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Ensiferum - Wanderer

: Wanderer
: 6.00 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 73 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 58 İndirme
: 18-09-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ensiferum - Wanderer )
  1. Sven Bruxvoort

    Still one of my favourite songs from them. Even my father thinks this is a masterpiece.

  2. Earthdemon126

    It was this Youtube video that first got me into Ensiferum back when I was 15. They are one of my favorite bands now. Thank you for uploading this.

  3. Insomiac

    Amon Amarth, Sabaton cant struggle

  4. Mustafa Dilek

    Hail from turkey!But the wanderer's part is to ride along ! S81

  5. Kevo A

    This song is epic one of the best ,I can listen to it every day .

  6. gdeyberah

    Somos hijos de Odin y pelearemos con nuestras espadas iluminadas por Thor

    Mr. StrongOpinionMan

    Nórdico latino, qué luciferino

  7. Ursus Maritimus

    Fucking sick!

  8. Devoliath

    Samiiii u are the best mann. Greatings from Turkey.

  9. Devoliath

    Greatings from Turkey. Come to Turkey againnn. \m/

  10. Sam

    Put it on spotify please!!

  11. Alessandro Azzaro


  12. ზინა ჭკადუა

    ,, ცის ლაშქართა მეფე" 3.08.2018 0 1,, გახსოვდეს! უფლის, მეშვიდე დღე, ჩემი იქნება!" უთხრა: ცის ლაშქართა ღმერთმმა, ლუციფერს! 3.08.2018 01.

  13. TheHylianJuggalo

    Thanks, Joel.

  14. An Fa

    How can some people dont listen to this beauty?

  15. izaac ozborne

    why is this not on spotify !!

  16. SonofSorat

    This song will always give me the goosebumps...Of all that beauty he once left behind !!!

  17. Steven Gallegos

    When I die I want my body placed in a canoe and be covered with a flammable substance and I want the canoe to be gently pushed toward a waterfall whilst the wanderer plays and before the canoe falls off down the fall I want a professional archer to shoot a single flaming arrow at the canoe engulfing me in flames...

    Mine Aver

    As u wish, you'll have it when its the time =)

  18. CYKA BLYAT95

    Just learned to play this on guitar xD

  19. Nathaniel Byers

    My gateway to European metal. Still love this song and band!

  20. Jerome Baisson

    i like this song so much

  21. Meddugnatos Cynewulf Agenarich Silius

    Denmark is more Norse than Finland. Though neither of them are Scandinavian.

  22. snowieken

    Reinstalls Skyrim listening to this. And so the cycle begins anew.

  23. Michael Besecker

    8m )89k. 00

  24. Sapere

    Passando por aqui fazendo uma colonia brasilheira

  25. NerdDotJpeg

    I began listening to their music in 2013 at the height of my disco faze. My music tastes have improved (I no longer listen to ABBA), but they haven't gotten more monochrome.

  26. Chase Howard

    0:54 ...So.....Heavy.....Thick. Yes!

  27. LoneMonster HD

    where i can get those images?

  28. LoneMonster HD

    this made my soul proud to be a metalhead

  29. beauty! straight from the heart and very relevant always throughout time. we all die alone yet there is honour to be found in inner strength. to conquer oneself is the mark of a true warrior, to stand alone proudly, yet be loyal to those you love. the song reminds me of geralt... of rivia. be strong

