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Bob Marley - Three Little Birds

Three Little Birds
: Three Little Birds
: 2.76 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 234 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 124 İndirme
: 01-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Bob Marley - Three Little Birds )
  1. Pedro Firenze

    Someone high?

  2. Ned Flanders

    Chelsea fans vs Ajax 😍

  3. Chino Manrique

    Lindo sábado aquí en lima Perú full bob marley

  4. Sr KogoTM


  5. Kara Deniz

    11.000 Noobs

  6. Ronald Bett

    Ajax of Amsterdam. I haven't forgotten you yet, you belonged to the finals

  7. XxFluffy BunnyxX

    Me with depression and anxiety: now this, this puts a smile on my face

  8. Liamawsome epic

    In 1999 when I was going through some shxt I would put this tune on and suddenly everything was alright



  10. Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon


  11. Daniel DH Franco

    november 2019 ??? like 3000

  12. Kickers tuto 67

    Ajax ❤️

  13. Márton Kőkuti

    I m just listening this because i was really sad

  14. jamie bates

    Blaze for bob


    They tought me about bob marley in year 4

  16. ya BOy

    its my day wake up song =) this guy makes me so happy =)

  17. Gwennaelle Peron


  18. Josh Hilton

    I'm more of a metal fan I like slipknot n bands like that but it's nice to have a break from it and listen to other music such as Bob marley

  19. Keran john Lunn

    RIP Bob Marley

  20. Jamey Kikon

    Anyone in October 2019??😊

    Ella Mack

    November lmao patiently waiting for Shane's palette

  21. Melborne Trim

    This song is old but GOLD 😎

  22. jada rideoutt

    Who listening this in November 2019 like for r.i.p for bob



  23. SteVeN Hn

    Muy chida y todo pero alguien sabe ingles q me enseñe

  24. hassan libaan

    I remember when youtube comments were normal and not a calendar

  25. Gareth Belton

    LFC Madrid 2019

  26. Gregory Jurgens



    who october 30 "2019" ('_ -_-)

  28. Joao Gabriel

    Ontem escutei essa música com minha irmã de 1 ano e 5 meses, nunca vi uma criança ficar durante 3 minutos vidrada na cara do Bob Marley

  29. Nick Pitogyro

    November 2019??

  30. Skipping Tax

    Amsterdam arena hairs stand Up when you guys sing this GG

  31. Febbian Alam

    please return bob and i will give justin bieber to god

  32. simon Fredskov

    am high

  33. Pebri Kurniawan

    30 okt 2019 from indonesia 🇮🇩

  34. Didi Tue


  35. Waweru Maina


  36. AbodiXQ

    nice songs

  37. smiley satanson

    Me: oh good Marley song *clicks on video*Ad: *plays unskipable mobile ad*Me: *pissed off noises*

  38. Riany Rahman

    paling menyala

  39. Andry Cheeky Drii

    Dont worry about a thing. R.I.P BOB MARLEY #reggae #rasta

  40. Jack Wilson

    Doctor: you have 30 minutes to live Me: Plays this 10 times

    Dean Hutchinson

    The second hand on my watch is stuck and I don't mind the time lol


    Who is listening this in october 2019??

    Sunny A.

    Damn.. why not give a thumbs up at Albert Roos or one of the many, many, many others asking the same question. Btw: it is october '19, so far so good.. I was here in 2009 the last time. I dont listen, just read comments. Whats the use of listening to Bob Marley when you can ask yourself: am I the only one listening to this? O man you'r giving me a headache after a long day.... please, ask something else. I'll tell you something: I am smoking pot at the moment, do you? If not: go get some, this is Bob Marley!!!!

  42. Carabrown

    From The voice Thailand 2019 !!!

  43. Marcelo Cattani

    MACONHA !!!!!!!

  44. Ur_mom_ gay

    Hey man,where those lyrics at?

