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Eric Clapton - Change The World

Change The World
: Change The World
: 3.61 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 77 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 38 İndirme
: 01-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Eric Clapton - Change The World )
  1. Deluxe101

    Good to see Clooney doing music nowadays

  2. Lazyllama11321

    Change da world, my final message, goodbye

  3. Fred Stroh

    Nathan East handles that bass with extreme tenderness, makes it sound so sweet.

  4. Angela Sikat

    First time I heard this song way back 1998,since then,this is one of my favourite song of Eric Clapton

  5. Gustavo Fernandes

    change da world my final message. goodb ye

    Lucas Silva

    *Windows 95 startup sound*

  6. Simone Melanie Sonnenschein

    Lifesaver <3 puts air in my lung

  7. Israel e Aline Rocha

    Muito bom

  8. Brenda Estrada


  9. Ian Einnor Ocampo

    You just did Eric. You just changed the world. Thanks for beautiful music.

  10. IPA SOLÉ

    Yorsh Cooney es un gran baterista

  11. jonathangoin

    You can tell when you’re watching one of the best ever... he makes it look soooooo damn easy!!! But we all know it isn’t. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!!!

  12. Patrick Saints

    Nathan East on bass is spectacular --he absolutely nailed it, period. ! !

  13. Justin Croft

    Life would be much simpler and better if I could be one of those AKG 414's over Mr. Gadd's drum set.

  14. Gabriel Sória

    He so looks like Chandler Bing!

  15. braducsb2

    Awesome - there are certainly other rockers who can play the guitar and sing, but none of them can match the elite level of Eric Clapton's guitar playing.

  16. beghz z

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤X infinity

  17. Franz Lasin

    Love every memory

  18. Jor Dan

    That Nathan East signature bass hammer-on in the beginning 👌

  19. Dana Messing

    Love love love this rendition the Soulful growl in his voice and just the jamming with the whole band amazing💜💜💜

    Linda Mason

    I agree..there's no other like Eric Clapton...and there will never be another like him...Love him

  20. It's Grace

    Don't forget about the bassist

  21. 박성우

    한국인 없나요? ㅎㅎ

  22. Ferds Garcia

    Thats why i love Clapton he never fails to cheer me up

  23. Marco81blues

    From rock to pop, even pop with a bit of electronic beat to it, for which he received alot of criticism, passing by, country music and alot of Blues music, he's done it all. And everything he touched turned into gold, because he puts his heart in every song he does. A true artist and a great musician and composer.

  24. Tammy Leeder Whitaker

    72 k likes Eric😇.... Flip it 27🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷1111. If I could change the World ✌️🇺🇸🌎🌲🌷⌛

  25. Jakub B.

    These musicians are reason why I stopped trying to play any instrument :)))Just their jamming sounds like heaven while they look like having breakfast. It's wonderful to listen this awesome music and watch them putting it out with such ease. (sorry for my English)

  26. Giovanni Panattoni

    me, lot of times...

  27. Stevie Ray Cleary Sr

    I've been listen in Stratford Connecticut 4. 50 yrs Ec. Love your music Sc

  28. Diogo David

    My final message

  29. Jonatas Caetano

    Isso é que é música de verdade !

  30. みるわーむちゃん

    He wears a goros's leather bress on his right hand.

  31. Carlos Paz

    In what year and date is the concert developed?

    Maresa Hunfeld

    2001 in LA Staples Centre

  32. Lan Hsin Mu

    Wonderful !

  33. Jess Mancuso

    This is such a treasure! Amazing video! Thx so much for sharing! 😊

  34. Patrick Bur

    4:30 thru the end of the song 😊

  35. Rohit Nagarkatti

    With that beautiful Hammond Organ in the background... everything acoustic's the very best ever ....

  36. yaboibunz09

    I thought that black dude was Bruce Bowen 😭😭😭😭😭😭 blue shirt 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  37. Icaro Cruz Silva

    what a show is this?

  38. Crystal Roberts

    I wanna dance to this at my wedding

  39. Vladislav Mikhailikov

    Eric is perfect. The live legend.

  40. Aquarius She-Warrior

    Love this song then when he performs with Baby Face it's amazing.

  41. GaRVAT/가르바트

    Change da world.My final message Good b ye.


    Kakskakskakskaksjak finally

  42. l2string

    He always elevates the studio versions with the live performances!

  43. Santiago Chavarria

    Clapton are the besa of the best

  44. Rob G

    Peter Buck levels of greatness.Only joking.

