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Fransızca Şarkılar - Le Cafe-Oldelaf

Le Cafe-Oldelaf
: Le Cafe-Oldelaf
: 2.84 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 153 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 106 İndirme
: 08-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Fransızca Şarkılar - Le Cafe-Oldelaf )
  1. Oliver Line

    Where is the video about the guy who try to date with the waitress?

  2. VDLS

    My French teacher brought me here a few years ago

  3. Yvonne Joseph

    I saw this in my French class last night. I love it! - although it gets a bit dark later on as Rene's coffee addiction gets out of control.

  4. harlie arti pie

    soooo coffee is evil now ...

  5. Чарли Шин

    Я знал что французы немного е"""е

  6. Cryolite

    That escalated

  7. Sami Lynn

    What the acual fuck

  8. Ray El

    Coffee f***r :-)

  9. Marcus Aurelius

    l'histoire de ma vie ...

  10. Undertale Fan47

    Lol wtf is this?

  11. Loutre Poutre

    et toutes

  12. Loutre Poutre

    Merci vous tous!

  13. Guetarni Manel

    Tellement elle me fait du bien cette chanson lol je l’entends back to back lol

  14. Hugh McKee

    *Clicks tongue* Noice.

    Nick Daoust

    The Rosen is strong in this one...

    Dr. Lime

    What are you gay or something?

  15. RobinTheMage

    xD gr8 song m8

  16. weerob1jnr

    moral of the story: drink up your coffee kids

  17. Esmerlda Vixen

    Bien, qui a rapidement escaladé

  18. gamer god

    my final class of 2016 was frenchat the end my teacher said she would show us a vid about her life.....................

    Minadhi G



    gamer god 😂🤣🤣

  19. Emily's got talent

    I saw this in my French class at school thank you so much for uploading

  20. lil sunflower

    Everytime XD

  21. Marcos Cassiano

    C'est drôle!

  22. Antoine Renon

    Some little mistakes but this is a good job , now I can show this video to my English friends

  23. boazbu

    caffeine is a drug.

  24. Smoky Doggg

    At first I was like, oh, story of my life drinking way too much coffee.Then it quickly moved on to WHAT THE FUCK territory

  25. Garek Bushnell

    Whoa. That got dark.

  26. Leshy

    *drinks coffe while pondering if he should stop drinking so mich coffe

  27. Michael Jack Puntiroli

    Happened to me


    +Michael Jack Puntiroli All of it? :o

  28. Destiny The Sarcastic One

    I WILL learn this song and sing it every day because its so catchy

  29. Nisar Ullah

    the ending is very bullshit

  30. Moodalum

    Nightmares inbound...

  31. McDawna

    This is my new favorite thing in the world

  32. muh privacy

    beautiful. truly beautiful. I came while watching this.

    Hugh McKee


  33. SnowCrasher

    Well that escalated quickly...

  34. SevenDayHeaven

    14 days ... how has he not run out of coffee yet?


    +SevenDayHeaven the subtitle is wrong. He doesn't say "Quatorze jours", but "Quelques jours". Not "14 days", but "some days". Still, that's a lot of coffee! ;)

    Antoine Renon

    +Luciana Santos try again , he says "quatorze" :)


    +Antoine Renon Well, I won't focus on this, it's not important. I listened to the music with french subtitles and it said quelques, maybe some others say quatorze... it's a song... no one died. :)

    Antoine Renon

    +Luciana Santos hey ! No worries at all, just trying to help . I am French and I can tell you 100%, it's quatorze ;)


    SevenDayHeaven the human body dies after 14 days without sleep

  35. Skye Gibbens

    My day in a nutshell

    harlie arti pie

    My name is Skye too

  36. Randy U Piedra

    Everything is false I can drink 1.5L of coffee everyday :3

  37. Julietta Barros


  38. Alice 86ed

    This is so good!

    eric jones

    No caffeine required.I'm all carb up.

    Alice 86ed

    Haha I know but I find it funny. In a weird way

  39. matthewwh100

    I always go to my French class exhausted and with black tea in my hand, so my professor sent the entire class this video and dedicated it to me.

  40. Taargus Taargus

    un petit cafe :)

  41. TheRaven

    Merci. Je dois regarder pour le cours de francais. This helped me understand the video. 

  42. mk8887

    Best 3:00 mins spent in class ever

  43. Squilava14

    2:31 Geez! That's creepy!

  44. TeedotJay

    My french teacher showed us this with out the sudtitles and I love it

  45. dougler500

    One of my favorite songs ever and I just heard this for the first time :D

  46. JACK

    Drink a coffee every time I play this

  47. Grandmaster Hash

    I counted the cups before he totally loses it. Nine cups. A chump next to Rabelais. But quite funny indeed, and a catchy song too!

  48. Kapoios Anthrwpos

    lol u dont become like this if u drin coffee :P, still nice video&song though


    I drink Café and I like this song, and every time I watch this I feel a strange desire for some but that's unrelated

    Charlotte Cumberbatch

    have you had *french* coffee? lol

    Kapoios Anthrwpos

    yeah twice a day

    harlie arti pie

    Kapoios Anthrwpos nice .... well .... its questionable ...

