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Bruno Mars - Grenade

: Grenade
: 3.60 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 263 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 131 İndirme
: 07-01-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Bruno Mars - Grenade )
  1. Jessica Smith

    I feel sorry for any guys going through this.

  2. IIucky

    I never knew what this song meant until now

  3. Kerlange Francillon

    I really miss Bruno Mars when his hair looked like this

  4. Foozy Woozy

    Bruno mars knew the girl didn't like him he even admitted in the song "you wouldn't do the same".

  5. David Mack

    Some one break his heart again so we can get the old him back

  6. Noneya Business

    Would you walk on legos for her?? DON DON DON THE REAL QUESTION

  7. Eric Waterson

    Is it weird just wanting the urge to listen to old songs

  8. Antonio Capitanio

    2010: Lies!😂2019: Truth😭💔

  9. Ahsan khan

    nov 2019?

  10. Erman iskender

    who is listening in November 2019 ? SMASH THAT MADIFAKİN LIKE BUTTON aptal orospu çocuğu ilgi manyakları :))))

  11. Potterhead Girl

    when i was 5 years old i listened that song. now i am 14. nice i like his songs

  12. Joan Abbynewman

    2019?💕 I love this!🥰

  13. Benjamin McGowan


  14. ardy dadang

    nov 2019

  15. Latonya Rawlins

    How are you today and tonight

  16. Latonya Rawlins

    Hi there

  17. Luis Faira

    Ela me abandonou

  18. Luis Faira

    Eu perdi minha esposa namorada o nome dela é Lorena Cristina por causa dessa música do Bruno Mars

  19. Yasmeen Hyder

    Awesome voice

  20. KingNathann

    Who else is on a Nostalgia Anthem ?

  21. Luis Vazquez

    Anyone else just listening to old songs?

  22. Jonathan

    No ones gives a absurd flying fuck about what year your listening this song *ITS A REALLY GOOD SONG we get it*

  23. Are wan

    Nov 2019?

  24. Gamer 11996

    I miss old songs like these

  25. Dani Sugar

    2020 anyone

  26. Imel dentist

    november 2019

  27. Ludivin Estevez

    This song hits me so hard in my heart 😔😔😔😔😔😔

  28. ede García

    Would he eat a piano for her

  29. XxMoonlight_BearxXm

    So I heard this song on the radio and then I liked it SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. But when I saw the music video I was like "Damn this is heart breaking" then I started crying because the music video is so sad. But I still like ke the song though. Actually ai don't like it... I love it

  30. Mason Chase

    Bruno Mars got talent

  31. Dominic Nugget

    I’m honestly confused, why is he dragging a piano?


    He'd do anything for her

  32. Alexander Bertisch

    Is it just me or is that the girl from just the way you are

  33. Shifty_default

    Who else is watching in November 2019


    That is so sad 😣😥😥😭😢😢😢

  35. VichVich Channel

    1 like 1 pray for bruno

  36. Gina Shallyna

    Hahahaahhah ini lebih lucu lagi hahahahaahah so you will catch grenade for me, so if you cheat please catch the grenade for me hahahaahah lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you know me I wont do the same hahahahaha lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  37. lộc phú

    2019 . Hello

  38. Carrot Guy

    Wait but if he knew she was unfaithful... Why would he pull a piano around?

  39. Bayron Baeza Davis

    Anyone could help me? because Ludovico Einaudi has a song which name is "Grenade" and the same melody. Then, who wrote it first? or, which one of them copied the sound of the melody? since it sounds the same.

  40. harry mermaid

    wh0 c0mmented 0n this in 2010 and n0w in 2019

  41. poetyc

    Claim your mark now Who’s her before 1B views 👇👇👇

  42. Gewoon Bas VB!

    Wow, this song is almost 9 years old! Time goes fast!Edit : I don't know why I say this cause I'm only 13 years old.

  43. sara Hamoumi

    Who else is just randomly listening to old songs?

  44. sara Hamoumi

    Me in 2010: What tf is he doing with that piano?🤨🤨🤨Me in 2019: Omg the lyrics are so deep😭😭😭

  45. sara Hamoumi

    My 7 year old ass didn't know the song was so deep🤦‍♀️

  46. Acid Trips1125

    Anyone watching in 300 B.C!?!?!?

  47. Lorena Hatton

    Who is better Like:Bruno Mars comment:Shawn Mendes

  48. Tiến Huỳnh Gốm

    9 year ... i still listen your music ... From VietNam we wait you come here ... Love you x 3000

  49. Love Morgannn

    But you WILL NEVER EVER do the say☹️😩

  50. Damyanae Gross

    Like every time I watch this I 😢

  51. yuu tatsumi

    That was so hart broken

  52. Blue Gurl

    The question is will he catch her or a kitten or even a puppy..?Dramitic music~no one will know.. mybe cause he just caught the grenade..

  53. H30_ panda

    2010 me: yo this song is good even if I don’t know what it means.2019 me: bro...

