The combined effect of a great song, player, accompaniment, moody atmosphere, and the sheer delight of losing oneself in beauty against all cares and downs.., is lovely.
oooh....Dexter ....(super beautiful !) this is my favorit!!! high class saxophonist!
que saxbrosura!!!!!
So true Wietse van Giffen. How could we do away with twitter, facebook and all the rest????. Yes you are correct - this digital age is gone to hell. Cheers to Dexter Gorden. BEAUTIFUL
My father and uncle would always go see Dexter when he played in D.C. I miss them so much.
Grande Dexter Gordon; muito bom nas passagens dos médios graves ,graves agudos uma exelente lição pros bons amantes da Boa musica ele toca como se pintasse um quadro dando sempre a textura certa da-lhe Dexter.
Love the way Dexter slowly and effortless moves from melody to improvisation The ending is mystical and beautiful.
Anybody else wish that this was Dexter with only Barry comping on piano? (all due respect to Sam & Al)
Yes he was terrific. To some legendary. But in the end might not play the interpretation everyone likes. I prefer Russ Peterson's.
Dexter Gordon, clearly, is a pantheon on the grand scale of jazz. Please, though, let’s not look over Mr. Barry Harris. Epic.
man.. beautiful intro and melodic comping by Barris Harris!!
Feb.27th: Happy birthday Jazz Saxophonist-Composer-Bandleader-Actor Dexter Keith Gordon (1923-1990) Grammy Award: Best Jazz Instrumental Performance, Grammy Award: Best Improvised Jazz Solo, David di Donatello Award: Best Foreign Actor. Thank you and God bless. RIP. Thanks for the upload, Assaf Lokay. Blessings
...and Aubra Graves at 80yrs. - a great storyteller and improviser on tenor saxophone (his Georgia On My Mind)
Dexter has a way of warming the soul here.
I do wish I was apart of a band that played music such as this. The school jazz band just doesn't do any justice in replicating the extravagance of musical enjoyment professional jazz players propagate through beautiful music like this. Nothing quite makes me jealous just like imagining myself as an accomplished saxophonist. What lucky people get to invest their time in something so magical.
Go out to jazz clubs and do some jam sessions
Be your own man. A school jazz program is only a starting point.
Le plus délicat et le plus sobre force et du siphon
何かと問題の多いアメリカだけどジャズは最高だね🎶 ふと、凶暴そうで変てこな今の大統領、この手の音楽を聞いて物思いに耽る等という場面ないだろうな~
I am Japanese However i like jazz🎶 jazz=peace=freedom=happiness No more war no violence no Racism Pray for your happiness🎶
最高🎶 素晴らしい!
m yoko us 2rrayRay Charles Georgia
One of the early tenor saxophone greats. A master of the big sound
A beautiful composition played only as Dexter could play it. Some may argue that they heard other cats play it better, and that may be but right now it's about Dex and his version. For me Mr. Gordon conveys all the beauty and pain one feels when they hear this song. If you don't feel the pain of this beautiful tune then you ain't really hearing or feeling it in the way one feels about a lover whom you love with all your might but you also remember when they hurt you deeply. The love and hurt are both strong but no matter the hurt...you find yourself always coming back to the love part and it's that which stays with you "The Whole Day Though". "Georgia" is a hell of a song no matter who did/does it. But for me there can only be Dexter Gordon bringing be back.
it's a therapy for souls
SUPER SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Me and my jazz band play music like this every Friday night in Plymouth Massachusetts. We are doing our part to play good music.
I love Dex, and I visit Plymouth when I visit my family in Boston. I now live in Dallas, TX area. Where do you play in Plymouth? We'd love to drop in to hear the band.
Jazz is a American treasured art form and I always used to go out and listen to local jazz musicians,but haven't been able lately.
Gordon is my mind as Georgia was in her mind
Для любителей и начинающих в джазе. Это классика: как собственно произведение, так и исполнение, звучание сакс-тенора. Люблю подобное и делюсь.
Pure genius
It pains my heart every day knowing there will never be a time you could just walk in a bar and hear this, I hate I was born in this digital age where people just scratch the suface of enjoyment in life, instead of looking for an hour on twitter, be silent close your eyes and listen to this for a while, in a way it teaches you and makes you feel things that nothing else can.