  45. dark coração

  46. JOEY MCC

    Monday October 28 2019

  47. Dayvid Alves

    Para de rir aleek garaio

  48. patrick goes

    Best song in the world peace for every body👊✌✌✌✌

  49. Trollman Niquelapolice

    "Singin' don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right"

  50. Mauro Monteiro

    Viva o Bob Marley e a maconha

  51. Ádám Végh

    Zombieland 2 anyone? 🤔

  52. Phillip Brad

    One of my best mates got buried to this

  53. dony kurniawan

    See 26 oct 2019 at 23 , 15 pm

  54. theoida

    seey you in 1978 still see you

  55. XxX XxX

    русских нету(

  56. Vitor Albertassi

    i´m yong, bud i like so much BOB MARLEY

  57. Nitro Gabanakgotla

    who is here because they love timeless music?

  58. Nelson Jimenez

    October 2019

  59. Goku Senpai

    High how are u?

  60. Vinicius oliveira

    Música da porra

  61. ahmedez gureyjr

    “live for yourself and you'll live in, live for others and you'll live again". Robert nesta Marley. And indeed Bob is still living in us. Rest in eternal peace rasta. Jah bless.

  62. C0sm0s 2028


  63. Error 420

    Singing : Don't worry about the ink! Everything's you printed Gonna be all white...

  64. Noëlle Van Olderen

    AJAAXXXXX ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

  65. Vitor Oliveira

    Obrigado por vc ter decidido cantar

  66. Shevahn Hemi-Rewi

    who else is listening to this in October xD

  67. 37diamond

    what? No lyrics

  68. Heycel Vega Mondoy

    te qui ero

  69. Paola Gonzalez

    Who listen this song since shark tale 😬😬

  70. TheGamerBoy1192

    I got a song recommendation from my friend bout this

  71. FieldMarshal Phantom

    Jamaica.... such relaxation...

  72. Armin4Real

    Whos watching when stoned?

    Reggea Shark

    Whos not mann, whos not? 😂


    Weed man 420 True

    Reggea Shark

    @Armin4Real yeeeeeeeah 😂😂😂😂

  73. Shams Z

    anyone from justinguitar?

  74. P W

    bob marley is the best singer because the song reminds me of birds

  75. Fraser Mitchell

    chillin man just chillin

  76. LauriOsa Always

    This song always reminds me of I am legend

  77. Nickoy Skinner

    October 2019?

  78. Mohamed Shajith


  79. diego d dragon

    Me : stressfulBob : dont wory Me :k

  80. Elvis Cochito

    esta rolita se escucha chida con los efectos de la salvia

  81. Matthias Verlinden

    Ajax Song ❌❌❌

  82. Peter Murphy

    Just wandering if this would be suitable to play at my dear wife’s funeral?

    Gemma Grace

    It was played today at the funeral for a dear friend of mine, so yes it's suitable.

  83. Ana Mirianashvili

    oh it's so good song

  84. szotyi 81

    DONT WORY ABOUT A THING i learnt this in school IM STILL IN SCHOOL IM 8

  85. Zaben Carter

    Always october 20:10:2019

  86. shark eating a seal

    The perfect song for a rainy squidly day

  87. ACEOne 23

    There was 4? :®

  88. Morgan Collins

    When you sing don't worry about a thing and hear a crowd continue the song

  89. nospam muppet

    As an old white English gammon, Mr B marley is my one insite to heaven.

  90. Hafizuddin Halid

    October 2019

  91. Kornius Nzn

    Gooooooood shit.

  92. Quenten Philip

    Incredible .... Genius 🤙

  93. Quita

    Always and forever✊❤❤

  94. samutotoso XD

    - Three Little Birds

  95. eon s

    I Am Legend

Three Little Birds Şarkı Sözü
Bob Marley Three Little Birds Sözleri

"Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"

Rise up this mornin',
Smiled with the risin' sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin', ("This is my message to you-ou-ou:")

Singin': "Don't worry 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
Singin': "Don't worry (don't worry) 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"

Rise up this mornin', Smiled with the risin' sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin', "This is my message to you-ou-ou:"

Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh!
Every little thing gonna be all right. Don't worry!"
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing" - I won't worry!
"'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."

Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right" - I won't worry!
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, oh no!
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!

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