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Bob Marley - No Women no Cry

No Women no Cry
: No Women no Cry
: 6.66 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 158 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 120 İndirme
: 01-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Bob Marley - No Women no Cry )
  1. Jewel Grier


  2. Claudia Gonzalez


  3. Scotty Cosmos

    A Legend

  4. Emre Can Ünal

    01.11.2019 21.03 Polonyada birbirini tanımayan üç yabancıydık aynı odada, birleştirdin ruhlarımızı, büyüksün!

  5. TrampolineTricks

    kanker harde poekoe

  6. Pedro Manuel Rendón

    This song is simply amazing!!! I made an instrumental cover on violin & harmonica. I'd be really thankful if you could check it out on my channel! 😁😁😁

  7. Rezza Kurnia

    I from Indonesia,and i'm 18 teras old,I just wanna say 'I LOVE THIS SONG'

  8. 이승건

    노.원먼노 크라이.!!!여인이여 울지마라.!!!울면 슬프다..!!!!

  9. Cristian Contreras

    Este si es talento, no como Ke keneth

  10. けんちゃんチャンネル


  11. Cassandra De Medeiros

    I love this man. May he Rest In Internal peace!!!

  12. Topsy Cret

    📲*00212.645.75.23.01* *whatapps*📲شــبــاب🙋‍♂️ لاحــظــت كـثـيـر كـومـنـتـات عـن تــكــبــيــر الــقــضــيــب وضـعـف الانـتـصـاب وسـرعـة الـقـذفولا يـهـمـك😉 تــواصــلــو مــع الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الــلــي نـصـحـنـي بـوصـفـة اسـتـعـمـلـتـهـا كـم أســبــوع وحــصــلــت عـلـى نـتـايـج مـذهـلـة🤩🥳الـلـي عــايــز الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ يــتــواصــل مــعــه الـواتـسـاب *00212645752301*📲

  13. roger

    who disliked this? how do you dislike this??


    roger pump's fans

    Efe Petrushka

    FL MUSIC who the hell even is that?

  14. Antonio Nicolas

    Feminists where ya triggered booties at??

  15. alllives

    2019 No man no fap

  16. Sandra Guzman

    he"s the best...sons too

  17. Tochi Cochran

    Yah bless the Prophet

  18. Ahmed Isaaq

    Rip bob marley No woman no life

  19. Dolman Eff

    not the original version, this was a live version recorded in London! Boss though!!

  20. Peppe il tuco


  21. Enrique Salomon

    Who's still listening? 2019 :)

  22. Utku Oğuz

    27.10.2019. Saat 5.26. Civcivle birlikte No women No cry'ın anlamını tartıştığımız derin saatler. Seviliyorsun bob amca <3

  23. Jose Miguel Jimenez

    A pesar del tiempo sigue siendo una leyenda viviente.

  24. Shim Panjihitam

    Salam from SULU

  25. Sasha Scifres

    Good friends. ❤️

  26. Richard Scott

    No woman no Cry But I cried when bob Marley died Rip bob marly

  27. Abdul Rhaim Juma

    RIP BOB and TUPAC after u this generation ( Oreo Nutella) Old is always gold

  28. Zé da muraia

    É maconha doido

  29. MDLP


  30. Santosh Lama

    Bob Marley forever No shitty Bieber No shitty Mendes No shitty Gomez No shitty BTSNo shitty modern popJust classic Marley.

  31. Sir Toast

    Peace for the world guys!!


    11:43 pmIn need of some hippie positivity :) .

  33. Hüseyin Mertoğlu

    Bir yıldız gibi kayar giderim hayatından yapacağın tek şey Dilek tutmak olurBob Marley

  34. Myn Myn

    There are a few women's whom you would cry for.... Your mother... Your wife if she dies for some reason

  35. Anosh Savangouda

    His quotes are best

  36. El Sabino

    Wonder what bob would say to Trump?

  37. Rachel Grenadier

    That is me screaming in the middle of the song (at the live concert in D.C.). Album credits incorrectly gave this song as being recorded at the Philly show).

  38. Enrique Ruvalcaba

    A mi abuela le gusta

  39. B99 B

    Good Song for you joke.

  40. Theodore DeHart

    My dad said he saw him play once, says he never smoked weed. Yeah right!

    John V. England

    I listen to Bob Marley and I hate weed. I did try it though.

