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G-Eazy - Tumblr Girls

Tumblr Girls
: Tumblr Girls
: 3.93 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 131 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 114 İndirme
: 15-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (G-Eazy - Tumblr Girls )
  1. Renie xox

    This song makes me feel like I'm missing out on so much from not achieving my long life goals. It makes me imagine my life where I have completed these goals and honestly, it makes me feel sad. I think that's why I listen to this song so much, because it makes me feel so deeply and that I want to take control of my life.

  2. Galib Man

    wow this song !

  3. Anthony Barelier

    It's like an endless summer...

  4. Everyone!

    One day my kids will call me old for blasting this song, damn.

  5. Lametrius W

    oh tumbler days :[

  6. Emre


  7. szyszo.n

    1:39 Who is this beautiful woman with a black band around her neck? Somebody knows?

  8. Housna Msa


  9. wafaa waffle

    i watched this video back then i never knew i'd grow up and actually look like these girls and have a simillar aesthetic lmao

  10. Jérémie Hue

    The Life im looking for


    This song reminds me of my ex and I. Just weren't meant to be but we fit perfect....

  12. jitzSkills mendez

    Dig this VIDEO.. cali HOTTIES.. UFFF. WERES MY HOTTIE?. cheers from COSTA RICA!!

  13. Thomas BOUCHEZ

    Plus parfaite les unes que les autres 🤤

  14. NoozyworkS.

    Needed this fr✊🔥💝

  15. fatima maacho

    📲whatps *00212.644.626.928*بــحــكــيــلــكــم💁‍♀️ يـا بـنـات عـن تـجـربـتـي الــفــريــدة🥳 فـي تـكـبـيـر الــثــدي👍 والـمـؤخـرة👍 جـربـت وصــفــة مــذهــلــة ونــتــايــجــهــا عــن جــد حــلــوة👈تـواصـلـي مـعـي عـشـان أشـرح لــك الـوصـفـة الـواتـسـاب *00212.644.626.928*📲

  16. Columbine 1999

    "she says she cant feel her face, right now i cant feel my heart " :((

  17. Flor Delgado

    This reminds me of the old T-Mills.

  18. Song Blake

    i miss LA

  19. Tony D

    Its best empty life shade

  20. Rogstar

    I still love this song and those beautiful landscapes 💛

  21. pch

    tumblr it not cool no more

  22. Carmen

    Fuckboy Anthem.

  23. H1DD3N G4L4XY

    Used to listen to this in my sophomore year of high school. Really miss those days...

  24. Lydia Genevieve

    Never knew her name they’re lookin all the same to meThey only chase the fame there’s no one else to blame but meThat part really makes me want to cry in the best way. One of my favorite things about G is that he has songs that are complex with multiple layers of different emotions.Christoph Andersson was perfect on this song.

  25. Anthony Cordeiro

    done so many lines listening to this song😂😂🥴

  26. Thanasorn Chulaksanadecha

    walking down the memory lane

  27. John V

    A Very Strange Time led me back to this gem

  28. PacificLilly

    Prolly the best song and video in years. Cheers lovelies ❤❤❤ Dances in my kitchen... with no pants on. Hahaha

  29. mmaria moreno romero

    i miss this g eazy so bad

  30. Shotta

    We need this g-eazy back🚫🧢

  31. Jose Raul

    Missing everything you say...

  32. Charles Cornelius

    This brings back a lot of old memories...

  33. Ronak Kumar

    I don't really understand why they associate fitness with Smoking and Alcohol. Especially when you are drinking whiskey neat.

  34. Joshua Giron

    The women in the video are the type every man wants but shouldn’t commit with...

    Areo Deus



    *2* *0* *1* *9?*

  36. Bianca -

    Who’s the chick with freckles? 😍

    Sir garden spoon

    Bianca - Quiñ

    Bianca -

    Last name?

  37. Lilnootsacks

    People wondering what happened to the g it was the industry short easy answer

  38. Alisha Khan

    listen to this so fucking loud its SICKK

  39. Menthol

    christoph andersson always kills the beats!!!

  40. Chelsey & Jordana

    Cause I’m in love with these VSCO girls w scrunchies & HYDROFLASK

  41. Dangerous Woman

    Someone here in 2019??

  42. duygu türkmen


  43. Sin Danuch

    Been a G-Eazy Fan from CAMBODIA Since Then <3

  44. Osf Odd squad Family. Gheghe

    Oct 2019

  45. EsSimou

    Tumblr has a cure for depression

  46. Shawne Hayes

    Who is the guy singing at the end of the song?


    christoph andersson, dude has worked with g in the past. look up some remixes like lady killers 2 and tumblr girls remix

    Shawne Hayes

    w00borg thank you :)

  47. Georgia Brown

    3:11 anyone know what camera/film i can use to get this feel of photo?


    just dslr and edited using photoshop / lightroom

  48. Thomas BOUCHEZ

    Plus belle les unes que les autres ❤️😍

  49. GeenozZ

    who else think this was prime gerald?

    Supreme KingOwl

    Everyone who listened to him before mainstream...