  30. Martin Schimmel

    This song makes playing Skyrim better

  31. Евгени Стефанов

    greetin from BULGARIA

  32. ReviewAss PapaTech

    Geralt of Rivia

  33. Heywarney Warney

    In time bleeding wounds will healAvec le temps les vents saignants vont soigner ( ? )Unlike some which are too deep to seeContrairement à certains qui étaient trop profonds pour voirLike scars in a nomads soulComme des cicatrices dans des âmes nomadesTheir mending is so slowLeur cicatrisation est lenteNot the shout of a hundred enemiesPas de cri de cent ennemisCan make him feel fear inside himIl peut lui faire ressentir la peur à l'intérieurBut when sun sets and the cold arrivesMais quand le soleil s'y met et que le froid arriveWith crushing solitude in the darkness of nightAvec une solitude écrasante dans les ténèbres de la nuitHe will ride across land and timeIl voyagera à travers la terre et le tempsTo find a way through this endless nightPour trouver un chemin à travers cette nuit sans finThere's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soulIl y a une tempête dans son coeur et le feu brûle son âmeBut the wanderer's part is to ride aloneMais le rôle du voyageur est de voyager seulWith bare hands he has taken many livesAvec ses mains nus il a pris plusieurs viesHe has had a hundred women by his sideIl a eu cent femmes à ses côtésFrom enchanted woods to the freezing northDes forêts enchantés au nord glacéHe is known at every sea and far beyondIl est connu à tout les mers et loin derrièreAs the moon grows and the circle is completeAlors que la lune grandi et le cercle est complétéHe lies down and waits for sleepIl se couche et attend pour dormirBut there's always a scenery in his mindMais il y a toujours un scénario dans son espritOf all that beauty he once left behindDe tous les beautés qu'il a une fois laissé derrièreHe will ride across land and timeIl voyagera à travers la terre et le tempsTo find a way through this endless nightPour trouver un chemin à travers cette nuit sans finThere's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soulIl y a une tempête dans son coeur et le feu brûle son âmeBut the wanderer's part is to ride aloneMais le rôle du voyageur est de voyager seulHe will ride across land and timeIl voyagera à travers la terre et le tempsTo find a way through this endless nightPour trouver un chemin à travers cette nuit sans finThere's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soulIl y a une tempête dans son coeur et le feu brûle son âmeBut the wanderer's part is to ride aloneMais le rôle du voyageur est de voyager seulHe will ride across land and timeIl voyagera à travers la terre et le tempsTo find a way through this endless nightPour trouver un chemin à travers cette nuit sans finThere's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soulIl y a une tempête dans son coeur et le feu brûle son âmeBut the wanderer's part is to ride aloneMais le rôle du voyageur est de voyager seulEn savoir plus sur

  34. Liga Strýca Arnoshta

    This is the Scandinavian Rasputin.

  35. Gas Mask Collector Review

    Warning: they will blow your fingers off

  36. Slent the Explorer - Immersive Fantasy Travel, Venture and Journey

    Amazing song

  37. Morgomir \m/

    This song is just so perfect....I love it.

  38. Alexander Von Hindercrown

    Enisferum!!!! Desde Mexico!!!!...

    Lorena Tinoco

    Alexander Von Hindercrown -- Ensiferum!!! Desde California! !! Jajaja😉

  39. Geeky Metalhead

    Hey guys, I got a village in sights for raiding. Any of you heart warriors wanna join me in battle and drink their mead?!?

  40. Dimitris Saouridis

    Σκανδιναβική κομματάρα!. Ρότζερ ακούς;

  41. Antoine

    but the wanderer's part is to ride a horse

  42. ian gefert

    one of my favorite bands, these guys aren't messing around when it comes to metal

  43. M. S.

    im the wanderer

  44. Joseph Stalin

    good skyrim music

  45. Ferit Kaya

    Hail from Kurdistan (Amed)

  46. Máté Ágoston

    Just now I was singing the lyrics during the music and I accidentaly said: "There's a storm in his fart", as my mind was focusing on the next row: "And the "F"ire burns his soul". Shame on me, LOL!

  47. Robert Tomah

    So Cool, awesome,..

  48. Sarie Montag

    Where are you ,my people?!

  49. Hamza Changazi

    I was always certain this song was about Conan the Barbarian for some reason.

  50. lamine lehtihet

    where is located the place at 0:58 with the swords statues ?

  51. DramaQueen1776

    The white man must prevail.

  52. Lortafant

    0:57 Norway - Stavanger!

  53. aline sadness

    qui a dis que le metal est moche? écoutez, et admiré bande d'abrutis! <3

  54. aline sadness

    qui a dis que le metal est moche? écoutez, et admiré bande d'abrutis! <3

  55. Raistlin Majere

    Le kola aşkına harika bu dostum !!11!!!!111!1111!!1

  56. ubermcLovin

    damn, seeing my norwegian flag there makes me proud... Ensiferum are epic.

