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Bob Marley - Natural Mystic

Natural Mystic
: Natural Mystic
: 3.89 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 136 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 96 İndirme
: 01-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Bob Marley - Natural Mystic )
  1. Daniel Lima

    Bob mostro

    Daniel Lima

    Eu tinha um cachorro q o nome era bob marley 😴😂🍁

  2. Aja Graham

    Yaaaaa@sss!!!!! 2019. prophecy. They tried to b make him a political Nuance. Political leader. He just wanted music.

  3. Minatsus Kos

    Γειά σου θείε Μποπ!!

  4. Day Salles

    ♡ Brasil te ama bob!

  5. Richard Thomsen

    The way Marley shouts "Yeah" at 0:02 , you feel it comes from conviction! Deep from the inside. Truthful lyrics, heartfelt performance. I love Bob Marley.

  6. MoDo LITMAN


  7. Justin Walker

    3 Things That Happened To Me Today:My Friend Said He Disliked Bob MarleyHe Got Hit By A BusI Lost My Bus Driving License

    darius turnquest

    lololol hilarious

  8. Richard Thomsen

    Wahrheit, die zeitlos gesprochen wird. Bob Marley speaks timeless truth. One love!!

  9. Bacha Merouane

    The best

  10. Andrey Torezani

    Bob Marley . A lenda . Quem acha da likee.

  11. Erick MontesDados

    21/10/2019. El rey vive. Babylon quedó atrás.

  12. VST Monster

    Fire na bomba

  13. Ali Mohamed


  14. Maria Clara Freitas

    Outubro tamo on 🇯🇲🇯🇲🇧🇷

  15. Marcio Guimarães


  16. Franco Atzori

    Bob marley stibt nie,er wird für immer und ewig unter uns sein der KÖNIG OF REAGEA

  17. Franco Atzori

    The man of the world the king of reagea the king

  18. Tadeu Beats

    11/10/19/ 23:32 eu tô aqui cas burguesa

  19. Henrique Pipa

    Galera... Esse som será eterno... Não só em 2019 2020 2021... Será pra sempre quem é raíz

  20. Facundo Blanco

    Alguien de San Carlos de Bariloche para juntarnos a fumar un churro y tomar un ferne?

  21. Tevon Raynor

    Things are not they way they use to be, I wouldn't tell no lie. 🖤💚💛💓#BabylonFallen

  22. John Emerick

    Yeah !!!🙏 subbed

  23. Andrea Gargiulo

    '77<3<3 I from '96 <3<3

  24. Jefferson Pereira

    Mostro rei do reggae

  25. tedi boy

    Who's listening bob in 2k19

  26. Alex Sidibe

    Ja dor le rege

  27. Diego Uribe

    Soy colombiano y el es mi cantante favorito 2019

  28. marie popez

    senateur de poy

  29. Mariana Scremim

    90% dos comentários é isso aqui: 2019 2019?

  30. Hércules Mignanelli


  31. F lowers


  32. bmbenja

    La mjor musica para estudiar y para la vida 😎🤙🏿

  33. Maria Vitoria

    O único rei do reggae sempre será

  34. James Neary

    My favorite..... love you Bobby....

  35. Bartoloporonga

    ¿Alguien en 2024?

  36. power

    If your listing to this you have a great taste in music 🎶

  37. Hércules Mignanelli

    Jesus é tudo para nós família cristã a paz de deus família de Cristo a paz fiquem com senhor a paz de deus quê deus nos abençoe.

  38. Hércules Mignanelli

    Jesus é tudo para nossas vidas gente. Cristã.

  39. Hércules Mignanelli

    Jesus nos ama Brasil.

  40. Alexander Farrel

    From Indonesia 🇲🇨✌( I❤ REGGAE ✌)


    I am indonesia, keurennnnn bob marley legend

  42. Alexander Bryant


  43. skilinho zoro


  44. vugo Samurai Silva

    samurai Silva escutando em 2019 😎😶🍃✌👊

  45. oG Killuminati

    2019 quem tá conectado comigo??? vibe positiva

  46. Juan COR

    Alguien en 2050?

  47. ꧁༺Evεłłყห Sคd༺꧂


  48. Gustavo Coello

    People who tapped 'dislike' are just sad people.