  49. Ted Illston

    Very Funny.LOL

  50. Abha Vaishampayan

    2:13. Brilliant. 

  51. Farah J

    I love everything about this song.. 

  52. Pavel Mynařík

    Le Cafe!

  53. Curteous Gemini

    Just watched this in my French 102 class.... :D

  54. Tom Lacy

    @Oliver Hopkins 1:45 look at the subtitles! :D

  55. Ben Levy

    i saw it in my french class with out subtitles 

    Mathias Gosset

    kenza Noel bobo

  56. Simply Existing

    wow Tres superb! 

  57. Daniel Dawson-Smith

    i laughed when i saw him on an IV fluid bag of coffee

  58. Jennifer Roberts

    We watched this in my French class the other day because we had nothing else to do... Haha. It's weird. The class couldn't stop laughing

    jivka iordanova

    Jennifer Roberts yes

    harlie arti pie

    Jennifer Roberts same !😂😂😂

  59. Sergio Jose

    Tres magnifique! I love coffee, this animation, and the lovely song:) I fear i may end up like this guy haha

  60. Adrian Joyeux

    Thanks french t

  61. tubewoodycool

    Ofcourse you can.

  62. TheFinal1st

    He looks like Wilson with his sanity gone to shit.

  63. TheVanguardViking

    And that is why I drink tea xD

    harlie arti pie

    TheVanguardViking tea is life

  64. Alireza

    Thanks French teacher for telling me not to watch this in English but I did. YOLO

  65. Marilena Staikou

    great job

  66. Armor

    This video is like coffee, addicting. Can't. Stop. Watching.

  67. Kristina

    story of my life :D

  68. Sally LeChat

    I'm watching this while drinking coffee....

  69. Able Archer

    Wikipedia: Chasing the dragon

  70. ha ha

    I don't think you can smoke heroine...

  71. Able Archer

    I used to be addicted to coffee. It got a little outta hand. Now I just smoke heroin... Toot-toot!

  72. Ruben Correia


  73. Alfred F. Jones

    And this, Is why... I LOVE COFFEE.

  74. Chichinana

    i thought this was a cute song about coffe at first. it turned out better than i spected.

  75. Sharn Massey

    I love this. But the only thing I think of when watching it is 'its so unrealistic because he hasn't peed in days' haha

  76. Jessy James

    the best psycho tune :D

  77. Tony Raymond

    I think the first line is: "mon petit déjeuner", which translates to "my breakfast".You heard it as "ma petite journée", which makes less sense. Although, the gender was apparently feminine (I keep hearing "ma"), so I'm not actually all that sure.

  78. dotty jacoby


  79. Lugh Ildanach

    Creo que había visto uno aficionado. Thanks for the info, bastante completa ;)

  80. nea906090

    En base a la canción se crea el cortometraje animado, si no me equivoco para presentarlo en un festival importante de cineminutos en Europa (debo confirmarlo bien xD) Y bueno eso, probablemente sientes que ya lo habías escuchado antes :) talvez viste uno de los conciertos de los tipos o de los tantos trabajos aficionados que se han hecho con sus canciones ^^ <3

  81. nea906090

    LA canción es original de un grupo francés llamado Oldelaf, está canción la hicieron en 2009, el tipo de canciones que hacen son de tragicomedias, "infantiles" cosas que pasan diariamente en el contexto francés pero siempre con el detalle de utilizar la hipérbole como un ingrediente que nunca puede faltar en sus interpretaciones :) se presentaban precisamente en un café ya desaparecido en Francia que fue muy famoso en su momento (no recuerdo el nombre u_u)

  82. Elitesoldier1r23

    Futurama, that was funny. ... Or was it the slurm... or both?

  83. Elitesoldier1r23

    Buh ( how ever you spell it ) Do you know what it means?

  84. Lugh Ildanach

    Is this the original version of this song/video? I saw something similar 4-5 years ago, but I can't remember if it was this version.

  85. Mª Pilar Sarría

    Here you have the link for the version with french subtitles:

  86. Markétka Gregorová

    The first half was exactly my coffee-day... I'm scared. O_o

  87. 5CrazyGirl2

    real story :( Ciao from Milano

  88. Lily T

    We watched this in class.... I am deeply disturbed...

  89. JoseCuervo2107

    This is brilliant

  90. Tragic Lover

    Counted like 36 cups of cafe

  91. mrs. no

    thank u so much :)

  92. AvacadoflavorBeans

    My friend showed me thisAnd i cant stop watching it

  93. MJ Anderson this is why I'm not allowed to have coffee...

  94. izabeera166

    The best animated MV i've ever seen. Love the song!

  95. Felix


  96. Felix


  97. SamuraiRF

    Gotta love finals at University....Hm.... I think I have an idea to help stay up so I can study.

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