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Coldplay - Clocks

: Clocks
: 4.71 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 145 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 108 İndirme
: 31-07-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Coldplay - Clocks )
  1. Alihan Hut

    Müzik zevkime bayılıyorum

  2. Ranoon Sumer

    Time to time. Universe is space.

  3. Tommy Hanks

    I remember finding this song when I watched that turtle Vine when it was still Poppin back then ;/ good old days.

  4. ruth cca


  5. bukie0007

    Awesome! Years after the Iraq war, the song that would become my war theme, still remains a song evoking a good feeling and yet the worst we can encounter...war. Am I part of the cure, or am I part of the disease.

  6. Kamya Jones

    i really love me some coldplay

  7. miriam Capacla

    Coldplay.....lindo demais o piano e tudo maravilhoso amo

  8. gabriel Hricák

    i'm learning how to play this on piano it's one of my favourite songs

  9. neoJOREL

    how that song does not have views?

  10. Jack T Q

    YeahIs coldplayMy heartI love you2019

  11. Tony Tony

    Gergana tu me manque 😭😭😭😭😭

  12. Sir Gallahad

    I remember. I was 11 years old and on vacation in Spain with my parents. Beautiful. Sunset.

  13. Maxxm13

    The Wild movie bring me here, LOL.

  14. Philippe Kiesler

    j adore

  15. Gloc Beam

    Im 17, but im still a kid and i promise that no matter how old i get i will always be my true self and the little kid inside me will always be visible aswell. :)

  16. Gloc Beam

    It always been reminding me of a Coca-Cola commercial or the movie theatre idk why

  17. Tyla Griggs

    I remember sleeping in the car getting back home late and waking up to this song. It warms my heart to hear this song once more.

  18. Dick Longflop

    Wait isn’t this really similar to touched my

  19. prashant alungal

    People who dislike this song has no life or mentally retarded😂😂😂

  20. ClassicMist360

    When you finally understand what this song means. Not lyrically. Emotionally. I'm struggling right now and I feel like there are clocks all around just counting away the time. I dont know when the time will be up, but I'm sprinting to the finish line and it hurts. It hurts a lot.I listened to this song and cried because I know what it means, how it feels, what it looks like, how it sounds, all in reality.I just hope she chooses me man. Nothing else compares.

  21. Ravenclaw Girl

    3:13 I guess you could say he was drinking out of _A Glass Of Water_

  22. S0uL3ss ;-;

    I think I heard this song in that game called fancy pants man😺

  23. Inter Stellar

    it is legendary.

  24. Andrej Fattaxov

    2002 первый раз услышал , тащился . 2019 слушаю - тащусь .

  25. Yassine Moulazim

    I searched for 1 hole year for this song

  26. Arnold fernandes

    how could you dislike ?

  27. Alex __

    Fat cocks go deepthroating

  28. Michael Crawford

    Such an awesome Coldplay song

  29. ll Ray Kingz ll

    0:45 Vomitando por manís? 😂Llamen a urgencia que está vomitando manís 🚨🚑🏥😷

  30. Ana Cortes

    Dedicada a ti Hugo calzada donde quiera que te encuentres

  31. Fred Brito

    Essa música trás felicidade e muita euforia

  32. Flavia Nery

    A melhor musica do mundo! Coldplay ❤🇧🇷

  33. Murilo Silva

    Tá aí a música q vou ouvir pro resto da vida 👏👏👏👏👏

  34. Amir Mustaqiim

    Damn finally here since movie called The Wild shown up

  35. Dav TheGamer

    Will anybody listen to this in 2100?

    Dav TheGamer

    When I’m in my 90’s

  36. Luci Brito

    Fantástico,the time👌

  37. Suco De Fruta

    Brasileiros em 2019 alguem ?? 🇧🇷♥️

    Matheus Alessandro

    Eu clockssssss

  38. MrMervinJMinky

    UEFA Cup Final 2003, Celtic v Porto in Seville.

  39. santiago carreño


  40. Japstxr Goonez

    Idk why but this song always hits me right in the feels.

  41. Alice Lily

    clocks: playsme: *jumps on the stage with my arms up high in a white suit and eyeliner* Time Space Gender... it‘s like there‘s no rules anymore!

  42. Esteban Sanches

    Alguien de hable español q le guste esta obra de arte?

  43. Godwin Osawe

    Years in days, days in years

  44. Agustina Flor

    Amo amo.... 😍😭😍😭😍😭😍💕

  45. Juliesunshine 333

    One of my funeral songs... 🎼 " Home, where I wanted to roam. Home" 🎹🎼 I miss Home. Earth School is hard!

  46. Juliesunshine 333

    No wonder the aliens keep stealing us. Human Beans make MAGIC with music, 🤗🎹💃🎼♥️🎸

  47. Dav TheGamer

    Who's listening to this in 2019?

