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Hailee Steinfeld - Love Myself

Love Myself
: Love Myself
: 3.67 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 69 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 52 İndirme
: 21-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Hailee Steinfeld - Love Myself )

    *Not gonna lie I clicked because of the guy aka snack in the thumbnail*

  2. levi grey

    How can you be so beautiful and talented at the same time.

  3. Robert Reid

    Girls a gift to the world..shes so talented so many great songs love you girl keep making great hits your a gem hugs bobby

  4. May Ann Rivera

    Sept 2019

  5. Agus Rahman

    Hailee is my favorite singer ❤️❤️❤️

  6. Ivan Mendez

    I love Hailee Steinfeld

  7. Ivan Mendez

    I love Hailee Steinfeld

  8. Ivan Mendez

    I love Hailee Steinfeld

  9. Ivan Mendez

    I love Hailee Steinfeld

  10. kye oriordan

    She so beutiful the most beutiful girl i have seen ever

  11. Joan Asingua

    noo way i wish to text hailee steinfeld

  12. Sri Kurniasih

    Omg you are so pretty 😳

  13. Malja TV

    Omg I love Haileee

  14. yara KHALAF

    She is the best of world😚

  15. Trevor Zane

    Whoever does her dancers choreography needs to be fired.. they are dancing like we in 2004.. those moves are so dated

  16. Katia Espinosa

    Amo esta canción

  17. Mia Chavez

    Your song is amazing!💖💗💓💞

  18. maria fernanda sanchez

    I follow you and I love Hailee Steinfeld is one of the best songs he has followed in his whole life

  19. Legendary Gamer

    I like her!!

  20. No name

    Damn queen 4rea❤

  21. Nibal Salem

    Nice ♥️♥️

  22. Miquella Russell

    This song love myself sounds like its about masterbation...


    How about learning English huh?

  23. chandrusekar 95

    Hi hi hi hi

  24. Adiba Almas

    I wanna be like you.

  25. Maria Rinta-Rahko

    She's so cute and pretty😍. Her dancing has improved alot👏. She has such a relaxing, unique and cute voice💛.

  26. Jillygay Suasin

    2 songs with different meanings... But still... Lovin' it Hai! 😍

  27. star light

    She's so pretty 😩

  28. Ridzuan Khalid

    Sapa jantan mat saleh yg ada tatu dkt lengan yg dkt belakang skali tu?? Helok namateyh wehh... Haha

  29. Boldbaatar Barsbold

    She is not khow singing

  30. abdul munip

    California i love you

  31. slaapkamer YouTube


  32. [][][]Lemon[][][] [][][]aid[][]

    Why you won't sing most girl

  33. SneakyAutobot

    Ahhhh, my celebrity crush. She’s so beautiful with her sweet, calm voice and with her hair down

  34. Liu Peng

    what a woman

  35. Lowri Jonez

    Who’s watching in 2018 like if you are 💋👑❤️💗

  36. Senden Jamir

    Love u...haiz

  37. Stacy Ortiz


  38. Donzkie Naz

    Hailee is a triple threat artist she can act, sing and dance ☺☺☺☺ plus she has Gorgeous adorable face, and lastly she is body and height goal

  39. yvar dietvorst

    Yeez, that smile...

  40. SnowCloud TM Xx

    Did u know she is german origin? <3

  41. Swanika

    Her smile 😍

  42. Jadeci Tangata


  43. Ambert Johannes

    Horrible perfomance

  44. Fluffy Hammy

    That backup dancer is hella fine

  45. The Accidental Druggist

    Hailee has this really controlling boyfriend and he tells her that she has to tone it down on stage. That is, if she secretly has moves.

  46. hmrhuang

    Too bad she's not singing all the time....

  47. Muhammad Roykhan Dwidasa Ramadhan

    I rather choose when she is in indonesia

  48. arib abrar

    Hailee you are an angel

  49. Tradición que enorgullece Tlax ctla

    Que perra

  50. Jian Kim

    July, 2018 anybody?

  51. Marcos Ortiz

    She is perfect ❤❤❤

  52. abdul munip

    ILove you california

  53. Sweet Kristin Aquino

    Complete package Hailee!

  54. Princess Leah

    I always Love her outfit. Always slayed her outfit ❤️😍😍 She’s talented, beautiful, sexy, and hot.

  55. Thein Gi


  56. Maria Rinta-Rahko

    She has true talent and true beauty

  57. Kaka Eagle

    I wish i was there

  58. Vanessa Danesin


  59. Namrata Choudhary

    She's so cute.

  60. SK 123

    I’m jealous 😪

  61. Healthy Avakin

    She's actually So pretty AND SOO GORGEOUS 😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😌😌😌😌 I CANT STOP THE FEELING😣😣😣😣SHE JUST SO PRETTY😏😏😍😍😍 IM IN LOVE😎😦😦😳😳😳😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  62. Healthy Avakin

    WOW UR REAL VOICE AND (those guys were looking at you so much like they were in love) GOOD SHOW!!

  63. Robelisa Cuello

    Your a angle 😍

  64. CESS TV

    Iloveyou hailey :)

  65. Sophie Blunt

    2:28 dance is everything

  66. Sophie Blunt

    1:00 she's literally goals

  67. Angela Zhang

    2:47- end look at the way her backup dancers are looking at her

  68. ターゲット19000


  69. Maxwell Telian

    She make me falling in love with her!!!!

  70. adhi articko

    Perfec girl

  71. BNK48 JKT48

    HiI”am from IndonesiaI watching vedio2018I like it...

  72. MK Pacleb

    Sexy without overly doing it..

  73. Wickstar Lavarias

    lodi HAILEE

  74. Hani Ariffah

    funny how these two songs contradict each other lmao anyway hailee looks stunning!

  75. Andini Syafa Kirana

    I love youuuu so much

  76. Lew erbulas

    She rocks in every outfit

  77. Alexandria McConnell

    I saw hailee steinfeld at concert with Meghan trainer

  78. Jared Ferrara


  79. Jared Ferrara

    My lord

  80. Wave Wave

    How can she be gorgeous and talented at the same time?

  81. Ashley Delacruz

    Yeah wowwww

  82. Anna Namyotova

    thats cute how her dancers are dressed like her

  83. Samuel Canales

    My love <3

  84. Harsh Lather

    Also listen her let me go my favourite

  85. Alicia Wolf

    Your singing is just as good as singing with the bellas and good singing flashlight

  86. Donzkie Naz

    This lady has it all Gorgeous Adorable Sweet Face, Height, Body Goals, and Darn Talented!!! total package 😊Triple Threat

  87. kookie lisa jeon manoban 28

    multi talented performer she can dance sing and act that's hailee steinfield damm it she so sexy

  88. EM Equestrian

    She's so pretty and talented ❤️🦄

  89. Marwa Na

    She's so pretty

  90. Frida Erikzzon

    Benjamin ingrosso

  91. Isabella Claire Feldman

    Go Girl

    Isabella Claire Feldman


  92. Tanya Varshney

    love myself and starving are so contradicting to each other

  93. Rhys whitehoue

    man i love starving so much and shes so good

  94. Ellie East

    Why is Hailee so damn fit omg!!!!!!!

  95. Wild Earth

    she is a great performer.

  96. Unicornunsie!1 Animegirl32

    Hailey stop singing about food!

  97. Ma vie

    J'adore 😍😍😍

  98. María

    I want her shoes

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