  45. Vomiting Confetti

    The sound engineer deserves a lot of credits here. Put their names on the headline next time. These musicians even how great they are wouldn't sound the way they all sounded here if not for the sound people on board.

  46. Stool Sample

    The only problem with this version of the song is that it ends. #endlessrepeat

  47. Braeden Animations

    My final message. Goodbye.

  48. musicman557

    Incredible music, LIVING LEGEND !!! Check out my original music:

  49. Rhaylan Klosowski

    2:35 George Clooney on drums.

  50. Paul Germana

    HEY ILLUMINATI .) - I'm fucking watching you and so are the 144,000. We will stand up against the Adversary Of Humanity! YOU!! YOU'RE FUCKED!!!

  51. Xristina Akrivouli

    Change the world yessssssssssssssss


    Ах, какой же замечательный синкопированный ритм, а так же аранжировочка!!

  53. Alberto de Haro

    Me, and playing with guitar...

  54. stgsng iuyniiuh

    hell yeah

  55. Ivan Mora

    Steve Gadd is playing drums???

  56. Joshua Zollar

    I always forget about Billy Preston, backing on the organ...

  57. mister.nimoe

    Love those Organs!

  58. Rusty Shackleford

    change da worldmy final message. Goodbye.

  59. Brown dog

    This is the good stuff even in 2019♡

  60. Gio Perdomo

    King of blues!!...hes is of the chain!!...insane!

  61. Bochereauauger Ghislain

    très agréable

  62. valerie rowland

    I'll be listening to this until the day I die, love it

  63. Dee Vee

    Omg, Nathan fucking East, tho

  64. Radar716

    eric's on the super bass player!

  65. Jorge Vizueta

    Grammy 1997, love it!! Thanks for this song Eric!! 😊

  66. Matthew Bombaci

    So you can and will look at use longer then others, but.... we and I are still there regardless.. so what ever 🦙

  67. Christine Woodruff

    Intro too long Eric

  68. luis ramirez


  69. RnBFAN06

    I really only listen to R&B music, but I remember when this song was out and it's such a sound that transcends genres. The way the arrangement moves between sections and the vocals! Shout out to Babyface

  70. 아쿠아맨투맨

    jojo the world!

  71. Rae Saga

    What a legend🤘🏽💜

  72. Aaron Humild


  73. 1965RonnieP

    Amazing talent, clean cut and executed as usual with Eric's awesome backup picks

  74. Shaun Davenport

    One of his best!! 👍😁👍😁👍

  75. บุตรคนโตของซาตาน Chalasai


  76. mary Gozon

    This is great !!it grooves:) I love you Mr.Clapton and your band

  77. Brit and Laurie Barr

    ...from a man who lost a child, and survived to sing again.

  78. Brit and Laurie Barr

    Yes, we are listening to a great moment in history. Splendid and inspired, and so sweet.

  79. Sushil Ayer

    Aug 2019?

  80. Lori Hojnacki

    Me!! ❤🎸🙏🏻😍

  81. Сергей Тамасидава

    Низкий поклон за этот великолепный талант и шедевр, из Украины! Одесса снимает шляпу! 🎩

  82. TJ Colatrella

    David Sancious and Billy Preston on Keys..

  83. Braian San Martin


  84. just an average guy

    Billy and Steve really help here and bass of course. The rock blues here sounds even better than the gloss on babyfaces studio production

  85. Gene Schulp

    The best music ever

  86. Willy Nelson

    Doesn't get any better

  87. David Samito


  88. Luke Harding

    It's a real shame what happened to his kid.

  89. Ennio 83

    Io Ascolta Questa Bella Canzone ..Forse Eric è Riuscito a Cambiare Mondo .

  90. tanabotalbo


  91. ade nurazam

    who listening this in 2019?

  92. Andrea Lanzillotta

    This Song is incredible

  93. julio kim

    this guy lives forever with his music

  94. robin

    still the best

  95. Dave Causley

    Nothing to say....

  96. Genene Bruwer

    Superb ♥All-timer, Sir Eric Clapton.♥

  97. Edward Akin

    musicians have always brought people of different colors and creeds together, it's time we got back to that. Think about it, music is all we got. Everything else is just a big chunk of plastic. What happened to festivals like live aid, where people actually gave a fuck about others on this planet. It's not too late, but the sands of the hourglass are running low. Right now is the time to change the world and you my friend Sir Eric Clapton have more power to do so than most. Action god fuckin dammit

  98. fuer lobo

    Immer wieder ein Genuss mr. Slowhand ... 4o years ... germany loves you ... as well.

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