  41. Davo Petrosyan


  42. Kaden Talosaga

    im 14 and will never stop listening to bob marley

  43. mya mamazza

    I will never be disrespectful to anybody again while listing to him 😞

  44. Econ Econ

    October 2019

    Elliot Björck

    No one cares

  45. USTA PLayeR

    Izindeyiz bob baba odam kireç tutmuyor

  46. Phil 9ja

    third trimester of the year 2019? still listening

  47. QQminusS

    Find me a man who if he cries cries dishonestly before he screams and moans to Queequeg’s penis in his butthole.


    Dogs= wuff wuff Cats= meow meowIdiots= 2019 ? 2019?


    2019 ? ah wait...

    duncan janse van vuuren

    2019 ? You can answer it next year I don't care

    Hamid Juma

    No woman no cary

    Jesper Andersen

    Haha xD Good one.. so tired of all those "anyone here in "year"? .. like really.. can't u comment something good that might get likes? :DSo yea this comment deserves a like ;D

  49. Hannes Marach

    This is abseloudly a nice Oldie

  50. Aashish Gajbe

    I want to born again. 1980s

    How I wish I lived with hippies

  51. Zzz ॐ

    Só eu que vou tá escutando em 2020?

  52. Jeni Moena

    Ablen bien par de weones

  53. Titan Gdroga


  54. Maximilian Wohler


  55. Sailor Mum

    Bob Marley says this music will find the right people and get bigger and bigger

  56. John Edmunds

    Check out the Micro Caruso mix to this timeless classic.

  57. Arthur silva

    Alguém 2019 ?

  58. Benny Blanco

    My jam. On it right now right after my crappy vaca 😢

  59. Anita Dost

    No one I know dislikes Bob

  60. 허무주의

    I've hear his song for the first time in a radio...I cant forget his voice and soul..

  61. Oskar Alfandi

    Me Indonesia

  62. Moel Cold

    Orang indo like👍

  63. Nathalia Sales

    Maconheiro 🚭

  64. Uma pessoa qualquer

    Eu tinha um amigo que escutava essa música enguanto usava droga

  65. ALANA Moore

    Good morning

  66. ladonias barbosa

    Não mulher não chore mais... 🇧🇷🇧🇷

  67. Max Viponnegi


  68. Karolliny Vittória

    No woman no cry 🎧🎶💚💛❤

  69. Benson Saavedra

    This lovely BobMarley is going to get me through the tough times!

  70. David Cortes olvera


  71. Andrew Chuprevich

    I love you mom, 😎

  72. jules ju

    As a white man, I love Bob he sings true from the arms of slavery my people came from England we worked in mills all day and night, we could not feed our babies our milk and so they died lots. But you Bob stand up for the slave and it don't have colour but man taken advantage off together we shall take those out who have done this. The same family's who have ruled this world from the beginning of time . We do know who you are, it's only time we make that stop! The Bible call you out! The feithfton.,only a matter of time x

  73. Eylül Çim

    Hey Monica Geller are u here?

  74. Michele Zhang

    IS Beer or Rum illegal on Jamaican beaches because of a white association? LOL ...... :) why entrench? God wants people to live fully....

  75. Michele Zhang

    Islam is no religion it is white washing. Amo Isreal how we can forget the great Italian restaurants by the beach and waterside. Burque for women no cry..... Birka Sweden...... Pork is not good for my son with a clean shaven face in Atlanta because Islami do not have a butcher shop and charged extra for maggots??? Women no cry. ..... god forbids eating pork.... the Chinese are humble and ornamental.... we too know how to bend over and kneel and stick our ass in the air and kow- tow however Chinese bow not kow-tow that is Japanese! Shinto - to our god.... women no cry..... NBA is gone and Nascar is gone women where is my ham steak and bacon for sunny side up eggs? never mind I WON"T BOTHER YOU and make it myself..... son don't cry! World why be taught to care? I am not going around as a shut in phonetically aligning myself with Mohamed to keep some Isreali women from crying because of brother against brother during the change of weather. Why care go ahead and cry! The just want Hawaii and no pork! Religion! White people always regulate others because the want too. You are free! Free to be! Why believe.

  76. Dražen Antolković

    Majstor, live good pheople,whath friends are besser?

