatic

    Natalie Dormer in this video is 100% me on a manic episode

  15. Shatpa Thwdam

    Natalie dormer

  16. Nicole Jennings

    This song got me through a depressed time period, it was soothing to me.


    For someone and something new in terms of something better 🍻

  17. The Kraken

    I'd like to dedicate this song to my fellow infps

  18. Pete Tello


  19. Victoria Perkovic


  20. Anunay Kumar

    This video is an instruction about how to get syphilis

  21. Robert _ Yebert

    There is something wrong...

  22. MANA

    He didn't have to call me out like that

  23. Sami stargazer

    Maybe hes talking about her shedding the lies and he gets to see her slowly reveal herself to only him bit by bit. Because everyone else rushed by her and he stopped to watch her becoming beautiful and new.

  24. Galaxii Teaa ドラゴン

    Came back to see your newest music after a couple years, gotta say, you still have your beautiful voice

  25. Miss Feminist

    I don't understand why this band is not really world-know! They are more than fantastic. I have not a word definition for their music. 🎶🎶🎶❤❤❤❤❤

  26. Laura Bruns

    Lowkey looks like Post Malone

  27. hannah clark

    it's cressida from mockingjay lol

  28. hellio ringos

    I like his originality and technique, he's kinda doing some line louder instead of just going high note. It adds power and it's new to us listeners. I love his work song and take me to church and angel of small death. I guess I'll add this song to my fav songs of him.

  29. Hazel

    That's really you, be happy your way. I get it, just hit the road, that's fine.

  30. Hannah Hutchinson

    His voice is heavenly 😇🥰❣️

  31. Top5 Glamour

    I just found out the lyrics are ' go take this the wrong' & not ' don't take this the right way'

    Mandy Berry

    W H A T

    Top5 Glamour

    @Mandy Berry y e s I've been screaming the wrong lyrics 🤣💀

  32. Melissa Carr

    I’m sorry but how can this song have 13k 👎 ?


    13k people are not inlove :)

  33. Isabel The Ace Gal

    Margaery Tyrell is *HORNY ON MAIN*

  34. Jesamine O'Brien

    This used to be me a few years ago

  35. Geetanjali Raj Gupta

    I fall in love, just a little, oh little bit everyday with only you....

  36. Bunny Girl

    This one is my favorite so far

  37. Divya Bhanot

    Does anybody else know that this song is co written by loah, hozier's ex girlfriend

  38. SheilannO

    I'm gay for natalie dormer anyway but this made me more gayer

  39. Ágnes Gyebnár


  40. Stacy Steele

    I don’t think he’s falling in love everyday with someone literally new, but it’s the same person. He’s just finding new things everyday that makes him fall even further within this new love. Different aspects he’s discovering with one person.

  41. CuriosityKilledTheCat SatisfactionBroughtItBack

    How was it when Natalie Dormer got the script?Like yeah just walk around and kiss a bunch of people. That'll do it. Thanks 👍

  42. ForgottenOnes

    He filled the hole that Jason Mraz left behind! And he did it better than him

  43. Ágnes Gyebnár

    Nagyon szeretem. Maradok a LOVE YOU- nál! Lemerültem! Tünemény!

  44. Ice Wolf

    "I fall in love, a just a little or little bit everyday with this song!

  45. Diego CicloArquitectura

    2:23 What a good change of shot! congrats!!

  46. Reese Turner

    Best song ever

  47. Emma Garbutt

    Wow! This hits home....just realised this is what I do

  48. Arek Chłopecki

    Great song. But Hozier could at least say "thank you" to Van Morrison "In The Afternoon" for the inspiration. Maybe he did.

  49. Coleen Velasco

    Raleigh Ritchie, Greyworm's actor, is also a musician! Check out the official MV for "Time in a Tree." I promise you won't regret it.

  50. Cosmic Bueno

    All time favorite song.

  51. Micah Guillemette

    This video is such a mood

  52. brazilian

    lucky bastards kissing Natalie Dormer

  53. Si M.R

    Quer que entenda isso?

  54. Bridget Johnson

    I was hear this song from my perspective of my heart and life. I’ve loved everyone I’ve ever loved, even if it was temporarily the time in each other’s life. Though, I want to say that my perspective on song extends beyond sexual relationships into all souls I’ve ever met in my life. I can see souls and let me tell you, each one is exquisite in beauty and uniqueness. I say I’m a lover of souls, all whom I’ve ever met. So I continue to go into the world every day and love somebody new but for me, it isn’t romantic, it’s just being a soul seer’r.

  55. João Matos

    I know exactly how does it feel

  56. K. Silberberg

    Everyday someone new. Disgusting to a real monogam person. 🤢But I guess there has got to be some ‚cheap love‘ out there too.

  57. Khalid Al-Shuwayer

    I always keep hearing this song at Zaabeel House in Dubai

  58. Oof Gang

    I have the biggest crush on Hozier 0_0LOVE ME ;-;

    It's me Mario

    SAME 😢😢😂😂

  59. Aaron Hart

    Came for Natalie Dormer. Stayed for the song and Natalie Dormer.

