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Enigma - Gravity Of Love

Gravity Of Love
: Gravity Of Love
: 3.65 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 143 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 121 İndirme
: 06-12-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Enigma - Gravity Of Love )
  1. pedro flores

    this is from and upper dimension

  2. CR TJ

    Alguien escuchando esta maravilla en 2019

  3. Павел Яковлев

    Still from beginining !!!

  4. Patri

    O fortuna...Carmina Burana....che introduzione. Brano fantastico.


    i doubt anyone would listen it in 2019.attendence here!

  6. Stephen Key

    The sampled music is from 1937!!!

  7. Shane Trownson

    Extremely Human.The streets shimmered with summer rain, showers of warmth overwhelming as I outstretched my arms to receive the tears of the sky, sliding down my arms were slivers of ice cold droplets that came from the over head trees. I was lost in thought again, momentarily oblivious to passers by who might stare at a man standing still in the rain, as I laughed with face upturned to the open sky and felt my hair being plastered to my head. The thought of colds-coughing and next day fevers never passing my mind.I had just found all the answers and even in that memory, I recall my lessons.With the sweet songs of the sun comes the shadows of the night, ominous as they may be, they still hold their innocence, their sheer beauty of unknowing of dreaming and dancing and of secret hands holding each other to take step after step together...pure, blind, faith. You're wise, wiser than anything I have ever known and I am always going to be yours, your lesson in life, in the teachings of god and ungod and innocence and struggling within to find a balance that never existed outside of us, but rather gave itself a name to fit into the few who are truly mentally impaired to feel such a thing...equal. How humbling. How overwhelming. How as one with you I feel. Through water lidded eyes I can remember you sitting there watching me in my imperfection, paint brush in hand stroke after stroke even when the colors ran in the's all natural...perfection is unnatural and only in letting what will, do we receive from life that which was meant for us...If only the world understood that which has only just begun to touch the finger tips of the blind. What is there beyond labels of creatures of the unknown?...of...extremely human? Where do we fit in besides each others hearts? Nowhere else, which is "exactly" where we belong. Nowhere alone taking first steps onto the shore of knowledge.I remember why I am survive and to wait for you.

  8. Anastasia Gr.

    Как будто списали у Булгакова, Маргарита, приглашенная на Бал!

  9. Anastasia Gr.

    Сразу узнала.....прошло лет 15)

  10. Verega Sergey


  11. Mare Hounslow

    I havent heard this in years!

  12. 晨曉靈

    整個高中都沉浸在這首歌裡, 懷念那個美好歲月

  13. Лиза Еремеева

    У Вас Классная реклама Мы Все Либертины

  14. Лиза Еремеева

    Сёстры мои Где вы

  15. Giorgos Koustas

    Perfect....2019 november

  16. Mario E.

    2:54 - They did that at the 2016 MET Gala...

  17. Zone Erudo BEATS

    Life is so simple

  18. Elena Fernández Estevez

    Preciosa canción..

  19. Данил Козлов


  20. Olga Linnard


  21. Oki Bukhuu

    N ß

  22. Chris Dragon

    Beautyfull music but this video is sickThese woman are the devilJust insatiable

  23. planiglob

    Carl Orff

  24. Raul Benitez

    Hermoso tema cada día extraño más you trank 😋😘 😍😊

  25. Ирина Гвардина

    Вы моя семья

  26. Ирина Гвардина

    Возьмите меня к себе в клип

  27. Ирина Гвардина

    С Первой минуты как увидела клип

  28. Ирина Гвардина

    И всегда хотела

  29. Ирина Гвардина

    Я так хочу к вам

  30. Ирина Гвардина

    Мы ж белые

  31. Ирина Гвардина

    Анастасия , может быть , рыдала теперь на белой скамье .

  32. Ирина Гвардина

    Девочки я так по вам Скучаю Я Так по вас соскучилась

  33. Edgardo Gregorini

    Video is a recreation of a masonic sex party

  34. Edgardo Gregorini

    This song is about The caos and The conexion & spirituality of the Human sexuality

  35. Salvador Martinez

    Como se llama la muchacha ke sale en el video, creo ke también sale en otro vídeo en TNT PARA TU CEREBRO, traducido al español... Creo ke es ella.