  77. Darlene Castelo

    No, woman, no cryNo, woman, no cryNo, woman, no cryNo, woman, no cry'Cause, 'cause, 'cause I remember when we used to sitIn the government yard in TrenchtownOba observing the 'ypocritesMingle with the good people we meetGood friends we have, oh, good friends we've lostAlong the wayIn this great future, you can't forget your pastSo dry your tears, I sehNo, woman, no cryNo, woman, no cry'Ere, little darlin', don't shed no tearsNo, woman, no crySaid, said, said, I remember when-a we used to sitIn the government yard in TrenchtownAnd then Georgie would make the fire lights, I sehA log wood burnin' through the nightThen we would cook cornmeal porridge, I sehOf which I'll share with youMy feet is my only carriageAnd so I've got to push on throughBut while I'm goneEverything's gonna be all rightEverything's gonna be all rightEverything's gonna be all rightEverything's gonna be all rightEverything's gonna be all rightEverything's gonna be all rightEverything's gonna be all rightEverything's gonna be all rightSo no woman, no cryNo woman, no cryI say, oh little oh little darling, don't shed no tearsNo woman, no cryNo woman, no woman, no woman, no cryNo woman, no cry, one more time I've got to sayOh little little darling, please don't shed no tearsNo woman, no cryNo woman, no woman no cry

  78. Gepard mic

    He still thy to cam us after his own dead. This number bring me back.

  79. Rıdvan Arslan

    Kraaal anlamıyorum ama iyisin

  80. ВР

    Одна из песен всех времён и народов


    ВР да, брат один из лучших

  81. Riccardo Seri

    the title is wrong is No woman no cry"

  82. Ronaldo Renalis

    Song still on repeat in 2019🇬🇭🔥 rip legend

  83. jose paulo

    Inesquecível música linda q jamais será esquecida.

  84. Tracy Mcdonald

    Love you Bob!

  85. mili rokan


  86. S O U L i

    Hello from “friends “ .

  87. daniel Hernandez

    💚💛❤️ R.I.P. Bob Marley may you be remembered for the rest of time

  88. Jeff Kocher

    Back in 2013 I was listening to this song on a catamaran in Costa Rica with my wife and daughter watching the sunset and it was the best day of my life. This was a year after my wife suffered a severe stroke and a few months later my mother died from a massive stroke.

  89. Caaliya Sabtow

    Hou se 2019 plz lake me

  90. Mr Mr

    Forever and ever

  91. game game

    Me indonesia 👍

  92. Erica Vitoria

    Alguem aqui fala portugues ???!

  93. Daniel Teran

    Is it true that Bob Marley used to beat up his women´s?

  94. jasminmaria2

    Ola from Brazil. So nice music.

  95. Peter Clemenza

    Best song ! No woman no cry !🖤

  96. brob

    Anyone watching in 2003?

No Women no Cry Şarkı Sözü
Boney M.

Take The Heat Off Me

No Woman No Cry

Original version 1975 by bob marley & the wailers

No woman no cry

No woman no cry

No woman no cry

No woman no cry

Cause i remember when we used to sit

In a government yard in trenchtown

Observing the hypocrites

Mingle with the good people we meet

Good friends we have, now

Good friends we have lost

Along the way

In this great future,

You can't forget your past

So dry your tears, i say

No woman no cry

No woman no cry

Oh little darling, don't shed no tears

No woman no cry

Cause i remember when we used to sit

In the government yard in trenchtown

When georgie would make the fire lights

I say, log would burnin' through the nights

Then we would cook cornmeal porridge

Of which i'll share with you

My feet is my only carriage

So i've got to push on thru,

And while i'm gone

Everything 's gonna be alright

Everything 's gonna be alright

Everything 's gonna be alright now

Everything 's gonna be alright

Everything 's gonna be alright now

No woman no cry

No woman no cry

No woman no cry

No woman no cry

No woman no cry

Oh little darlin' don't shed no tears

No woman no cry

Oh little darlin' don't shed no tears

No woman no cry

Said i re, said i re, said i remember

No woman no cry

You and i and you and i and you and i

No woman no cry

Cause i remember when we used to sit there

No woman no cry

In a government yard

No woman no cry

No woman no cry

No woman no cry, yeah

No woman no cry

No woman no cry (you sweet darling)

No woman no cry

No woman no cry, yeah

No woman no cry

No woman no cry, yeah

No woman no cry

No woman no cry

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