  60. Roses Love

    This feels and sounds like a song you would sing and dance with your best friend in your room while it plays

  61. Sentry Respa

    Me siento igual de mierd* que en el video

  62. Rye Urie

    My pisces & Irish twin ♓️🇨🇮 3 years and I’m still obsessed with this song

  63. apparentlyizzy

    with this song :my dad caught me and this girl 4 months ago smokingand drunk. ended going through my phone. ended up knowing through im gay. this song was playing when my dad entered. im going to try and listen to the song fully, trying again for the 72th time. wish me luckedit: nope cant listen

  64. GravityLee

    My dating life on tinder

  65. Erick Gutiérrez

    Amazing song, amazing video, and I’ll give you one more for having Margaery Tyrell on it. Fantastic!

  66. James Hendry

    literally- if Jon Snow had stayed dead- and I had one wish as to who to bring back to life... im hard pressed not to choose Margaery- the smartest, best looking, kindest heart- next to Jon. Why could Margaery and Jon have just ended up together damn it

  67. Rheana Britt

    that’s cressada from hunger games in the beginning

  68. Myianitrice Faulk

    Look like phoebe ... a surgery... to look like...lmfao,

  69. Pola Malczewska

    Nice song

  70. Martin SImeon

    MARGAERY TYRELL?????????

  71. Arthur Fleck

    For all the attractive people saying "thats me" shut the fuck up and go find someone.

  72. Jensica Zwierns

    sagittarius be like

  73. RoseyMWeber

    Is this the girl from Vikings ???

  74. Jeanne Marie Bizeau

    I think this song depicts the man's loneliness with someone new. He cant get over losing what he once had. The problem with most men who think They are all that is they find out they are not. Wishing for something they can never have & getting less...

  75. David Ward

    Yikes someone caught an STD

  76. Shivang Rattan

    Joffrey: You are my queen.Margaery: I fall in love just a little o little bit everyday with someone new.

  77. Jhonatan William

    É só eu, ou mais alguém acha o toque de início dessa música parecido com o pais e filhos do legião urbana?

  78. mahika kumar

    His voice is my heaven <3

  79. Thiago Souza


  80. cam

    only listen to hip hop but i come here every once and a while bc im lonely af lol. becoming comfortable with isolation from my experiences is quite dangerous

    Berengere Gayat

    J'ai pas volé j'ai pas tué mon amie va faire sa première communion elle a donné sa robe à grands carreaux bleu et blanc tous derrière. Tous derrière et lui devant je n'ai plus de tabac dance ma tabatiere contactez le syndicat des psychiatres ils se gavent de salade amoral au soja cordialement hi hi he! Ceci n'est pas une menace menace bises bonne zik

    Berengere Gayat

    Ils peuvent aider pour le vaccin ebola ho. Ho. Ho. Bonne zik bises

  81. MimiTheHamster

    I’m a lonely virgin so this is pretty much my mood. Especially when seeing other young, beautiful people in relationships, and wondering what is so fucked up about me that I’m young and beautiful but have never tasted love like that... or maybe the world is just fucked up. Because I’ve seen people who appeared to be in love secretly grow to loathe one another, cheat on one another, disappoint one another... it’s just an illusion of happiness sometimes

  82. MyGamingHeaven

    You never understand this song unless you’re truly lonely like me anyone else

  83. Flora Segal

    Natalie Dormer is starring in this video

  84. VENUS

    my God. That's me

  85. terrylovesenegal

    I love this song. I close my eyes and "I fall in love just a little or a little bit ..... every day with someone new - Not with every stranger, the stranger the better." <3 Hozier a voice I would love to hear more

  86. Ana Luiza

    Thanks Spotify, wow

  87. loki

    I saw this song on tv and imidietly searched for the song *I've fall in love with this song*

  88. Maddie Maddie

    Hozier is my therapy.

  89. ELFCloudGamer

    Her imagination is a bit like mine, today I'm falling in love with Hozier.

  90. Lismar Acero

    I love it ♡

  91. Sophia B

    i personally don’t see this song as anything sexual despite this mv, to me it’s more of longing for something intimate so much that you begin to romanticize every stranger you meet. you don’t know their flaws, or even what type of person they are at all, but your brain creates a fantasy - whether it be of your crush or a stranger you passed by on the sidewalk - to cope with loneliness. i fall in love, just a little bit, everyday with someone new. i don’t fall in love with them, per say, but the possibilities a relationship with them may hold. and although in the moment it seems like you could spend an eternity with this persona you made up in your head for some guy you talked to for two seconds at walmart, you eventually forget about him and move on to someone else, and “fall in love” all over again with someone new.


    Omigod is that chuck bass?😂

  93. Shina Omisanya

    I want Hozier to sing at my wedding!

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