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G-Eazy - Him & I

Him & I
: Him & I
: 6.16 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 163 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 123 İndirme
: 04-12-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (G-Eazy - Him & I )
  1. afi 20

    I thought they're the best couple, then I knew Halsey and EVAN PETERS are dating

  2. Solo Pine


  3. I'm so fucking lesbian

    She a hoe anyways

  4. x Vazqlover

    She sings so good damn

  5. Dante Olmos

    In the end it’s me myself and I

  6. Djordgio

    Класна пісня!

  7. lucas belo

    Just listening to this song gives me the chills

  8. Bienvenido Evangelista

    Some dope music videos on my channel if anyone is interested

  9. Shaikh Hamid

    This song screams HESSA!!!

    Bienvenido Evangelista

    Shaikh Hamid hey if you ever get free time check out some videos on my channel thanks

    Shaikh Hamid

    @Bienvenido Evangelista yeah sure😊

  10. Antia

    In the end it's human eye

    Bienvenido Evangelista

    Antia lol that’s funny! Hey if you ever get some free time check out some videos on my channel thanks

  11. Tony_ Lo

    Bebe Rexha: Me Myself & IHalsey: Him & IHotel: Trivago

  12. Rozhianna

    *Who is here after graveyard?*

  13. Pringle

    "ever try to cheat and she'd try to cut my dick off" well that didn't age well

  14. SymPax

    Who’s listening in 2019 November?

  15. Flian Vz

    Me and my selfHim and i

  16. Twitter TheAntdeezy

    Shallow vagina plus baby dick equals great Muzak plus no kids and now they hate each other

  17. es zerstoert ohne zu zerstoern the end,it's him & i.🙏🏽💟-#RickMissYou 🙇🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️

  18. confetti girl777

    i would be soo surprised if they even look @ each other again

  19. Tehreem Raza

    NOBODY CARESWhen or what year you're listening to this in.


    Nice your the 1 thousandth person to say this.

  20. Jargal D

    2019: In the end Evan and I 🤪

  21. The Codenamenoob

    "When I said it's her and I that shit was a lie"

  22. Lagerregal Relieffeiler

    "Human Eye"

  23. M A U K 2626

    When a person isn't in your life ... You'll spend your whole life and you'll net get that person ...But one day you'll meet the person who will spend her whole life loving you .So just wait for the right person ❤️

  24. Раушан Иманжанова

    Он похож на актёра из фильма кухня

  25. Caleb Robledo

    she cheated on him

  26. Arcane Serein

    I don't know why the man in Without Me low key looks like G

  27. Cheemila Bhutia

    If Shakespeare was alive, hands down he would come for G-easy's head after watching this.

  28. braiden rahn

    its sqad how people can go from top of the wold like this to rock bottom'

  29. •Amiko-Gacha•

    1:45 my favorite moment of the song 😍😍

  30. Miguel Taveras

    Get fucking back together 😵

  31. Iliana X


  32. Kindle Thompson

    g-eazy, yungblud, now evan peters, HALSEY GETS ALL THE HOT ONES :(((

  33. Laura White

    Jasmine recommended for you

  34. Bruno Mc

    kkkkkkkkkk falando da binmo cmo se fosse facil

  35. Matthew Rinehart

    Halsey from the start I hear ya girl ride or die

  36. Vicky López vasquez

    Me fascina su voz, además es muy bonita...


    I love your voice .And long hair suits u halsey

  38. As Ma

    Love , whether it takes you high or it breaks you down

  39. delrey witch

    "in the end it's him and I" LOL

  40. celina us

    I'm crying 😭💔💔

  41. DonkeyDoofus

    I know it’s not just me, but Halsey was just more beautiful with this hair.

    Mariana Leal

    DonkeyDoofus it really suited her, but she's naturally beautiful

  42. Omar Robledo trejo

    Sorry imeant the formats, and base data is due to automatic standard pilots . Some times I wrote but I don't know if you'll understand I didn't meant noting armfull or wrong

  43. Omar Robledo trejo

    Cells reenforcing.

  44. Omar Robledo trejo

    None of us few someare doing til old . Or for natural reasons including her tin til Istanbul turkey mesquita of Omar isrrael .,., Burton said no to terrorism said no don't aliate or cooperate. Do like Rammstein Tesla apalosa alamo

  45. Chloe Hilliard

    I thought Halsey was lesbian???

    Natalia .Rodriguez

    She's bisexual

  46. toska 1236

    Why everything good always has the change ? One day you feel like you have the world and the next day you understand u have nothing but yourself . We all have lost someone but plz guys don’t lose yourself’s . Bcz once you lose it you wont trust yourself no more .

  47. Gu Ne

    So much alcohol haha

  48. Gabriel Carmo

    the song it's not even good - del rey, lana

  49. Max Low

    Yet he cheats and looses a good as women! Idiot! men are idiots!

    Siddharth Dubey

    Yeah lol and where did you read that from??? Tabloids??? Don't speak about the things you don't know anything about.

