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Chet Faker - The Trouble With Us

The Trouble With Us
: The Trouble With Us
: 3.42 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 98 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 59 İndirme
: 11-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Chet Faker - The Trouble With Us )
  1. Dea Magna

    I am a big fan of this and believe it’s at a forefront of electronic music. I hear influences that are similar in my music. I just released a track that captures a hearth and soul of my hometown. It’s about the love and ending the stigmas in the society.Give it a listen:

  2. Skylaw Galadriel


  3. Lotus Productions

    When this first came out Boi I listened to this every second I could 👏👌👏👌 the memories

  4. mack__man Mack

    I would go to school early and play games on my computer constantly listening to this over and over memories flowing through my mind of my life and opportunities I have had

  5. NO_CHANCE _935

    2019 STILL BANGIN💯💯✊❤️❤️

  6. Hansina Mallory


  7. Jinwoo

    미쳤다 이노래는

  8. Leeman Harrington

    that's a right bop that is

  9. lil aussie

    Type up coolnoah07 yeah it my yt channel

    lil aussie

    Yeet not yeah

  10. lil aussie

    Go type talk is cheap by chet faker

  11. Frederik Høpfner

    ok, the rapid bass picking isnt all that great, that you have to play it in every other bar. it fucking ruins a good song. im fucking getting so pissed every time i listen to the song, that i accidently ripped my bikes handlegrip apart, but the song is good even with that fucking rapid bass shit....

  12. Nai Earle

    345 dislikes??? SRSLY PEOPLE???

  13. Blue Fungis

    god damn why can't he have more songs like this! Does anyone know of more songs like this?

  14. Kaede Laura

    Uplifting with a tinge of funk! xx

  15. Santiago Lopez Quintero

    Algún latino?

  16. Corn Holeium

    :) hooray

  17. The Key of Ember

    DAMN this is good

  18. Sajmon Dano

    amazing song

  19. mr spiltjam

    turn to 1.5 speed for dance enjoyment

  20. Nia Bia The Second

    I remember listing back then.😊

  21. alicia francis

    beatiful words

  22. Ricardo Castillo

    This needs to be on spotify again :(

    Cherrix 14

    It is on Spotify if you didn't know

  23. Tracey Cooke

    More like"The trouble with cleaning my room"

  24. Ricardo Castillo

    All this EP needs to be on Spotify again


    Horizon 4

  26. Marino Popovac

    i came here because of Marcus Marr! he is underrated :/

  27. Brunnski

    Its triggering me that the B does not light up

    Alejandro Castro

    That's the trouble with you


    @Alejandro CastroLOL

  28. YourDailyDose

    when you realise this is just Seinfeld's Theme Song and you can't unhear it and then you think of the bee movie

    Amy Higgins

    omg. lol

  29. Sunshine

    uhh I need the trouble with you !! hehehe cool song like it

  30. Neves7561

    Heared this on radio....catchy af.

  31. •It'sRatchetPVP•

    COOL !!

  32. ta1kun

    pause in 1:38 is soo good

  33. cahill allen

    dicks out for harambe

  34. Ale Simioni

    remids me someone... miss him

  35. Lizzie Anne

    Can someone give me some songs that sound like this? I need more of this funky vibe in my life :)


    Daft Punk music is all about funk. Breakbot music is all about funk.

    Lizzie Anne

    +PermanentHigh any favourite songs you recommend? :)

    Eliza McMullin

    i recommend MØ or Basenji, its a bit like this but still has funk :) and MØ, i specifically recommend any song but 'Kamikaze' is pretty good and for basenji, idrk many songs,i only have listened to two becus i have been busy with finding new music but they r. like that instant love sound 'cant get enough' is a very good song by them. it may or may not be your style :/

  36. Brunnski

    I looked for this song for so long 'cause i heard it on Nova, glad I found it because its awesome

  37. hambone h

    The most sounding Daft Punk Discovery era I've heard since Discovery era Daft Punk.


    You should listen to Breakbot

  38. mahanimal

    love getting the Mamby On the Beach ad playing this song, while waiting to hear this song lol

  39. Rezende Evil

    Surprise mutherfucke

  40. Nick Owens

    Wasn't a fan of this song the first time I heard it, but it grows on me with every listen.

  41. Campio

    I'm addicted to this...

  42. kil zeroth

    I just played twice the video nearly at the same time, and it's working perfectly xD

  43. Isaac Parker

    I'm just like "heck yea this is good stuff look at those flashing letters" just jammin away and then THE ENDING TRIPPED ME OUT SO HARD

  44. Christina D.

    goddamn i cannot stop listening to this groove.

