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Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars

A Sky Full of Stars
: A Sky Full of Stars
: 4.04 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 2778 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 2723 İndirme
: 31-07-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars )
  1. max yan

    oh, it's Newtown , NSW Australia.

  2. Dominik [M]

    *2019 23rd November, Saturday* *09:56**2,2 mln likes* *68 thousands of dislikes**539 399 999 views*

  3. Hà Vy


  4. Blue Birt

    2019 yea

  5. 노래연습계정1


  6. jhon star

    2019 okay

  7. Hellen Smith

    Amooooo dms😍

  8. Mr. Vik


  9. Ben Brennan

    The faces of joy and happiness at the very end of the band shows how much fun they had doing that live video. 🇦🇺😊

  10. kathy guerndt

    Whenever I hear this in a store I freeze Just love you Chris COLDPLAY Forever

  11. Miyoshi Izumi

    The melody sounds like "This feeling" by the chainsmokers lmao

  12. Shuwo HD

    Que se os cae, que se os cae, la dignidad. 😂

  13. Rafael Oliveira

    22 11 2019 🎧

  14. Виктор П

    Голд плеи лучший

  15. Usuario de Internet

    El mejor video❤👍

  16. Dilesh Chari


  17. Jaana Dmitrijeva

    2019.10 22. Ilus lugu..

  18. Chokito Lima

    Coldplay é massa

  19. Niteesh Bihade

    This is a high quality music band. Loved it! 🤗

  20. Hara Hus

    Вот как надо выступать музыкантам!!! А не в концертных залах за зеленые бабки!!!

  21. Tadala Lilkoswe

    November 2019,watching

  22. Neals Kelonye

    I love you guys, way too much!

  23. 20 000 Subscribers With 0 Videos Challenge

    I hope 2020 will be a better year than 2019 for everybody


    20 000 Subscribers With 0 Videos Challenge i Hope so

    Big Smoke

    I hope the new decade isn’t a shithole.

  24. Ali Varenguin

    I hope 2020 will be a better year than 2019 for everybody


    Amen btw this song always brings me to wonderful summer where you meet the girl of your dream and you feel like strongest in the world

    Swaroop S

    I too hope so .But i believe it will be a beautiful one @ali varenguin❤️,have a great year bud!!

  25. Andrian Tanjung

    22 November 2019 still listening this song

    Lari Anjos

    Me too!

    azriel syahrezi

    23 November me

  26. flashcentral101 William

    If your still watching this vid in 2019 den Hit dat like 😃😃😃 Wow This is the most likes I've ever gotten on a commet

    Black Tomahawk

    flashcentral101 William Ich bin für cold play musik

  27. Mr Peco

    @1:25for Coldplay,I want the real drums not no drum machine sine-wave bassI still appreciate it though

  28. Noah Shatto

    slap that like if u like Coldplay.

  29. Mr Peco

    he looks like royalty doesn't he

  30. Daiane Sousasousa

    Amo coldplay❤❤

  31. Harry S. Anchan

    Wow! First time I have listened to them - reminiscent of U2. Great stuff!

  32. camrin bonner

    2019 still here 👍🏽

  33. Roberto Moreno

    The most pure/powerful moment is when everyone joins in at the end singing. Everyone different people with different lives but for that moment. Just that monent. They had one voice. Music is powerful isn’t yall?

  34. Bryan Lai

    Almost 2020 . Anyone still hear this awesome song ?

  35. Rahul Chauhan

    Not even a half naked girl in sight just a sky full of stars

  36. Southern Cross

    Avicii is on of those stars that shines brightly in the dark sky.R.I.P Tim Bergling

  37. 0TTERZ

    Ah those childhood vibes this was my favorite song as a young kid

  38. khaled najada

    They are here Amman _ jordan

  39. Andrea Palomino

    0% dreset0% money0% drugs10000% music talen expert

  40. jun lin


  41. jeetu 2.0

    Interested about India to know moreHere is the chance-:)

  42. KA A


  43. IT olav

    сколько же позитива в этом клипе

  44. NAGESH

    Cold play songs are always connected to the common people.

  45. Kunwar Gyanendra

    This song definitely deserves 1B views

  46. Pekasammy

    who else has WC 2014 memories while listening to it?

  47. Syahid Ashraf Hanafi

    Full of happiness

  48. Yuva Raj

    Who ever listening to this and reading this:May your life be brimming with happiness like Sky full of Stars,And experience those happiness always without any Bars 😊 😇 😀 ✌🏻

  49. Basharatullah Rahmat

    2:25 ERROR ! on the T.V.s behind him.

  50. Aman Sharma

    Sydney mate

  51. Vincent Patterson

    Wtf 67k dislikes?!?!?!?!

  52. Chiddle From Gallifrey

    I started listening to Coldplay because of Jodie Whittaker the Angel and I am so glad I did!

