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Hailee Steinfeld - Rock Bottom

Rock Bottom
: Rock Bottom
: 3.33 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 93 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 70 İndirme
: 21-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Hailee Steinfeld - Rock Bottom )
  1. Nobel Hossain

    Excellent video music

  2. Sayon Dey

    Autotune is useless for hailee

  3. Apple Padernilla

    Ughhhh!! Joe and Hailee’s chemistry 😳😳😍❤️

  4. BloodWolf

    I love her

  5. A. ชํานิ ชุมชูจันทร์


  6. Danny Atkins

    I flipping love this song. These two are perfect together 😭💯❤️❤️👌

  7. _asunaychan07_

    2:10 and 2:18 thanks me later xD You can keep playing until you satisfice like me haha (muahhhhhh Loveeee)Actually that 2:10 at first i was truly afraid, what if Hailee didn't notice he tried to pull his hand for her while she was moving her hair up but luckily it went so perfectly with both down and up the stair.

  8. _asunaychan07_

    Those 25unlikes are so heartless how come they can click on that video >

  9. himalaya ahuja

    Hailee is a Shining Star

  10. Reyna Lastimosa

    i love it

  11. Terry Sanico

    who's at 2019?

  12. shadow hunter

    I wish they got together. I can see so much chemistry between them.

  13. Ahmed Alhabash

    So mint feel less to half noteJust say tune How it's done jump fly tessO repop done half can it getJust say tuneO

  14. Taquitoe

    the casual supergirl ad at the beginning

  15. Shadow Guy_115

    lmao i saw them vibing lol


    Joe is such a gentleman 💜💜

  17. Astrid Sarceno

    Anyone in 2019????? No just me k

    Moon face

    Astrid Sarceno me tooo

    Tiểu Minh

    I'm with you

    Lucija Gulin

    meee 🎶🎶

  18. Lost Traveller

    Fuck these same relationship songs these songs are for retarded minds please make something knowledgeable music

  19. Phoebe Bayley

    This gives me chills it's so beautiful ❤

  20. Tianna Mamo

    Oh my. Joe's low notes at 2:22 are so hot

  21. shivanya bajar

    Joe is the best 💖💖💖 who agree's

  22. min

    Jolee Joe+Hailee

  23. LidiaaKim

    Ok i think i jues died when he step up to her

  24. J J

    One of my favorite song :-)

  25. Arvie Official

    Look how beautiful is she!

  26. cheyenne

    is she on the wrong pitch lol zz

    CJ C

    Here the song is at a lower key from the original, but Hailee still has difficulty reaching the notes.. maybe she's nervous. In comparison, I think Joe sang pretty good, he's a more veteran singer.


    Live performances always sound different. She sounded perfect though.

  27. Craig Anthony75

    Bumblebee I found her

  28. Rira

    2:11 what a gentlemen

  29. Lynn Brooks

    Hailee is amazing and Joe is such a gentleman

  30. d. syah

    Haille. 😍😍😍😍😍

  31. helu ashu

    They look so lovely together...🖤


    helu ashu he's married

  32. iconictvmoments

    Awww Joe's such a gentleman helping her down the stairs

  33. Denissa R

    i love the way joe held her hand <3

    D Alzayn

    Denissa R is that his name?

    shadow hunter

    @D Alzayn Joe Jonas. Yes.

  34. Kenna Gibson

    I wish I could be haliee for lofe

    M N

    Kenna Gibson with her in my case

  35. jessica gallagher

    Am I the only one that ships them they should get together

    catu p

    jessica gallagher yes, but Joe is with sophie

    Raechel Verghese

    And she is with Niall

    shadow hunter

    @Raechel Verghese Niall Horan?


    @shadow hunter They split.

    liah as

    Did they have relationship that time ?

  36. Rainbow Anna

    Did anyone else get Camp Rock vibes from 1:19 on?? 😩😍

    Shealyn Y

    Rainbow Anna YESSSS

    Michele Nguyen


    Miran Ghrissi


    shadow hunter

    Yes. When Shane approached Mitchie in this is me.

  37. marcelo gomes duarte

    linda d+++, q nem a cantora

  38. Lejlic Leejlic

    I Love her but wtf is she wearing

    Vanessa Rose

    Lejlic Dzafo /Oh, you’ve never seen it? Its called a dress. Yeah, it looks great on her. Search it bro.


    Vanessa Rose lol😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


    I think there clothes but I could be wrong.

    Asia Francisco

    +CW Games savage af


    Lejlic Dzafo Oh, its this rare article of clothing called a dress. Exotic, huh?


    When people just enjoy it ❤❤

  40. Stelena Dazzle


  41. Just Clarisse

    Omggg she's the best

  42. pseudosligh


  43. Sound beats

    hailee ,💞💞💞😍😍😘

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