  36. Henrique Ramos

    "Gravity Of Love""O Fortuna velut Luna" ["O Fortune like the Moon"]Turn around and smell what you don't seeClose your eyes ... it is so clearHere's the mirror, behind there is a screenOn both ways you can get in.Don't think twice before you listen to your heart,Follow the trace for a new start.What you need and everything you'll feelIs just a question of the deal.In the eye of storm you'll see a lonely doveThe experience of survival is the keyTo the gravity of love."O Fortuna velut Luna"[Whispers:][Woman :]The path of excess leads to the tower of Wisdom[Man :]The path of excess leads to the tower of WisdomTry to think about it...That's the chance to live your life and discoverWhat it is, what's the gravity of love"O Fortuna velut Luna"Look around just people, can you hear their voiceFind the one who'll guide you to the limits of your choice.But if you're in the eye of stormJust think of the lonely doveThe experience of survival is the keyTo the gravity of love."O Fortuna velut Luna""O Fortuna velut Luna"

  37. Rons halohalo vlog

    I miss you enigma pls come back.

  38. akram dz

    relax for good life

  39. Juan maria Arjona


  40. Роман Й

    одни и те же треки в разном возрасте по разному воспринимаются, вот где магия!

  41. José Tom Candela Vicent

    Gracias enigma por este sueño k siempre estará presente como si fuera ayer..........

  42. Muhammad Sharjeel

    Dam it vampires

  43. bxgmaxi


  44. RebuTuoYR

    Gravity of lust kinda video

  45. Nostradamus21b

    Always I hear this song...Final Fantasy IX comes to my mind, not this video.

  46. Лисенок


  47. Carlos R Garcia

    No me gusto la canción, me gusta mas ERA, pero me pueden ayudar a buscar una canción que tiene este mismo vídeo pero con un ritmo diferente, no se si sea del mismo genero... , creo que es como un rock gregoriano. Pero espero me puedan ayudar porfavor.

  48. bar suk


  49. JANU bilera

    No me gustó su clip, hasta mejor era los de final fantasy

  50. A. m

    demonic shit, but i like it

  51. Martilus Lampe

    Turn around and smell what you don't seeClose your eyes... it is so clearHere's the mirror, behind there is a screenOn both ways you can get inDon't think twice before you listen to your heartFollow the trace for a new startWhat you need and everything you'll feelIs just a question of the dealIn the eye of storm you'll see a lonely doveThe experience of survival is the keyTo the gravity of loveThe path of excess leads toThe tower of WisdomThe path of excess leads toThe tower of WisdomTry to think about it...That's the chance to live your life and discoverWhat it is, what's the gravity of loveLook around just people, can you hear their voiceFind the one who'll guide you to the limits of your choiceBut if you're in the eye of stormJust think of the lonely doveThe experience of survival is the keyTo the gravity of love.

  52. Jeremy Benson

    Satanic MK Ultra elite ritual sex party for Luciferian talent? lol.

  53. Marusel495


  54. Bruno Ducrocq

    Qu'elle geni cretu

  55. LaSirenitaNera

    Enigma... EPIC

  56. vickivain

    The singer is Ruth-Ann Boyle from the trip hop group 'Olive' and she also has a solo album. One of my favourite voices from the 90's-2000's. Check out Olive - You're Not Alone ;)

  57. ambivalent lady

    I have been looking for this official music video all my life.. This is absolutely brilliant. So thrilling and brings out the sapphic tinge in me..

  58. Milton Antonio

    Belicima. escelntecancao. Oesqueceotemprodessalomaooquevaleevive oeternonoprezente. Milton. RRM

  59. Martilus Lampe

    I'm focusing on the woman wrapped in that white cloth.

  60. сергей кулицкий

    The Enigma songs like church songs

Gravity Of Love Şarkı Sözü
Turn around and smell what you don't see
Close your eyes... it is so clear
Here's the mirror, behind there is a screen
On both ways you can get in
Don't think twice before you listen to your heart
Follow the trace for a new start
What you need and everything you'll feel
Is just a question of the deal
In the eye of storm you'll see a lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love
The path of excess leads to
The tower of Wisdom
The path of excess leads to
The tower of Wisdom
Try to think about it...
That's the chance to live your life and discover
What it is, what's the gravity of love
Look around just people, can you hear their voice
Find the one who'll guide you to the limits of your choice
But if you're in the eye of storm
Just think of the lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love.

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