    Capt. Benjamin L. Sisko

    Oh yeah

    Dav TheGamer

    Capt. Benjamin L. Sisko Everybody is still listening to this in 2019 and 2020

    Jailam Myles

    Your trap dad

  48. Chihiro Nguyễn

    Finally found the song from the Disney movie I watched LONG ago

  49. KathyD Marbert

    hello Coldplay,Very Awesome song & video! You guys have a wonderful day!

  50. Spy YT

    When you hit your toe on the table uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Aaaaaaaaaa


    Spy YT 🤣

  51. Alpha Phantom

    Vomitando por manís.

  52. Rhys Morgan

    Every band has a underrated song and this is coldplay

  53. Dachdog

    Please use reusable bottles. Not plastic. LOVE THIS SONG.

  54. Asen sio

    I came here from LaLiga new anthem “Latidos del futuro” which is similar to "clocks" or let's say the karaoke version of it

  55. Androsred Scrap

    I was in 6th grad in Colorado, knowing I was moving to Texas the next school year. Everytime I hear this song it reminds me of my my childhood friends. They played this on Channel 1 news last day of school.

  56. Unblockd

    My school has this intro as the intro to their news segments

  57. Sh1tposter

    This is what flashbacks sound like

  58. Fredo Baeza

    Unas de mis canciones favoritas me hacen volver a la niñez 🤙😎

  59. Mr King Salty

    Im not even gonna lie, the nostalgia hit me hard that i almost cried. Miss the old days when life was much simpler

  60. GNVS

    Why does it say '2005' in the description when the album came out in 2002?

  61. Apex HD

    Every internet safety video

  62. Maria Grazia Pennisi


  63. Shino Joseph

    2019 INDIA...?

  64. Lenin Rocha

    0:44 vomitando por manis😂😂😂

    Thiago lima

    Lenin Rocha É mesmo kkkk

  65. Nasaruddin Faiz

    Viopipe hahaha

  66. Marcio Prata

    Brazil 12/11/2019.

  67. Jiiok hiking

    They call me Johnny twohands

  68. The Software Channel

    The nostalgia hit me harder than a bullet

  69. Katherine Walker

    I’m very surprised this video doesn’t have more views

  70. L Bhatti


  71. Hail to the Rock

    No os perdáis la entrada en mi blog sobre esta canción:

  72. Johnny Jameson

    Vomitando por manies

  73. No thanks

    I remember hearing this somewhere.... Finally found it 😅

  74. oscar alvarez aguayo

    Aún pienso en the wild

  75. Alex Mercer Gaming

    This music makes me relax so much and it makes my skin pump for some reason :DEdit: for those who are listening to this song in 2019 are amazing ;)

  76. Milena Evangelista


  77. Enrique Torres

    sin duda una de las mejores canciones de la historia

  78. Tanaville Valentine

    this was in our gcse music listening mock for the pop songs section and tried so hard not to jam :D

  79. Erik Linnebach

    Die nordstory

  80. Andressa Watanabe

    Underrated song

  81. Papyrus The Great

    Im just thinking of that fucking turtle

  82. AJ Nieves

    nostalgic asf 🥺

  83. Fernando Araujo

    Pessoas que ouvem Coldplay não querem guerra com ninguém. A gente só quer paz. 💙🌷

    Thiago lima

    Fernando Araujo verdade

  84. Ya Boi

    Aminadab trigos

  85. Vanessa D Music

    Eb major

  86. Victor Lopez

    Coldplay and Norah Jones anybody?

  87. Yolo top10s

    Stranger in Moscow?

  88. Melissa Calderon

    Who else is listening to this song in 2048?

  89. 네이트디아즈

    Purely depending only on their talents not using girls drugs

  90. Lilo TN

    Que bello Crhis Martin, lo amo!!!

    felicia nuñez


  91. Rami RC47

    Coldplay = But me down upon my knees. 🎵🎤Yo = Vomitando por manis 🎵🎤😎

  92. Mark Fincher

    Powerful stuff...

  93. Melvin Emery

    This song is euphoric.I love it. 10 stars

  94. The Union Barber Shop

    The best of Coldplay. Today is happiness so much,

  95. Gang MarbleNick

    Super duper nostalgic

Clocks Şarkı Sözü
The lights go out and I can't be saved
Tides that I tried to swim against
Have brought me down upon my knees
Oh I beg, I beg and plead, singing
Come out of the things unsaid
Shoot an apple off my head and a
Trouble that can't be named
A tiger's waiting to be tamed, singing
You are, you are
Confusion that never stops
The closing walls and the ticking clocks gonna
Come back and take you home
I could not stop, that you now know, singing
Come out upon my seas
Cursed missed opportunities am I
A part of the cure
Or am I part of the disease, singing
You are, you are
You are, you are
You are, you are
And nothing else compares
And nothing else compares
And nothing else compares
You are, you are
Home, home, where I wanted to go
Home, home, where I wanted to go
Home, home, where I wanted to go (You are)
Home, home, where I wanted to go (You are)

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