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Enigma - Return to Innocence

Return to Innocence
: Return to Innocence
: 3.94 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 421 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 388 İndirme
: 06-12-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Enigma - Return to Innocence )
  1. daus fir

    Kembali kepada fitrah..

  2. Francisca Orellana Abarca

    Vine por la diva jzduaiaj

  3. Spanky Chooches

    I want to return to innocence.

  4. Brandon Fiore

    I used to creampie this girl to this song. I'm just now listening to it after 8 years. It's bringing back memories.

  5. Paul Lees

    Didn’t realise I miss Mary Johanna so much till I listened to this again. Oh the bad old days long gone .... tunes to chill 😍

  6. Lauren SilverSpike

    This song and video move me so much Miss u mom and dad so much 😭

  7. C DV

    Timeless masterpiece

  8. Liam Hudspith

    Used to listen to enigma when I was coming down in the 90s I’d do anything to have them days back

  9. CebuliX

    0:27 This... is requiem.

  10. Passwordinho

    magnificent in 2019

  11. Reel Rob

    What movie was this song on? It was a kids movie from the 90’s.

  12. Oscar Sanchez

    Donde estan los de habla hispana

  13. Mitchell William Dotts aka buffdotts

    ATTENTION EVERYONE Im here for i met my long distance friend here listening to this song I need someone to please contact me at [email protected] the woman’s name is jamilla andersson from Sweden. I was in contact with her for the longest time and all of a sudden in 2017 August she stopped talking to me by email. I miss her so very very much and if anyone knows the whereabouts of her to please contact me please. Its of the upmost importance. I love her deeply

  14. mado2158

    I Love that still in 2019 people are still feeling the emotions this song envokes. It reminds me to slow down an appreciate life!!!

  15. M4RCOS_ELX95

    Puxa vida. Faziam mais de 20 anos que não escutava essa música. A ultima vez era criança. Nossa voltei no tempo agora

  16. Johnny

    The music for the wise.

  17. Luny Tunez

    So powerful.

  18. Hailix

    Thanks grayfruit.

  19. John Bradley

    Chance sampled this for his version of Waves on Saint Pablo. You’re welcome.

  20. Angelo Messina

    Listening to this the first time after years, it comes to my mind that our life is here and our time is now. And it's rushing. I wish you all the best, now go and live your life!

  21. Ard Man

    I love livi

  22. Darwin Rivas

    Sorry my friend. Relaxyou witch this song

  23. Костик Костикус

    жутко классная песня - братья все мира

  24. Nazri Buang

    Black Jesus, Borussia Dortmund

  25. Vijay Thriller

    Fantastic rewas world

  26. tony lawlor

    can any one see indians

  27. Candis Almendarez

    Magnificent song

  28. Mikołaj Bieliński

    *Enigma* *~* *Return* *To* *Innocence* *Wonderful* *Song* *1994*

  29. Mikołaj Bieliński

    *Diciembre* *2019*

  30. Mikołaj Bieliński

    *Dicembre* *2019*

  31. Mikołaj Bieliński

    *December* *2019*

  32. Mikołaj Bieliński

    *Dezember* *2019*

  33. Mikołaj Bieliński

    *Grudzień* *2019*

  34. Wilber Gonçalves

    Perfect. 2019

  35. Stéphanie Schmitt

    Quel joyau cette musique! 'est juste :MAGNIFIQUE! Le clip est superbe aussi. Like le 5 décembre(c 'est mon aniversaire) .MERCI. De France.

  36. barbie slack

    Just listening to xmas playlist had to add this for my mum. We all loved this.

  37. Crimildo Notiço Tivane

    i loved

  38. Gerrald Com

    The of my old time faves..🙋‍♀️

  39. tomatos and basil pizza dough

    How do you spell my favorite song ever I love how enigma is so sensual with their music and spiritual I remember listening to enigma when I was 19 years old and they are still one of my faves

  40. mauro santos

    adoro de coração essa músicaaaa

  41. corina g

    My father’s favourite song...Haven’t been able to listen to it after he passed away as it was just too much for me to handle, emotionally. Oh, well, i almost didn’t cry...

  42. ShandoCenarius

    isnt the intro Daniel's jojk?

  43. Aaron 32

    I am an angry person

  44. Aaron 32

  45. 酒青が好きなだけのポニー

    feelっていうCDに入ってて今でも聴いてる。この曲に出会わせてくれた小学校の担任に感謝しかない。ありがとう( ੭ ˙꒳​˙ )੭♡

  46. David Partridge

    John Bonham on drums.

  47. mrd m3

    Unquestionably one of the most absolute touching and spiritually uplifting songs ever made. Thank you.

  48. Dmitriy Alyoshin

    life is so short

  49. Paulo Sérgio FG

    Em memória de todos meus amigos e familiares qe ja partiram.

  50. Alim Bobo


  51. Christian K.

    I sat on a cactus

  52. Christian K.

    I counted potatoes for thirty minutes. . . Death to you all. 😅

  53. Spacescientist

    I felt like universe was speaking to me and I rememberd all who has passed away r.i.p btw im a spacescientist and I research on universe how it came to be where and why also what should we do now and in the future so ya I have found out the fact that you must live not die forever thank you good luck yolo peace

  54. R de leeuw

    Waching this video makes me cry...

  55. Роман Кокшаров

    Классная музыка.

  56. alo fdo

    1st scene reminds me Sir Isaac Newton.

  57. Almut Sow

    December 2019

  58. Meikel Meyers

    Bring me Back to the time in my life when this song was an actually song.Best time of my life.... unfiltred... real ... like the First kiss...😎

  59. andrzej szymanski

    that the music.

  60. Edzeil The Goat

    Jack I don't like your, disgui-oh-aii-oh-uise

  61. White Knights of the Round Table

    Love you bro, miss you

Return to Innocence Şarkı Sözü
Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence
The return to innocence
And if you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence
That's return to innocence

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