  50. cz lp

    2017 : in the end it’s him and i 2019 : broke up

  51. dom xyz

    So this was a lie... *meme face*

  52. sam

    Ain't shit permanent

  53. Mark Deguara


  54. Janina G

    imagine actually having someone 😫

  55. Jouselin Gaytan

    So cute this song reminds me of me and my biscochito! 🖤

  56. Jhon Vlog

    I miss that feeling..💔

  57. Nathaniel Grijalva

    popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob popcorn bob 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  58. Luciano Ferreyra

    Young Gerald fucked up

  59. Shawn Crowson

    Scorpio and Pisces always

  60. tugba irem

    Halsey'in bile aldatıldığı şu dünyada biz ne yapalım beaa


    Cant fucking believe that i have'nt heard this lit song until today

  62. Rüya Dağ

    Halsey is so beautiful 😍

  63. Anetka18888

    I'm fuckin Gemini too :P

  64. Ross

    him and I > senorita

  65. trashsalt house

    I always came back to this song when I’m in bad situations, last year I gave this song to my ex and we broke up. Right now my situation with new boyfriend is sorta broken. This song gives me goosebumps 😔

  66. San Diego Coin

    they had some of the coolest sort of lives u can have its so not fair lol, maybe in the future more people can buy talent? lol maybe halsey earned her voice doing great things in past lives?

  67. Böntän Lë sägë

    Crazy crazy

  68. Dr3aM WorX

    i fuckin love halsey

  69. svetjemali

    Well, this didn't age well.

  70. Ian Arvinger

    I mean it

  71. Reffusion

    megs said she likes u >:(

  72. kelvin ngao

    halsey kinda looks like octavia from the 100

  73. Penguïno

    Man they were really trying to be the next jay and beyonce to get more clout lol. Fake ass bitches, no wonder they broke up, they did this because their boring ass music wasn't getting as popular as they wanted so they just made this "bonnie and clyde" song to make people pay attention to them.

  74. Yeliz Eryılmaz

    Türkler? ❤️🇹🇷

  75. Demi 1884

    Fans listen to me fam they do this for us they just showin the feelin of love itss if they broke up

  76. Larissa Freitas

    Alguém tem esse vídeo baixado?

  77. multi fvx

    this has been my favorite song since almost 2 years

  78. Amazing Amy

    If you don't protect yourself dont expect anyone else to......

  79. Jhiills

    Drop an f in the chat

  80. ΣΙΓΜΑ

    When I said it's her and I that shit was a lie...

  81. Sandhya Nadan

    In the end it's him and I.

  82. Sandhya Nadan

    Ima crazy fucking gemeni.

  83. Sandhya Nadan

    Your sins are on top of your head.

  84. jesusaguayo7

    Angela always I want to loving u never forget u

  85. Rajat dhamande

    My personal favourite raper G- eazy

  86. Amal hope

    Him and IiYIrIiy

  87. AleX d4m

    In the end, the bitch cheated

    Nilima Roy

    Go listen to 'I wanna rock'

  88. LakiDayZ

    Voyage i Breskvica

  89. Levay Zafiro

    in the end is gemini

  90. Yasmin Ramadan

    Ya geillll

  91. Marina Rasetic


  92. Natallia Berberoglu


  93. Aymira Akın

    Best couple for me

  94. CoffeeNight

    This song aged poorly...

Him & I Şarkı Sözü
G-Eazy - Him & I Sözleri

Cross my heart, hope to die

To my lover, I'd never lie

He said "be true", I swear I'll try

In the end, it's him and I

He's out his head, I'm out my mind

We got that love, the crazy kind

I am his and he is mine

In the end, it's him and I, him and I

My '65 speeding up the PCH, a hell of a ride

They don't wanna see us make it, they just wanna divide

2017 Bonnie and Clyde

Wouldn't see the point of living on if one of us died, yeah

Got that kind of style everybody try to rip off

YSL dress under when she takes the mink off

Silk on her body, pull it down and watch it slip off

Ever catch me cheating, she would try to cut my (ha-ha-ha)

Crazy, but I love her, I could never run from her

Hit it, no rubber, never would no one touch her

Swear we drive each other mad, she be so stubborn

But, what the fuck is love with no pain, no suffer

Intense, this shit, it gets dense

She knows when I'm out of it like she could just sense

If I had a million dollars or was down to ten cents

She'd be down for whatever, never gotta convince (you know?)

Cross my heart, hope to die

To my lover, I'd never lie (I love you, baby)

He said "be true", I swear I'll try

In the end, it's him and I

He's out his head, I'm out my mind

We got that love, the crazy kind

I am his and he is mine

In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

We turn up, mobbin' 'til the end of time

Only one who gets me, I'm a crazy fuckin' Gemini

Remember this for when I die

Everybody dressed in all black, suits and a tie

My funeral will be lit if I

Ever go down or get caught, or they identify

My bitch was the most solid, nothing to solidify

She would never cheat, you'd never see her with a different guy

Ever tell you different, then it's a lie

See, that's my down bitch, see, that's my soldier

She keeps that thang-thang if anyone goes there

Calm and collected, she keeps her composure

And she gon' ride for me until this thing over

We do drugs together (together), fuck up clubs together (together)

And we'd both go crazy (crazy) if we was to sever

You know? We keep mobbin', it's just me and my bitch

Fuck the world, we just gon' keep getting rich, you know?

Cross my heart, hope to die

To my lover, I'd never lie

He said "be true", I swear I'll try

In the end, it's him and I

He's out his head, I'm out my mind

We got that love, the crazy kind

I am his and he is mine

In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

Cross my heart, hope to die

To you, I've never lied

For you, I'd take a life

It's him and I, and I swear (ayy)

'Til the end I'ma ride wit' you

Mob and get money, get high wit' you, yeah (ayy)

Cross my heart, hope to die

This is our ride or die

You can confide in me

There is no hiding, I swear

Stay solid, never lie to you

Swear, most likely I'ma die wit' you, yeah

Cross my heart, hope to die

To my lover, I'd never lie

He said "be true", I swear I'll try

In the end, it's him and I

He's out his head, I'm out my mind

We got that love, the crazy kind

I am his and he is mine

In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

Mp3 indir

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