  49. eddie b

    Man what I would do to see this song live and smoke a fat joint

  50. John L

    Salve o rei dos reis, senhor dos senhores, o conquistador da tribo de Judá, Jah rastafari!!!!!!

  51. home us

    Who else here on September 2019?

  52. Julio Cesar

    Voooooouu Mais Alem .... alguem?setembro de 2019

  53. Houssam eddin Karbi


  54. Italo Luis

    Reiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lendaaaaaaaaaa

  55. geruzza bispo

    Foda demais❤️

  56. George Washington Coutinho


  57. Ch*xx

    Alguém ouvido em quanto fuma ☝️

  58. Skrillex

    chapadao e escutando o rei🙊

  59. david 20

    Alguem de 2012

  60. Nino Araújo

    Por que uma galera fica perguntando 2019 alguém escutando? Se o som do Rei do reggae é eterno 🤔

  61. cristian de jesus

    Youtube apenas se estaba creando xd

  62. Gnagna Sidibé

    Un ans avant sa mort

  63. Sandro Fernandes

    Tai uma musica q nunca morre Rei Bob Marley Eterno!!!

  64. José Bonanno

    yeah natural mystic!

  65. Fabio Rehling

    King of Reggae🇯🇲🔥

  66. Moha Abad

    I love bob

  67. Eudo Rodriguez

    Después de mucho tiempo. .... Y al volver a escuchar Está canción. ... El vínculo es el mismo yo siendo parte de la naturaleza mística. ....

  68. Pourebe Mounkoro

    Good my father

  69. Neville Cawas Bardoliwalla OBE

    Love Rasta

  70. Pamella Trindade

    Fumando aquele🚬❤️

  71. Pamella Trindade

    2019 alguém?

  72. Jahir Castañeda

    2020 paso por un mal momento, acabo de conseguir un toque y esta fue la canción mas perfecta para el momento... Larga vida al Rey

  73. soneca capa

    Alguém aí vai ouvir para sempre essa lenda

  74. Rogerio modesto

    16-08-2019 The lendRasta,o melhor e insubstituível Eterno Bob Marley 🇧🇴 que som gostoso de ouvir...

  75. Chicken Connoisseur's dad


  76. Mateusz Szcześniak

    2019 ♥️

  77. Zakia Gmira

    From morocco 2019 😘

  78. Vitoria Alves

    2019 ❤️

  79. Андрей Киля


  80. INKmarse

    Gives me chills 😁

  81. Ahmad Jayay

    الله يرمحا روح

  82. Mabor Telar

    Watching from South Sudan 🇸🇸( East Africa) 2019.

  83. Estefanie Henrique


  84. frederic thaurignac

    Avec un peu de ciboulette con ......!!!!!

  85. Augustine wamalwa

    i feel motivated with this king

  86. narkotik 27

    The King 🍁🎶

  87. pamoo bukan kaleng kerupuk AY'FAHMI JACKSSEN

    King of reggae bob marley uye my legend

  88. pamoo bukan kaleng kerupuk AY'FAHMI JACKSSEN

    Uye uye woyo bob marley my legend 👍👍

  89. Call me Sylvester

    one love rasta 2019 bless up

  90. Michelle Chudley

    I Feel Like There is a Natural Mystic Blowing Through The Air Right Now!

  91. Caleb Saturnini De Britto

    Orgulho de ser afrodescdente!!!

  92. I-T iyah man

    Bob Marley a prophet 4 mankind

  93. I-T iyah man

    🇺🇸 today 8 7 2019

  94. Stelli Angel

    Wich year?

  95. Elisabetta Manicone


Natural Mystic Şarkı Sözü
Bob Marley Natural Mystic Sözleri

There's a natural mystic blowing through the air;
If you listen carefully now you will hear.
This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last:
Many more will have to suffer,
Many more will have to die - don't ask me why.

Things are not the way they used to be,
I won't tell no lie;
One and all have to face reality now.
'Though I've tried to find the answer to all the questions they ask.
'Though I know it's impossible to go livin' through the past -
Don't tell no lie.

There's a natural mystic blowing through the air -
Can't keep them down -
If you listen carefully now you will hear.
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air.

This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last:
Many more will have to suffer,
Many more will have to die - don't ask me why.

There's a natural mystic blowing through the air -
I won't tell no lie;
If you listen carefully now you will hear:
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air.
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air;
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air;
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air;
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air;
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air.

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