  57. DHavoK -Overkill-

    Here because of a SAO AMV :D (legend) :D

  58. Joseph Mullan

    This song reminds me of the tribes of Norsca in Warhammer :)

  59. Rammstein0963

    I once saw a video of the witcher (movie) to this song, epic badassery


    Rammstein0963 it's not "the witcher" movie. The movie and the games are both based on books.

    Robert Edge

    well but's it still is a movie, and it still is called "the witcher", so how was he supposed to call it?


    @Robert EdgeNo the movie is not called the witcher. It's called "The Hexer"

    sid oso

    it isn't a movie

  60. Hero Of Time

    I fuck Princess Zelda to this song.

    Ensiferum Fan

    +AshCrimsom Link is the protagonist you idiot.


    +AshCrimsom I hope everyone knows you're trolling, this is the oldest trick in the book hahaha. gud troll bro 10/10

    Orlando Furioso

    Du bist so ein Spast!


    Meiju Enho from ensiferum released album, check it on yt ! bands name is Mamyth

  61. crocklion

    ironic heroic folk metal wut? lol


    Hahaha yeah i guess it was supposed to be ICONIC!!!!

  62. Samuel santos nascimento

    In time bleeding wounds will heal Unlike some of his parts he didn't see Like scars in a no-man's soul Their making me so small Not the shout of a hundred enemies That making deep fear inside me But when sun sets and the gold arrives We'll crush his soul in two, in the darkness of night he will ride across land and time to find a way through this endless night there's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soul But the wanderer's part is to ride alone In his bare hands he has taken many lives He's had a hundred women by his side From ten he moves to the freezing north He's known on every sea and far beyond As the clock grows and the circle is complete He lies down and waits for sleep But there's always a slither in his mind Who hold the key taking one step behind he will ride across land and time to find a way through this endless night there's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soul But the wanderer's part is to ride alone he will ride across land and time to find a way through this endless night there's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soul But the wanderer's part is to ride alone he will ride across land and time to find a way through this endless night there's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soul But the wanderer's part is to ride alone


    +Samuel santos nascimento In time bleeding wounds will healUnlike some which are too deep to seeLike scars in a nomads soulTheir mending is so slowNot the shout of a hundred enemiesCan make him feel fear inside himBut when sun sets and the cold arrivesWith crushing solitude in the darkness of nightHe will ride across land and timeTo find a way through this endless nightThere's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soulBut the wanderer's part is to ride aloneWith bare hands he has taken many livesHe has had a hundred women by his sideFrom enchanted woods to the freezing northHe is known at every sea and far beyondAs the moon grows and the circle is completeHe lies down and waits for sleepBut there's always a scenery in his mindOf all that beauty he once left behindHe will ride across land and timeTo find a way through this endless nightThere's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soulBut the wanderer's part is to ride aloneHe will ride across land and timeTo find a way through this endless nightThere's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soulBut the wanderer's part is to ride aloneHe will ride across land and timeTo find a way through this endless nightThere's a storm in his heart and the fire burns his soulBut the wanderer's part is to ride alone

  63. Alfonso ST

    Are there more Ensiferum songs with this style?

    Andrew Weir

    The most similar IMO is Smoking Ruins. All clean vocals except four lines at the end.

    Kuba Szajner

    Lost in despair, Burden of the fallen

    Leonardo Brescia

    The Longest Journey


    lai lai hei


    only one ive found to have a very similar feel is victory song, it has a more triumphant and melancholic rhythm and melody rather than the abrasive and 'fuck you all im a viking' tones. also , toward the end, it is a very similar song.

  64. Jennifer Kornel

    How did I get here from Doritos commercials? Lol


    Jennifer Kornel Please elaborate on this. I'm in for a good story.

  65. Jordan Gouillard

    Listen to this song in speed x1.25

    TOTH core

    +Jordan Gouillard it ruins the epic atmosphere :/

  66. Goldriver92

    listen to this song while playing skyrim :)


    The song 'ancient stones' from that games OST is absolutely amazing. Highly recommend it. It plays near the start of the game.

  67. Sir Popskiis

    Damn, sometimes I really wish I was Finnish...