Thank you for your true words. I feel with you.
There is plenty of jazz happening now
Very well put, certainly as far as the UK is concerned.
shut the fuck up
A classic! Dexter Gordon's sax along with accompanists insure my pleasant, calm mood.!
Sound rolls out like hot buttered toast.....ooh..!!!
Just close your eyes...
This is good. But my favourite is his "If I had You".
Sax soulful heartache=Ray Charles cries
I heard/saw him play several times in Washington, DC in the '70s at Blues Alley. What wonderful memories.
Aspiring saxophonists take note: He did this with a mouthpiece with .085 tip opening and a roll-over baffle, with off-the-shelf reeds. You do not need to fight a huge mouthpiece to get a huge sound.
No great musician would boast of knowing something technical, saying "aspirants". Keep practicing, and get better
@pedro ramos Hey man check out Top Tones by Sigurd Rascher. That is a must-have for a sax player
S1NGULAR1TY thanks appreciate it god bless you
At this point he was using a #8 Link (.110"). He lost his Dukoff at the same time he lost his 10M in 1965. But you're right that huge tips are more about volume than depth, and intonation is somewhat more consistent with a smaller tip.
@JiveDadson In the Tomkins interview he referred to his Dukoff as having a medium chamber. His first Link was from the New York era, when they were made with narrower and lower baffles, and larger chambers, than the Super Tone Masters of the Florida era. I always thought that there was something extra special in his sound from when he was using his first Link, even by Dexter standards. Lesson learned on tip openings (although not before my own testosterone-driven quest for bigger tips)!
Talk about proving the theory that Less IS more…or at least can be.
+gdaymatemusic I think this comes down to how old you are. Younger players tend to play like they have more to prove, and older players tend to try and simplify because they aren't necessarily so concerned with impressing people with technique.In a way it is a lot harder to pick just a few notes to sound extra cool on, rather than challenging licks and altissimo, but I can't necessarily say that one is always better than the other. At the end of the day its all up to the player and the audience.
The transition from melody to improvisation is so seamless with Dex. His concept of harmony is so very acute.
What a pity, I was hoping he would play the verse. Seems that everybody has forgotten it.
Very nice rendition !Thanks
Absolute amazing!!!! I love this song!!!!
... Eyes closed while cradled in loving arms by this heavenly caressing sound...
Isabelle Frost m
Gordon's Quartet sounds like the warmest cologne smells: musky. Love it. A lot.
Fantastic...as always!!!
Excelente !!!!
this is a very relaxed version of a classic, i love it, thankyou.
I have this lp. there is no track name called "Georgia on My Mind"
Barry Harris is Dexter's match on the keyboard, he plays a hurting, soul-felt accompaniment to one of Dex's best ballads.
Legends make the MUSIC sound so effortless!!!!!! PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!!!!!!!MUSIC MAKES THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE.
I think mispelled i misspelled. ;-)
My favourite tenor player..by a mile...
Why are you going to leave me?I don't live without youCome back to me line
very mellow! takes me away!
like sipping on my favorite drink. just perfect.
me deja un gran suspiro......
What a sound and signature on music!
Like the famoust picture of Dex ... he plays cool on the on side and emotional and warm on the other... he is singing through his horn...
Wasn't he just! Last week I downloaded as many different versions of Body & Soul by jazz greats as I could find - it's one of my favourite standards - so whose version do I play almost exclusively? You got it in one! Mr Gordon's!
thanks for the upload. i love that name so it would be great if you could fix the misspell in the title
georgia played as a slow soft ballad ____cheers
Wonderful !Thanks
really nice to ear this tune "a la" non smooth jazz... dexter was a proper player.
When Dexter plays, it ain't done till it's done. And he has a lot to say in every song, so it's a treat to sit back and listen to him spin a tale and weave it into the lines of the other guys in his quartet. Always an experience. Always great. Thank goodness he left us plenty to remember him by. No eulogies; just play it forward.
Tremendo tema!!!
Terrific album, recorded at around the same time as "Homecoming" on Columbia, but with much better result.