  53. Alex Araujo

    Saudade eu tinha quando eu queria imitar igualzin esse rapaz da bateria nas costas

  54. Angelica Rodriguez Rosado

    Me encanta coldplay soy de Ecuador me muero por ir a un concierto ojalá se me haga realidad mi sueño 🙏🙌

  55. matteo mastro

    The sky is full of stars, and one of these is Avicii. I love this song, it makes me very nostalgic, thinking of the good old days ... Thanks Coldplay for making a piece of my memories. Love music❤

  56. Melissa clara Ampoumet

    Guy-Marcel : << The only religion we have to practise is LOVE>>. Be humble cause life is simple. Just follow your dreams in luv

  57. Uchenna Nwajiaku

    Masterpiece 🎶🎶🎶🎶

  58. Jkm

    Love this song, but I've never understood the video. Why are they wearing all these instruments, yet not playing them?

  59. Otávio Augusto


  60. Susant Poudel

    This place is #Newtown Sydney.✌☮✌

  61. Jesus is The Good Shepherd

    Newtown Sydney Australia🎆🎆is where they filmed this song. Love you my Sister Fiona always 😘😘💕Muli Multi Woodenbong NSW🙌🙌😆😆😆💞💞💞💞🌹Shalom

  62. Deepak Karmakar

    Who is listen this song like here

  63. teresa beck

    RIP Legend Tim Bergling :(

  64. Μαρία Τζανή

    Cause you're a sky full of stars..🌟🌟💙❤ I'm gonna give you my heart ❤💙❤💙 Good morning BOSSSS!!!!! ❤💙❤💙

  65. nil konde

    Love it 😍

  66. Wilfredo Escobar

    This is Mi song

  67. Tim Hsueh

    Bob Ross would be proud :)

  68. Cameron Mee

    When everyone sings “you’re such a heavenly view” at the end. Goosebumps

    Umair Butt

    Almost right

    Will Ritter

    I'd be honored if some old-school Coldplay fans would take a listen to my acoustic piano & vocal performances of SKY FULL OF STARS and VIVA LA VIDA on my YT channel in tribute to the masters of 21st century songwriting. Live acoustic with no autotune or digital editing. Thanks and peace.

  69. Hugo Åberg

    2014 - Listening to this song with my friends for the first time and love it2019 - Still listening to this beautiful song

  70. علي قاسم

    Very nice 2019 I love Baghdad

  71. bris dou

    cris te amo, fis yu❤️

    Cristian Canche


    Cristian Canche

    Eres un cielo, un cielo lleno de estrellas ❤️

  72. Raffaella Vagiotini


  73. Luciano

    Sdd,s verdes.


    Two days ago heard this song on islamabad eat concert performed by Abdullah Qureshi!It was Beautiful😍😍😍😘16 november 2019Edit: Still Is

    Black Tomahawk

    TOM JERRY Hi You neighbors just copying us.your nation is 100 years former then us

  75. Uwiz

    Rip avicii


    lol do you think this is Avicii?

    eating sugar no papa

    @Paasssii Avicii produced the song


    eating sugar no papa yes I know but avicci didn’t sing

  76. 林恩

    As an art student, I really love the songs of Coldplay. Since I always see colors in these songs.

  77. Abhraneil

    I hope you are happy 💐

  78. Marina Sánchez

    Que emoción debió ser haberlo visto tan cerquita. ☆


    I wish everyone in the world would love each other. Its a beautiful world out there for all of us

    Noah Shatto

    100% truth

  80. Augusto Alves

    Cadê os brasileiros aquiiii 😧😢2019

    Augusto Alves

    @isabella cristina Oi linda

    Otávio Augusto

    Estamos aqui brother

    isabella cristina

    @Augusto Alves oi

  81. Chenyang xu

    What is Art? Well, this is art!

  82. Apurbo Baidya


  83. Nurul Isti

    Eargasm. My heart full of joy. This is the real music supposed to be. 💕💕💕

  84. NoCopyrightSounds Ncs release

    música linda!

  85. derek452

    Which decade has had the best music? Personally I think 80s. But Coldplay is just too timeless.

  86. yousef khan

    This can never get old. Absolutely inspiring and satisfying. November 2019

  87. SPACE Cuchulain007

    50 likes I’ll sing this to my crush Sydnie at school.

  88. malik mohammedrehan.

    Anti Christ Activities

  89. Yesid Patiño

    Me encanta 100%

  90. Claudiberto Santos


  91. Felicia Bucur

    Incredible, amazing song and performance!!!

  92. José Eulino De Souza Eulino


  93. Md Farhan Hasin Ayon

    Lovely song

  94. Karel Bystřičan

    not very few at all

  95. Luz Martinez

    Who Is Better:*Coldplay* (Like)*Colplay* (Comment)

  96. TheCrazyOnes

    Your voice calms me, your songs heal me and you my friend is a savior to me. 😊 Thank you forever.

  97. Naufal Sholahuddin R

    Love coldplay forever

A Sky Full of Stars Şarkı Sözü
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
'Cause you light up the path
I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do ooh ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you
'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars
Such a heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view

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