  68. Kidney Thief

    I once bought an album at random, I'm glad I got this one

    Kostas Vais


    The Host

    Thats how i discovered em! haha. honestly half the bands i listen to were discovered this way.


    with my luck i would get justin bieber hahahah, but yeah luckily i have known of these guys :)

    no one

    Odin must have smiled upon you that day :)

  69. Marko_2007

    I love,Ensiferum,Insomnium,Korpiklaani...Greetz from Croatia!

    Anston, Musician

    +Saša Bočev Well greetings to you from Suomi! This just in: it's fucking cold outside. :DI don't know anything about Croatia. :|


    That's a shame. I'm Croatian and I know a lot about Finland I even read the Kalevala

    Anston, Musician

    @Andruševski ' Hey, I'm always open to learn more! Tell me something cool about Croatia. :3


    @Anston [Music]There is too much to say in one comment honestly the country is ancient

    Wildchild Industries

    Tell him about the brotherly love between your people and us, Serbs :DJust kidding, greetings to both. :)

  70. Mysterious Puppeteer

    0.58 is it real ?


    +bayram karabuga Yes, it's a monument located in Norway and dedicated to their famous ancestors

    Knight Templar

    +Ragnar Is that Hafrsfjord?

  71. Aaron Robertson

    are there any full length songs like the intro?

  72. John Doe

    is it me or do all their songs sound the fucking same

    John Doe

    @Arthur Yapp this is the best ethiopia has to offer: watch?v=RmbzxJhB-uk. its pure shit but you asked for it. If you also sell books, do you have books on visual basic (programming language) ? you can only learn so much from perusing the internet.

    Arthur Yapp

    +John Doe no and goodbye. Namaste

    John Doe

    @Arthur Yapp why are you so sour? have you listened to too much ensiferum?

    Arthur Yapp

    @John Doe Google Namaste.

    John Doe

    @Arthur Yapp Google blue waffle. turn of safe search

  73. Comrade Danny

    Oh man those were the good old days. Sure there was a high chance of getting sick, tortured, castrated, burned alive, molested as a child or having people kill your children or pets, but it was a time of pride, strength, culture, patriotism, and comradery. Brothers and sisters in arms pillaging and fighting together, conquering new lands and getting "friendly" with the natives ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and discovering new things and ideas.


    Josip Makjanić There is something about rushing I to battle with sword In hand that firing at enemies with a rifle will never be able to be. As being a soilder I can say those of he old time were much more badass and had more heart then current soilders for any army. When you could get stabbed in the foot and still die to Infection or even eaten by wild life simply going from town to town. ai don't mean to sou d in appreciative or what have you, but those were the Days when Men were Men. Those days are gone as technology took over. Sure you can say that you could get sniped from 500 yards away and never see the person but I think it takes much more courage rushing into battle against an army wielding swords hammers maces, all the whole arrows rain from the heavens.

    It is a romaticized view. there has not been a better time to be alive so far in the history of mankind. it is beautiful to dream. you can still live with honor and the strength of a warrior in your heart

    Soubax Soub

    +Comrade Danny Oh man, that comment, STUPID AF


    Those good old days could eventually be the future. Mankind has gotten to comfortable with its dependence on electronics. So one possible scenario, a global EMP disaster and destroy all electronic capability. chaos and anarchy, divisions of nations to unifications of local brothers and sisters, after years of this, borders will be redrawn, and new kingdoms or city states will rise. Most importantly the disappearance of Abrahamic religions ( christian, judeo, islam). Which obviously different regions will create and establish their own. It doesnt really sound like a question of "if" but more like "when". Only the strong and determined will survive, the weak will perish.

  74. Inna Hegg


    Roberto Moustache

    @Inna Hegg  so wat r u doin' gril ? x)

    Inna Hegg

    do u have fb or skype, cos youtube isnt chatroom, ya know

    Roberto Moustache

    @Inna Hegg  but using YT comments like dat is cool oko ? 

    Roberto Moustache

    @Inna Hegg  r U dead in bulgaria or what ? ;) :*

    Inna Hegg

    shh, im alive, haha :*

  75. Tobias Petersen

    one people , one north .. no politics can divide us...stay together brothers and we will make it through the test of time! :)


    +Tobias Petersen The muslim immigrants are ruining everything.

  76. Ελλάνιος Λύκος


  77. Colin Dendy

    Nice list Dan. I have most of these on my own list. I have to be in the right mood for Alestorm but love the rest especially Ensiferum.