  50. ThisIsFrog

    Idk why but I lowkey want a Reddit Boys song 😤😤


    Crazy to see how g switched from this to trap. I miss this old shit from him.

    Chronic Blast

    RA!N OFFICIAL really shows how they've sold themselves to the devil or were born into it from the very beginning. The songs "My Year" with the freemason checkerboard and "Leviathan” are very telling if you're woke.

  52. Oregon State Productions

    abby vo... i give you HARD CORE producer credits for making a beat with beat boxing noises THIS SHITS HARD #SoundDesign101

  53. UknZ

    replace tumblr by instagram and you've got the song for the next years xD

  54. Bingu Nguyễn

    omfg this is so tumblr

  55. sebastian ciltea

    Why G stopping be G vibe

  56. Y N G D M N D

    These tumblr girls from today tryna do all that fr

  57. Luci M

    one of the saddest songs ever. so much pain of a wasted life.

  58. Nas Holston

    Revisiting this video. Just realized that the girl with the nose ring, curly hair and freckles is Quin. They've collaborated multiple times too lol.

  59. Aid Hašimović

    What about them ig girls or Snapchat

    Supreme KingOwl

    This song was made when tumblr was main stream

  60. Big Flo sans Oli

    i feel like im 13 all over again

  61. shizwizz


  62. Slimshadygabbz

    the beat reminds me om another song but idk whivh one

  63. Nathan Roakes

    I dated a tumblr girl for a short time. Best month of my life

  64. somente as verdades

    Isso no Brasil se chama psicas

  65. Kami Anderson

    Now it’s the VSCO girls... still a banger tho

  66. marly

    this song was when i was cool as fuck, i was out every night and shits. lol now i'm lame and my curfew is 11pm

  67. Anthony Miller

    White Girls - Drugs and Emotional Problems

  68. Ryan Masike

    G eazy to Halsey: "You and I are made of glass Will never last"

  69. Teresa GenneGennez

    did I just see hannah stocking?

  70. Daniel Spargo

    People bitching saying they want the old g is just stupid. People change in time Ofc he was going to change just like you have. Stop being fake n enjoy where he’s at atm.Bay to the universe 🔥

  71. tzw ch

    Okay but who's the girl with the curly hair

  72. alusho007 W

    I could listen to Christoph's part on repeat everyday. So many feelings

  73. Jim Big

    Girls can enjoy this kind of lifestyle for maybe 5 years tops. After that it's going to be a lot of suffering.

  74. Gioli Gomez

    2019: VSCO Girls

    Jamie Bender

    Gioli Gomez  I don't think drug habits are apart of that cringy stuff

    Gioli Gomez

    Jamie Bender oh absolutely that’s not what I meant 😂 I’m just saying how everyone wanted to be a Tumblr girl or Tumblr famous and how now everyone is obsessed with the VSCO vibe

    Jamie Bender

    Gioli Gomez  Oh

    Liandra Menezes

    Eu ainda amo muito essa música... Sinto que posso viajar o mundo um dia😂

  75. Levy

    too many meaning in this song.

  76. fyza jeff

    i miss u gerald

  77. John Black

    Okay, first off this is G-Eazy 's best song. These Things Happen was his best album, definitely my favourite. Artists always do their best work at their lowest point when they are the most hungry. When conplacency kicks in the quality of the work usually drops, kinda sad. Secondly, I love this beat and Christopher Andersson's verse at the end was very deep and poetic and profound. Thirdly, the Black girl with the freckles, nose ring and eye of horus tattoo on her back right below the neck is stunning. Does anyone know who she is ????

  78. Midwest Miata

    Song reminds me of this girl in Kansas City. Cute as a button and drove a piece of shit manual car with a cup to put her phone in so she could play music because she didn't have a radio. That girl made the simplest shit amazing

  79. Sachika

    VSCO girls are the new tumblr girls 😂

  80. Matan Lanciano

    whats the name of the models?

  81. Lala ラ لآلآ

    2015 : Tumblr girls 2019 : visco girls

  82. shubham lagyan

    Editing level is lit ! They don't even miss a single nipple.