  45. Teamo Castro

    Very cool. Love it!

  46. lk10772

    Chet Faker is soooo underated

  47. Adam Robs

    Chet never disappointing

  48. Benz Nemesis

    du bon travail😉

  49. Paul Mancini

    "you let me under your dress but you wont show me your heart" How does Chet Faker have time to write and perform music while being absolutely just crushed by vagina all the time?

  50. きたあかり

    Nice song !!!

  51. Siamese Doppelganger

    This shits is fly. I'm feeling this groove baby!

  52. Laka R

    thanks triple j top 100 for leading me here

  53. Adam Watts

    chet i mean

  54. Adam Watts

    rchet faker and marcus marr work well together

  55. Doin Rocks

    Marcus Marr + Daft Punk + Jamiroquai collab PLEASE.

  56. Munkylaw

    Very nice. Makes me want to dance and funk.

  57. Devadas44

    I freaking LOVE the sound and rythme of these instruments, and Chet Fakers vocals makes it hypnotic, though last 10 sec are unusual.

  58. Arief Salim

    the amount of funky beat in this song makes me horny like a crying whore

  59. Trixy B

    I love the opaqueness of Chet's voice..... opaque your sounds man.....

  60. David Peters

    Listened to the karaoke version and it's 100 times better without your voice

  61. Dad

    Lemaitre anyone?

  62. SuperShrooms

    Can't stop listening to this! <3

  63. Scarlett Christison

    i hope it doesn't get ruined by going mainstream

  64. Maria Jorge

    melhor música❤❤❤

  65. Tiger Queen

    Love this song so much ;p

  66. Travis Bickle

    Nice track. Shame his such an arrogant fuck head in real life. No one snobs fans like Chet.

  67. Prue Davison

    At first I typed in "the problem with us" instead of the Trouble with you 》:)

  68. Progamer 123

    Best song ever 😜

  69. Seiam

    This reminds me of Daft Punk SOOOO MUUUUUUUCH IT HURTS

  70. Niels IJzerman

    Daft Punk?

  71. amalie graham

    I love that he is self hating but it sounds so good you just jam to it

  72. Sneha Koshy

    Who did this artwork??

  73. Suzy Creamcheese

    cool. but DAFT PUNK.

  74. Baudouin

    I'd rate it a solid 5/7!! <3 <3 <3

  75. jazmin mcmahon

    My friends dad knows Marcus

  76. Campbell Perkins

    i didn't know who sang this an I was just like listening to this going "NO, THIS GUY IS AMAZING HE'S AUSTRALIAN" yeh so thats me

  77. bloody blood

    When is the vinyl beign releasd? I'm very hipster

  78. Elle

    I'm addicted to this track........YEEHAW!

  79. Ross Duncan

    this is simply the song of 2015!

  80. Karr Adivi

    This deserves so many more views!

  81. Felisceano Wright

    here because of snapchat anyone?

  82. Iona Hutchinson

    Great song how have I not heard of this before ahhh! :)

  83. Naømi Welleman

    Who else came here because of Snapchat?

    jesse bloom

    +Naomi Welleman yup

  84. hazey vlogz

    I make music sounding like this, I've posted some videos on my channel, you guys should check it out<3 it just comes to you, that's what's so imaginative about it. It's "easy" but releases so much power. I love it. I love music. ❤️

  85. Anthony Boame

    great song

  86. KM Paul

    Hi,How are you? I'm a singer/songwriter from. I don't mean to bother you and I'm sorry if I did. I'm just a musician trying to get heard. Based on some of your music likes I think there may be a good chance that you will enjoy my music. If you find you enjoy it please don't forget to like/subscribe and share! Thanks so much for your time

  87. Jodi Orourke

    really good song

  88. Joshua Kiernan

    The music reminds me of Daft Punk


    +Joshua Kiernan yeah like daft punk had a child with jamiroquai :D


    I just said that to my mate today! Haha

  89. Денис Беломоин

    just like everybodyloved bestyeared Duft Punk 👌go on perfecting guitar 🎸 solo

  90. Sofia Calderon

    In fucking love with this shit.

  91. Alexander Moore

    Triple J

  92. archie calder

    I will never accept that it is "you let me under your chest" it's "you let me under your dress"

  93. Natasha Benbrook

    I love this song ❤️❤️❤️

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