    I love it

  79. Span XD

    Véry Goddd

  80. Viking Anime

    In time bleeding wounds will healUnlike some which are too deep to seeLike scars in the Nomads soulTheir mending is so slowNot a shout of a hundred enemiesCan make him feel fear inside himBut when sunsets and the cold arrivesWith crushing solitude in the darkness of nightHe will ride across land and timeTo find a way through this endless nightThere's a storm in his heartAnd the fire burns his soulBut the wanderer's part is to ride aloneWith bare hands he has taken many livesHe's had a hundred women by his sideFrom enchanted woods to the freezing NorthHe's known at every sea and far beyondAs the moon grows and the circle is completeHe lies down and waits for sleepBut there's always a scenery in his mind.Of all that beauty he once left behindHe will ride across land and timeTo find a way through this endless nightThere's a storm in his heartAnd the fire burns his soulBut the wanderer's part is to ride aloneHe will ride across land and timeTo find a way through this endless nightThere's a storm in his heartAnd the fire burns his soulBut the wanderer's part is to ride alone

    The Infinity Pizza

    hey, another Vinland Saga fan

    The Origami Unicorn

    @The Infinity Pizza This song reminds me of Thorkell

  81. Basonee

    Ensiferum is awesome ... folk/viking metal is awesome.What am I saying ..?METAL IS AWESOME\m/

  82. MisNekromantik

    @Br4v3w0lf So, black metal can only be played by black people...? And likewise, death metal by dead ones? Your argument is invalid.

  83. Heavy Load

    This song is one of the kind that sends chills to your spine for some reason...pure epicness

  84. Final Boss


  85. Anime Gen

    this music makes me want to play Skyrim again :')

  86. Carlos Silva

    Great song

  87. Martino Martino

    my fav song

  88. captron420a

    Anybody else reminded of Final Fantasy 9 by the intro to this?

  89. wolffe93

    why is there so much racism under folk metal songs all of a sudden?most of these bands actively distance themselves from racism.

  90. aligrandi13

    One of my fav. song ... and the images are awsoooome!!! I was in Finland, i adooooooore Scandinavia!!! ♥

    Emilio Marfull

    @JoshuaHistoryBuff A convenctionalism made the Jutland peninsula as part of scandinavian mainlands. Actually the term Scandinavia, ethimologically of course, is refered to several parts of the actual kingdom of Sweden (Scania among them), and it will be applied to all the lands where the north germanic migrations occured, meaningless it is one side or another of the baltic. Finnland therefore doesnt beong to the geographic nor the cultural concept of scandinavia, as the domination of swedes over finns occurred long time before the germanic migrations.Source: history dude


    Only in metal music videos you can have a conversation like this.. I raise my tankard to you guys.

    Hide The Chicken

    Geographically part of Finland belongs to Scandinavia.

    Emilio Marfull

    tiny bit though

  91. Tonar Silverwolf


    Tonar Silverwolf

    it was swedish

  92. Buğra Gençay



    Brave ! Hailsa !

  94. nabukat nassar

    god bless finland

  95. Dron K

    Jari, where is Time II??????


    He'll Finnish it later.


    @Steinven I see what you did there...


    @Steinven Norway he's gonna make it!

    Wesley Scott

    Not here

  96. Kossolax the Foresworn

    te kaikki vituttatte mua ihan saatanasti

  97. Raphael Digger

    I´m from Brazil and I hope one day to see Norway,Sweden,Denmark,Finland and Iceland!It would be like a dream come true!

    Meddugnatos Cynewulf Agenarich Silius

    +Jean Moulin Haha, you should join theTrump government.

    Niko Ruotsalainen

    Welcome to Finland


    They wouldve considered you as a black...

    Igør Reinkaos


    Woldren Reborn

    Para o norte bro

  98. Thunder Goku

    Judging from the title, I guess the song is a tribute to Odin

    VlajStefan 995

    +Thunder Goku I think this song was made for Witcher :D

    Macul Synthelik

    +MrblackHeart 995 you suck

    The Norse One

    +Thunder Goku probably

    Ivan Vukasović

    However, Finns have their own mythology,


    @Ivan Vukasović true story, they weren't vikings

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