  83. Sly Makaveli

    Damn ,that 2013 girls

  84. Rekha Lohar

    G Eazy - Tumblr Girls LyricsHit likeCause I'm in love with these Tumblr girls, with skinny waists and drug habitsPretty faces love status, she acts as if she's the baddestMan I swear she's just like tons of girls, she expects the free drinksAnd I'm successful she thinks, always comes around when weed stinksWe fuck off and on, off and on, only ever really fuck off and onNever see her these days cause I'm often goneWhen I'm home off tour never stop for longBack this week from across the pondNoticed I was close to the block she's on, elevator to the floor her loft is onDrinking whiskey, she likes vodka strongBut after we fuck it's over, walked out the door, that's closureNo I can't stay here and hold her, tomorrow act like I don't know herWouldn't ever be here sober, can't tell which one is colderMy clothing's on, we both did wrong, I gotta go that's what I told herShe said she can't feel her face, right now I can't feel my heartFor your feelings there's no place, but she knew that from the startYou and I were made of glass, we'd never lastYou and I were made of glass, we'd never lastMeant to die, we moved fast and then we crashedYou and I were made of glass, we'd never lastShe's fine as fuck and she knows it, sexy body she shows itLoves the drama she chose it, she draws the line then she blows itThe most fun I suppose it, pops a bottle won't close itFills a fifth then she throws it, she pops a bar now she's dozingShe's hot and cold, hot and cold, homie I don't know she's hot and coldTruly the bullshit has gotten old, superficial with a rotten soulFucking off and on, always stop and goProbably got someone, choose not to knowHead to her place then we lock the doorMaking bad calls when I'm off the blow'Cause she's a bitch, I'm selfish, want every girl, can't help itAnd it's tough for me to shelf it, it's you I see myself withRight now I know you felt it, I touched her then she meltedWe shouldn't chill but we do it still, gotta play the hand if you dealt itShe said she can't feel her face, right now I can't feel my heartFor your feelings there's no place, but she knew that from the startYou and I were made of glass, we'd never lastYou and I were made of glass, we'd never lastMeant to die, we moved fast and then we crashedYou and I were made of glass, we'd never lastMissing everything you say, it's not important what you stand forYou're asking will he be the one, I'll be gone before you're done tonightWaiting for another day, you're not getting what you paid forTrying to salvage what's undone and deny you got outrun tonightNever knew her name, they're looking all the same to meThey only chase the fame, there's no one left to blame but me

  85. wynona goines

    VSCO girls = tumbler girls

  86. lyric. si

    still listening in 2019 almost 2020 lol

  87. Matin Dadib

    2019 vsco girls

  88. Helen Norvikzann

    The background music is just so beautiful and the song is beyond beautiful. Its so nice and I really love it.

  89. Kimberly Legaspi

    2019: vsco girls

  90. Eimantas Sudmonas

    lol I always was thinking it’s says: You and I we middle class we never last

  91. Kyle Silversmith

    Realest thing he ever said then: "walked out the door, that's closureNo I can't stay here and hold her, tomorrow act like I don't know herWouldn't ever be here sober, can't tell which one is colderMy clothing's on, we both did wrong, I gotta go that's what I told her"

  92. Love Bubu

    Right now i can't feel my heart because is not there :P

  93. Megan Buckley

    2019: vsco girls

  94. New Guy

    Opposite of vsco girl?

  95. Mydnyt3 _Sup3rNoVa

    Life is a funny thing.....Same tho G

  96. Backwood Kane

    Still here 2019 🤟🏽

Tumblr Girls Şarkı Sözü
'Cause I'm in love with these Tumblr girls

With skinny waists and drug habits

Pretty faces love status, she acts as if she's the baddestMan, I swear she's just like tons of girls

She expects the free drinks

And I'm successful she thinks

Always comes around when weed stinks

We fuck off and on, off and on

Only ever really fuck off and on

Never see her these days 'cause I'm often gone

When I'm home off tour never stop for long

Back this week from across the pond

Noticed I was close to the block she's on

Elevator to the floor her loft is on

Drinking whiskey, she likes vodka strong

But after we fuck it's over, walked out the door; that's closure

No, I can't stay here and hold her

Tomorrow act like I don't know her

Wouldn't ever be here sober, can't tell which one is colder

My clothing's on, we both did wrong, I gotta go that's what I told her, yeah

She said she can't feel her face (She said she can't feel her face)

Yeah, right now I can't feel my heart (Right now I can't feel my heart)

Uh, for your feelings there's no place (For your feelings there's no place)

Yeah, but you knew that from the start

You and I were made of glass, we'd never last (Never last)

You and I were made of glass, we'd never last (Never last)

Meant to die, we moved fast and then we crashed (Then we crashed)

You and I were made of glass, we'd never last

She's fine as fuck and she knows it, sexy body she shows it

Loves the drama she chose it, she draws the line then she blows it

The most fun I suppose it, pops a bottle won't close it

Fills a fifth then she throws it, she pops a bar now she's dozing

She's hot and cold, hot and cold, homie I don't know she's hot and cold

Truly the bullshit has gotten old, superficial with a rotten soul

Fucking off and on, always stop and go

Probably got someone, choose not to know

Head to her place then we lock the door

Making bad calls when I'm off the blow

'Cause she's a bitch, I'm selfish, want every girl, can't help it

And it's tough for me to shelf it, it's you I see myself with

Right now I know you felt it, I touched her then she melted

We shouldn't chill but we do it still, gotta play the hand if you dealt it, yeah

Uh, she said she can't feel her face (She said she can't feel her face)

Yeah, right now I can't feel my heart (Right now I can't feel my heart)

Uh, for your feelings there's no place (For your feelings there's no place)

Yeah, but you knew that from the start

You and I were made of glass, we'd never last (Never last)

You and I were made of glass, we'd never last (Never last)

Meant to die, we moved fast and then we crashed (Then we crashed)

You and I were made of glass, we'd never last

Missing everything you say, it's not important what you stand for

You're asking will he be the one, I'll be gone before you're done tonight

Waiting for another day, you're not getting what you paid for

Trying to salvage what's undone and deny you got outrun tonight

Never knew her name, they're looking all the same to me

They only chase the fame, there's no one left to blame but me

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