  54. Vita Ristiani

    Apik tenan ges....

  55. axman4711

    First I thought lol what piece of shit is this...Now I understand and cry

  56. Nana nenette

    This song 💗🎶❤️🔥

  57. Dolores Lopez

    Who would break up with a famous personBruh😿

  58. Igor Calek

    Novembroooo 2019

  59. Mzacky Charles

    And now 2019

  60. Allan Chasara

    Wow i love this

  61. Mulan Phyllis


  62. GachaOMGdaty Playz

    Hi peter gene Hernandez

  63. Rosalia wow

    Quien escucha esta rolita. noviembre 2019😍

  64. Sarah Frazier

    Dang bruno mars screaming grenade thats ok but when i did it in the mall everyone screamed and ran

  65. Ali Rahn

    i love this song. the Grenade song. i love this song too:

  66. Candace Hughes

    Carlos santana grandson is my husband.

  67. Candace Hughes

    My husband

  68. Coeur Magtoto

    who came here after jaeger caught the grenade?

  69. Bhavesh Kumar

    Bhavesh always cool 😎

  70. Pascha

    Fuck Love guys i don’t need that no more just fucking Stress believe me that girl ain’t loving you no more fam she never did believe me or not ...

  71. ꧂ الحـان꧂

    هل م̷ـــِْن عربـي هنا 🌚😂((عراقييين))

  72. Bunix 1912

    Bruno Mars dragged a piano to her house and she didn't even run down to see him. she looked like,"Duh..."

  73. Anggiefa photo

    mas bruno

  74. hazel

    this song is so deep wth

  75. namiki kimura

    I'm just fucking plaastered and i love listening to it fuck yeah

  76. namiki kimura

    you know i can't help but singing along but as soon i heard my own voice it's just fucking horrible lol

  77. Austin Scheock

    I LOVE BRUNO MARS comment if you agree

  78. Sarah Frazier

    2:36 i think he answered if i will ever get in a relationship

  79. GachaOMGdaty Playz

    Who’s better Bruno Mars=commetMichael Jackson=like

    Valiant Frostbyte

    Duh Bruno Mars

  80. Aaron Da Oofer Group

    whos listening to this in 2019

  81. ____

    bruno: has your eyes wide open...grade 4 me: 🥺 why were they open..

  82. Alexander Bertisch

    Thats tragic

  83. Masta nASTY

    One day I will feel this type of love....SIKE...I LIED

  84. Night_ EmeraldYT

    I miss old Bruno's songs they had more meaning.

    Majestic Tv

    Night_ EmeraldYT no

  85. Anuntalo Siriphan

    that would me me when my girlfriend cheat on me

  86. Nhlanhla Justin


  87. Ryan

    The Hispanic guys scene was great and they look very cool!

  88. Boss_zaken

    "but you wont do the same" THIS IS A LINE AND A HALF woww

  89. Katharina W.

    Best song ever😍❤

  90. Luiza Alves


  91. Savanna YellowBird Steele

    this song makes me cry

    Katharina W.


  92. Zavier Herrer

    Anyone else miss when the comment section wasn't a calendar

    Fornite Goat

    Zavier Herrer yah

  93. Ali Salah Al-Deen

    How many people are watching the song in 2019 November 😂

    Katharina W.


  94. brian kiplimo

    Good old music,unlike today where i only hear bitches and money and drugs.SMHNOVEMBER 1 2019

  95. Gachastorm2727

    This is the best song of all time!!!

Grenade Şarkı Sözü
Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live oh

Take, take, take it all, but you never give

Should have known you was trouble from the first kissHad your eyes wide open,

Why were they open?

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash

You tossed it in the trash, you did

To give me all your love is all I ever asked 'cause

What you don't understand is I'd catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah)

Throw my head on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah)

I'd jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah)

You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah)

Oh oh, I would go through all this pain

Take a bullet straight through my brain

Yes, I would die for ya baby

But you won't do the same

No, no, no, no

Black, black, black and blue,

Beat me 'til I'm numb,

Tell the devil I said 'hey' when you get back to where you're from

Mad woman, bad woman

That's just what you are,

Yeah you'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash

You tossed it in the trash, yes you did

To give me all your love is all I ever asked

'Cause what you don't understand is

I'd catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah)

Throw my head on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah)

I'd jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah)

You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah)

Oh oh, I would go through all this pain,

Take a bullet straight through my brain,

Yes, I would die for ya baby,

But you won't do the same

If my body was on fire,

Oh you'd watch me burn down in flames

You said you loved me you're a liar 'cause you never,

Ever, ever did baby

But darling I'll still catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah)

Throw my head on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah)

I'd jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah)

You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah)

Oh oh I would go through all this pain

Take a bullet straight through my brain

Yes, I would die for ya baby

But you won't do the same

No, you won't do the same

You wouldn't do the same

Oh, you'll never do the same

No, no, no, no

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